Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 404: Multi-party linkage

Asia Development Zone, the third base development base.

"Reporting Chief, a formal response has been received from the Pioneer of the Americas."


Hearing his subordinates, sitting on a chair, frowning and staring at the screen in front of the man raised his head, then he turned around and tapped twice on the keyboard. Soon, a rigorous and formal reply The letter thus appeared in front of him. Seeing the letter in front of him, the man hummed.

"how about it?"

"What else can I do? It must be impossible, the group of foreign devils, and I don't know what to do, even Godzilla has made it out, and now he is still installing garlic. Say everything is under their control. At present On alert, and assuring us to reply as soon as we find someone ...... cut, it's all a bunch of nonsense. "

"That's not Godzilla, sir."

Hearing his chief's speech, the soldier next to him raised his hand with some hesitation.

"That should be a dragon ........."

"Aren't they all similar things? Godzilla, dragon, ultraman, or something. Our kids used to watch these messy things. I used to say that those things were shot to cheat children. This is good, catching up with a ready-made one? Although the monster hasn't come to us now, who knows what it will become. Where can we find an Ultraman or Gourd brother? "

As he said, the man spread his hands helplessly. To be honest, the topic of that monster has become the most concerned topic of all pioneering areas these days. At the time, the battle that Eileen had just teleported to the garrison in the Americas Pioneering Zone was seen by everyone. Later, I saw that even a tactical nuclear bomb had no effect on it, but it really scared many people directly to the ground. And many biologists are stunned and don't know what to say. Theoretically speaking, the space environment of the universe is very harsh, and even the theoretically perfect body of the alien is a dead word after being thrown out of the spacecraft. After all, in addition to air and food, air pressure and severe cold are the biggest obstacles that limit the existence of life. But the dragon not only turned a blind eye to these. Even the final big killer rarely hurt it. Because of this, the dragon has become the most frequently questioned by all the development area managers. And those biologists are even whiter, and can't find a reasonable explanation for the existence of such a large "biological".

The concerns of those supervisors are even more in-depth. Let's not talk about how powerful this monster is and why it appears. The fact is that it has already appeared, and it also fought for 300 rounds with the American Pioneer Zone and then resisted a nuclear bomb and slipped away innocently. So what they are paying attention to now is what is going on with that monster. Is it the latest biological weapon developed by the group of lunatic scientists in the pioneering area of ​​the Americas? Or was it the monster that accidentally awakened under the moon? During this time, each satellite scanned the Earth-Moon channel with full force. After all, according to expert analysis, since the monster can fight on the moon without stagnation, it means that it is likely to have the ability to fly in space. Ability (although the source of power is still a mystery), in case it goes to the earth ......... Then the problem will come out!

Besides, they want to know whether this monster is natural or artificial. If it were the latter, they would have to re-examine the pioneering area of ​​the Americas and the forces behind it ...

"Huh ........."

And at this moment, a small yawn sounded suddenly, and then everyone turned his head, and then saw a woman in a white uniform lift her head from the table yawning, her hair was a little fluffy, maybe it was It looks disorganized because of excessive sleep. Under his eyes were two large dark circles, which looked like he was exhausted after working all night. It's hard to catch this time and sleep. However, the people around the woman did not make any comments about it, and they all became used to it.

"Are there a reply from there? What happened?"

"No, Major."

Hearing the woman's inquiry, the man shrugged helplessly, and then reached out his hand. Soon, accompanied by his actions. The content of that letter from the Pioneering Americas surfaced before the woman. The woman shook her head leisurely, so she reached out her hand and pushed the glasses, and then finished the content with her eyes half open. But the woman said nothing, but was silent for a moment, and then asked.

"What about the results of previous investigations?"

"We have investigated the train ride records. It can be confirmed that the two civilians did enter the Pioneering Zone of the Americas by railcar, but then lost contact. Later, our people found the railcar some 500 meters away from the station. From the appearance, it seems that it has suffered a certain degree of impact and should have been involved in the previous battle. However, we did not find the body in the carriage and around it, and there were two sets of emergency space suits in the carriage ——— But the oxygen stored in them is only enough to support them for up to five hours. "

Said here, the man hesitated, and then continued to speak.

"However, according to our investigation, the ID cards of the two of them have been used in a self-service hotel after three hours. We tried to retrieve the surveillance video, but nothing was gained ..."


Although the man's report is very serious, the woman still looks awake. She just half-closed her eyes, her head flickered, and she looked as if the students who did not study hard were lethargic. The teacher's lecture was average. But no one here dares to comment on the attitude of the woman. After all, they already know what kind of person the woman is.

"Call ah ............ ............ I know."

After the man's report was finished, the woman yawned again, and then she leaned leaning on the chair. Then the woman stretched out her fingers and gently swiped across the keyboard. Soon, the holographic images of the two girls appeared in front of her. The woman just stared at the faces of the two, and after a moment, she closed her eyes.

"By the way, how is the communication with their families progressing?"

"This one……………"

Speaking of which, for the first time, some discomfort emerged from the man's face.

"... Report to the Chief, the family members have responded, they have no special requirements, just ask for sufficient compensation ..."

As soon as he thought about it, the man felt that he was out of breath, and this was not the first time he had experienced such a thing. However, before encountering such a thing, the family members demanded to do their best to search and rescue, to see people dead or to see corpses, and even some emotional ones would scold them, but they could only endure such things. After all, it's a family, and it's hard to be too angry and sad to have such a thing. But the two families were okay. They heard nothing about their children missing. Even after a few lines of routine business, he couldn't wait to hang up, which made him very uncomfortable.


Upon hearing this, the woman nodded, then closed her eyes for a moment, and then said.

"Prepare a team of people, and I will personally lead the team to search and rescue."


Hearing here, everyone was stunned.

"Major, are you sure you want to go out in person? And the former pioneering area of ​​the Americas ..."

"People in our country are missing there. Since they can't help, then we naturally have the right to deploy ......... Huh ... It doesn't violate the Moon Joint Development Agreement ... Huh ... "

"This ... does not violate the agreement, but ..."

It was no wonder that everyone was embarrassed when they heard the words of the women. Although it was said that all the countries that landed on the moon signed the joint development agreement on the moon, and they also formulated rules for mutual assistance. Unfortunately, unless the earth is unified into one country, many agreements will be completely blank. Therefore, although on the surface of each other, the banner of "all humankind working together to develop the universe" is held high, what is going on in private ... everyone understands.

Human inferiority ...

"Go and make a report above, and say that this search and rescue operation was led by me, and that's it ...... hhhhhhh ... I'm stuck, I'll go to bed for a while, after five hours, let No. A team assembled and headed for the Americas Development Zone. Anyway, it is also the people of our country. We need to see people dead or see corpses. And we can investigate the internal situation of the Americas Development Zone ... By the way, wait for permission After I came down, I sent a message to the headquarters of the Americas Development Zone. Anyway, we are also a guest, and we ca n’t be rude. "

"Yes, sir!"

Since the woman had given the order, her subordinates had nothing to say. Soon they started to get busy, and it was not until this time that the woman leaned on the chair and stared quietly at the holographic image that appeared in front of her. Until then, the man in the blue uniform leaned against the woman and asked in a low voice.

"Major, do you know them?"

"............ have been with them for a while before, very nice kid."

Having said that, the woman stood up, then she stretched out her hand. Soon, the image began to change. After a short time, the dragon that had been raging on the moon again appeared in front of her. The woman stared at the dragon in front of her so quietly. It was not until a moment later that she retracted her gaze from the hologram.

"Then I'll go to bed first and wake me up five hours later."

Then the woman said. (To be continued ...)

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