Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 458: Underground shock

"A sneeze!"

"What's wrong? Mary Bell?"

Rhodes turned around and looked at Mary Bell next to her, who rubbed her nose and twisted her head a little puzzled.

"I don't know ... Your Majesty, itchy nose suddenly ......... It's strange."

It's no wonder that Mary Bell will be confused, but now she has abandoned **, and re-signed the contract with Rhodes, the body of the elves, in principle, it is impossible to get sick. In fact, Mary Bell did not show any signs of illness, but she suddenly felt itchy nose, and then sneezed involuntarily.

"Oh, sister Mary Bell, there must be someone saying bad things about you behind your back."

At this time, fearing that the world ’s chaotic bubble number one would immediately come over, during this time she and Canary were completely familiar with the people around Rhodes. But what surprised Rhodes is that don't look at the invincible look of Little Bubble Gum on the Internet. On the weekdays, the mouth is very sweet, and the mouthful of one sister is quite smooth. But after thinking about it, people ’s personalities on the Internet and in reality are different from each other ... …… Uh …………… In the past, Rod ’s impression was that Bubble was a patient with secondary and advanced symptoms, but now it seems that Anyway, in the second half of the year, I was also a person who was once a rich second generation ...

On the other hand, Canary and Eileen got along well, but she couldn't let go when she faced Lydia, maybe because the other side was too "loose", as a relatively traditional education As a grown-up girl, Lydia's enthusiasm really made Canary somewhat unacceptable. But Canary seemed to like seeing Canary's helplessness, and often teased her. Because of this, Rhodes occasionally could fill his eyes to see what the lily blossoms ......... in the ghost place under the ground , Such a seductive scene is quite rare.

"Someone said bad things about me?"

Face the speech of the bubble. Mary Bell said she totally understood it. But Little Bubble Gum didn't say anything, but he smiled and left to find his "sister" to continue chatting. If you want to say who has the most careless adaptation to cross into another world, then Little Bubble Gum must be second to none. After coming into this world, she looked as if she had no sense of inadequacy like Canary. She not only pulled her "sister" (although No. 2 strongly claimed that she was the elder sister, but she was clearly being behind by Little Bubble Gum. It ’s made and you do n’t think it ’s cool to shout “Sister and sister”. After dismissing it, I immediately agreed to my sister ’s identity.) Watching and admiring all the new ones from the Internet, and running around with Litty. Ya and Ilinla are close. In fact, Rhodes is not unable to understand the idea of ​​little bubble gum. Just like myself, people who have only seen before in the game actually appear in front of themselves. This is even rarer than a perfect 100% coser. If they encounter it, they will naturally jump on the sidelines. At the time, Rhodes had a similar idea, but unfortunately at that time he could not even save his life, and naturally he did not have time to do such leisurely and comfortable things.

The crowd did not encounter any accidents on the ground. Occasionally, they encountered a few beasts on the ground, and they could just flatten their hands without any danger. There was no danger at all. And under the leadership of ** (that primitive man). The spiral tunnel was not able to block the pace of the crowd. According to him, as long as the last leg of the journey is completed, you can reach the stone pillars of the Seven Fantasy Realms.

"Ah ......... Ahh !!!"

And at this moment, suddenly, the cry of primitive man ** came from the front of the passage, and everyone heard the sound of this voice. The reason they stay here temporarily. It was because ** previously told them that they had a tribe who had been in front of them in order to avoid accidents. He volunteered to talk to the tribe in front, hoping to let himself wait. Although with the strength of Rhodes and others, it is not impossible to directly crush. But since there are ready-made guides, Rhodes is too lazy to get in trouble, anyway, if those guys really do it themselves, then just kill them. But now ... what is the situation?

He hadn't waited for Rhodes to react, and saw that primitive man ** just ran back and forth. He stared in horror, then waved his hands and shouted at himself and others. Although he couldn't understand what he was calling, anyone with a good eye could see that the situation in front of him was clearly wrong. So Rhode only glanced at **, then retracted his gaze, and gave orders to the people around him.

"Let's go and see."

Under the leadership of **, Rhodes and others quickly passed the dim and wide tunnel in front of them, and when they saw the scene in front of them, Rhode finally understood why ** emits what looks like horror Shouting like a movie. Because at this moment in front of them is exactly the scene of a horror movie.

Shown in front of Rhodes and others is a huge underground cavity no less than the size of a previous temple cave on Earth. Magic crystals and luminous moss spread along the wall, illuminating the view in front of them. However, unlike the temple, there is no such kind of elegant and elegant building. Instead, there are rows of caves cut in the cave wall, and processed stones are scattered around. It looks like a primitive society has just entered civilization. The appearance of the period-but these are not the point.

The point is the blood and corpses remaining here.

The thick smell of blood resounded in the cave. Looking around, you can see corpses scattered all around. Their appearance is similar to **. Although they look like humans, they seem to be some kind of black liquid. The skin and tall body make them and the humans in Rhodes' common sense completely unable to draw an equal sign. But now all this is meaningless, because they have been completely broken into pieces, all kinds of residual limbs are scattered all over the place, and the cave is full of traces of destruction. .

"Wow ... this is terrible ..."

Looking at the scene in front of me, even the little bubble gum groaned like a moan. And canaries are even more pale, if they had not seen something more disgusting than this on the moon base before, plus these things are not "human" in the strict sense of their understanding, otherwise I'm afraid the looks of the two will become even more ugly at this time.

But relative to them, Rhode and Mary Bell's concerns are more important.

These people were attacked. Then he was killed. This is not surprising, but what is strange is the traces left by the fighting here. Rhodes not only saw the traces of the explosion, but also saw many ruins that seemed to be melted and penetrated by the high temperature. If it was in Dragon Soul Land, then Rhodes would have thought that it had encountered a magical attack. If it were on Earth, today's high-tech battlefields can also cause similar traces. However, this is an extremely primitive place of civilization. You can't even get a hot weapon with a group of racks and you can only smash it with a rock-Rhodes doesn't think the people here can release fireballs or missiles or something.

So what exactly attacked them?

Rhodes frowned and looked forward. In front of him, the humble stone houses were completely crushed and a blank avenue flowed out. It looks like some kind of monster with an unusually large size came here, and then crushed the past in such a rampant way, although it is logical to say that even if there are any monsters in this world, it is definitely not theirs Opponents, but everything is careful. After all, they are now under the ground, not the ground. In order to avoid those crazy elemental lords, Rhodes and others have not seen the sun for two or three days.

And just then, suddenly, the sound of bubbles came in Rhodes' ear.

"Hey, chief, come and see, but I found something fun."

Hearing little bubble gum, Rhodes turned his head. Then his eyes changed slightly-I saw the little bubble gum at the moment squatting beside a ruin. Holding a large handful of brass-colored metal in his hand waving at himself. And seeing these things, Mary Bell went forward curiously, and then took the yellow metal from the little bubble gum. Then Mary Bell found that these were slightly larger than her fingers, and there was nothing in the middle. The empty metal shell is more than that. Smelling it carefully, you can smell some acrid smell. But ... what is this?


But Mary Bell, who did not know why, was different. When he saw these things, Rhode immediately knew what was sacred before passing here. He wondered whether it was accidental or premeditated that these people originally set the plane coordinates at the place where the birds did not shit. But no matter which one, they are unlikely to just pass here. It is as if human beings have the technology to build a base on the moon, of course, they will not be stupid enough to just launch a spacecraft to observe outside, after all, it is more cost-effective to reside there. Considering that those weird guys used to travel to Dragon Soul Land, Rhodes didn't believe they had to teleport here first, and then went to Dragon Soul Land with much effort, and then do their own thing-if the other party is really What stupid is he to worry about being so stupid?

It now seems that they did establish a base here, and it looks like it will grow. Thinking of this, Rhode's complexion suddenly became extremely cold. There is really a way in heaven. If you don't go, **** has no way to vote. Had trouble and wasted time on the earth, and Rhode was in a hurry to rush back to the Dragon Soul continent, he had intended to sort out the earth. In any case, the earth is also Rhodes' hometown, and it is not good for Rhodes to be entangled with chaos right now. It was only because time was scarce that I had to put it down temporarily.

Originally, Rhodes' plan was to wait for the continent of Dragon Soul to be transferred to the solar system before processing and packing. I didn't expect that it was really heavenly. He didn't go to see each other, but those guys came to the door instead? !!

Thinking of this, Rhode immediately waved her hand to summon Mary Bell, then looked at the girl, and then poked at the trembling **.

"Go ask him, where does the tunnel lead?"

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Mary Bell is not a fool. Of course, she also notices the trace of chaos left here. After all, Mary Bell has been entangled with this chaotic power for tens of millions of years, and she is no longer familiar with their breath. Therefore, she naturally knew what Rhode asked for, so instead of saying more, she came to the scared pale man and asked a few words in a low voice. In the face of Mary Bell's inquiry, ** finally calmed down, he reached out a finger and pointed deep into the dark hole. Then she said something to Mary Bell with a terrified expression, and then made a few strange gestures. When hearing ** 's answer, Mary Bell's eyes flashed a bit of glory, then she nodded, and then walked back to Rhode's side.

"Your Majesty, I have found it out. ** Before that, a strange group of demons suddenly appeared under the burrow. They were brutal and terrible, and several clans around them had been destroyed by them. And ... "Speaking here, Mary Bell paused before continuing. "... and they also use very strange weapons."

Hit the bullseye.

Hearing Mary Bell's answer, Rhode nodded slightly. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the dark cave in front of him with a frosty expression. It wasn't until a moment later that Rhodes showed a passionate and extremely bright smile. Then he clapped his hands vigorously, which made the little bubble gum (x2), canary (x2), and Lydia, Elin, etc. who had been observing the battlefield all around, turned around and looked at him curiously. Then they saw Rhodes smiling. Raised his arms high.

"Ten Abyss Replica Heroes Difficulty Open! Seek dps, seek tanks, and heal, and want to join this group ........."

There was a leader leading the team, and ten copies of the team soon came together. The next step was for everyone to enter the book and kill the Quartet under the command of Rhodes ......... It should have been this way, but it was a pity. There is always a gap between reality and games.

Although relying on his own strength, ten people are enough to destroy each other. However, for the sake of caution, Rhodes decided to investigate first. Even if there is no way to destroy all the enemies 100%, it is enough for Rhodes to be able to kill ten of them. After all, they didn't plan to stay here for long, after Rhodes sent the Dragon Soul continent to the solar system. They will always say byebye to this original wilderness. By then, no matter whether these idiots are extinct or grow stronger, even if they rule the original wilderness, it will have nothing to do with Rhodes.

But now ...

A scorching breath blew across his face.

The deep cave was dark, but everyone led by Rhodes was walking fast as if they were flat. Although I don't know what those guys used, the road they took was quite smooth. There is no slippery wetness like natural caves at all, so it is convenient to walk. And everyone just so quickly shuttled through the darkness, down the tunnel.

Little Bubble Gum and Canary followed closely behind Rhode, looking at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't hold their inner emotions. After all, although they have been with Rhodes for a long time, as now, they seem to be back in the game, and everyone will copy together. This familiar feeling gradually opened them up a lot. At this moment, they saw that the two were completely out of rustiness, and they even followed the scene quietly with no less than a projection motion, and seeing this scene, Yilin and Lydia also glanced at her in astonishment. Of course, they already know the origin of these two people. It's just that the canaries have always been mild and low-key, and the little bubble gum is too unreliable, which leads them to take their strengths seriously. And now seeing them burst out as much as the power of projection, which also surprised both of them somewhat.


It didn't take long for everyone to reach the end of the passage. You can even faintly see the dark red flames jumping outside, and the smell of sulfur. At this moment, Rhode stopped suddenly, then he made a gesture quickly, and when he saw Rhode's gesture, the two little bubble gums flew left and right in Rhode as quickly as the reflection in the mirror. He stopped by his side, then the two shot at the same time, and saw two faint auras passing by, and soon the anti-detection array and silence technique broke out, completely covering the shadows of everyone.

And until this time, the people came to Rhode's side, and followed his gaze to look outside. After seeing the scene in front of them, they could not help but widen their eyes.

Although I don't know what means those people used, the road they opened formed a spiraling downward ladder from top to bottom. Looking down, you can clearly see a huge lava lake. The bright red hot magma hovered in the huge underground cavity. The hot high temperature rushed towards the face, and even the little bubble gum's hair could not help curling. stand up. But what people are worried about now is obviously not the small problem of curls, but the huge, black metal building that sits on the magma. They have a total of five towers in the shape of tall towers, standing in the magma, while the towerless towers are interconnected by dark and wide passages. In the core area of ​​the five towers, Rhodes can be seen from time to time. Bright red energy crystals. And all around, huge armored security robots and bright dazzling searchlights scattered around, glancing at everything around.


After a careful look at the environment in front of him, Rhode nodded with satisfaction. He thought that it would be difficult to deal with them, but now it seems that it seems simpler than he thought. (To be continued ...)

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