Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Different

This is just a very ordinary, even a little humble pub.

The fishermen shouted and shoved open the wooden door, entered the tavern, waved their hands to the counter, made a vulgar laugh, reached out and slapped the plump buttocks of the flat-looking maid in a low-cut maid costume, In exchange for the other party's irritation or frivolous mockery, then took the wooden cup in front of him and drank the bad wine in it. Then talked with other guests in the tavern, from the bathing of the nearby farm girl to the recent sea going, what has been harvested, all the way to the curious stories in the recent rumors. Mixed with the smell of sweat, wine, and the smell of those weird foods, no one can survive-except the guest sitting in the corner.

He looked about thirty years old, and was dressed in a pretty red dress that didn't go well with this country tavern, without half a fold on it. That slender, pianist-like finger-studded ring with huge gemstones was enough to blind anyone's eyes. The dark, smooth long hair was combed backwards, and a pair of beautiful little goatees were also very clean. That handsome and handsome face is enough to make anybody upset for him, even if he devoted his life to it. But now, he is sitting here quietly, holding up a silver cup, and savoring the fine wine inside. In front of him were dozens of dark-covered cards, and they piled up like this, then spread out like a fortune teller. The man stared at the card in front of him with a smile, silent. But what is surprising is that no one here is watching him, even those farmers who are only five meters away from him and are talking about how they cheated with the widow next door. The man who was close to him paid the slightest attention.

Until the arrival of another person.

He opened the door like a ghost, but no one noticed his presence. Even the waitress who smiled at the door was gazing blankly at the shadows passing by. No one paid attention to his existence, and no one gave way to him, but the figure easily passed through the crowded gaps of the crowd, and even the liquors splashed in the air could not contaminate his body. Then he came to the man in this way, and then reached out his hand. Opened a chair opposite the man and sat down. Then he turned to the waitress and gave a ringing finger. Soon, a waitress came to him with a blank look.

"A roast chicken, a white bread, a plate of fruit and vegetable salad, a pot of wild berry wine, two lamb chops. More sauce. To be fresh. One grilled fish, remember to stab. Put a little spice and don't burn it. "

As he said, Rhodes stretched out his fingers and flicked it. With his movement, a gold coin leapt out, and then fell to the deep career line in front of the waitress in a low-cut dress in. The waitress gave him a look of shame. Then turned away. Until this time, Rhodes rubbed his hands. Then he looked at the man who was playing a fortune-telling game alone and nodded at him.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"No, it's nothing, Your Majesty, it's just that I came earlier. And now ..." ... As the man took out a golden pocket watch from his arms and opened it with a "click". "......... just in time, you don't need to apologize for that."

"Okay, then I take back my apology."

He nodded at the man's answer. Then he leaned back in a chair leisurely. Unlike the neat and well-dressed man in front of him, although Rhodes is also wearing a black dress, it shows a loose concept. The button above the collar is not fastened securely, and the coat is also open and worn casually on the body, which looks like the casual look of the owner's home. But even so, he is completely dressed as a successful person in modern society, as if you can never imagine a person wearing gold-rimmed glasses, wearing brand-name clothing, going in and out of a luxury car will look dirty and messy Meal in poor diner. But it ’s amazing. Although the presence of these two people in this tavern is so explosive, the fishermen and peasants in the surrounding area still didn't notice their existence, and didn't even look at them.

And Rhode is obviously not here to go deep into the grassroots and experience the people's livelihood.

"Hello, meet for the first time, His Majesty Asmodeus."

Looking at the man in front of him, Rhode nodded, narrowed his eyes, and looked slightly at the man in front of his mouth. Appearing in front of him at this moment was the incarnation of the ninth-level hell, the king of all demons, the king of hell, and Asmodeus. As the least cautious, insidious and devious king of the devil, Asmotis will never appear in front of anyone, even if the other is a creation dragon. Not to mention that this is not his comfortable den, but the main plane. Just from the willingness of the Lord of the Nine Hells to expend his power to send his incarnation, we can see how important the things discussed by the two sides are this time.

"I think you should already know from Serestina this time what we talked about this time. Quite simply, I need your help so that I will not suffer any problems when I set up a node in the ninth hell. Attack or any unintended impact. I think you already know the details of this plan. "

"That's for sure, Her Majesty."

Gently lowering the wine glass in his hand, Asmotis showed an elegant, warm smile like a spring breeze.

"I have to admit, your idea is really bold. For so many years, no one has ever thought of such a thing. Even my group of wastes is the same. Although timidity is a necessary trait, look forward and backward. It ’s impossible to accomplish big things. It ’s the same for those who have been against me. It ’s not enough just to have great ideals. It ’s meaningless if you do n’t actually take action? ”

"Then let's discuss the specific content."

Rhode ignored the words of Asmotis before. It was very simple. He knew how powerful the Lord of Nine Hells was. If he was brought into the ditch, he would not be able to climb. . So Rhodes didn't respond to the seemingly pointed speech of Asmotis, but continued to follow his own trajectory. For this meeting, he was exhausted, and instead of going to the ninth floor of hell, he specifically pointed out that it was also one of them to negotiate on the main plane. Anyone who negotiates with the devil in **** will die miserably, not ordinary misery. Because in the nine layers of hell, the power of the word "contract" is everywhere. And if you make a casual agreement in the conversation, it means that your soul will be completely taken by the Nine Hells. There used to be a mage who tried to trade with Demon in Hell, and he was full of confidence. As long as he relied on his own ingenuity, then the Demon was completely indifferent. But this unlucky mage completely ignored the strength of hell's oath power, and just when his low stupid head promised that the demon could help her do something, the demon asked him with a smile. A condition.

"Kill all the demons on this plane in ten minutes."

This mournful mage certainly couldn't do this, so he was regarded as a living specimen that violated the contract by Barthot Hell-as for this unlucky mage turned into a container for the soul cultivating soul larvae, or has it become It is unknown if a prayer resumed his whole new life from hell.

In between, Rhodes will never discuss business with Asmodus in hell. Although he said that as his creator dragon, Bartoll's rules cannot restrain him, but who knows Are there any traps buried in it? After all, isn't this the devil's best trick?

"It's very simple, Her Majesty, my devil's army needs to deal with the mighty chaos and demons, and has no extra energy to protect your so-called nodes. And if I didn't guess wrong, the chaos side must be able to learn What you have to do, then when you set up the nodes, they are likely to attack us. Now that we have lost Catherine, the gray ruins have also been captured, which can be regarded as a for us Very difficult problem. "

Speaking of this, Asmodes smiled and opened his hands and looked at Rhodes, "the landlord's house has no food left over this year", but if Rhodes really believes him, that is really a hell. But even so, he still has to reach an agreement with Asmotis-the foundation, even if there is only one foundation, it is enough for Rhodes. The devil is quite good in terms of credibility, as long as it is not pitted by them.

"So what do you want us to do?"

At this moment, the waitress walked up again with a full plate and set the table in front of her. And Rhode stretched out his hand and then tore off a chicken leg of the roast chicken—the rich and almost excessive flavor of the spice under the slightly black surface, but Rhode still took it without any care Next to the steaming white bread, I began to spread the slightly less appetizing sauce on it.

"Simple, Her Majesty Rhodes, Grey Ruins and Catherine are very important places for us. Our current strength is not enough to advance on several fronts at the same time. So we need you to help us defend one of these fronts until……………"

"I don't think we both have so much time to waste with each other, His Majesty Asmodeus."

The corner of Rhodes's mouth slightly tilted, and an elegant smile appeared. Then he clapped his hands, and then took the bottle of fruit wine, which was quite good in color, from the side.

"Then, please tell me your terms ..." (To be continued ...)

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