Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Temporary end

With the collapse of the Chaos Gate, the battle was finally over. The demon without the support killed one less, and soon fell into the army in front of the devil, and they could not even escape, because the chaotic door that was already collapsed behind them, the twisted space was chaotic. Black holes inhaled everything that dared to approach it, without exception. As for the Fire Lord, there is no exception. Although it strives to resist the attraction of black holes that have turned into a turbulent space, it is transformed into a roar of unwillingness under the impact of the fantasy rainbow demon guided by the magical warship The shard was then bombarded by the magical artillery and entangled in the black hole of nothingness, then disappeared completely.

And the bloody, cruel, terrible war finally came to an end at this time.

"That way, everything is over."

Looking at the collapsed ground in front of him, Rod muttered to himself, looking away, the city of Casablanca was now completely ruined. The ground centered on the battlefields of the devil and the devil has completely turned into a barren wilderness, and only the surrounding areas that do not affect the depth can see more or less the remains of some houses. Lilian was staring blankly at the mountains in the northwest, where the Dragon Soul Palace originally built on the mountain had already been destroyed by artillery, and even under the bombardment of Fantasy Rainbow, half of the mountain walls collapsed and collapsed like this After that, not only the palace was buried, but also most of the urban area below it was buried in it. In this state, even if someone can survive, it will not live long. Facing the scene in front of her, Lilian didn't know what to say. There used to be a home where she lived for a long time. Although that home didn't bring any good memories to her, but after all, it carried Too much of my past. And now it's all gone. I don't know why. When thinking of this, Lilian suddenly felt empty inside her, as if she had lost something.

The devil is celebrating his victory, roaring and waving his weapon. Then lined up again neatly, and walked towards the gate of **** again. If it is someone else, I am afraid that these devil will not obey orders at all. Although the main plane is not their main goal, no one cares if they can have a rich cake in front of them. Now that they have come to this world, the demons don't mind turning it into a place full of flame death and fear, just like hell. But after all, they are demons, rules, orders, and classes. No matter how jealous of the land in front of them, they will eventually line up again after sweeping away the demon soldiers. He walked towards the gate of hell, and then disappeared quickly.

"Hear Your Highness, everything is as you wish."

Bayer bent down respectfully and whispered to Serestina in front of her, and when she heard it, Serestina looked up proudly and nodded.

"Okay, I see. You did a good job. As I said before, I will reconsider your proposal on behalf of the ninth level. Now you can go."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Hearing Serise Tina's answer, Bayer looked up, and there was a good concealment in his eyes. In all fairness, Bayer is not a good mix in **** right now. Since it gained the title of Hell Lord by overthrowing his superiors, most of the Lords in Hell have no trust in it. Although talking about trust is a very interesting and ridiculous topic among the devil, Bayer's situation is far worse than that. Although Bayer did not seek to unite with other **** lords, it was due to its poor "historical record". It makes no **** lord willing to cooperate with it, and it is even more disturbing to Bayer that it has heard the wind in private. In order to "punish" Bayer's actions, several **** lords may even give it some "little trouble" "Since Bayer came to power by overthrowing the previous lord, it would not be impossible to overthrow it. In this case, if it is possible to have a good network of relationships with the higher demons in the depths of hell, then it is naturally desirable for Bayer. Because of this, it will do its best to complete Serestina's requirements and work. Of course, Bayer himself will never agree that this is because the other party has mastered his real name.

With the closing of the gates of hell, the battlefield that was still disturbing just now became dead and silent. Even the flow of wind could not leave any sound here. This land seemed to have completely died, and there was no trace of life. . Rhode glanced over the debris and ruins in front of him again, then he turned his head and looked at Lilian, who was silent beside him, and now Lilian looked at the ruins in front of him with a slump, but this war was in her heart. What exactly is left behind? Rhodes doesn't know, but he doesn't feel it. This is true even if a city is destroyed. After all, Rhodes has not done the same thing before. In the game, Starlight also destroyed the entire Casablanca, and announced that the player power can also destroy the beginning of a power capital.

And now, for Rhodes, this is nothing more than repeating the whole process here. But even so, everything is over now. The former kingdom of light has become a thing of the past, and what follows is the reality that they continue. Thinking of this, Rhode raised his right hand.

The sky began to change color, and the bright red sky that originally shone on this barren land began to change and erode. Soon, the color of **** gradually disappeared, and the light of the starry sky covered the sky again. Under the guidance of Rhodes, and The black in the distance is connected into one piece. Soon, the clouds gradually dissipated, and the clear moonlight shrouded from the night sky, covering the ground in front of me. It wasn't until this time that Rhodes dropped his hand, and then he looked forward and gave the order.

"Okay, we should go back."

The giant magical warships began to roar again, and then they turned in their direction and flew towards the distance again. Everything seems to stop there. There was no response, only the remains of Casablanca. Lie here silently in the darkness of death, until the moment of its complete extinction.

The Battle of Casablanca shocked the entire continent, and almost all the large forces were shocked. They were not only surprised that the Council of Light dared to murder the Dragon Spirit of the Creation, but also summoned the Chaos Demon to destroy the world. Even more surprised that Rhodes and Lilian actually destroyed the entire Casablanca without blinking, which is the largest city in the continent of light. Hundreds of thousands of people lived in it, but now the city, along with its inhabitants, has been wiped out. What is even more surprising is that Rhodes also issued a statement after that, claiming that Casablanca and its inhabitants' greedy ambitions for the stupid and brutality of the Dragon Spirit were the direct cause of this retribution. They repeatedly challenged the creation. The majesty of the Dragon Soul, and an attempt to seize the power of the Dragon Soul of Creation, is what they should be punished for. And asked the entire continent of light to take this as a warning, and anyone would dare to make a negation like the council of light. Misinterpretation and even the attempt to seize the authority of the Dragon Spirit of Creation will kill it!

As soon as this remark was made, the continent of light suddenly panicked. Perhaps in the Principality of Munn, it was better, but in the light of the country, there were rumblings and everyone was in danger. If only Rhodes had spoken, the problem was that Lilian agreed and approved the statement afterwards, which meant that it was not just a threat. Although angels are indeed not the type to kill humans. But Rhodes proved with his actions to everyone that it wasn't just the angels who could kill.

Of course, such overbearing threats are not without causing some rebounds and dissatisfaction. But before facing the wreckage of Casablanca and the large ground covered with corpses, they did not have the courage to say anything, they could only hate and curse deep inside. But for Rhodes, it is painless and it takes only the people's obedience to the successor of the dragon soul to absorb the power of the dragon soul, whether it is reverence or fear. Just be obedient.

After returning to Netherland, Rhodes didn't rest, because he had one more thing to do immediately.

That's why Elin is sitting in front of him at this moment.

"I didn't expect you to be able to defeat the Chaos Demon and drive them back to the bottomless abyss. To be honest, this really surprised me, Lord." Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Eileen said with a smile. Her every move is still so elegant, noble and gorgeous. It's as fascinating as dance. But Rhode was still expressionless, staring at the girl in front of him.

"It's nothing, Your Highness Elin, as the Dragon of Creation, things like chaos are naturally to be destroyed. This is our duty as the Dragon of Creation, isn't it? Maybe the means are not so acceptable, but For us, what matters is the result. Any war needs to be concluded as soon as possible, not the peace talks and discussions of the benevolent women. While wasting each other's time while consuming both sides' vitality ... I am not interested Playing attrition with the devil, so I chose a relatively straightforward and convenient way, and that's it. "

Speaking of which, Rhodes spread his hands, his dark eyes were staring at the Moon Princess in front of him.

"And now it is the same, Your Highness Elin, I have a very important thing, and I hope you can help."

"... I'm not a leader of the Void Leader, Her Majesty. And as I am ... I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Hearing Rhode's words, Eileen felt a little uneasy deep in her heart, but she still spoke with a soft smile in front of her. When he heard her answer, Rhodes didn't take any notice. On the contrary, he smiled and said.

"No, Your Highness Elin, I know your position well. But this matter ......... only you can do it."

With that said, Rhodes narrowed his eyes.

"I want you to send a message to Her Majesty Ion ...... Do you understand what I mean? Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

At this moment, Eileen had understood what Rhode was expecting to express.

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