Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 299: The Destiny of Twins

"Someone wants to meet me?"

Hearing Olt's words, Rhodes froze, but he stood up and walked to the door with Olt's motion. Then Olt smiled slightly at Rhodes, then stretched out the door of the meeting room. I saw that the door was no longer the passage when Rhodes came in, and it was replaced by a dark, deep stone passage. Then, Olt reached out and made an invitation gesture.



Seeing Olt's gesture, Rhodes was silent for a moment, then he turned around and walked into the deep passage before his eyes. With Rhode's entry, the fire on both sides of the tunnel lit one by one, and with this bright display, the places where it was illuminated began to change again. The ceiling gradually became white, and the original gray stone wall became a fungus-white wall. The smell of the potion came to the surface, and the torches inserted on the wall turned into bright and soft wall lamps. The air was filled with the smell of disinfection water, and Rhode moved forward slowly, but at this moment he was clenching his fists, and the expressionless face was also very tight. Because he knows exactly where this is, and he has already guessed subconsciously, who is waiting for himself ...

The white sign appeared in front of Rhodes. He looked up, looked at the doorplate [309] in front of his eyes, took a deep breath, then Rhodes reached out and knocked on the door. Soon, in the door, a soft, gentle voice sounded.

"Come in."

That sound sounded abruptly with Rhodes. The only difference was that it was lighter, brighter, and gentle, like the wind of dawn in spring, which made people feel the unrivaled comfort and peace of mind. Hearing this voice, Rhodes was so shocked that he bit his teeth. Extending his right hand, he opened the door.

What greets us is a large, clean and tidy floor. Through the glass, we can clearly see the green trees and lawn outside. A petite, slender figure was leaning against the bed, admiring the scenery outside. Hear the door open. She turned her head, and there was a smile as usual on the delicate doll-like face. [

"Ah ... brother ..."


This scene made Rhodes even breathless, and he seemed to be back in the midst of a trance. At that time, he also came to the hospital every day to visit his sister. And she stared blankly through this household to stare at the outside world. Originally, Rhodes thought that this was just a yearning for the free world outside, but now it seems that there should be something more unknown. Insider. but. After all, it is a thing of the past, and now it is ...

"what's going on?"

Rhode reluctantly calmed himself and looked at everything here, whether the characters or furniture were exactly the same as he remembered. But this is impossible. His sister is dead, and the death she felt at that moment is not an illusion. Rhodes can be sure of it. So, who is here now?

"Did you say that the Lord Dragon Souls wanted to trap me in this place in the way of residual phantoms, so do they have any conspiracy?"

"Woohoo ........."

Hear Rhode's words. The girl laughed softly, then she shook her head.

"I didn't expect my brother to be so suspicious, um ...... yes, to a certain extent, I really can be considered a phantom, because I am only a residual soul fragment. This is the only thing I can do that I can do Something. She handed me over to the four adults, telling them to let me meet you at the right time, but I didn't even expect that we would meet again in such a situation ... "

"Soul Fragment? Why is it now? Why didn't you show up before me? With so much time, why now?"

"Perhaps these four adults think this is the best time. Regardless, brother, after all, you have experienced the world first hand. For you, accepting this reality is not difficult, is it? If it is you, Would you believe all that I say now? "

"This one……………"

Hearing the "sister" 's questioning, Rhodes could not help but hesitated. Indeed, if it was a former self who had received such information without knowing it, then he would be 100% suspicious of the b & m company, and even doubt whether they intended it so. Trying to get any benefit from herself, and naturally she will not be so attentive and understand wrongly what she wants to say, such as the soul fragment ...

"Originally, the four adults hoped that when your brother can become more mature, and even when you realize your strength, you will tell you all this. But I didn't expect that this would happen, but ... maybe for my being It's also a good thing to say. "

Having said that, the girl sorted out her clothes and sat up from the bed. And Rhodes instinctively reached out to caress her soft body. There was no difference in the warmth and softness from where I started, nor in memory, neither of them spoke. Rhodes caressed the girl and sat up, then took two pillows and placed them behind. Then he sat down hand in hand with a chair, all of which are exactly the same as he remembers, even if he left the world, even if he had experienced a **** life that he had never experienced, these things buried in Rhode's heart , Still no fading. [

"... about my brother, I have heard from them."

After a moment of silence, the girl whispered softly, and Rhode nodded in a complex mood. To be honest, he has some way to accept this reality, because then it seems that he is the predator. In the previous Rhodes view, he was unfortunately extremely extreme, with a girl-like face, and would always be laughed at among his peers. And obviously he is in good health, but his sick sister often feels the pain and torture from time to time. How could he be so unlucky? Before reconciling with his sister, he thought about it many times. But now it seems that he is the lucky one. He has a healthy body that his sister does not have. Moreover, she also took most of her power. From what angle, it was because she was sorry for her.


Before Rhode's words were finished, she saw that the young girl had stretched out Bai Nen's finger and gently pressed Rhodes' lips.

"Brother doesn't need to apologize, but to say apologize. You have already apologized."

"But I didn't know then ..."

"It's all the same, isn't it?"


Seeing his sister's smile, Rhodes closed his mouth, and he knew how stubborn his sister was, and there was little room for discussion once she decided. He just stared at the exact same face in front of him, which was different from himself, but equally impressive. Only when he saw this smiley face did Rhodes completely relax himself. Calm down. Everything is the same as before. At first glance, nothing has changed.

"So ... you're the Nether Dragon?"

"It used to be, brother, now you're the Nether Dragon, aren't you?"

"Why don't you tell me?" Hearing his sister's answer, Rhodes didn't seem to be satisfied with her answer, and he frowned with dissatisfaction. Staring at the girl in front of her. "You knew everything from the beginning, including things that I have your own power. Why not tell me directly, don't you think I would think you're talking nonsense, purely cranky, or just send you to a mental hospital go with?"

"This is not your war, brother ..."

Facing Rhode's inquiry, the girl lowered her eyes. Looking away.

"This is my destiny, I created it, I decided, the fate I chose, so I must bear the consequences it brings to me. But you are different. You are just an ordinary person, and you have not carried these, Even now, I don't want you to carry this, because it wasn't your burden originally, but now, we have to leave it to you to complete ... oops! "

However, the girl hadn't finished speaking, and when she saw Rhodes reached out, she gently lowered her forehead, which made the girl helplessly scream.

"Well, it's no use talking about those now. Like you said, the choices you make will be yours. And I ..." Then, Rhode smiled slightly and stretched out his hand. Thumbs pointed at himself. "Standing here with the Nether Dragon to speak to you is also the result of your choice. So just like before, don't say anything more, accept it."

"Yes, as my brother said ..."

Covering her forehead, the girl raised her mouth slightly and stared at Rhode with dissatisfied eyes. But a moment later, she put a smile on her face again. The shackles that seemed to bother the girl before disappeared completely at this moment. She seemed to have completely relaxed and let go of her original burden.

"What has happened in the past has changed our law, and all we have to do is keep moving forward ..."

Having said that, the girl smiled slightly and stretched out her hands at Rhodes.

"Then, as a gift for my brother to be here safely, give you a reward."

"Really ........."

Looking at his sister's outstretched hands and the same face as himself, Rhode smiled bitterly, then he reached out and hugged the girl's body. Then, the two lips came together naturally.

"Um ......... um ........."

Rhode closed his eyes and felt plump and sweet lips like pudding. Fresh, fragrant breath was blowing in front of him, and the lilac tongue just licked his teeth, as if turning over with life, greedy. Taking the sweet and delicious saliva, it beat as always. At the same time, Rhodes felt a strange touch in his body. He felt very familiar with this feeling, and the two were more closely linked, and they were the same in everything. Rhodes will feel pain when his sister is sick. But in turn, if Rod feels comfortable, she will feel just as relaxed. And if both parties feel unprecedented happiness at the same time, then the physical force that connects their bodies will return to the wonderful feeling like entering heaven. That's why they love it. Soon, Rhodes felt that Jiao's body in his arms began to tremble slightly. Then, the two separated slowly, and a silver thread dropped from their mouths and fell to the ground.

"Brother is still the same as before, so tough ..."

"To be honest, my mood is complicated ..."

Looking at the flushed girl in front of him, Rhode smiled bitterly.

"Especially after knowing your identity, I am thinking now, why did we do that step. At that time, I was just a kid who had just entered adolescence, and you ... should be a world that has already created God, thinking of this, I feel a lot of pressure now. "

"Even gods are not almighty, brother."

Facing Rhode's words, the girl exhaled softly and said.

"We are creators, we don't have time to think for ourselves, the threat of chaos, the establishment of order, the continuation of life. For us, these are the most important. We have never considered anything other than this, but luckily The thing is, after coming to this world and losing my strength, I can finally realize things that I have never experienced before, according to my own ideas. According to the words here, Sion is losing his horse, and knowing no good? Isn't it? "

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but if you say yes, then I have no opinion."

Facing his sister's playful response, Rodney shrugged. Seeing Rhodes' performance, the girl smiled slightly, and then she gradually became serious.

"Originally, I was here to convey the message to my brother instead of the ontology, but now it looks like you haven't stepped into the society to find a job and live a normal life, as I thought. Brother, I'm worried. To be honest, although others have found a way to strengthen the order, the power of chaos is too strong, and when they perceive that we begin to strengthen the order, chaos will certainly try to prevent us from succeeding ... ......... "

Having said that, the girl looked up and stared at Rhode quietly. In the face of the girl's eyes, Rhode smiled slightly and reached out to stroke the soft long hair.

"I know, things are not as simple as imagined, but ... I do have a way to solve this problem."

Then he spoke.

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