Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Heavenly thing

With the sound of the alarm, one fighter jet quickly took off, and they unfolded in a formation of four formations, whizzing towards their destination. And at this moment in the plane, the pilots quickly sorted together to meet the upcoming battle.

"Eagle Eye Three, here is Eagle Eye One. We are heading to our destination and keeping formation! Pay attention to the radar and search for the target!"

"Here is Hawkeye 2, Captain, what do you say we are going to face? The old guys above are really anxious."

Looking at the radar screen in front of him, the wingman said in a fog. Although emergency take-off is mentioned, so far, these pilots are still confused about their mission objectives. The superiors only required them to reach the designated location to stop the intruders, but they did not say anything at all. Is it an aircraft of a hostile country? Or an exercise for a special secret mission? Would n’t it be an invader from outer space ... Damn it, I do n’t know what the mysterious masters cover so mysteriously, and they were ordered to entangle the invaders as much as possible, until The evacuation at the rear was complete ......... This strange command was the first time for them. Although there are doubts in the heart, as a qualified soldier, it is what they should do to obey the orders of their superiors.

"This is not the purpose we should worry about, it is approaching the target sea area! All members are ready for battle !!"

"Captain, there is an energy response on the radar ......... it's a space shuttle !!"

Almost at the same time, I saw a long flare just howling and flying over the fighter formation. The powerful airflow brought by even nearly reached the formation of fighters performing missions below.

"Damn, what is that space shuttle doing. Is it so anxious to commit suicide?"

"Less nonsense, pay attention to the surroundings, there is movement in front of it .........! All vigilance ........."

That's all for long machines.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, I saw the sea of ​​clouds that was originally white and thick suddenly tumbling. Then, the dark, tall dragon stretched his wings like this. Out of the sea of ​​clouds, its bright golden yellow eyes stared at the distant space shuttle flying away, opened its mouth wide, and made a deafening roar.

"Oh, God……………"

Seeing this scene, the people in front of them completely lost their language. In front of the overwhelming body of the dark dragon, the fighter plane they were driving was only the size of a sparrow. The sense of coercion can be felt even when sitting in the cockpit. It's as if the whole body is squeezed by heavy stones, and some people even feel that their hands holding the joystick are shaking involuntarily. They held their breath and stared dumbly at the monster in front of them. At this moment, their brains were completely blank, not even the thought of "what is this thing" or "where did it come from", just staring blankly Looking at the dragon in front. For a while I forgot what I should do. The dragons in front of them are so huge that they are so large that they have lost their minds.

"Spread out immediately, lock the target and start the attack! Hold it as far as possible !!"

It wasn't until a moment later that the long machine returned with a spirit. Hastily ordered. And his voice immediately pulled back those parts that had been sluggish into reality, and then they immediately acted without saying a word—human beings always have natural fear of unknown and powerful dangers. At this moment, the dragon can make people feel extreme despair and fear in any aspect. In this state, the only thing human beings can do is to resist! !! No matter what the end result is, all they can do is that! !!

"————— !!!!"

Soon, the twelve fighters quickly separated, hovering around and flying towards the dark dragon in front of them.

For these sudden enemies, Eileen did not put them in her eyes. On the lunar base, she fought with these odd-looking "metal birds" more than once, although she would have such advanced in this world. Alchemy skills are a bit surprising, but for His Royal Highness the Princess of the Moon, who was born in the kingdom of night, air combat has never been her weakness. In the face of the attack of the metal birds, Eileen even lazily moved. Instead, her eyes stared at the space shuttle that had almost turned into a black spot in the distance. Fluttering and chasing quickly. I have to say that Dr. Martin's luck is really good. Originally, Yi Lin could open her mouth to bite this weird thing in front of her, but unfortunately she ignored one thing after entering the atmosphere- —That is, the earth has gravity.

However, Yi Lin, who has been accustomed to flying on the moon and the universe, did not consider the role of gravity at all for a while, and almost planted herself in the sea in front of her. Fortunately, she responded quickly, but she adjusted quickly after a short time, but because of this delay, she opened the distance between her and the space shuttle again.

"Oh oops, it looks like we need to hurry up."

Although she doesn't know exactly where the thing is going, Yi Lin can confirm that the other party is clearly about to reach the goal. From the resistance she has suffered, it can be seen that these chaotic minions are trying to prevent further actions. That being the case, she had to hurry up. Thinking of this, Eileen didn't hesitate, flapping her wings quickly, and then saw that the dark dragon suddenly accelerated suddenly with Eileen's actions, but in a blink of an eye, she quickly flew away from the rear fighter.

And seeing this scene, even those pilots were stunned. Originally, they thought that a monster like this should be very slow. The result did not expect that it just flapped its wings slightly, the next moment everyone felt a dazzling black shadow flashing, and then the dragon flew to the sky like this! !! Damn, it's unscientific, how can it have such a fast speed?

"Catch up !! Follow up with all your power! Report to the command immediately!"

Ilin didn't care at all what kind of commotion would arise when she appeared. At this moment, she only had the space shuttle in her eyes, and she had seen the battle between Rhodes and others before. So Elin knew very well that she had to seize it and take away the black slate while the other side was unable to summon too much chaos in that small metal device. Otherwise, she did n’t know what would happen. Not only that, His Royal Highness Lydia and His Majesty Rhode are still waiting for themselves, as ladies, can't people wait for a long time, right?

Think of it here. A few playful rays of light flashed in Yilin's eyes, then she opened her mouth wide, and soon, with Yilin's actions, a huge magic array appeared above the sky, and then the wind screamed, and the air began to tremble. A wave-like barrier turned into a flat ground suddenly appeared ahead, blocking the way of the space shuttle. Then I saw the wind barrier rolling over and hitting the space shuttle. At this moment, the space shuttle that was originally like an off-string arrow finally lost its original speed. In the face of strong wind, its speed is gradually weakening. Although the flame sprayed from the tail is getting brighter, it is more and more tricky at this moment. Can't stand it. The unsteady hull of the ship looked like a small boat that was being toppled by the waves in the storm.

"No, no, the space shuttle is out of control, doctor!"

"Damn !!"

Dr. Martin's face was somber, listening to the harsh siren sounding in his ears. Holding the black leather case in his arms, he thought he had awakened the sleeping Holy Spirit. Should be able to block the opponent's footsteps, for this reason he even gave up the entire American Lunar Base, but did not expect that the opponent actually split into two paths and chased directly towards himself. And this **** monster like a dragon is obviously very difficult to deal with, and it is quite smart. He originally expected the headquarters to block the other side, but now it seems that it was completely unsuccessful!

What should I do? There is no more power in his hand to awaken the Holy Spirit, but if this continues ... But before Martin can think about what to do, he feels that the whole space shuttle's hull suddenly snaps, and this also Dr. Martin sank inwardly, and at that moment the expressionless expression on his original expressionless face appeared. He raised his head subconsciously, and looked out of the window-and the golden eyes of the black dragon were in sight. At this moment, his complexion was completely distorted. At this moment he had completely lost his ability to think, just staring blankly at those golden eyes, his body trembling. Even the alarm that the space shuttle's shell was cracking disappeared in his ear at this moment, and an unparalleled sense of fear erupted.

"Do not………………!!!"


The sturdy space shuttle is like a child's plastic toy, which is completely broken by Yi Lin's grasp, and Yi Lin has no interest in it. She just slowly stretches out her front paw, and soon A series of bright and dazzling lights burst from her palm, slowly wrapping the black slate suspended in the center of the palm.

Fine, it's over.

She didn't care about the final wailing of the torn corpses at all, Yilin just glanced at the black slate that was completely sealed in her hand. Perhaps because Dr. Martin had used power at the Lunar Base headquarters before, this time facing the seal of Eileen, the black slate did not show any resistance. This also made Yilin nodded with satisfaction, then she retracted the black slate backhand, and then raised her head to look at the sky, intending to leave. It seems that Her Royal Highness is also here, and Her Majesty Rhodes is also there, then they should have a way to get themselves back. Then you only need to go back to where you came, and then find His Royal Highness Lydia and Her Majesty Rhodes.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

But at this moment, the missiles that screamed from the rear hit the Princess of the Moon in such a heavy manner, interrupting her thoughts, and Elin turned her head and saw several "metal birds" Quickly flew over to himself. This caused Yilin to squint, and then she narrowed her eyes very dangerously.

As a noble princess of the moon, Eileen thought that she had given each other adequate treatment, although the "Miss Bubble" and "Miss Canary" in this world explained to her the world and the soul of the Dragon Soul. It ’s different, but of course, Eileen didn't believe everything. Of course, in Yilin's view, considering that the two people in this world are just ordinary people, then they certainly won't know the inside story of the high level. But now I don't know how else. Obviously, there must be a connection between chaos and the country in front of me. otherwise. After demonstrating their own strength, these people will not only do not avoid, but continue to attack themselves ...

"It looks like a little warning is needed."

Thinking of this, Eileen opened her mouth, and soon, with her movements, she saw an energy-filled ball forming near her mouth. The next moment, a silver beam swept across the sky in such a rapid manner. Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions only took a moment, and a dozen of the most advanced fighter jets were completely blasted into fragments. But for Eileen, these obviously could not satisfy her. She had destroyed a lot of their powerful weapons before, and Elin thought that this should make these people difficult to retreat. But now it looks. Alchemy in this world seems to be very developed. If it is a dragon soul continent, then it is the kingdom of night. So many powerful "magic cannons" destroyed by her will also choose to temporarily avoid. But now, it seems that the other party has not shaken much about destroying their military equipment, and it seems. The advanced alchemy level in this world allows them to re-create those powerful weapons in a short period of time. In this way, even if they destroy more, they may have no effect, and may even provoke the opposition's rebellion. psychological. That being the case ... then she also has the means.

Think of it here. Yilin turned her head and looked at the huge city not far away. Unlike the cities on the Dragon Soul mainland, the city here does not seem to have a defensive structure like a city wall, and there are many magic towers here, and it looks like there are quite a lot of people, so ... let me give A warning and an unforgettable lesson for life.

Thinking of this, Yilin flapped her wings and flew again to the hugely illuminated city not far away.

At this moment, with the screaming air raid alarm, the original bustling metropolis was completely chaotic at this moment. The previous unveiled attack and her huge body had already scared the urine. A scene of people, and at this moment saw the dragon actually turned his head and flew over to their city, which made a lot of people panic and mad. They drove their cars and tried to escape from the city, while on the other side, they were responsible. The armed forces that defended the city quickly began to gather, setting up various defense equipment on the top of high-rise buildings. Seeing that the giant dragon flapped its wings like this and slowly flew towards itself, almost everyone tightened his nerves and looked at the scene in front of him with a pale face. They simply couldn't imagine how to fight such a huge existence, but the thought of their hometown and the people they wanted to protect behind them renewed their courage, raised their arms, and aimed at the enemy in front of them. !! Even if it is futile resistance, they will never allow this terrible monster to destroy their city!

"Fire! Fire!"

"Boom boom boom !!!"

With the sound of orders, a series of fires exploded from both sides of the street, and the anti-aircraft missile launch system installed at the top of the high-rise building quickly turned on. Hundreds of missiles howled at the monster in front of them, and the staggered laser bombs Together with the curtain, weaving formed a sturdy fire network, trying to block the dragon in front.

Unfortunately, what they did was to ring the death knell of death in advance.

Elaine was still curious about these towering buildings, and watched them carefully. Because even on the Dragon Soul continent, no matter whether it is a human or an undead, it is not possible to build such a tall "magic tower", and in this city, there are a lot of such "magic towers", again In addition, the city itself does not have protections such as city walls, so in Yilin's view, these tall "magic towers" should be the "defense facilities" used to guard the city. Although the previous series of attack methods did not even break Eileen's skin, she made Eileen more vigilant. After all, she also knows how powerful the mage tower of the kingdom of night is. She hadn't seen similar buildings on the moon before, most likely because the other side didn't build them. And now here, maybe the other party will have some more weird power ...

If Canary and Little Bubble Gum knew what Elin was thinking at the moment, they would have regretted why they hadn't added common sense to the Princess of the Moon.

The sudden attack at this moment, however, affirmed Eileen's judgment more and more-these "magic towers" were indeed used to protect the city! So start with them!

Thinking of this, Eileen narrowed her eyes immediately, then the dazzling soul light began to shine from her body, emerged, and turned into a beautiful and huge magic barrier in front of her, blocking all the artillery fire. Her body sank down and stepped heavily on the ground, and right next to Yi Lin, the statue of the goddess holding the torch was stepped on directly to pieces, and then Yi Lin raised her head high Come, narrow your eyes and look at the shining city in front of you.

Her Royal Highness Princess took a deep breath ...

The white light of destruction erupted in this way, and the dazzling radiance completely swallowed up the deep night, and for a moment, even the original light on the earth was overshadowed. Later, I saw only that dazzling and pure white light erupted completely, enveloping a large area in front of it, and before the tall buildings even collapsed, they were completely turned into dust in this powerful flood of light. . The twin high-rise buildings that have been rebuilt before have not been able to visit it once. They are connected to other buildings and they are swallowed by the breath of the dragon as if the spring snow melted in the sun. So quietly lost.

It wasn't until half a minute later that Eileen's breath was declared over, and at this moment in front of her, it completely turned into another scene-the bustling city that was before us no longer exists, whether it is those towering Skyscrapers, or bustling streets, have all disappeared at this moment. The powerful breath of the dragon completely wiped out everything in front of him, and even created a deep pit with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers. As for everything that once existed there, it is now completely history. Even the earth no longer exists, because at this moment the sea water is pouring into the flat, smooth and huge pit in a frantic manner. I am afraid that it will not be long before this area will become an ocean.

Satisfiedly appreciated the tragic situation created by herself, Yi Lin spread her wings, flew back into the sky, and looked into the distance-at this moment no one dared to attack the dragon in front of them, because they even lost it now I do n’t know how to deal with all this in front of me. To them, all of this is like dreaming, but for a moment, their homes, their compatriots, their loved ones are destroyed, and even the residue is not left. The reality is so cruel that they can't even believe it to be true.

But for Eileen, she didn't care about all this. Although the princess of the moon was peaceful, she grew up in the kingdom of night and didn't care about human life at all, especially when this group of running dogs related to chaos And again, when she repeatedly challenged her majesty, she didn't mind giving the other party an unforgettable lesson.

After confirming that the other party had received her message, Yi Lin nodded with satisfaction. She looked back at the tragic image she had made, then narrowed her eyes. Immediately afterwards, in the surviving human brain, Yi Lin's crisp and nice voice suddenly appeared.

"This is a warning, humans, don't touch those things that shouldn't be owned by you. If you are still stubborn, then the road before you will eventually be destroyed."

After saying this, Yilin circled around the city again, and then she lifted her head and fluttered her wings vigorously. With the howling of the wind, the huge dark dragon lifted itself like this, toward the moon Fly away.

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