Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 309: Joint collaboration

"What the **** is going on here? Her Majesty Rod?"

It wasn't until he entered the room and closed the door that Higger looked at the man in front of him seriously and asked. I have to admit that when she saw the dead paladin resurrected, Higel and Nalea were indeed greatly shaken. Not only was Higel stunned, but Naleia also converged on her face, as if she saw something unbelievable. But I have to admit that there are some means to control a country. After the paladin awakened, the two quickly fled the dead paladin to the side, and then hurriedly led With Rhodes and others came to the sacred inner room. Originally, no one was allowed here except the twin dragons, but now the two are obviously not in the mood to care about such trivial matters.

"As you can see."

In the face of Higg's serious inquiry, Rhodes seemed very calm. He even spread his hands innocently, and then said.

"We just let Bubbles give him a resurrection."


Hearing Rhode's words, it was obvious that Higel could not accept such a reality. She was very clear about the taboo of resurrection. On this continent, no one can really achieve the resurrection of the dead. Even the heirs of the Dragon Soul cannot do it. Although it is said that the resurrection of the dead of the night country, it is not a real resurrection at all, but the abundance is only forcibly confining the soul that should have left in the decaying death body. Of course, as twin dragons, the two did not like the practice of the kingdom of the night, but because it conformed to the order of the kingdom of the night, they went with it. But this just stands on the basis of maintaining order itself, and does not mean that they really see it over. So the relationship between the kingdom of the night and the kingdom of the law is not very good, but what Rhode did just now is completely different from the manipulation of the dead and playing with the soul of the kingdom of night. That was not so simple to awaken a sleeping soul. Higel and Nalea also checked that the resurrected paladin was truly resurrected, not just the soul, along with the flesh that was supposed to die.

But ... this is impossible.

The kingdom of law, as its name implies, is named after the law. Each country sheltered by the Dragon Soul has its own unique rules. For example, awakening the dead in the kingdom of night is as simple as eating and drinking. So the undead do not care about the life and death of the slaves. For them, some slaves die more obediently than they did before. But conversely, if the necromancer was awakened in the kingdom of light, it would not take a lot of effort, and under the sun's rays. Those awakened dead spirits will also become quite fragile and even return to their original state. The country of law also has its own unique order, that is, the "rules" themselves. Here, the order of the rules of life and death is "absolute" throughout the year. It can even be said that within the realm of the state of law. Any violation of the rules is not allowed. Even if a necromancer sneaks into the country of law and wants to evoke a dead body, then he is doing nothing. Because this kind of rule is absolutely forbidden in law, and even invalid.

Because of this, they have expressed an unprecedented shock that the resurrection performed by Bubbles is actually effective! Because it means that everything she does is completely responsible for the rules, without any problems!

That's why they need an explanation.

Nalea was not as excited as Higel, instead. She was eating with a small mouthful of biscuit in her hands, not only those round, big eyes flashing with curiosity, but she had already expressed the true emotions of Nalea. In this regard, Rhode smiled inwardly and then said.

"I think, do you remember any small accidents that happened during the order ceremony?"

"......... this ......... we do have an impression."

"After that. I conducted a survey and found out that the rules of this world have been changed. Then I conducted an investigation and found out that it is not clear whether the dragon souls of the five creation dragons were all awake For the sake of activating some of the underlying rules that allowed us to do it ... "Then, Rhode made a gesture. "......... something like this."


Higel did not speak, but as ruler of the kingdom of law, she certainly knew what that meant.

"Are there any restrictions? Also, why tell us?"

"There are restrictions. As I said just now, naturally dead people do not have this treatment. People who are too old ... can only be sorry. Only those who have died accidentally can be resurrected, and they must You must have a firm faith in your own dragon soul shelter, otherwise you can only apologize. The reason why I have to explain this to the two is very simple, because only a spiritual master can do it. "

Rhode's answer is all true. In the country of France, it is not easy to want to lie in front of the twin dragons without being penetrated. It is a pity that the two did not realize the meaning implied in his words. The so-called rule that was activated after the ritual of the order is true, but just how long after that "after", Rhode did not explain. And he chose to confess like two people, naturally also to use their power.

Rhodes was not worried that the French parliament immediately set out to rule the world after receiving this news. Because originally, there was nothing easier for the twin dragons than to rule the world. They are two, and even now, the Dark Dragon is definitely not the opponent of this pair of sisters. As for the country of light, let alone, a group of waste residues with less than five combat capabilities need not be looked at at all. What's more, the country of France has long controlled the financial circulation of the entire continent, and Rhodes has even said more than once that the reason why they do not rule the world is that they have ruled the world ...

In this case, one more resurrection will have no effect on the kingdom of law, and it will bring great benefits to the kingdom of law. As we all know, the elves are the most in the kingdom of law, but the long-lived species of elves are difficult to multiply, and death in the war is a very big disaster and test for their ethnic group. A large part of the reason why the White Elves finally died is also because of this. But now, once there is a great resurrection, the death rate of the elves will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, but Rhodes chose the country of Dharma as he said, only the spiritual master can use the Great Resurrection.

The kingdom of law has all the spiritual masters.

Of course, Rhodes is not unable to directly start another stove, but he feels that it is not necessary. First of all, he plays religion. The country of the law is more proficient than himself, and as a new force, if there is a sudden resurrection, he will be punished. People doubt. On the contrary, the status of the Church in the Kingdom of the Fa will not be doubted by too many people even if there is any news. Of course, he can also imagine that after this, the spiritual master will become quite sought after. After all, not everyone is willing to step on death. Even if there is no way to die, old and sick, those mercenaries who lick their blood and soldiers who step on the battlefield, who would like to die? Of course, how to explain to the entire world that the church suddenly has the ability to resurrect the dead is not easy in itself, but this does not require Rhodes to worry about it. The kingdom of law can exist for so many years. Two twin holy dragons Naturally it is not for dry rice. And the reason he gave this matter to them was to let the two men solve this troublesome problem by themselves, without having to use this brain again.

Not only that, Nalea and Sigel also saw more from it. The kingdom of law has always been to protect the existence of the dragon soul. But they also have a headache. Although it is said that the sheltering power of the Dragon Soul requires faith, many humans do not believe it at all, and they even expect to get the benefits that the eyes can see. However, they themselves live in the guardianship of order, but they know nothing about it.

It seems as if no one knows the importance of peace. They complain every day about the bland life, the treacherous merchants in the vegetable market pitted a few more silver coins, and complained that the gangsters next door had a few stinky money. First, complaining that the guard dogs guarding the city saw the people low, saw the aristocratic masters and could not move, and saw them arrogantly. They long for change and change this bland life, but when the war comes, they turn everything in front of them into scorched earth, together with themselves crying and spraying blood to roll and die in the muddy pond. It was such a happy thing that I still had time to lie in the shade of a tree and quarrel and yell at madness. Unfortunately, they can't go back in time. Maybe life will continue, but after the war, everything will be different.

But now, they finally get the "benefits" that they can provide. Although they are not as exaggerated as those who believe in me, they will at least definitely reconcile and change their minds. In this way, the strength of the dragon soul shelter will be strengthened, so that it can better resist the invasion of chaos. Not only that, if they can really do that, then when they face chaos again in the future, their strength will be strengthened. From any angle, this is definitely a good thing.

"I think the two already understand what I mean."

Looking at Higel and Nalea with a slight change in front of his eyes, the corners of Rhodes' lips were slightly raised.

"Then, please take care of this matter, not only for us, but also for the entire Dragon Soul Continent."

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