Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Rhode's request

"this is……………"

The red shroud suddenly stood up, she raised her head in surprise, looking at the huge wings in front of her, almost covering the huge projection of half the sky. The strong, overwhelming Long Wei was so terrible that it even made the red The shroud's body shivered uncontrollably. It was not like a devil, with a sense of "class oppression," but a more pure, powerful force, as if a small human stood on the seashore and witnessed the tsunami. Apart from lamenting the great power of nature, they can't even escape. This power is so powerful that even the demons dare not step forward. Maybe they scoff at the "class" itself, but they are also very clear about keeping away from the fiery sun to avoid being burned into coke, after all, the devil is not a fool.

As the leader of Broken Town, the red shroud certainly knows how huge the atmosphere is outside. It can even be said that even the old monsters entangled in the abyss may not have such powerful power. But now, it is such a powerful existence that has come to your door. This is really terrifying the red shroud, how can you not understand when you provoke such a powerful existence. Could it be that Your Highness below the Bottomless Abyss intends to come up and breathe? This makes no sense. The bottomless abyss is not a high-rise building with elevators. In fact, such cross-plane travel will generally not be done unless it is particularly powerful. Because crossing the plane will consume their own power, and those who are powerful to their level, there are several deadly enemies who are always looking at the plan from the back and it is not unusual. Grazte is the same. Originally, he had been behind the scenes, but he was overcast by Rhodes instead. He forced the summoning circle to pull it to the main plane and then killed it. For Grazt, this was a real disaster.

Now the entire Abyss is still discussing exactly how Grazter was killed. It can be seen that it is not the other Abyss lords who killed it, otherwise those guys' tails would have gone to the sky long ago. And Grazte is cunning by nature. Generally speaking, this kind of problem is impossible. At the beginning, there were still many abyss lords who thought that this was another trap that Grazter's brain pumped, but they found that the abyss monarch really farted and they began to worry about the problems from time to time. have to say. They are alive and tired ...

"Ah, alas, I didn't expect that His Highness Red Shroud would have the same expression."

Just then, a voice suddenly burst out. This shook the red shroud, and then she hurriedly raised the staff in her hand and looked at the place where the sound was made. I saw there, a girl in a black coat and a long black triangle hat was leaning on the corner with a smile and looking at herself, how did she come in? But here has its own magic protection enchantment!

"who are you?"

"Hello. Your Excellency Your Red Shroud."

Faced with the inquiries of the red shroud, the girl seemed very calm. She first offered a gift to the succubus lord in front of her, and then she said.

"My name is Stiffal and I'm a face businessman. Well ... this time, I'm here to communicate with you on behalf of my client."

"communicate with?"

Hearing this word that should not have appeared at this moment, the red shroud frowned. Of course, she knew the existence of plane businessmen, and in fact the development of Dengyu Town itself was indispensable for the support of businessmen who walked between the planes. Otherwise, she has no way to buy enough food and water here-food cultivation in the abyss is really a technical job.

But at this moment, the intention of the businessman in front of this plane obviously makes the red shroud very vigilant. Anyway, at this moment her Broken Town was under the control of a powerful coercion. Even the red shroud felt the coercion on her body like a huge rock, letting her Can't even breathe. And looking out the window. The situation was even more shocking, and I saw that the demons were either kneeling on the ground or moving like a sculpture at this moment. And those mercenaries who they paid for themselves were even more embarrassed. Looking at them, they looked like little white rabbits in front of the wolf. Just wait to die!

Of course, the red shroud is not known. If Rhodes himself or other creation dragon spirits are used to distribute coercion, it may be possible to restrain the devil to a certain extent, but it is impossible to achieve this point. But the problem is that now Rhodes is not only himself, but also his sister who is helping him. Although he lost his body, only the sister of the remnant can not help much in the actual battle. However, when it comes to how to release the coercion of the dragon that is the dragon of creation, no one has more say than her. At this moment, the red shroud felt the terrible coercion, that is, the sister together with Rhodes. What broke out --- It seems that my sister's skills in terms of "bluff" are absolutely full.

"Yes, my client's strength, presumably you now have the experience."

When she heard this, the red shroud frowned, and she watched Stiffar intently, but said nothing. Now it seems that the plane merchant is sent by the powerful and coercive presence outside, but although the form is very critical for the red shroud at the moment, she doesn't feel so nervous. The reason is very simple. With such a powerful person, he can obviously rely on his own strength to completely yield himself, but now the other party has not only wiped out some of his resistance force and demonstrated his coercion, but he is not too Many representations. In addition, he also chose a plane businessman to communicate between the two parties, instead of appearing in person ......... The red shroud is not a fool, she immediately understood that the other party definitely did something else!

"Can I know who that adult is? Not me, but in the abyss, I have never seen anyone who has such a powerful power."

"Ah, this is no secret."

Stefal also seemed to have no intention of keeping a secret for her employer, and she immediately said after hearing the other party's answer.

"My client is the Lord of the Dragon Soul Continent, the Nether Dragon, Her Majesty ... I think this name, Your Highness Red Shroud should be familiar to you."

"Nether Dragon?"

Hearing here, the red shroud was indeed a daze, but the first thought that emerged from her heart at the moment was-"What is he doing here?"

As we all know, there is no good connection between the theme plane and the bottomless abyss, but the red shroud itself does not care about the theme plane. It is enough for her to run the town of broken territory and face the **** battle. As for the relationship between the plane of the abyss and the abyss, the problem of the star and sea level of the war of order and chaos, it is still up to those abyss lords to take care of it, and it is good to be able to manage this acre of three points. So now, when I hear that the Nether Dragon will come here, the red shroud feels inexplicable. After all, I don't have much to do with the theme. What is worthy of the creation dragon? Could it be his subordinates who accidentally caught his men? But this should not be done by the Nether Dragon himself? Thinking of this, the red shroud is also extremely doubtful. After all, the distance between the theme plane and yourself is ten thousand miles. There are many residents of the theme plane in the town of Duanyu, but they should ... The existence of this level of dragon has nothing to do with it.

However, the red shroud didn't say much. She was very clear that since the other party came in person, there was naturally something to discuss with her, and she also negotiated with a businessman who was absolutely neutral and had credibility. It shows that Her Majesty's Dragon has a very big picture. Does it mean that he also intends to involve the heroic plane in **** battles and fight against the abyss? The red shroud felt that this was unlikely. Because it is dangerous to go from the abyss to the theme plane, and many "main arteries" have to pass through hell. In fact, there are **** gang theme planes to block guns. The devil's choices are actually very limited. As the absolute dominator of the theme, at this time it is common sense to sit next to the mountains and watch the tigers fight to collect the benefits of the fishermen. It is really a problem with the brain if you have to mess with the dirt yourself.

"That's it, Your Highness Red Shroud. There's no secret in front of the Ming people. There is only one reason for Her Majesty's arrival this time."

Strolling to the window, Stiffal glanced at the City of Steel with a smile, and then she smiled slightly.

"Territory Town."


When she heard this, the red shroud shuddered in her heart, and she knew that the ruler of the main plane was definitely not good to come here. Otherwise, would it be necessary to do it herself? But now ... does she really want to give away Broken Town?

"Her Majesty Rhodes has only one request, it is very simple, and Your Royal Highness Shroud, you can definitely do it, just a hand."

At the same time, Stiffar emerged with a business smile that is unique to merchants when selling goods, as if he was introducing the value of his products to customers. But I don't know why, at the moment, the red shroud suddenly appeared a rather bad feeling. The next moment, her hunch was immediately confirmed.

"Your Majesty hopes that all the demons will disappear from Broken Town."

Staring at the expression on the red shroud, Stiffar said with a smile.

ps: Wow ... I'm cold ... I feel uncomfortable ... I'm so depressed ... (to be continued ...)

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