Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 546: Weird development

Since it was very difficult at the beginning, people like Rhodes and Bubble also worry that it will be more troublesome in the future. But to their surprise, the next second level was unexpectedly simple. After opening the door, Eileen entered a library, and then a strange, heavy book with a cover on it. The weird thing with big eyes came to Yilin and started to give her questions --- it turned out to be a long time, but the second level was actually a fight?

However, in the opinion of Rhodes and others, this is really a bit too simple, because most of the other people ask about common questions. Of course, Rhodes also acknowledges that these issues are very professional and knowledgeable. The archaeological talent of Yi Lin, who is very interested in the history of the kingdom of the night, is really difficult to answer, but Rhodes thinks that this is too simple. Indeed, as the heir to the dragon soul, knowledge must be necessary. But is this problem okay? How does it feel a little bit like being on the battlefield of the college entrance examination but looking at the junior high school exam questions? Is this science? See how often Angeline can answer the right questions from time to time. Is there any pitfall?

Angeline stated that she was really shot in all positions. What you say is also the original blood race, you wo n’t treat me as a kind of ignorant civilian. You must know that the blood-sucking species is not worse than the Lich ...

"Congratulations on your passing the second test."

Of course, these topics must not be difficult for Irene, so after a while, the thick book that could fly said, and then drifted away. With the departure of it, the thick wooden door that was originally closed opened with a squeak, and Eileen apparently froze. Obviously, like Rhodes, she never thought that the second pass would be so easy. It passed. After all, this is too simple. Just some common problems, there is nothing too difficult, and then it is so easy to let people through customs? Is this trial also found by conscience, it was too painful to see Yilin for the first time, so the difficulty was intentionally lowered?

Rhode saw Eileen even stunned, and glanced around vigilantly. It's no wonder that Yi Lin is so cautious and so-called that she would be afraid of Jing Sheng by being bitten by a snake for ten years. Yilin has been pitted twice by this **** trial. Now it is not surprising if she was pitted a third time. But this time it was so easy to end, it was as if a person was mentally prepared to fight to the end, and then he broke his blood all the way and found that there was no shadow of the enemy in front of him ... ?

Thinking of this, Eileen didn't say much, but sighed, and then hurried forward. Now that she was convinced that nothing had happened to her, she moved quickly. To go to the next level is the right way. So Elin quickly passed the wooden door, and then continued down the stairs. Just a moment's effort, Elin went down the stairs and reached the next level-and at the same time, as if she felt her arrival, the glow of the spiritual fire suddenly flashed in the originally dark room. Immediately after, a huge black and white checkerboard that filled the entire room appeared in front of Yi Lin. It is full of various chess pieces. At this moment, with the appearance of Yi Lin, I saw a knight riding an obsidian warhorse. The huge roar of the battlefield, the majestic king and queen, etc., returned to the two sides of the chess board, and then a low voice sounded.

"Welcome the challenger to the second trial site ..."

"I rely on it!"

Rhodes and Bubbu finally couldn't help this time, and they were completely swearing. Insidious and devious indeed. Sure enough, despicable and shameless, Rhodes even felt that for a moment she simply let Eileen abstain. If he inherited the dragon soul of the dark dragon, it turned out to be a despicable and shameless inferior product, then Rhodes would rather It's up! Isn't it the power of the Dragon Soul. We have other methods. Is it so frustrating?

"Hey? What's going on? What's going on?"

Compared with Rhode, who knew exactly what was going on in this **** trial, Anne and Kiruti and Angeline were clearly at a loss. Angeline even blinked, and looked around blankly, and then asked with a little hesitation.

"What's going on? Didn't you just announce that Your Highness Elin has passed the second trial?"

"It says you believe it? You've been eaten by a dog?"

Hearing Angeline's inquiries, Little Bubble Gum rolled her eyes uncomfortably, and when she heard this, Angeline was also stunned. She wasn't stupid, she heard it here already. But this is the trial of Dragon Soul. Doing this ... wouldn't it be too shameless?

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Only Annie still couldn't understand all the reasons, she looked at this and looked at that, and saw her confused expression. Bingxue spoke kindly to explain to her. Although she is younger than Annie, anyway, she is also a top player, and naturally she is very familiar with these things.

"That's it, Sister Annie. The previous book was completely a lie to Sister Eileen. That is to say, this is not the second trial at all. Maybe it just talked casually, and then asked Sister Eileen some questions. That's it, so this means ... "

"What happened to Her Highness Elin just now is not the second trial? It is simply a scam?"

Hearing here, Annie also widened her eyes in surprise. On the contrary, Rhodes let go of his heart at this time. He had felt strange before. How did the Dragon Soul Trial that gave people a sinister, despicable and shabby feeling suddenly turned around and fell to the entrance exam level, the result was After hearing the previous sentence, Rod suddenly calmed down—the other party was waiting for her here! Thinking of this, Rhodes feels more and more cheating, this is just playing people. Throwing Irene into it, instead of giving it a normal "passing process", it also deliberately confused audiovisual, blurred and confused Yilin's judgment, a bad one, I'm afraid that Yilin's level will never pass!

"What can I do now?"

At this moment, after learning about Yilin's situation, the others frowned, discussing one after another. Annie seemed to be the most excited, because she hated deceit and betrayal the most. After listening to Bingxueer's explanation at this moment, she waved her little fist even more. A look of indignation filled with indignation.

"Take care of them, Your Highness Yilin just needs to rush straight down. Who dares to stop her and kill her directly, and still use so much energy there?"

"I think this is meaningless. Since it is a trial, then it will definitely prevent you from doing this kind of thing. Maybe there are any counter-organizations in it. Once Her Highness Irene accidentally violates the rules, then maybe There will be serious punishments waiting for her, and she may even be sentenced to failure! "

But in the face of Anne's suggestion, Angeline clearly had a completely different view.

"It's too insecure, or else just try to move on? Anyway, I don't have to look at these issues, if Irin's passage is passed ........."

But before Anjie Linte finished talking, Little Bubble Gum interrupted her speech directly.

"Keep trying? How much time do we have to waste, even if there are questions on each floor ... Do you know how many floors this tower has?"

"This one……………"

After hearing the bubble's questioning, Angeline was stunned and could not answer. Although she did not know how many floors the tower had. But just now they also saw that there are at least one or two hundred floors of this tower, which is still the part they can see-God knows how tall this tower is? It took almost half an hour to answer the book's question before, and this time is worthwhile if it is used to pass a trial, but it is not worth it if it is not! It's as if someone is running a hurdle, but ends up wasting time consuming half an hour before an obstacle! It's a waste of time! !!

If you really let Yi Lin follow Angeline's approach, then let alone complete the trial in twenty or thirty hours. I am afraid that it will not be possible to go out for twenty or thirty years!

More than that, the most important thing is. The hidden meaning behind this.

"Eilen panicked."

Rod whispered, and the bubble beside him nodded with a rare look. Elin was not a fool, and she immediately recognized the problem. Obviously, this is also a test to see if she can tell what is true and what is false. This tower can have hundreds of floors, but each floor will solemnly say that it is the first test, which will necessarily require Yilin to make her own judgment. Obviously, this is also one of the elements to inherit the power of the Dark Dragon, if it is changed on weekdays. I'm afraid I still have time to observe slowly, but now, she finally showed a little panic expression.

Obviously, Rhodes thought about it, so did Elin. What's even worse is that this test may run through the entire trial, and it will not be completely completed until Yilin successfully completes the trial. If this is the case, then for Elin, there will undoubtedly be a great deal of mental stress, but Rhodes also understands why such a test is needed. After all, the kingdom of night is a country of undead creatures. The successor of the soul can't even explore the truth, so even if he inherits the power, he will be manipulated like Lilian after going out.

But this test is too mad for Nima!

Anyway, Rhodes felt he couldn't bear to change himself. He even wondered if Ion knew the process long ago, so he did n’t pass the trial but instead stole the power of the Dark Dragon directly, because he could n’t possibly pass the trial at all ......... No, or even if he changed Players do it, and they may not pass the trial!

But this is not the time to think about it. The problem is that now Ilin has started to panic. If she changed the usual, then Yilin would never show any panic expression, but the problem is that she is in a hurry now! If the trial can not be completed in the shortest time, then her mother will be executed. This external restriction condition puts Eileen on a considerable amount of pressure. Now, this pressure is almost in the worst form. In front of everyone.

"Can't be nervous, sister Elin."

Bingxue clenched her fists and looked worriedly at Irene in the magic image. She is kind by nature, even if she and Yilin have only met a few times, but she also has a good impression on this big sister who always has a soft smile. At present, it is not good for Yilin's situation. How should she respond?

How should I cope?

Yilin frowned and looked at the chessboard in front of her. She also saw through the conspiracy and rules behind it. It is true that the trial of the Dark Dragon is not passed by anyone. In fact, after realizing this, Eileen also felt a bit tricky. Indeed, she has no particularly good response to the situation at hand. But ......... think calmly, there must be any way, there must be any way ......... right!

Thinking of this, Yi Lin's eyes brightened. Then she strode onto the chessboard.

Seeing Yilin's movements, the others stopped arguing at this time. They were also uneasy looking at the Princess of the Moon in front of her, to see how she was going to get rid of the current situation. And just as Yi Lin stepped onto the board, the low voice just now sounded again.

"So, are you ready? Challenger?"

"Do not."

To everyone's surprise, Elin shook her head hard. Then she looked up and stared at the chessboard in front of her, and the huge chess piece that was two or three meters high.

"I have no interest in such a boring game, and I demand that these meaningless temptations be ended immediately!"

Everyone was taken aback by the words. Even Bingxue and Little Bubble Gum widened their eyes, only Rhode nodded in appreciation. There will never be more than one solution to the problem, but human vision is limited. So they have different choices. Angeline and they are aboriginal people, and naturally they will only consider the problem from this perspective. And even if Little Bubble Gum and Frozen are players, players have limitations, that is, they will be limited by their own experience. It is like in an rpg game, you first need to go to the tavern to collect information, and then go to the grandpa for guidance. Then enter the cave tower to kill the devil's minions, and then defeat the demon with his companions. This is the limitation of players. In their mind, the process is limited, and experience only plays a role in the framework.

But above the player. There is another existence.


What is a plug-in?

The plug-in is that you appear in the first-level novice village, directly open the input box and then "showthemoney", then take the money to buy a bunch of divine costumes, and then directly cut through the foggy enchantment, rush into the demon castle, hold up the shield immune to all damage Kill all the existing swords to turn the devil over. The whole process takes less than ten minutes!

This is the plug-in!

The successor of Dragon Spirit is the existence of this type of plug-in! !! Master power, dominate it, manipulate it. Under the protection of the dragon soul, they are the creation gods. What you want to do, what you want to change, such as want everyone in the territory tomorrow to wake up and become all cute girls, or from now on the unscientific existence of helping her mother ... ...

Whatever you want, this is the true meaning of the heir to the Dragon Soul. And if you only use power, what's the difference with Dragon Soul's relatives? The reason why the Dragon Soul Trial created so many problems for Yi Lin this time was to test her consciousness. Yes, she is the Dark Dragon and the successor of Dragon Soul. She is the sole and supreme master of the kingdom of night. It stands to reason that she is the one who should issue an order to let someone run a broken leg, not the other way around! It now appears that Eileen has noticed the hidden and implied meaning.


Just when Rhode nodded secretly to admire that Eileen's response was really quick, the heavy voice before it sounded again. With the wrath of this voice, the tall chess pieces on the chessboard are suddenly active at this moment. Regardless of whether they are black and white, they are holding up their weapons and rushing straight towards Yilin!

"Come here!"

Seeing the movement of these pawns, Yilin was not surprised, she suddenly turned away from the obsidian knight's reload, and then the long sword in her hand provoked and turned into a beautiful sword light. The obsidian knight immediately Divided in half from the middle, then her figure turned round, her toes lightly on the chessboard, and then the whole person flipped out of thin air, kicking a guard in heavy armor. Don't look at Irene's petite figure, but her strength is hundreds of times stronger than that of humans. Under the attack of Irene, the guard flew away and rushed forward, hitting heavily on those chess pieces trying to surround Yilin. In. At this moment, Yilin walked sideways again, avoiding the arrows fired by the archer at the rear. Then, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she saw Yilin's wrists flip, and then she stretched out her hands and clenched the handle , Stabbed the sword in his hand to the chessboard in front of him.


With the thunderous bombardment, the dark energy suddenly burst out. They appeared in a ring and spread out around them. Everywhere they saw, the hard chessboard collapsed and collapsed. The pawns standing on top of them suddenly became unstable and fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the light of darkness emerged from the gap in the chessboard, and the next moment, everything was shrouded in a black pillar of light.

When the light disappeared again, the whole room was empty, and no matter whether it was the chess pieces or the chessboard, there was no trace. Only Irene was still standing quietly, but different from before. At the moment, behind the girl, a pair of dragon wings were slowly unfolding, exuding a dark darkness. (To be continued ...)

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