Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 307: Fusion will

"Sure enough still ..."

Looking at the card in his hand, Rhode sighed softly. He flipped the card, and soon, the specific content of the card appeared on the back-the dragon of the void (divine card attributes, uniqueness, soul binding). (Determined): designated single use, can not be merged, the creation of the deity. The holder can designate himself and transform it into a dragon shape. During the transfiguration form, all attributes are increased by one third. Attacks of the same level are invalid, and the highest authority is obtained.

If it is an ordinary summoning card, Rhodes can also designate the top ten primitives, but it seems that the system obviously does not have this intention, or it may be that the power that originally slept in Rhodes's body is too broken, As a result, Rhodes was not able to summon a Void Dragon, but instead received an equipment card that turned him into a dragon. Although Rhodes did not believe in evil, he tried it with this card, but soon the system also responded to him very unbelievably-the target exists, this card cannot be summoned again, and the original position is designated.

In the face of such a result, Rhodes can only sigh helplessly, and he did not expect that such a thing would happen. After all, what was talking to himself in that world before was just a clone of a soul fragment, let alone her and herself. Her own strengths are fused together, and it is no wonder that she said that she could not be awakened. Now it seems that this is the case. From the system's point of view, he and his sister are completely integrated, so it is impossible to summon one again. In fact, the card in Rhode's hand is not so much the original "Nether Dragon", but rather the "Nether Dragon" born after the fusion of the strength of his and his sister. He called out because he wasn't dead at all, and he stood here well. How could the being already standing here be called again? The younger sister's strength has been completely integrated with herself, leaving only the question of how to awaken and make use of it, and there is no way to separate them together.

The sugar melts into the water, and the only way to refining the sugar is to evaporate the water completely.

Forget it. This is also good.

After thinking about it, Rhode bit his head. He reached out his finger, stroked the card in his hand, and felt the familiar wave. At the same time, Rhodes's ears appeared a pleasant, pleasant sound.

"Brother, are you still worried?"


Looking at the text in front of him, listening to the sound in his ear, the corner of Rhode's mouth slightly raised. Although ultimately. He did fail. But it did not fail completely. He could no longer see his sister, nor could she hug her body and kiss her lips. But now, she still lives with herself. During the previous awakening process, I do n’t know if there was an error. She was resurrected in another form. Now, Rhodes can feel that her sister has been integrated with the system. In other words, That said, now she is the general existence of artificial intelligence similar to the control center in this system.

"Welcome back, how are you feeling now?"

"Okay. Brother, although I have no body and can't exert my strength now, for me, I can wake up again. It has been a very unexpected development, hasn't it?"


Hearing his sister's answer, Rhode sighed softly.

At least, in some form, they were together again. Although there is no way now, this does not mean that Rhodes will be arrested. Since the younger sister can already restore consciousness with the help of the system, then she can find other ways. In science fiction movies, it is not often that artificial intelligence makes the body or the like. The story? Rhodes believes that as long as he strives to find it, he will succeed.

"I will find a way to regain your body, trust me."

"Of course ...... I always believe in you, don't I? Brother?"

Just as Rhodes was talking to his sister in his head, a slightly anxious voice came from his ears.

"Rhode, what just happened?"

Marin and others hurried up the stairs, walking towards Rhode in fear. They naturally saw the beam of light just now, but everyone knew that Rhodes was thinking on the roof at the moment, so no one bothered him. However, there was no message after the beam of light disappeared for so long, and everyone was a little worried, so Marin, Canary, and Bubble also hurried up. Seeing the girls in front of him, Rhodes shrugged.

"Nothing, I'm just confirming an idea."

"Did you make it?"

"It can be said to have succeeded, it can be said to have failed ..."

Having said that, Rhode looked at the crowd in front of him and sighed lowly. However, he quickly cleared up his mood. Although it was very unsatisfactory for Rhodes to fail to succeed, it was so. After all, this is not the time at the time, he can only watch his sister's death weakly, feeling that the other half of life in the body is passing away fast, but he can't even shed a tear, as if it was not his own Sister, but myself-the impression at that time was so deep that it took Rhodes a long time to come out of it and accept the fact. Now, Rhodes is facing a much better situation than he expected. At least he can see the hope of the future, maybe it is just a dream, but if people have no dream, what is the difference between salted fish and salted fish? Thinking of this, Rhode closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd, leaving behind the last trace of sorrow and regret in his head.

"Yes, let me show you something good."

As he said, Rhode reached out and picked up the card, and the next moment, that bright and dazzling light completely enveloped Rhode's body. Once again turned into a bright and dazzling beam of light, the hot breath and strong pressure even forced everyone to recede far away, and the light did not disperse again until a moment later, but the scene in front of them made the crowd involuntarily pump down Take a breath.

The dragon, a huge giant dragon spread its wings and stood on the rooftop. Its body is so huge that there is a square-sized rooftop, and even the claws that hold it seem a bit difficult and weak. The huge dragon wing stretched out, raised his eyes and looked, completely covering the sky in front of him. It presents an illusion as a whole. The deep night is not as dark as the Dark Dragon, but like the cosmic starry sky in front of it, with a slightly illusory dark color and illusory texture. With the waving of the wings, the surrounding space all appears. The ripples spread and turned into bright and dazzling aura. Just looking at those huge, golden-colored pupils makes people feel unparalleled coercion and power.

"how is it?"

Looking at the stunned crowd in front of him, Rhodes tilted his head. Inquired with a proud expression. He can feel it. After turning into a dragon. She did feel the presence of her younger sister, she smiled softly and did not speak. But Rhodes knew that she was behind her at this moment. I hugged my neck like a child, closed my eyes, and quietly felt the temperature of the two of them mingling together ... but Rhodes didn't plan to tell this to others, at least he didn't plan to do so do.

"Yes, it ’s like the boss in the end, and speaking of the leader, how do I feel that you are stronger than the one we killed in the game? Not only the momentum, but also the body size seems to be bigger ............... "

Little Bubble Gum frowned as she looked curiously at Rhodes in front of her. He said with some confusion. Canary also had a doubtful look on this, but Rhodes himself knew exactly why. According to the Creation Dragons, the power of the Void Dragon fighting them is nothing more than the re-existence of real Void Dragons with less than one percent of their strengths in the form of data. But now I have merged the power of two people into a perfect void dragon, which is naturally different from the void dragon in the game.

"Of course. I feel good now, even if the three generations of Ultraman come to me together, I'm sure I can kill them directly."

As he talked, Rhodes shook his head. Instead of opening his mouth, he passed his voice directly into other people's minds through telepathy. Otherwise, I am afraid that before Rhodes speaks, everyone on the platform will be blown away. Not only that, the body of a dragon is completely different from that of a human, which gives Rhodes a very fresh feeling. For example, although Rhodes's body is very large, now Rhodes feels his body is light and not heavy at all. He could even stand up and do an eighth set of radio gymnastics if he could. Moreover, with the tail and wings feeling completely different, Rhode tried to shake his wings gently, and saw a gust of wind passing by instantly, almost blowing the people on the platform upside down. Now Rhodes is certain that even if the Dark Dragon wants to fight alone, it is absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent. However, the twin dragons are still difficult to say. After all, they rely on mouth guns instead of strength in their field. With Rhodes' ability, I don't know if I can confidently break through the two mouth gun fields, but ... The best way to keep your enemies from becoming enemies is to draw them over, right?

"Bubble, Li Jie, are you all right now, come up, I will take you to a good place."


Facing Rhode's invitation, Li Jie froze for a while, and the bubble immediately jumped up and ran towards Rhode, and then climbed up from Rhode's lowered head. Seeing the movement of Little Bubble Gum, Li Jie hesitated a little, and hurried to follow Little Bubble Gum, climbing to the top of Rhodes. For the two, this is not an easy task. After being transformed into a dragon shape, Rhodes is only just a dozen stories tall in his skull, but fortunately, as a "Martial Art" spiritual master Both Little Bubble Gum and Li Jie lacked the means. They directly added a light spirit to themselves, and then rely on the feather-like body to grab Rod's scales and climb up. After making sure the two were seated, Rhodes slowly stretched his wings.

The next moment, he flew straight into the sky like this.

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