Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 354: The victims of the night


With the advent of the night, the bustling scene of the day has disappeared, and the streets covered by the quiet night are silent. The soft light of the saint girl is mixed with the moonlight and envelops the border land equally. . Although Rhodes and others have moved their destinations, this does not mean that the fortress here was placed and used by Rhodes. On the contrary, now it has become a shelter for the spiritual souls of the Protoss Palaces-anyway, The small hall was not used as a hotel.

A petite, slender figure wrapped in a robe raised his head from the alley, looking at the building in the most prominent position in the Atonement with complex eyes, where the elf knight in full service was armed They were standing and looking around, while the angels flapped their wings and shuttled back and forth across the sky. The devil strode on the ground, roaring from time to time and roaring a few throats. These legendary heroes who were born and devoted their lives to the cause of chaos did not have much prejudice against each other ’s races. Maybe the devil could not understand the hypocrisy of angels, maybe the elves did not like the noise of the devil, maybe The natural confrontation between angels and demons still makes them argue from time to time. But this is just like there are good people and bad people in an army. The contradiction between the two sides has not intensified to the degree of irreconcilability between him and me, and me and him. Now in the Fortress of Atonement, the angels are in charge of the overall situation, the elves are assisting them, and the devil is playing the role of a thugist --- I have to admit that there is really no one in the face of the tall body of the devil Dare to fight them.

Why do these races coexist in harmony here?

Looking at those beings in the distance, the figure hidden in the alley couldn't help sighing, and just then. A devil seemed to notice something, he twitched his nose, turned his head and looked towards the alley, a pair of scarlet eyes burst into a bright searchlight. And seeing this scene in front of him, the figure in the alley quickly retreated, it fluttered softly in the night like a ghost. The flying cape flickered by. When the devil's eyes turned, there was nothing left there.

It really is a very dangerous city.

The flying cape reappeared in the dark shadow, separated from the night like a long reflection, and then turned into a human form again. Until this time, the figure wrapped by the cape took a breath and took off the cape. It was a girl who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old. She wore a gorgeous dark red dress with a thin sword hanging around her waist, and a pair of long blond hair with two ponytails shaking with the master's movements. . If only from the appearance. Then the girl's exquisite and beautiful face, slender and attractive person, and that noble temperament will make her be a lady of thousands of dollars. But the almost pale skin and the little canine teeth exposed from the edge of the girl's lips showed her true identity-she was a blood-sucking species.

At this moment, the girl was flashing like a ghost in the woods at night, and she was pulling a trail of afterimages, so she couldn't stop disappearing and appeared in the depths of the trees. After a while, the girl's figure appeared in front of a cave hidden deep in the woods. She stepped forward, stretched out her hand and passed by the dark hole, accompanied by the girl's movement, a dark red The light flashed. Then there was a wave of nothingness at the calm cave opening, and then a split opened. The girl looked around. After confirming that there were no threats, this entered a crack in the space.

As soon as you step in, the surrounding scenery changes immediately, and those natural landscapes completely disappear, replaced by a cold, place that looks like a cellar. A dim torch was inserted into the cold stone wall, and the original low cave turned into a wide stone hall. The girl slowly walked down the stairs and soon saw six or seven people coming from the side, with anxiety Gaze at himself.

"How? Kylo?"


Facing inquiries from peers. Carlo shook her head with a melancholic expression. She looked at the girls in front of them. Although they were once blood nobles, now, the long escape life has made these girls exhausted. Several people were seriously injured during the hunt. Without the pride of being a **** aristocracy, some are downcast and frightened. Seeing this scene, Kylo sighed, then cleared her mood and asked.

"Is there news from Lord Angeline?"


In the face of Kylo's inquiries, everyone shook his head and said nothing, and when he saw this scene, Kylo sighed secretly. It's no wonder that even she did not expect that the place of atonement would be such a dangerous place. They originally intended to sneak into the city, and then arrested several humans as slaves and food to raise them, and at the same time contacted Lord Angeline, but unfortunately, these vampire ladies had a very good calculation, and unfortunately came to the place of atonement. Later, they were almost scared by the elf knights who were traveling through the forest, the war angels flying in the sky, and the devil who were patrolling on the ground. Any of these three can be described as the nemesis of the blood-sucking species. The sacred power of the war angel is far more evasive than the blood-sucking species, and the devil's fierce cunning is more than the blood-sucking species, even if it is faster than agility. The Elf also threw bloodsucking a few streets. This made these blood-sucking species have to give up their plans and be careful. They couldn't help attacking humans at the beginning, but they were almost caught by war angels and demons. Otherwise, if Kylo had a tear plane The power to create a different space, coupled with the escape of these blood-sucking species, can also be regarded as vigilance, otherwise, I am afraid that they will not even have scum.

Until this time, people such as Kailuo found that the leader of the void may be more dangerous than the kingdom of the night, but they finally came through the realm to come here. They have not had enough strength to leave, and there is another advantage is that in this kind of In the state, the pursuit of the night kingdom is unlikely to cross the boundary line to find the trouble of themselves and others, which really made Kai Luo and others more at ease. However, it is not possible to continue this way, after all, they also need food. Although everyone has been relying on the blood of animals for this period of time, this is not the way to solve the problem. Except for the powerful Warcraft, blood-sucking species cannot draw too much power from the blood, which is why Vampires are very close to humans as food. Their blood is sweet, and they have the much-needed life force of blood-sucking species, which is good for nourishing and improving their strength --- so in the eyes of blood-sucking species, humans are simply a tonic.

It's still American ginseng.

It ’s a pity that now all this is just imagination. In fact, Kylo has faintly started to worry a little, because after her persistent observations these days, she found that the Netherland ’s attitude towards humanity and the kingdom of light and the kingdom of law Edge is not much different. So, can you and others really be accepted by the Netherlord? Although Kylo had thought about relying on Angeline, but in this case, even if she trusted Angeline, would the legendary Nether Dragon want to accept them? Kylo knows that blood-sucking species are not their own choice, but this cannot change the nature of blood-sucking species. They need to draw blood to eat to gain strength, and it is preferably human blood.

But having said that, looking here, humans, elves, angels, and demons can cast aside their prejudices and live in harmony. It is impossible to say that Kylo has no envy. These blood-sucking species are not afraid of classes. If they are afraid, they won't dare to burn Esther's nest. It can even be said that they have their own expectations and pride more or less deep in their hearts. If they can coexist under the same sky as those people and be accepted by them, it is not unreasonable for them to wait here. can……………

"Should we just go to Grantia and talk directly to Lord Angeline?"

A vampire frowned and asked, and soon her proposal was opposed.

"Just a joke, there is the capital of the Nether Dragon. You don't think we can go to the dark capital and go shopping when we burn Aesop. And I heard that Grantia is a city floating in the sky. Even if we reluctantly go in, if we are found, we can't even escape! "

Another vampire immediately retorted, and it was clear that she did not agree with the other side.

"But Lord Angeline hasn't heard anything yet ..."


As soon as they said it, the crowd fell into silence again, and they had an idea deep inside that they might be abandoned by Angeline. This is not uncommon among blood-sucking species. Abandonment, betrayal is the main theme of the night aristocracy, trust is a valuable word here, but unlike Angeline, she can gather these people under the strong pressure of Esther Weir Together, it means that the two parties have established a trust relationship. This is also why these blood-sucking species will travel thousands of miles to the Netherlander. If Angeline really abandoned them, then they can almost be said to have no way to go.


And just then, suddenly, a clear voice sounded in everyone's ears. When they heard this voice, the crowd was stunned, then they hurriedly turned around and looked at the place where the voice was heard. Only there, a petite figure slowly emerged from the void and landed on the ground.

"It's just a couple of days that I haven't seen you. You have become so cowardly, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

And when she saw this petite voice, Kylo was overjoyed.

"Master Angeline!" (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and faster!

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