The Hero vs Nasser

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

“──You’re a coward!!!Old man!!!!”


‘What kind of a joke is that?……coward?!’

“───I don’t give a shit!….and this one’s next!”


Two ridiculously long rifles hanging at Nasser’s sides.

“I’m not going to play the same hand over and over again! Peashooters, with your legendary shield ────!!”

[TL: 豆鉄砲, Peashooters]

Koji’s indignation was completely ignored.

Nasser shouted, [Oraaaaah!] and raised his spirit with Two Pzb 39 anti-tank rifles.

Reloading was a hassle, but if Nasser only needed to fire once, this thing would do the job.

If it could be prevented,

“───── try to prevent this!!!”

──Zu, Zugaaan!!

Anti-tank rifle fired at very close range.

Its warhead was 7.92mm, the same as the MG42. But the amount of power it fired was off the charts.

At any rate, it was the explosive charge packed in the shell casing that originally was used in the 13mm shells,  that made these little bullets fly.

Its penetrative power was tremendous.

And its punching power was also tremendous.

──Two of them landed at the same time!

When it hit the shield held by Koji, Bagyaaaaaaaaan! and a loud sound similar to playing a drum.

It was a legendary equipment that would not be easily penetrated, but──.

The impact of the bullet was not erased and a grand double punch was delivered to Koji’s arm, ripping it off.


“──Ugyaaaaaaa!!! M,My armmmmmmmmmm!!!”

Bokyi, meshimeshimeshi…Judging by the screams, it seemed that Koji had received a direct hit and broke his arm.


“Hahahaha! That’s a good one!”

“It hurts!!! You bastard!”

Koji pulled out a test-tube-like object from his pocket and shook its contents.

‘Mmm?? This smell ────.’

“It’s a high potion!”

“It’s an extra potion!”

Koji drank the expensive recovery potion and healed the wound in no time.

MeriMeri ….. and his arm was restored and in no time at all, he was fully recovered.

He continued to hold the holy sword with both hands. 

“I’m the Hero!!!!”

“I know that!! The hero in the middle of this mess! Then eat this guy!!”

The large cylinder that Nasser carried on his back…. Den!!! He now held it up.

It looked like a stove chimney and the bore of the big tube was 88 mm.

The left side of the cylinder had a shield to protect the shooter from the firing gases. ──────

The weapon’s name is────!


Koji made other strange words and his eyes widened.

He swung his holy sword to strike Nasser and the anti-tank weapon that fired 88 mm rockets was held out in front of him.

“──This is not a bazooka! It’s Panzerschreck!! Die. Fucking heroes.”

The rockets had launched──────────!!

“T,time out──”

[TL: Koji uses tanma in katakana which I think in hiragana means time out]

Right under the nose of Hero Koji, whose eyes widened in astonishment, ──── Zbaaaaan!  an 88mm anti-tank rocket whizzed by, roaring its rocket motor.

“What’s with a timeout!? There’s no timeout in war, you idiot!”


and the rockets that hit him instantly burned and disintegrated Koji in an instant.

Since it was at such a close range.

The fuse didn’t work immediately and Nasser could even see the rocket piercing Koji’s belly as it flew away.

[Ridicilousssss!!!!] The fuse was triggered in the sky after being launched by 88mm rockets while the hero shouted.

Chudooooooon── Koji exploded in mid-air and burned to a crisp.

His limbs were blown to pieces.

The well-cooked flesh fell around it in a gooey mess.

“──Ha! What a filthy shower…”

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