Battle Nasser

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by kaepinned


Hero. Hero.

Hero Kojiiiii….

At last.

“──At last!…… finally here at last!”

First of all, Nasser managed to kill the conspirators first to end any lingering worries.

“It felt good!”

Above all, to keep the anger at bay, Nasser started with the garnish crew and dealt with them one layer at a time.

The guildmaster, the chief priest and the king.

“Noー! I’ve blown them to bits!”

Exhilarating! Exhilarating!!

It was too exhilarating!

And that left the two people Nasser hated the most──

Adulterer, Hero Koji

And the whore wife, Alicia

“────── The rest is you guys!”

Two left.

Two remain.

Last two.

And Nasser had made his mind up on the first of the two.

“Hero Koji! You first! I won’t lose this time! I’ll beat you to a pulp, I promise.”

‘I’m not like in the past anymore……’

“That’s right. Don’t underestimate me as being the same as the past Nasser.”

Nasser’s dragon was gone.

These people had erased them.

But now…

Nasser had the Germans!

“───Let’s have a rematch.”

Nasser turned on his heel, not a hair’s breadth from the king’s end.

His eyes were coloured with anger, joy, fury and glee.

“Now, wait for me. My German army will surely defeat you…!”

Previously, the whole dragon was blown away…….

But that won’t happen next time.

After all, it’s the Germans.

After all, the Germans.

The Germans above all else.

“My 『German Army』 is the strongest ────! Wait for me with your head!”


“Calling summoner status──

──── Come on out, Germans!”

German Army Lv 6:

※ ※ ※:

German army

Lv0 → German infantry 1940 Wehrmacht type

Lv1 → German infantry detachment 1940 Wehrmacht Type

Wehrmacht Engineering 1940,

Panzer I, Type B.

Lv2→ German infantry platoon 1940 Wehrmacht Type

German engineering squadrons

Panzer II Type C

R12 sidecar with MG34 light machine gun

Lv3 → German infantry platoon 1942 motorised

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineer 1942 Motorised

※(equipped with 3 ton truck with equipment)

Panzer III, Type M.

Messerschmitt Bf109G

Lv4 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1943.

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineering, type 1943.

※(equipped with an engineering fighting vehicle)

German artillery platoon

※(light 10.5cm howitzer-equipped leFH 18/40)

Panzer IV, Type H.

Junkers Ju87D

Lv5 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1944

※(equipped with half-tracks)

German Army Engineer squadron 1944.

※equipped with flamethrower panzers

German artillery platoon equipped with heavy Howitzers.

Panther V G type.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190F

Lv6 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1944.

※Heavily armed (half-track equipment)

German Army engineering squadron 1944.

※Equipped with  [Nebelwerfer] large rocket  


German artillery platoon.

※Equipped with [Hummel] self-propelled 


No. 6 Tiger Tank I.

Fieseler Fi 103.

※Can be loaded on He111H Late Models


Lv7→ German Army paratrooper platoon, 1944.

※Junkers Ju52 equipped.

German Army paratrooper engineer squadron,1944.

※Glider DFS230 equipped.

German train artillery.

※Gustav 80cm train gun equipped.

No.7 Tiger Tank II

Messerschmitt Me262




It can’t be…….

It can’t be!


Nasser could not believe he had exceeded Lv5 ────

Did it mean that they were fighting so excessively?

……or did it depend on the number and quality of people he had beaten?

“Even that Bummel was finally lv 6, after years of fighting and destroying large armies…….”

Nasser reached Lv 6 in just one day.

The reason for this was not known.

Nasser blew up the Kingsguard Corps and other heavyweights, including the king, all together……

Was that the cause?

Or was it related to the fact that he originally had a Dragon Summoner Lv5?

Nasser didn’t know, even after thinking about it……

In the first place, the Germans themselves were full of things he didn’t understand.

As his Lv rose, his connections grew stronger and his understanding of their weapons improved dramatically.

But Nasser did not know.

He did not know the Germans.

He did not  know who they were…..

“──No,I shouldn’t care about this.”

The German Army was a product of Nasser’s rage for revenge.

And the embodiment of it.

His beloved summoned beast. Nothing more, nothing less.


“….Fufu. It’s a good start! After all, Koji is a hero, even if he is rotten.”

Nasser knew because he confronted him once.

He was definitely strong. Overwhelmingly strong!

Perhaps when he fought Nasser before, he didn’t even take him seriously.

Even so, he still subdued Nasser and Nasser’s dragons.

If so, it was also true that there was some uncertainty as to whether Lv6 summon could compete with him.

Once, Nasser’s strongest summon was cut down in an instant.

If he hadn’t been serious back then, how strong was Koji actually?……

So now was the time for Nasser to admit it.

Hero Koji is strong. ──He is the strongest.

There is no doubt about it.

He lost before because he didn’t admit it.

But he didn’t underestimate him anymore.

So Nasser would fight with all his might.

Yes, even the Germans were strong and unmatched!

“I don’t feel the slightest bit that we’re going to lose……”

Whether a lvl 6 summon would work on him, Nasser wouldn’t know until he tried.

There were other concerns.

That was Nasser himself. Nasser was an ordinary man.

Even though he had now reached the level of Lv6, Nasser’s own physical abilities had not changed.

Naturally, Nasser’s magical power was not increasing – he took the Fountain of Magic from Bummel, but even this did not guarantee unlimited magical power.

In fact, Bummel summoned a large number of dragons, but hardly any Lv6 dragons.

He did a mass summoning of Lv5 and below or lower level dragons.

In other words, even Bummel might not be able to summon a large number of Lv6.

Or maybe he was too drained of magic.

It pained Nasser to use him as a reference but he was far superior in terms of experience.

Moreover, as a Lv 6 summoner, he was a senior.

Then his fighting style and experience in combat with him would be of great help in a decisive battle with the hero.

“─ I still don’t think I can summon more than one lvl 6 summon….or the summoning time may have to be reduced.”

What Nasser could do at the moment was to prepare his forces for the decisive battle.

Lv 4 Grenadiers were strong enough but the current number of summons was excessive.

They needed to be sorted out a bit. Nasser didn’t need a big army for now.

There were no decent troops left in the Royal Capital anymore.

Even if there were, there was no way they would have the strength to destroy the tanks.

Then, from now on, a select few summons would suffice.

“Well, let’s head for our house first, shall we?”

‘I’ll organise on the way there. With the elite I’ve got, I’ll blow Koji away!’


“I’m starting to look forward to meeting you.”

Nasser smiled belligerently.

The site of the Royal Castle, which smelled badly because of the debris, dust and burning structures. There was no longer any use for this place, 

Nasser left.

Yes, there was nothing here anymore.


Nasser left the place without looking back again.

With the Germans behind him……..


By the time Nasser had crossed the moat, he had gradually unsummoned the Germans who were following him and returned them to their world.

On top of that, he had to replenish his magical forces and reorganise his situation.

And as a result ──── only a lvl 5 engineering squad and a lvl 4 engineering platoon were left on hand now.

All the Grenadiers were sent back and the magic power was returned to Nasser.

And by the time the German troops had crossed the moat, the Lv4 Engineer platoon was also disarmed.

Together with the tank bridges built by the Engineers, they too returned to their original world with a sparkling summoning light.

Only one tank remained.

The only remaining tank was a flame-throwing tank operated by the Engineers.

Nasser crossed over to it, leaving only a German engineering squad to guard the perimeter, and Nasser called out a new summon.

“Come on out, Germans ────!”

German troops answered the call. A huge magic circle appeared in mid-air and three half-tracks appeared.

They were a platoon of Lv 6 Grenadiers.

One platoon of them would be enough for a force.

The lvl 6 tanks were probably too early to bring out. It would be put on reserve.

“『End of assembly!!!』”

Nasser received a salute.

While replying to it, ────.

Suddenly, a shadow passed through his vision.

Something was blocking the sun.

“Hm? Hmmmmm? Is that………?”

Something is coming …….

Something is coming ──────!

Then Nasser’s ears reacted to a strange sound.

Yes, …… he caught that once familiar sound.

Yes, this was the sound Nasser used to hear.

It was…..


“『Watch Out!!!』”

TL: Nasser Vs Hero Arc.

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