Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 530: Land Debt Compensation

Rhodes sat on the bed with his lips slightly raised, with a slight smile on the ice-cream who had fallen into deep sleep at this moment. The little guy's rest time will always be thunder, and he will sleep whenever he says. Of course, before going to sleep, Xue Xueer blushed and made a little request to Rod, that is to let Rod talk to her. Previous story ...

In fact, this is something that Rhodes and sister often do before. When Bingxue was very young, because of her parents' work, she stayed at home with Brother Rhodes, and taking care of this little kid naturally became Rhodes and Brother Rhodes. People ’s habits, so the relationship between the two sides has always been very good, and when he was basically a child, before going to bed, Rhodes and his sister would take turns telling her bedtime stories. Over time, this became a habit of Binger.

It's so good to make people ...

Looking at the ice-cream in sleep, Rod shook his head. To be honest, most people see that Bingxueer strictly observes the time, and even to the extent of obsessive-compulsive disorder, they doubt whether she was too strict in education by her parents when she was a child. Such misunderstandings often occur. Many people, including teachers and classmates, think that Bingxue's homeschooling is very strict, and it belongs to the old-fashioned family who even set the home access control before a few minutes in the evening. Only Rhodes knows that this is not the case. Of course, Bingxue tutors do, but it is nonsense to say that someone has time at home to take care of her. Her parents ran foreign trade and engaged in tourism. They met outside for three days. Unseen master. Of course, these parents are also very good to Bingxueer. Every time they come back, not only the big bags always bring her a lot of interesting things, but she also cares about her. Maybe it is for this reason. In fact, the parents of this pair are quite enlightened in their daughter's education. As long as Bingxueer does not take drugs, does not make friends or degenerate, they will be very happy. As for what kind of road Bingxueer will go, they all support it.

Every time I think of Rhodes, I lament that it is really good fortune. Binger and Canary are two extremes. Bingxue's parents adopted laissez-faire education, but as a result, taught Bingxue with strict obsessive-compulsive disorder. And Canary's parents took serious education, but the result was to provoke Canary's rebellious psychology, and to raise a obedient but rebellious daughter ......... This is really ... what to say How about it?

Rhodes thought about it, thinking that it was still a matter of personal character. Bingxueer's character is very self-disciplined, she can control well. This cannot be said to be rare among children, it can be said to be a rare elite level existence. In fact, although she spent a lot of time with brother and sister Rhodes, in fact Rhodes and sister were older than her at the time, and they were just children. Although they also know how to control themselves, they are not so strict. For example, when children are playing games, they often have the thoughts of "Occasionally play a little longer," "play for another five minutes," and "eat after watching the animation." Naturally Rhodes also has this idea. So is my sister. But Bingxue is different. What should I do at that point? Rhodes remembers very well that once a TV station showed a rather exciting adventure movie, but this movie was longer than usual, and a movie usually lasted up to an hour and a half. As a result, the movie went straight for two hours, which directly led to waiting for Bingxue to sleep. The movie happened to the best part.

At that time, even Brother and Sister Rhodes persuaded Bingxue to simply watch for a while, anyway, it is now, and it doesn't matter if it is half an hour later. But Bingxue just stared at the TV screen with her nostalgic gritted teeth, then turned her head to sleep. Later, Rhodes found out because he couldn't see the ending of the movie. Bingxue even secretly cried a nose. But even so, she didn't change her routine.

From here you can see Bingxueer's character. Serious and self-disciplined. But because of this, her strength will always be ignored. For example, everyone thinks that Bingxueer is so tired every day. The impression of her is naturally concentrated here, so they ignore Bingxueer ’s own talent. For example, she spends two hours writing assignments every day, so why does Bingxue never consider the situation where she can't finish the assignments? The reason why Bingxueer is able to stick to her own schedule every day, isn't it because she can organize everything in a limited time? This kind of ability is changed by ordinary people. It may be okay one day or two, but what about unexpected situations? What if the workload increases? Who can guarantee that they can handle this within the required time?

From this point of view, it is not surprising that Bingxueer can become the first long-range shooter of Dragon Soul mainland. It is impossible for ordinary players to make such achievements in the game all day. But Bingxue went online for so many hours every day, and she was able to keep her level and skills to follow Rhodes without being pulled down. This is the true skill. If you change someone else, you have to give you three hours of game time every day, and then you can go through those great gods who devote themselves to the game all day long. How many people can do it?

But unlike Bingxueer, Canary's personality belongs to the soft middle band. She is a spring, and the stronger the reaction force, the stronger the pressure. So in the face of her parents' blame and coercion, although Canary has always chosen to tolerate and back, but this does not mean that she really has no idea at all, or she will not form a gun friend with Rhodes decisively. Relationship, but also trying to give birth to a child.

Thinking of this, Rod couldn't help sighing. The three young girls he knew in reality now belonged to Bingxue, so Rod didn't need to worry about it. Because her parents were very kind to her, she didn't design her future road like Canary forced her to choose, nor did she have a sinister family relationship like Little Bubble Gum. The reason why their deities are willing to follow Rhodes to this world is that it is awful that they are no longer attached to the world of the earth. But Bingxue is different. She has parents who love her, and classmates and friends who get along well. There is no way to compare with these two people.

"The fate of people is really weird ...... Especially the different choices of different people will always bring different consequences."

Rod whispered softly, but the next moment he cast his gaze into the shadow of the far doorway.

"do you think so?"


With the sound of Rhode's voice, the seemingly empty black shadow twisted suddenly, and the next moment, a dark elf wrapped in a black robe all over his body appeared in front of Rhode. On her body, a bright red spider's mark can be clearly seen, which is the mark of the dark elves. Facing Rhode's gaze at this moment, the dark elf was very respectful, only to see that she bent down and saluted Rhode.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Nether Dragon ..."

"Go out and talk."

However, before the words of the dark elf were finished, he was directly interrupted by Rhodes waving his hand, and when he heard Rhodes talking, the dark elf froze, then glanced at the ice-snow who was falling into deep sleep, and then turned immediately go away. And Rhode reached out to help Binger straighten her hair, and then turned and left the room.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Nether Dragon ........."

In the corridor, Mother Dark Elf saluted Rhode again respectfully, and then she said.

"I'm Durex Banry, the host mother of the Barry family in Calles Sodar. We are very sorry for the offense that the fourth family has done to you ... ... I apologize to you on behalf of the council, It is because we have not noticed the intention of the Fourth Family in advance that we have brought such trouble. "

It is indeed a dark elf. Buying teammates' talents simply broke through the sky and directly sold the fourth family with their old nests. As for the dark elves and families who died in the civilian areas and the lower noble areas, a relaxed "trouble" was completely carried away.

"Well, stop talking nonsense."

Rhode waved his hand and interrupted Durex. As soon as he heard the name of the other party, he knew why the council sent the mistress. He thought and knew it because the other party knew that Leo was in his team and had a relationship. . Rhodes has no interest in getting involved with the Dark Elf, at least for now. He came to Calles Sodar this time just by the way, don't want to cause any trouble ...

Of course, by the way, it should be good, right?

"Simply say, mowing or paying?"


Faced with Rhodes's statement, Durex froze for a while. As a dark elf, she went straight into the center and was straightforward enough to negotiate without any cover. Originally, she planned to pull some nonsense, but Durex still gave up this idea, but the other party was the master of the direct disagreement. If she talked nonsense again here, what would be the end? Thinking of this, Durex asked cautiously.

"Your Majesty, you mean ..."

"Compensation is to take out all the good things from your city of Callesodar and pay us the cost of mental damage, as to how much ..."

Rhodes thought about it and carefully calculated the wealth of the dark elves once revealed by the players. As underground races, their wealth is not a little bit small. In particular, all kinds of magic equipment and treasures are even more jealous. Now that Rhodes is here, naturally Rhodes is not polite.

"... the entire property of Calles Sodar, seven tenths of it is enough for me."


Hearing here, Durex shivered, she swallowed, and then looked carefully at Rhodes.

"What about mowing?"

"This is simple."

Rhode's performance was also calm, and it seemed that he had long thought about it.

"As long as you are willing to surrender to me and become part of the void leader, then there will be no problem for both of us."

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