Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 442: Achilles of Chaos

The method proposed by my sister is simple, but also very practical.

Rhode does have a scene card in his hand, and that's also his only scene card-Casali under the night. The character of the original scene card is to pull the enemy into the core world of the card group, just like a legendary strongman can pull the enemy into his own field, but it is not so strong. Now, what Rhode has to do is to use his "permissions" of the Nether Dragon to grant Casali the card in the night with a "real world" identity. In fact, this is equivalent to re-creating a whole new world, but this world is only as large as a grassland. But for the situation at hand, it is enough. Although this may seem small, it is at least a complete "world", isn't it?

However, this is not without its flaws.

According to her sister, if you really want to completely destroy the Chaos monster without leaving a trace of future troubles, then Rhode must not only completely defeat it in this scene card to prevent the opponent from breaking through the boundaries of space and returning. What's more, the entire card is to be sacrificed thoroughly-this means that Rhodes must discard the only scene card he has. In this way, the power of the end legion will weaken. But for Rhodes, it was a pretty good deal. The only pity is that after losing this card, the power of the end legion will decline, but considering the benefits that follow, Rhodes is not so bad.

Later, Rhode also told others a little bit about what he would do next. And Thomas, a group of incompetent dregs, is naturally unable to take them to the next battle. So Rhodes kept them, of course. Although there are no major problems here, this does not mean that there will be no problems in the future. As a precaution, Rhodes still has a few people to take care of, so the people who are left behind are naturally ...

"Why !? Head!"

Little Bubble Gum pursed his lips and stared at Rhode in dissatisfaction.

"Why do you let me and my elder sister stay, but let those two fakes follow you to brush the boss? It's not fair!"

"Ha. Imps are imps!"

But before the words of Bubble No. 1 were finished, they were interrupted very disdainfully by Bubble No. 2.

"Have you made a mistake, the head of the team is for your good. You are not the same as us. We are mirrors and we can't die if we want to die. But you are human. If you hang it, you will be finished. I would really think that this game can resurrect the running dead. The next battle is very dangerous, and you are not residents of the Dragon Soul mainland. In case of hanging, you can only go to the graveyard to reflect on the rest of your life! "


Hear here. Little Bubble Gum No. 1 bit her teeth, and of course she understood the truth. It's just that if the canary has said it, it's nothing, but why is it so unpleasant for the other to say it by himself?

Therefore, human beings can only see problems and errors in others ...

"What you drag, how great you look like, you're not like me!"

"Oh? I'm more mature than you. And, I have a point, you absolutely can't compare to it!"

Hearing the complaint of No.1 bubble, a proud expression appeared on No.2's face. She reached out her hand, pressed the barely undulating chest, and narrowed her eyes to look at her own body smugly. And see her like this. Bubble No. 1 was extremely upset, she stared, and glared at herself in dissatisfaction. Feeling the other person's eyes, Bubble No. 2 even showed a very pleasant smile, it was like confirming that he was the ultimate winner, making Bubble No. 1 even more uncomfortable. But just as Bubble One's rage reached its zenith. She still smiled proudly, and then said.

"Oh, but I did it with the head of the team. How about it? Am I not better than you?"


When she heard this, Bubble No. 1 widened her eyes, and she hurriedly turned her head to look at Rhode, who was standing beside him. The canary on the other side looked at Rhodes with a slightly surprised look. As for Lydia and Eileen, they did not have a special reaction to this. After all, the customs of the Dragon Soul mainland are different from those of the earth. It is normal to have a few waiters around nobles like Rhodes. And although on earth, little bubble gum is considered a crime by law. But on the Dragon Soul mainland, it's basically the age of legal marriage. But even so, the two are looking at the scene with interest, so it can be seen that no matter which woman in the world, their gossip talent is absolutely full.


Feeling everyone's gaze, Rhode was slightly embarrassed, but soon he coughed, then turned his head to look at the sky, and whistled.

"Where is spring? Where is spring ......... Spring ........."

"Head, you don't even want me for this fake!

Little Bubble Gum interrupted Rod's whistle angrily, but facing little Bubble Gum's blame, Rhode could only look at the sky silently, turned around and pretended to know nothing. This kind of thing is to say that there are so many mistakes, and that a woman at this time has no reason to speak, and what you say seems to her to be an excuse. Not to mention that it is still a little two like bubble gum, so he had to pretend that he didn't hear anything, but turned around to signal that he was going to start fighting. Fortunately, Thomas and others were thrown aside long ago and didn't hear clearly. What are they talking about.


Looking angrily at the figure of Rhode's party, the little bubble gum stomped his feet and shook his fist. It was only then that the canary came forward with a bitter smile and reached out to hold the bubble on the shoulder.

"Well, bubble, don't be so angry, you know Rhodes doesn't mean that."

"I know, but I'm just upset ......... Well, now I'm focusing on the big picture for the time being, but after all this is over, I will definitely ask the head to give me an explanation!"

Said indignantly. Little Gumball glanced once again at the crowds that had disappeared into the shadows deep in the square, then raised his hands. Then raised the middle finger.

"Head, you fool!"

"A sneeze!"

Rod trembled and then sneezed strongly. Then he rubbed his nose, but at this time, Lidia's delicate and beautiful face appeared before his eyes. At this moment she had a somewhat elegant and playful smile on her face, staring curiously at herself.

"Your Majesty. Your response was not a gentleman at all."

"This is not the time to talk about it, His Royal Highness Lydia. I will let you see my 'gentleman' side when I have time." As he said, Rhode looked into Lydia's eyes. And Lydia shrugged her shoulders, her lips twitched slightly, turned around with a weird smile, and moved on.

Walking through the frozen square, the journey of the crowd did not end there. Shown before them at this moment. Dark and deep stairs. The dim magic crystals on both sides of the wall exuded a turquoise light, but it could not dispel the deep darkness at the end of the step. Just standing there looking down, you can feel a chill deep into the bone marrow. That is not from the outside world, but from the depths of the soul, when humans sense abnormal things instinctively.

"Your Lord?"

"Just below."

Looking at the steps in front of him, Rod took a deep breath, and then he looked seriously at everyone, especially Lydia and Elin.

"Remember. This chaotic monster is completely different from what we faced before. According to what I have seen, it not only has great power. It is also very elusive. Just like a mist, not only that, it also Manipulating purple lightning can even erode the existence hit by it through this point. Therefore, we must fully open the protection, from the beginning to the end of the battle, we cannot stop protecting ourselves. Never take risks. You understand Yet?"

Hearing Rhode's words, the crowd didn't say much, but nodded quickly. After confirming that there were no problems, Rhode turned around and looked at the steps in front of him, then took a soft breath.

"Let's go."

He then ordered.

The stairs in front of me are still dim, and as the people deepen, the dark mist in front of them is getting thicker. Even if Lydia and Little Bubble Gum summon the dazzling sacred light, they can only dispel the dense mist in front of them. Along the way, people were never attacked from the darkness as before, but this did not mean that the other party knew nothing about their arrival. On the contrary, everyone can feel that a strange and evil, tyrannical sight is shooting out of the darkness, covering them. And now they seemed to be in a large court, and they were about to meet a king. The heavy atmosphere around them was getting thicker, and the strange quiet roar came from the deep and quiet depths.

right here.

Rhode stopped, and he looked up, looking at the huge slate, which was more than five meters long and three meters high. Unlike other stone gates, this stone gate is full of thigh thickness and crystal ice crystal chains. Flashing, clear and translucent magical auras emerged from them, flickering, which represented that they were the existence of the monster inside the seal.

Rhode raised his hand, and then gently moved the palm of his right hand, and soon a card appeared in his palm. At the same time, Rhode's flashes revealed system-by-system prompts.

Scene magic card detected-Casali under the night

Start Void Permission --- Specify the target, Casali under the night

With the emergence of these two lines of system text, the card in Rhode's hand suddenly began to tremble, and on its card, the originally static landscape began to flow quickly. The sun rises, shines on the grassland in front of it, and then sets. Then a silver moon emerged from it, enveloping the earth with a soft light-at this moment, the card in front of it seemed to be spinning like a looping day. And Rhodes can also feel that a wonderful feeling is emerging from his heart, it is as if he is playing a construction simulation game, and seeing the void in front of him from scratch, From desolate to prosperous, from deserted desert wasteland to aquatic grasslands and forests. The sky is separated from the earth, and light and darkness are reappearing ... ... this is the beginning of a world. And it will also be the end of a world.


After a few moments, Rhodes finally managed to return to God. He stared quietly at the card in his hand. Although it took less than a minute until the permission was activated, Rhodes seemed to have passed thousands of years. He now finally understands why the Genesis Wulong tried to find a suitable space at all costs. Rhodes simply added space permission to an imaginary space to separate its materialization, and he felt the relationship between this little world and himself. It's like the relationship between parents and children, if Rhodes had no idea about sacrificing this card before. Well, now he is even reluctant. This is the case even with this kind of "cut corners". It is conceivable that when the Genesis Five Dragons tried their best to build the Dragon Soul Continent, what kind of mood did they have?

let's start.

Thinking of this, Rhodes converged and threw the trace of the deep heart into his head. Then he raised the card.


Just as Rhode raised his hand, the card in his hand suddenly shattered completely, and then everyone saw only the fragments spread rapidly, and then, a golden magic light emerged from the fragments and connected into one piece. .

Just a moment, the environment suddenly changes

The hard, flat slabs at your feet turned into soft grass. No traces were found on the walls on either side, and when you looked away, you could only see the vast horizon. And above everyone else's head. It is no longer the ceiling that makes people feel extremely depressed, but the blue sky-if you look closely, you can also find that at both ends of the east and west, the silver moon and the bright red sunset appear at the same time, for this beautiful The grassland brought a strange look.

And this is Rhode's masterpiece, of course. The reason for this is to use the two most powerful helpers around him. Lydia and Elin, who have both sun and moon authority, will also take over this authority in this world, and this will make the battle much easier.

And their enemies are just ahead.

Rhode looked up and saw a huge, chain-bound sarcophagus lying quietly on the plain not far from their eyes, thick black mist hovering, trying to break away from the shackles of the ice crystal chain . At this moment, it seems to be aware that it has been sent to another world, struggling more and more.

"Oh, oh!"

Heavy sounds burst from the coffin cover, and the brilliance of those ice crystal chains was gradually fading. Because Rhodes isolated the entire sarcophagus from the world, these ice crystal chains also lost their original source of power. They are gradually becoming weak, and Rhodes is also very clear that if he ca n’t kill each other, then once it collapses here, there are only two paths for Rhodes and others to choose-either with this world Destroy, or return to the original world, and then be resealed by Mary Bell "all the same."

Unfortunately, neither of these endings was what Rhodes wanted.

"Get ready, everyone. Canary, expand the elemental enchantment! Bubbles, keep the sacred sphere of protection and the single shield. His Royal Highness Lydia, His Royal Highness Elin. Everyone remembers, never touch each other in person ! "


Just as Rhode quickly issued his order, I saw the ice crystal chains that originally bound the sarcophagus were completely broken. Then, the thick and dark mist erupted from the huge sarcophagus that was as tall as a skyscraper. They spread aggressively and even covered the sky for a time, even the entire sky was covered by them. Soon, the cool night breeze started to get cold. The turquoise grass began to dry-everything seemed to be a recurrence of what Rhodes had experienced before!

"Booming .........!"

The dark clouds began to roll, thunder came out of it, and Rhode reached out his hand. Soon, a holy sword shining with silver light appeared in his hand. At the same time, Canary, Little Bubble Gum, Lydia and Elin also shot. I saw that with the colorful flashes of magical light, the dark clouds that originally expanded around them suddenly shrank, and then quickly contracted back. Soon, the sky, which had been shielded by the dark mist, returned to its original calm again. And those dark mists quickly condensed outside the sarcophagus, forming a huge human shape, and then a dull voice sounded.

"Order ......... the running dog ............... !!!"

With this cursing-like roar, the dark mist was condensing and rolling, and features that gradually appeared on the originally empty face. The sparkling purple thunder emerged from the gaps in the dark clouds, and gradually strengthened. Thunders erupted from it and shot towards the surroundings. Fortunately, these lightnings did not penetrate everyone's protection. At this time, the giant also seemed to have discovered the existence of Rhodes and others, with thunder in his eyes.

"The order ......... the running dog !!! Kill .........!"

"Do it!"

And at this moment, Rhode no longer hesitated, he held up his long sword and gave an order. The next moment, the dazzling swords turned into stars, leaping through the air and blasting towards the giant in front of them.

The battle begins.

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