Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Autumn scenery

Late autumn season.

The rolling hills receded from their original green coat and changed to a crimson-colored outfit. Rhodes walked on the ground, stepping on the falling red maple leaves, and made a loud noise. Looking around, there is a bright red all around. Although the grass leaves covering the earth are about to retreat from the stage, the scattered maple leaves gently cover the perfect actors who are about to retreat from the stage, and wait quietly They returned to this moment on the stage. This is the cycle of the world, from beginning to end, an eternal law.

The sweet chestnut flavor flew downwind, with a mouth-watering tangy aroma.

"Everything has maturity, Her Majesty."

Lydia, walking in the maple leaf forest, looked up, fascinated and looked at the beautiful scene in front of her. A gentle wind passed through the forest, and quietly took a few leaves down the wind and scattered on the ground. For a time, the woods in front of me seemed to be in the next "storm", and they were all swirling with the wind, fluttering gently in the air, and then slowly turning over the red leaves on the ground. It seemed like a dream came to reality. Cover up everything in this world.

"I used to think that these children could not survive this autumn. After all, what we faced before was not good, high winds, heavy rain, unseasonable hail and scorching heat. But now it seems that everything has its natural laws, these poor and lovely The little guys survived the storm that was almost devastating for them, and once again showed their mature side to us. A little sapling began to grow from spring, and after the summer sun, Now facing the baptism of the autumn wind, and then they will face the test of the severe winter. But I believe that they will be able to survive this winter safely. "

Having said that, Lydia turned and smiled, looking at Rhode not far behind.

"Your Majesty, thanks to your help this time. Let the young and young seedlings grow up and mature. It is not a very simple job. You are very suitable to be a gardener."

"You're welcome, His Royal Highness, my hand, and I don't find it troublesome. After all, playing with the flowers of the motherland is one of my hobbies."

Having said that, Rhodes spread his hands and he looked up. Looked at Lydia's eyes and glanced at the blue sky before her. It is already the late autumn season, and both the Void Leader and Muen are already harvesting season. Although in the void, because of the endless starry sky, this late autumn beauty is also unique, but Rhodes still has to admit that Lydia is really a master who will enjoy. Looking at the red leaves in front of me. The sound of clear water flowing down the stream from the ears, coupled with the endless golden yellow wheat fields above and below, just standing here to watch it, giving people a pleasing sense of comfort. Even Rhodes himself had to admit that he was so big that it was the first time he found that watching the scenery can relax people to this extent. Of course-those roasted chestnuts are really delicious, pure green and no pollution ......... passers are still good. Isn't it?

Of course, Rhodes is not modest. In fact, playing with the flowers of the motherland is indeed a big hobby of him.

However, it is a pity that Rhodes did not intend to be a gardener. In his personality, it would be difficult to handle certain principle errors ...

"But I still want to thank you. Her Majesty's looks are much better than before. She is more confident and understands what she should do. Maybe ..." said here. Lydia turned her head, glanced at the far north, and then sighed inconceivably. "Maybe ... Slynn would be somewhat relieved to see Lilian now."

Slynn's situation is not very good now. She had been seriously injured because of the chaotic trap, and then forced to Casablanca before the injury was healed, and then tried her best to fight Boulder. Basically, it's dry and dry. If it wasn't for Sirin anyway, she was also one of the archangels. I am afraid that at the moment Lydia can only look at her tombstone and make a poem ...

"And thanks to His Majesty's blessing. Let my current operation in the Land of Light is very smooth."

Speaking of which, Lydia turned around again, and then she turned around with a smile, looking at Rhode with a playful and proud look. Recognizing the meaning of her words, Rhodes also raised his lips, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

It can be said that after the destruction of Casablanca, only Lydia can provoke this burden. Although Sonia is closer to Lilian, her identity is more like a secretary and a nanny, and Lydia is really in charge of the overall situation. character. Now she is using the combined power of the Principality of Muen and the former reflective parliaments to gradually annex and reshape the regions and forces under the continent of light. It can be said that now in the continent of light, Lydia is the real one. Above ten thousand people, the power and prestige of the Archangel has reached an unprecedented peak. But unfortunately, although Lydia looks beautiful on the surface, this cannot change a fact. That is, the power of light is extremely declining right now, although the majority of the War Angel Legion is in the hands of Lydia, so this part of the nucleus has not suffered any loss in the previous disaster, but otherwise it is not a bit Good news. Among the three archangels, there is only one who has combat effectiveness. Originally, the archangel was one person less than the four demons, and the number was not dominant. As a result, now it is no advantage in all aspects. With Lydia's strength alone, it would not be enough to deal with the four demons. And Slynn couldn't recover the combat power for a while and a half, and now Lydia is upset.

Fortunately, the Casablanca massacre also deterred those who were trying to find fish out of the muddy waters. Originally, some ambitious people couldn't wait to announce the establishment of a country to satisfy their ambitions. But after Casablanca, these people They all quietly shut up. In case Rhodes sees them displeasing, when he sends a team of magic guided warships to go around their city, the council of light has summoned the devil, but we have not resisted. Maybe we can still Better than them?

If you take the world of Rhodes as a metaphor, then the Netherland is like a military power with nuclear weapons, and Casablanca is equivalent to Hiroshima Nagasaki planted with two small mushrooms. The power of nuclear deterrence is not It depends on how strong they are, but on how dare you really throw them. Now, Rhodes has made it very clear to the world. Regardless of whether you are willing or forced, involved or injustice, as long as you try to rebel against the rule of the Dragon Spirit of Creation, you will kill them uniformly, without trial, without wrongdoing good people, but rather kill ninety-nine by mistake. Never miss one, this is the professional spirit of Void Leader.

Under this kind of "nuclear deterrence", those who have ambitions are even afraid to breathe. In the face of Lydia's editor, they raised their hands and feet together, and did not forget to ask grandpa to tell his grandmother that he was right The admiration of the Dragon of Light is like the rushing river and the endless flood of the Yellow River ...

Even better is Rhode's identity, although the Holocaust can be frightening to anyone. A **** and brutal act like a devil. But Lydia didn't do it, and she didn't even participate in it at all. This also kept the archangel's reputation and image very good, so there was no pressure to cooperate with her. If Rhodes is changed ... I'm afraid it's too late to hide, but Rhodes doesn't care. It is better to be feared than to be despised. He wished that the whole world was spreading the threat theory of the Void Leader, and this only showed his strength. And like Barcelo, they are usually unknown. Can only rely on the famous ghost place of two or five children, who would be afraid of them on weekdays?

"His Highness Lydia invited me this time, not just to appreciate the scenery."

Facing Lydia's words, Rhodes quickly brought the topic back. Before Lydia had visited Lilian, she invited Rhodes to expect the Golden City to enjoy the autumn scenery together. Of course, Rhodes knew that this must be the drunkard's intention, but he didn't care. Rhodes doesn't want to be a workaholic who winds and rains all day like Ion. He is not very interested in truly ruling a country. From now on, the vanity of the void is still commensurate with the vague word "territory", which makes it clear that Rhodes' mentality. So in the face of Lydia ’s invitation, Rhodes did not refuse, so he ran over and enjoyed the scenery with her.

I have to admit that the scenery is really good and the chestnuts are delicious.

But that's it, it's time to talk about business.

Perceived the meaning in Rhode's words. Lydia grinned, then reached out her hand, and with her movement, the leaves and dust automatically slipped away. Soon the stone tables and chairs on the roadside were cleaned up, and then Lydia was sitting on the stone chairs. Immediately afterwards, a maid came over quietly and placed two cups of steaming black tea on the table respectfully. And Rhodes sat opposite Lydia at the moment, narrowing her eyes and staring at her.

"My Majesty, look at this golden wheat field. Although they have suffered such a great calamity, they still ushered in a good harvest season. But even so, we must be careful. After all, in addition to the changing climate, poisonous insects and wild animals I'm also jealous of these rich foods, but they can't wait to eat a fat and fat brain, and then ensure that they can survive this cold winter? This is the nature of all living things, do you think? "

"Of course, so we must take precautions. The hard to raise livestock is not to feed the wolves. The faithful shepherd dog is the guarantee of the shepherd's life ... ..." said here, Rhode stopped When he got down, he looked at Lidia with a smile, and facing Rhode's gaze, Lidia crossed her hands and narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but of course the sly wolves cannot attack the entire flock. They will hide in the dark, stare at the flocks that are single, and then swarm up ... ... in the dark, they are better than anyone else. Take it, because they are the best hunters out there. "


At this, Rhodes frowned. He is not a fool, not to mention that Lydia was born to use this seemingly utterly nonsense way of speaking to express her position and transmit information, and Rhodes was used to the grandfather's three-sentence digression but did not leave the profession. Habit.

"what do you mean……………"

"According to the information, the kingdom of the night intends to do something to you?"

"Oh? Is this happening?"

Hearing here, Rhode's face remained the same, but deep down he had scolded all the 18 ancestors of Ion. It seemed that the Dragon of Darkness was an uneasy master, and he sent Yi Lin back to him Eye drops, now this old boy wants to come to his troubles before the eye drops are good? However, what makes Rhodes more relieved is that, listening to Lydia's tone, the Dark Dragon intends to play overcast. Rather than intending to actually start a war, it would also be good for Rhodes. After all, if he really played head-to-head, Rhodes was a little worried that he couldn't figure it out. But if it ’s yin…… just kidding, players always play yin in boss?

"Thank Your Highness for reminding me, it seems that I must prepare some gifts for the uninvited guests who are likely to come."

This is not Rhode's rhetoric, it is a very difficult process for the intelligence work of the night country. Even if Rhodes has a terrible existence like Alice, it is difficult to do so. Because the dark soul shelter of the kingdom of night is very powerful. Therefore, even if Alice wants to spy on the information, it is very difficult, and the true or false is not clear, it is better not to. The country of light is fortunate to say that everyone is a living person, and it is relatively easy to install staff. But the kingdom of night is full of undead. It can be very dangerous to be a spy there. I do n’t know where Lydia came from such a great ability. Actually, there is an intelligence network inside the country of night, but Rhodes is not worried that Lydia will deceive herself. With his knowledge of Lydia, since she will Disclosed to myself, then most of this thing is absolutely stable.

"It's just hard to imagine. Those beasts that only wander around in the shadows of the dark with their tails all day, would you be interested in which fat sheep around me? This really makes me look forward to it. Maybe they will find that wolf in sheep's clothing? "

"I can't say for sure, Your Majesty."

When Rhode asked, Lydia smiled slightly, then she took the cup in her hand, sipped a sweet and delicious black tea, and narrowed her eyes proudly. With a little thoughtful look, he slyly looked at the man in front of him.

"But ... Her Majesty, I think they must have their own way? Because the wolf and the wolf are attracted to each other. Although I know Your Majesty, you like to train beasts very much, but please be careful not to be bitten You hurt your hand? That hurts a lot. "


This time, facing Lidia's reminder. Rhode didn't answer immediately, and he frowned slightly, thinking about the meaning of Lydia's words. Obviously, the goal of this night country is directed at itself. And according to Lydia, their objects are also undead. There are only three undead in Rhode's own hands. Among them, Xiluosi is definitely impossible. The kingdom of the night knows whether she exists or not. problem. So Sara? No, the possibility is not high. This corpse slave is now a family squatting, and the nest is monitored in the core area all day. The door is not out of the door, and the core area is strictly guarded. Go on. Then the rest is ...


Thinking of this, Rhodes froze, but had to admit that it was indeed possible. Angeline has a strong desire for power and is a blood-sucking species. Although Rhodes has given her some trust, Rhodes does not allow her to form her own family. After all, blood-sucking species have a bad reputation outside, and their Reproductive means are by nature not suitable for use in living areas. Angeline didn't say it on the surface, but Rhodes knew she was a little dissatisfied with it. In the prestige list, Angeline only respected Rhodes and was not satisfied. This is also the first card elf with such low friendliness. If you start from here ......... um ......... it is really a trouble.

But unfortunately, it seemed that Ion didn't know that Rhodes had signed a contract with Angeline, and it was destined that he could only return without success this time. Thought of this, Rhodes also immediately relieved.

"Don't worry, if the wild wolves don't die, I don't mind giving them some lessons."

Having said that, Rhode looked up and looked at Lydia.

"Thank you Highness Lydia, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I didn't know that such a thing would happen."

"Woohoo, Her Majesty Rhodes is really a prize. What happened in the Netherland is nothing you don't know."

Facing Rhode's gratitude, Lydia laughed aloud, then she looked at Rhodes and blinked playfully.

"Well, Your Majesty ...... Since I have provided you with such interesting information, don't you feel that you will give me some reward?"

"what do you mean……………"

In the face of Lydia's words, Rhodes froze slightly, and looking at Rhodes' expression, Lydia smiled slightly slyly. She raised her finger, put it next to her mouth, and made a thoughtful expression. After a moment, Lidia seemed to have made up her mind and said with a smile.

"It's very simple, Her Majesty, my requirements are not high ... ... a kiss, what do you think?"

"This one……………"

Hearing here, Rod paused.

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