Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 326: At the center of the chaos

When the outside world was full of excitement, in the center of Casablanca, it was showing a completely different scene.

This **** weather.

Andrei stood on the balcony and looked at the sky in front of him. Unlike the natural disasters in the surrounding area, Casablanca was calm and calm, and no untimely disaster came to the city. But I don't know why, Andre felt uneasy. He frowned and sighed, then raised his head to look at the sky in front of him. I don't know when it started, Casablanca's sky showed a strange look, that is, the color tone produced by mixing various colors, making people feel uncomfortable. The streets were full of guards in unknown white robes, with unknown origins. Although they were officially declared to be soldiers directly attached to the Council of Light, Andrei always felt that these people seemed strange. But ... he doesn't have time to think about it right now. Because before that, there was one more important thing that made Andre almost collapse-just before, he received an almost incredible news from the Council of Light: the member of the Council of Light Sonia. Loktos led the Dragon of Light to escape from Casablanca to the Nether Leader, and after the investigation of the Light Council announced that Sonia was the spy of the Nether Leader installed in the Light Council. And everything that happened now was caused by Sonia.

This news made Andre completely unacceptable. He couldn't imagine that Sonia would be a spy, undercover, a person who betrayed her country. But this is indeed the case. The evidence collected from Sonia's home proves this. Although Andre can also comfort himself that these are only the scams of the Council of Light, or that Sonia is only a last resort, In any case, he could not convince himself to accept this reality. why? Sonia? Why are you betraying the kingdom of light? This question has no answer for Andre, but now, for Andre, the answer itself is not important anymore, what is important is what do you do? No ... I should say that I can do nothing now.

Looking at the martial guards in white robes outside, Andre bit his teeth and sighed. After Sonia was declared treason, those who were close to her were also placed under house arrest by the House of Light, and they were not allowed to leave their room at all. Although Andre also tried to obtain information about the outside world, now he has no other way than to wait.


"Is Cheryl? Come in."

Hearing the knock, Andre turned his head and said. Soon, as he spoke, the door opened, and then the elf girl walked into the room. She was carrying steaming porridge and bread, and saw Andrea's figure, and the elf girl's face appeared a few With a smile, she went into the room and put the food in her hand on the table.

"You haven't eaten for several days, Andrei ......... let's eat ..."

"Thank you, Cheryl."

After hearing Sherrie's words, Andre's face reluctantly twitched, but soon, he was restored to the former melancholy and helplessness. He stepped forward, picked up a loaf of bread and put it in his mouth, but looking at him, it didn't seem to be eating at all, but seemed to be doing something. The original sweet bread did not feel any aroma in his mouth. Andre didn't seem to be in the mood to eat anymore. After taking two or three sips, he put down the bread in his hand and sighed.

"Sorry ... I have no appetite."

"I ......... I know, so do I ........."

Looking at Andre in front of her, Sherrie didn't know what to say. She and Andre were the most stimulated by Sonia's betrayal. Like Andrei, Sherrie never expected that the girl who was close to her sister would abandon the kingdom of light so decisively, and even did such a thing. She was also reluctant to believe this fact, but the evidence given by the Light Council made Cheryl also have to accept all this, which also made her feel extremely sad. But ... man must look forward after all.

"The situation in Casablanca has been very bad lately."

With that in mind, Cheryl intended to shift the subject, at least not to talk about Sonia anymore.

"I asked about it before. The Council of Light has completely closed the entire city and no one is allowed in and out. No one knows the situation outside, and now the white-robed guards have controlled all areas of Casablanca. Civilians can only allow You can't leave within a certain range. I also heard that ... someone tried to escape and was killed on the spot. "

"Is it so serious?"

Andre was also a bit surprised to hear Sherrie's words. Although Andre took some drastic measures against the Council of Light, Andre was not unexpected. But as extraordinary as it is now, Andre's unexpected. Isn't the light council so afraid of causing dissatisfaction from other forces?

"Did the Light Council dare to do this? Didn't the military side respond?"

"At least from what I heard, except for the Light Council, most places have been closed. Not only us, but even the towers and churches are the same. I heard that those white robe guards also Conflicts with the paladin of the church, and ultimately controls the church. "

"Control the church?"

Hearing this, Andre was completely stunned. He had no idea what the Council of Light was thinking and controlling the church. Isn't that the face of the country of play? Why must the Light Council do this? He couldn't figure out the joints, but Shelley seemed to think otherwise.

"I'm ... scared, Andre."


The fear revealed in the girl's tone caught Andre's attention. He looked up and found that the elf girl was pale at this moment, with unspeakable worry and uneasiness in her eyes.

"I don't know what is happening here, Andre, but I can feel that the order here is gradually breaking down, and an invisible and powerful force is affecting the city. I am an elf, for this world and nature The sense of force is much stronger than that of humans. I can feel that the city itself is being eroded by an unspeakable chaos. Let ’s leave here, Andrei, otherwise, I do n’t know what will happen next. thing."


After hearing Cheryl's words, Andre suddenly remembered that dream, the dream that had been haunting himself, the city turned into ruins, the sky shrouded in bright red fire, the piercing cry, and the dark order The chilling huge steel and the dazzling banner. Along with the passage of time, this dream has not only become obscure because of it, but it has become clearer and clearer, as if foreshadowing a certain sign ...............

That's right! sign! Thinking of this, Andrei suddenly brightened up, yes, there will be a huge disaster here, and all of this comes from the collar of the void, Andrei can never forget the darkness that emerged in his dream Flag and the cross star on it. Now, Sonia left Casablanca with the Dragon of Light, and they are heading for the Netherlander. After that, Casablanca and the whole country of light began to make terrible changes, all because of the Netherlander! That's right, Sonia must have done this because of that guy! The Lord of the Void Lord, the despicable and shameless man, he has always been hostile to the kingdom of light, so he instigated and even coerced Sonia to bring the dragon of **, trying to bring the whole kingdom of light into chaos and disorder. Among them, it is not impossible!

This must be a revelation for myself!

Thinking of this, Andre clenched his fists. Why is he so stupid? Why didn't you think of it earlier? If he can think of all this early, maybe there is a way to remedy it, no, but it is not too late to remedy it, this is his own country, and he will never abandon this place and leave here!

"Sorry, I can't leave, Cheryl."

Andrea was silent for a moment, then he replied firmly. And hearing Andre's answer, the elf girl's complexion changed greatly.

"Why? Andrei, here ........."

"I know it's dangerous here, Sherri, I even know what will happen next, all of this has been foreshadowed, but I'm too stupid to have discovered this. Now, now that I know who is behind the scenes, It ’s really fierce, then I wo n’t leave here. This is my country, my hometown, the place where I was raised, and I will never shrink back in order to protect it! I will go to the Council of Light, See if there is anything I can do. As you said, just waiting here blindly cannot be fruitful. We must act to break the haze that surrounds us. "

"But now, the Council of Light ........."

"This is not the time to talk about these little things, Cheryl."

Facing Sherrie's advice, Andrea shook his head.

"I know it's very difficult to get these things done by me now, but I'm not unprepared. I will never let this city be ruined. I will use my strength to stop this from happening. "Here, here, Andre's face showed a firm and decisive look.

"This is my mission and my duty!" (To be continued.)

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