Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Demon Monarch, Grazte

It turns out that even if it is weakened to the lowest point and cut off from the connection with the bottomless abyss, the boss is still the boss. It was as if the demon grandfather had been sealed under a tragic mine before. After the seal was lifted, it was not completely intact, but it did not matter what turned an area into a dead domain. Although it ended up being spiked by Canary and Little Bubble Gum in the end, this has already demonstrated the power of the devil itself. Grazter, the demon monarch far above, is naturally more difficult to deal with. Even if it is weakened to the weakest level under the influence of Christie's book of true knowledge, it is also not an opponent who can fight alone. You should know that it was originally in the game, even if a full-level player needs to form a group of 25 people to face it, they may not be able to win, and the group of 50 people can still breathe. Now, relying on Rhodes, Canary, and Little Bubble, even ten people are not here to attack the boss. If it hasn't been weakened, it can't be played at all.

In fact, if he can, Rhodes really hopes that Christie can directly kill Graz, and then directly set up a plot so that his soul can be captured by himself. Such an easy thing is naturally better. But unfortunately, after talking with Christie, Rhodes knew that Christie can only use the ability to change reality at present, that is, like making a sentence, and then write a logical word to influence and change the world. Next reality. Christie's ability to manipulate reality and create reality like another one is not available at all. And those two abilities are really big killers. According to Christie's own statement, now her change of reality must be logical in order to take effect, just like the wood can catch fire and the water can change into ice itself. And the possibility exists. But the ability to manipulate reality and create reality does not require any logic at all. You can even directly rewrite the target's gender, race, and even its life experience. Christie was even able to write in the scroll of true knowledge about how Grazte was transformed from a demon by a kind brave man, and finally changed the former unwashed and re-humanized and successfully abandoned his past. If Christie's code is fast enough, Grazter, who appears in front of Rhodes and others, will be completely transformed into a devoted demon ...

And according to Christie, the latter two are very demanding on goals. If the opponent's strength is too strong, then the creation and manipulation will not take effect, and it will even bring backwash damage to the user. Maybe another Christie can do it, but she doesn't have that strength.

However, even if Rhodes is not afraid to take risks, this is a demon monarch, not a cat and a dog by the road, but then again, another Christie, you have the ability to manipulate and create reality, are you really not a creation god?

This is certainly not the time to vomit. Although Grazte has been weakened, it is only weakened from the boss of 25 heroes to the level of the boss of 10 ordinary replicas. This does not mean that Rhodes and others can easily deal with it --- even if it is Ten people, that is also set according to the full level of eighty-five, and now Rhode's team, except for canaries and little bubble gum, but no one has reached the level of eighty-five.

Bubble, buff! Annie. Protect Christie and Bell and watch out for the group spells of each other. Open the shield wall ... No, go on the sacred barrier! Christy, keep the ring active!

While quickly giving orders, Rhode motioned to the stone giants to attack. After the baptism of the demons and six-armed snake devil before, there are still five remaining stone giants, from the appearance. They have almost reached the apex stage of the boss attribute of this layer. As for Rhode's order, the Stone Giants didn't have any resistance. Soon, they stepped forward silently, waving their fists, and waved to the figure surrounded by darkness and chaos.

You are asking for your own way!

Grazter, who was attacked, roared suddenly. Then he waved his hand suddenly, and the crowd only saw a continuous explosion of dark green light. Then the stone giants exploded at the same time as if a time bomb was buried in their bodies, and the hard body flew apart in a flash, along with them The core is broken into pieces together. Feeling that the stone giant was completely destroyed, the metal guards began to move, and all the lights with the meaning of death cut through the air and shot at the enemy in front of them, but they were not seen by the other party at all, instead, In the face of these magic beams, Grazte ignored it at all, and he stood up like that, and then saw the beams hit his body, and then disappeared immediately.

Until this time, everyone finally saw the true face of Grazte.

Like other demons, Glazt is tall. Although his power has been completely weakened because of Christie's curse, he is still much taller than ordinary humans. He was wearing an upper body and a black cloak, and his lower body was like a sheep's hoof like the other demons. His appearance was handsome even from a human perspective, with black hair combed backwards and two small sharp corners exposing. At this moment his right hand was holding a large snake-shaped sword, and his left hand was holding a huge steel shield, his face was gloomy, and he stared at the crowd in front of him.

Human beings ... angels ... devil ......... I didn't expect that you would dare to do such a thing. Do you know what kind of end would be to treat a demon monarch in this way?

When Grazte spoke, suddenly the space filled with various sounds seemed to be quiet. All sounds were blocked. Only his voice sounded in the hearts of everyone, and it seemed like a magical sound could not stop. Affects the hearts of everyone, causing them to see some phantoms that they absolutely do not want to see. If it is someone else, I am afraid that the moment of hearing Grazte's voice, he has completely lost his sense of fighting. But for Rhodes and others, this technique has no effect at all.

Shut your stinky mouth and want to influence us, you are still one hundred and eighty years earlier!

Little bubble gum hummed. She interrupted Grazte's speech, and then she stretched out her hand, and soon, the bright and dazzling white light curtain fell from the sky, turning into a bright aura, enveloping everyone in it. This light completely dispelled the dark clouds of everyone's hearts. The shadow deep inside them disappeared completely, but was replaced by incomparable courage and faith. After doing all this, Little Bubble Gum turned his head and glanced provocatively at Glazette, then raised his right middle finger. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Grazter's attempt to use hints and manipulation of humans to deal with herself and others.

Hum, the cheap maggot!

Immediately, the other party responded, and Grazte knew that he couldn't be good today. Although it is called the most demon-like demon, it is still a demon in its bones. At this moment, when I saw the challenge of Little Bubble Gum, and felt the threats around him, Grazte stopped talking. I saw it roared, the flames on the ground broke out again, and then the three bodies were darker than Grazte The temptation jumped out of it. They waved two giant tongs, and there was a sickening stench all over them.

Kill them all! !!

With Grazt's order. The three seducers screamed at once and rushed forward. And Grazter himself was wielding the serpent-shaped sword in his hand, and all the magical auras filled with dark atmosphere suddenly burst out, condensing to form a powerful and powerful spell, whistling forward.

Kill the mobs first! I'll pull the boss!

After quickly ordering, Rhodes threw backhand. The red giant blade in his hand was suddenly thrown forward by Rhodes, whistling and tearing the air and glaring at Glazte in front of him. At random, he stretched his right hand backwards, and saw that with Rhodes' movement, Celia's figure immediately distorted and disappeared, and turned into a bright and dazzling holy sword in Rhodes's hand.

The killings of all circles roared forward. Facing Rhode's attack, Grazter snorted, and the serpent-shaped sword in his hand immediately chopped forward. With the sound of the collision, the serpent-shaped great sword collided with the scarlet giant blade, and then the scarlet giant sword quickly flipped back and fell. When it fell on the ground, the original giant sword form had disappeared. Instead, it was Helos's petite, death-filled figure.

Giggle ... Devil ... Devil ... Devil ... I really want to kill ... I really want to kill ha ha ha ha ha! !!

He Luosi fell to the ground to stabilize her shape, and then she smiled and waved the huge sword in her hand and rushed towards Grazte, but in the blink of an eye, she saw that the petite figure passed through the poisonous ink. Green dense fog, He Luosi laughed, raised the huge blade in her hand, and swung it down again.

clang! !!

The two swords intersect, and with the collision, I can see that the serpent-shaped sword in Grazte's hand suddenly shines a dazzling green light. In the next instant, countless acids erupted from it, covering Xiluosi completely. Holding a liquid with a strong acid corrosion effect immediately left a shocking scar on Xiluosi's petite. Her face, neck, and body seemed to be melting like a wax person who had been scalded, and the black blood could not spray outward. Even the good-looking face was already separated from flesh and blood, exposing the bones and teeth of Neri Baisensen. If you change it to an ordinary person, I am afraid that this one will be enough to kill him, but for Helox, this is nothing at all. On the contrary, she once again held up the great sword in her hand, and once again stabbed straight towards Grazte.

It hurts ......... It hurts ......... Giggle ......... It hurts a bit more, so that Xi Luosi feels the pain more hahahahaha!

Necromancer? !!

It was only at this time that Grazette changed his face for the first time and had not waited for him to think about anything. Suddenly, a breath of whistling caused Grazter's instinct to react. He turned his head to look, and then saw the bright and bright The divine light instantly enveloped his entire vision! (To be continued ...)

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