Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 390: Chance encounter

The silver-white light band surrounds the traffic rail car in front of it, and there is no sound. The white body quietly moved slowly on the track in this way, the girl leaned her head and looked at the scenery outside the window, and stretched out her fingers to surround her maroon hair slightly, unable to fiddle with it. At this moment, a petite figure suddenly rushed over.

"big sister!!"


The girl who was suddenly frightened was stunned, and then she hurriedly turned her head to look at the girl next to her. She was wearing a black tight-fitting uniform, and her long black hair, which had been tied into two ponytails, was completely coiled at this moment. Behind my head. At this moment the girl was smiling at the girl in front of her with a smile, and stretched out her hands to make a scary action.

"How is it? It scared you?"

"Really ... Bubble, you're too naughty."


Hearing the girl's words, the girl pursed her mouth with some dissatisfaction, and then sat next to the girl with her buttocks. Then she lifted her legs high on the chair in front. If it was changed elsewhere, her behavior may have attracted criticism, but maybe because of the off-season, there are only two of them in the carriage of the entire railcar. Coupled with the fact that it was completely guided by autonomous driving, no one here would blame the girl for being rude.

"But it ’s really boring, big sister, it ’s rare that our guild has drawn up the" Moon Riding Tour "entertainment roll. It ’s not fun to be entertained. After all, traveling to the moon is not easy now, or Say ......... "Speaking here, the girl lowered her voice, opened her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled and looked at the girl. "Sister, are you still thinking about the leader?"

"I just think about it occasionally ..."

Hear the girl's inquiry. The girl didn't say much, but sighed.

"After all, he was so anxious, he didn't even call me on the phone, and I don't know how he is doing now ...... to be honest, I don't know if I should continue to stay in the guild." Said here , The girl paused. Then looked at the girl around. "What about you? Bubbles? What are your plans?"


Faced with the girl's inquiries, the girl nicknamed Bubbles pouted her lips and poked.

"I'm just the head of the group. The head of the group will not do it anymore. What's the point of keeping it? Anyway, the current guild ...... Hey, I'm not saying that the old Liu did a bad job, but I just don't like the current one. Guild. Do you understand what I mean? Big sister, I feel that the larger the Guild stalls are now, the more boring. We used to do what we wanted to do. The head of the order ordered to hit wherever he wants to play. Now? Old Liu that The guy is worried about this and that all day, and also said that he needs to repair the relationship with other guilds! Cut, those slags that were beaten by us are now being scrambled, and now we still have to deal with them? I ca n’t stand it, huh! It's also the group of goods who want to ask us, aren't they? And the new guys ......... Eyes with eyes open, they were still breastfeeding when I killed the boss! Huh? What is it ............... "

Hearing the girl's complaint, the girl smiled helplessly. Defeat the game as their guild eventually boss. Initiating a new era of rewards again, their guild won two places to travel to the moon. That's why they appear here. But in fact, things are not so simple. Girls are very clear that with the retreat of the previous generation, the current guild is entering its metabolism. Although a person like Bubble is the founder of the guild, she cannot coexist peacefully with most people because of her personality. There was another man who tolerated her before, but now he has disappeared. And the girls themselves did not have much interest in the guild. Even herself is the same. Although it is not that there is no hope that she will take the post of the next president, in the view of the girl, the existence of that person and the current game are no longer interesting. Not to mention that he had no news after that day. This also makes the girl deep in her heart, so she is not as concerned about the game itself as before. Because of this, the two of them will choose to drop their responsibilities to participate in this "moon tour around the moon" when the guild is renewed. They are very clear that maybe their duties will be after they return. Replaced by later newcomers. But for the two, it doesn't matter anymore.


At this moment, suddenly, a low sound came, and then the railcar that was running smoothly was shaken slightly, and then stopped. Immediately the light dimmed, and then the compartment became dark.

"what happened?"

Faced with this sudden change, the two of them faced each other. The girl jumped up in a stride, "floating" to the outside of the car, and pressed the button hard, but there was no response, except that the light of the emergency light shone in front of the car. Outside, nothing happens.

"Autopilot fails? Wait, this is no signal at all!"

"How to do?"

Facing the scene in front of her, the girl frowned slightly, but the girl was helpless to spread her hands.

"It's okay, I guess they will find the problem after waiting. We are now in the Americas ......... Well, it must be a nasty mechanical failure. I just said that we can't be superstitious about foreign goods! Damn, expect that group What good things can an idiot cowboy who transfers manufacturing to us create for themselves? Those guys haven't all pushed the fault to others! Don't want to think about what else Boeing has closed down. Drag, I have to complain when I go back this time! I told him it was impossible to lose everything !! "


There was a slight vibration from the ground again, and the two could not help but stunned, then they came to the window and looked out. At the same time, I saw a few flashes of light flashing in the black starry sky, followed by a series of explosions from a distance, and they became one.

"......... What is this doing? Is it Star Wars?"

The next moment, the girl's question was answered.

The current of bright and dazzling light blasted from the bottom up, followed by a huge dark shadow leaning back. That dazzling beam of light enveloped three or four fighters flying towards it. The spark of the explosion flashed in the starry sky at the same moment, while the huge shadow spread its wings and swooped in the air suddenly. , That stout huge tail swiftly flew past. Shoot down the two aircraft behind.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the two girls could not help widening their eyes.

That's a dragon.

The existence that originally appeared only in games and animations and fantasy movies, is now soaring above the starry sky, it dives quickly, and the dragon's breath sprayed out of the mouth completely destroys the buildings below. Then it rolled over, avoiding several missiles aimed at itself, and then the two saw only a series of blue lights flashing in front of them, and then a dull explosion sounded not far away.

"So, what's that!" Said the girl, her eyes widened in surprise. Although her voice was trembling because of nervousness and fear, at this moment she was almost lying on the window of the car, staring at the scene with wide eyes. "Is that a dragon? Is that a dragon? Big sister, hey, I'm not dreaming! Am I only dreaming because I'm too bored to fall asleep?"

"I don't think we are dreaming ..."

The girl's expression was much calmer, but her slightly trembling hands also betrayed the inner tension of the girl.

"But this is not the time to say this. We should find a way to get out of here."

"How to leave? We do n’t have spare space suits. This is just a tourist bus for tourism, and it is completely out of control. Now even the distress signal ca n’t be sent out, and it ’s still at high altitude. Shall we jump? ......... oh! "

Almost at the same time, a high-temperature spitting dragon breath swept across the rail car and shot down the fighters flying in the sky. Even the railcar itself made a "squeak" sound in the midst of this powerful impact, and the original tight metal plates began to shake. The sirens yelled at the right time, reminding passengers inside that it was no longer safe.

"Wow, that's terrible ......... Huh?"

Just when the girl was screaming, she suddenly found that the existence of the dragon looked up suddenly. She glanced towards her, not knowing why, the girl always felt as if those golden eyes were staring at herself, which gave her a stun. Then the girl found out that things seemed a little bit wrong ...

"Sister, don't you think this 'dragon' has ever been seen?"


When she heard the girl ’s inquiries, the girl raised her head curiously and looked in the direction of the 'dragon', but soon, her face changed. Because at this moment, a missile cut through the starry sky, swiftly descended vertically, and shot towards the dark dragon. When she saw this scene, the girl's face changed greatly, and then she held the girl next to her. Keep looking at the skull and press it to the ground.

"Get down!"

The next moment, that missile met the dragon.

"———— !!!!!!"

The flash of light that was enough to burn or even flash blind eyes in an instant, the air waves brought by the powerful impact swept the dust on the moon's surface and whistled and scattered, even the railcars on the tracks could not stop swinging. . Although this is not the earth, the power of some weapons of mass destruction has also weakened because of this, but from the nature of the killer, even if it weakens, it will not weaken.

After a while, the intense impact completely disappeared, and at this moment, with the sound of a crackling sound, the already crumbling railcar couldn't hold on, and a flip just fell down.

"Woohoo !!!"

Just then, suddenly, the huge black claws protruded from the side, and easily grasped the falling rail car. And until this time, the two men opened their eyes in surprise and looked outwards, and then they could not help but breathe in the air—the only thing they saw was a huge, black dragon. The golden eyes were staring at themselves, not until why, they always felt that the sight coming from these eyes was strange ...............

At the same time, a crisp, nice voice sounded in their heads.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Miss Canary, Miss Bubble." (To be continued ...)

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