Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 522: Gloomy Territory (VIII)

Screams sounded.

It was just a moment of effort, and the "crowds of unknown onlookers" who had been nearby immediately fled and screamed. They had expected to see how the dark elves insulted and killed the outsiders. But now, the good show has turned into a nightmare. In Callesodar, there has never been a precedent for the Dark Elves to be killed by alien races. Now, not only are six Dark Elves dead at once, even among them There is also a female mage. This can be said to fill two historical gaps in one breath. The onlookers immediately lost sight of it, of course, they knew what it meant. The death of a female mage was enough to shake the entire city of Callessodar, and a rage belonging to the dark elves broke out. To be sure, a storm Such fighting is inevitable. Not to mention that Angeline also showed her identity. A high blood race is even more embarrassing. Once involved in the struggle between the two sides, it must be a dead end, so they immediately evacuated and avoided far away. Out of this dangerous place.

It was just a moment of effort, originally lively, and the huge square was empty. The bustling and noisy just now seems to be fake. Now, in this square, when you look at it, you can't see half moving things, and you can even hear the roots quietly. Until this time, Angeline nodded with satisfaction, then recovered her gaze, turned around and walked back to the hotel.

"That's it? It's slow enough."

As soon as she entered the hotel, Angeline heard the little bubble gum's inquiries. The little boy was still playing his game without looking up, and the old man behind the counter next to him was already scared. He trembled and watched several people, not knowing what to say. He didn't expect these people to be so brave enough to dare to kill the dark elves in Callessodar! Are the stones on top of them, are they not afraid to provoke the anger of the dark elves?

"It's okay for now. Lord Bubble."

Angeline nodded respectfully to Little Bubble Gum, and then she sat back in her original position, and then saw the little guy raise the wine glass in his hand and turned to look at the old man hiding behind the counter.

"Bring me the best wine here, human."

"Ah, yes!"

Hear Angeline. The old man shivered a bit, and then he hurriedly picked up the wine and limped over to Angeline, carefully filling her with wine. But even so, the intense fear caused his hands to tremble. Looking at this scene, Angeline narrowed her eyes and snorted, and said nothing. Annie, who was picking up a bone stick next to her and chewing there, tilted her head curiously and glanced at the hotel owner in front of her. Then he reached out his hand. Patted the old man's shoulder.

"Oh, don't worry about it, old man, just a group of dark elves, we'll fix it, you don't need to worry about it that much."

"Hey ... this lady, I didn't say it, but ..."

Hear Annie's comfort. The old man smiled bitterly. He certainly knew that these people must have enough strength and grasp to come to trouble in the dark elven city. But they can mess around here. I can't. He has been living in the city of the Dark Elves ever since he became a slave, and now, even if the Dark Elves do not go to these people, they will come to their own trouble. This old bone can't bear it. Tossing ......... think of it here. The old man sighed, although he was very worried about his future encounters, but looking at these dark elves who have been shining brightly, they are even today, and he could not help but have a bit of pride. As a human being, a slave. He suffered endless pain here. His legs and even his entire life were completely destroyed by the dark elves. Now he is just a walking dead, but ... seeing the blood of those dark elves, dear When the ears heard their sorrow, the old man felt for the first time that he was alive. He would also feel thrilled and excited, especially when he saw that female mage was twisted by Angeline, and the old man even shook with excitement. The dark elves used to be high above him and could not be harmed in any way. Others were like pigs and dogs in front of them. How could they have thought that one day they could see themselves being slaughtered like pigs and dogs?

Even if only for this scene, letting these people check in by themselves is worth the fare. Even if the dark elves would come to avenge themselves in the future, he had already confessed. At least, that's better than being imprisoned in this dark city. Thinking of this, the old man shook his head, a bit of bitter smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and said nothing. And Annie just stared at him in confusion, then turned her head to look at the others.

"Is it really okay to say that? Angeline? Didn't the chief say that the dark elves are cunning? You are so powerful, what if they are scared to come?

"I can guarantee that they won't stop there, ma'am."

This time the hotel owner gave an accurate answer.

"Perhaps you don't know yet that the female mage killed by the lady was the daughter of the fourth eldest family of the Dark Elves, Mother Verna. Now I am afraid that the entire Dark Elf City has been informed. If Mother Verna does not If you respond, then her family will even be expelled directly from the council. This kind of thing is definitely unwilling to be seen by Mother Werner, so the other party will definitely send someone to find face. But I hope you can be careful The fourth family has a large number of bear goblins and grey dwarf slaves in Callesodar, and their own number of warriors and mages also ranks among the top three, if Mother Verna really intends to do her best ... ... "


Before the old man's words were finished, the little bubble gum interrupted him, and saw the little guy throw the game machine in his hand, then raised his head and looked out. Then narrowed his eyes and said softly to himself.

"Um ... ……. The soldiers are divided into three ways. It seems that they intend to completely surround us ......... It's really interesting. These dark elves really don't know how to live or die. If there was n’t time in the game before, the head of the team took someone to take this. The group of shameless goods have been crushed one hundred and eighty times ......... Ah, by the way! I just remembered that, before I was fooled by a piece of equipment by the npc here, that **** black Pei, I still remember her name ......... well, I have to find out that **** this time to kill her !! "

Little Bubble Gum who makes no sense confusing the virtual world with the real world doesn't seem to feel that there is anything wrong with this. She waved her fist, gritted her teeth, and said aggressively. Seeing her look, the hotel owner could not help but take a step back, but Angeline and Annie did not react. As long as I have known Little Bubblegum for a long time, I will know that the little guy often has this intermittent crazy problem, and he can say something that he does n’t understand. Just go with her at this time, anyway, after the crazy little guy has finished came back.

"All right!"

Just as everyone turned on the idea of ​​being completely impolite, Little Bubble Gum slammed her hands and returned to normal. Then she revealed that she didn't seem to have any different smiles on peace days, turned to the crowd, and looked carefully. Glancing at everyone in front of me. Then she made a gesture, and when she saw her gesture, Annie wiped her hands and picked up the heavy gold shield next to her. And Angeline also stood up, gently sorted out her clothes, Leo stepped out of the shadows, saluted her respectfully, and then pulled out her sword from the waist. According to the original plan, this should be the next step, but ...

"No, one less."

Little Bubble Gum frowned suddenly, she glanced at Annie, Angeline and Leo again, then nodded dissatisfied, then she closed her eyes and looked up at the second floor.

"Head, emergency, there are few people on my side."

"Few people? What are you talking about? Is the other person strong?"

Hearing the spirit connection of Little Bubble Gum, Rhodes froze. He really didn't understand what the little guy was doing. But Little Bubble Gum didn't seem to explain it.

"Oh, head, this is not a question of strength. This is a question of numbers. The numbers must be correct. How can five people make up a copy? Or you wake up Xiaobing's sister. We still lack an adc here. Now It's because of where she slept this time, and she wants to divide the equipment for paddling. She won't even give her hair! "

"......... You haven't played enough ..."

Hearing the speech of Little Bubble Gum, Rhodes shook his head helplessly, and then he extended his right hand. Soon, with Rhodes' movement, the summoning circle appeared in his right hand. Then, Rhodes's fingers Gently move.

After a while, suddenly, a gloomy card floated across the floor, and the next moment, accompanied by the dismal gloom, a girl wearing a tattered princess dress and carrying a big sword carried it like this A weird smile appeared in front of everyone. She threw down the long sword in her hands, and those frantic eyes filled with frosty cold intentions. Then the girl grinned, and gave a weird smile.

"Hey, are you going to kill .........?"


Little bubble gum didn't say anything about the girl's weird dress. Instead, she just nodded with satisfaction, then turned and strode out of the hotel door.

"Okay, now the five are assembled! Folio is up! Annie, you and Angeline are on the road, Leo, you and the girl are off the road, I'll take charge of the order!

Speaking of this, Little Bubble Gum raised her hands high, and there was an unbelievable joy on her face, then she shouted loudly.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield and crush them !!" (To be continued ...)

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