Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 553: Dark Arena (on)

After the light shone, Rhode again found that his environment had changed. The former Crystal Forest has disappeared and replaced by a huge building similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum. It's just that half of the people are not visible in the auditoriums on both sides. Looking up, they can only see the dark clouds covered by thunder. From time to time, thunder and lightning erupted from it, and it looked like a dark cloud.

what's going on?

Rhode looked around, but he didn't see his opponent. It should look like an arena. Shouldn't he find someone to fight against himself? Thinking of this, Rhode could not help but be curious, he turned around in the arena, but still did not see the sound of monsters, and no boss appeared. Only the torch stuck around the arena swayed under the howling wind, which brought a little shadow to the original dark arena.

Still no one ...............

Rhodes made another lap around the arena. The result was nothing. The arena is only half the size of a football stadium. If it is small, it looks like a run-down. The magnificent atmosphere when Gold City participated in the Midsummer Festival, and there was no audience around, which made Rhodes somewhat interested.

"It looks like the next fight ..."

Rod is also secretly muttering deep in his heart. This arena is often seen in the game. Generally speaking, if there are no boss monsters after entering the arena, then most of them are pk between players. According to this trial, from the beginning to the present, there has been no sinister but sinister means. This time it is estimated to be the same. All the people who passed the trial of Dragon Soul are brought together, and then there is a big fight. Eligible for Dragon Soul inheritance. Think of it here. Rhodes could not help abandoning his mouth. The Dark Dragon Dragon Soul's inheritance ritual is really disgusting, but ......... Will the Dragon Spirit Inheritance Ritual use this trick? Even if the kingdom of the night is powerful, their heirs of dragon souls are not likely to be everywhere on the streets like Chinese cabbage. There are many choices of brothers and sisters like Ion and Yi Lin. Where can I find so many dragon souls on weekdays? Heirs fight together?

Is there anything new in this setup? Or wait until all challengers have arrived before starting the final trial? This is unscientific ......... the heir to the Dragon Soul can only have one. Is this the intention here to let them kill each other until the last one? If you really want to say it, this setting is really disgusting.


Just as Rhodes was thinking, a white light suddenly flashed, and then a person appeared in front of Rhodes.

"Ah, head!"


Seeing Annie's appearance, Rhodes took a stun, which is no wonder. Although he did not guess that only those who had passed the previous trial can come here, but seeing that Anne would actually be the second one to come, let him Rhodes was quite surprised. Because in Rhodes's impression, Annie is actually the most unsuitable to participate in this kind of trials.-Look at the speeches that Annie said that she had n’t brains at all when she was in the trial before. I don't know how long it will take to pass the trial.

Because of this, Rhodes had no idea that Annie would pass the trial after herself, and he did not ask Anne inquisitively. As for Rhode's inquiry, Anne naturally did not hide anything, and was interested in her own experience. He told Rhodes fifteen to ten. It turned out that Anne was teleported to Shadow Canyon. She was thrown into a huge maze garden, and Annie was direct. At a glance, she saw that it was a maze, and then she found her mouth. She found and found a pool in the center of the maze, and then Anne saw a crystal on the statue in the middle of the pool, so she jumped into the pond to get it. And, as a result, here it is teleported.

That luck ...............

After listening to Annie. Rhodes didn't know what to say, and he knew that Shadow Garden, which was part of the Gesolnst Estate, the largest building complex in Shadow Canyon. This is also an important task line in the Shadow Canyon. It is rumored that the owner of the manor is the actual ruler of the Shadow Canyon. This kind of ** oss is definitely something that players want to brush. But until Rhodes left the game. No player can break through the front shadow garden because it is too disgusting there. The maze of the shadow garden does not look complicated, but the problem is that they will change with the change of the shadow, and even worse, these changes are completely It's random, there's no law at all, plus there are many ghost monsters wandering in the shadow maze, and the maze itself is a narrow place. Once blocked by monsters, it is all over the world. The players face a channel that can only be used by three people to move forward side by side.

If before, if she knew that Annie was being teleported to that disgusting place, then Rhode would definitely "gadden" in his heart, and then began to worry about Annie. He knew too much about the little guy, and his actions depended on his intuition. He basically didn't use his brain except for fighting. Such people were sent in. It was not a life of nine deaths, but a rhythm of ten deaths. But Rhode had no idea that Annie's instincts and luck were really strong enough to break through the sky, and even being teleported to that kind of ghost place could run out ......... This really left her speechless.

She will not be a heir to the Dragon Soul ...

Looking at Anne, who was dancing in front of herself, and gesticulating and recounting her experience, Rhodes couldn't help but have such an idea. To be honest, he is also a little curious now, if it is in the game, then what Anne will become. For the ending of others, most of Rhodes can guess, after all, although history has its limitations, it also has its inevitability. For example, Marin's identity is destined to be stared at using conspiracy and deception, while introverted and weak people like Rabis and Lijie naturally cannot bloom in their fierce environment. However, Anne is different. Although she has followed Rhode all the way, Anne's strength is basically completely improved by herself. Even if there is no power of the wind element to awaken, she is also a strong shield fighter. In addition, Annie has a sweet and excellent appearance, a tall figure, and a cheerful and lively personality. Such mercenaries are rare in the eyes of players. Rhodes also knows that in the game forum, there have been some beautiful mercenaries from various regions summed up by some experts. Some of them are even worse than Annie. They can be on the list, but Rhodes has never heard of Annie. Maybe it's too unscientific.

Was it sacrificed to protect his companions? Considering Annie's personality, this possibility is not small, especially when Munn was destroyed by the kingdom of the night. Someone like Annie would definitely not stand idly by, maybe ...

The thought of this lively, enthusiastic girl in front of herself in another world is likely to curl up and die silently in an unknown corner, Rhode could not help but feel a little heartache. He instinctively reached out and stroked Annie's brilliant blonde hair gently. After being suddenly attacked by Rhodes, Annie looked at him with curiosity, but soon narrowed her eyes happily and enjoyed Rhodes's touch. Not only that, the little guy posted it soon. Leaned tightly on Rod's body.

"Woo Meow ......... Head ......... Would you like to take a break?"

Although Annie was talking about taking a break, the radiance of those green eyes and the two softnesses that had already clung to Rod's body had exposed Annie's thoughts. In this regard, Annie is not ashamed. For her, there is absolutely no pressure on prostitution, which is why even Marin and Li Jie dare not stay with Annie. It is because of Annie's trouble. They are too fierce, and their shame has not been reduced to the level of Anne. The little guy even dared to take Rhodes to the alley in the street, taking advantage of it. Changing Li Jie and Rabes would definitely not be able to withstand death, and they wouldn't do it if they were killed.

So even in such a wide open field, as long as no third person is present. Then Annie is also pressureless.

As long as there is no third person.

But unfortunately, when Rhodes was also thinking about whether to pull Anne into the corner of the arena. Another white light flashed, and then Qiluodi appeared in the arena. After seeing the arena in front of her, Qiludi also froze, but soon she noticed Luo standing not far away. De and Annie looked at their movements again. Suddenly he turned his head, and there was a hint of crimson on his face. Seeing Qi Lu Di appear, Annie can only helplessly slap his mouth, and then separated from Rhodes again. If this was changed to Angeline or Little Bubble Gum, Annie might just pull the other side to play the **** together. But unfortunately. Qi Ludi is not a comrade in bed in Anne's eyes, and the two sides are not so familiar ......... Although Anne does not mind, but Rhodes does not like to do this, then Anne does not do it.

It was no surprise to see Qi Lu Di Luo De, Qi Lu Di's strength is mainly in the rules, the rank imprisonment has little effect on her, as a relative demon she can be considered a considerable advantage. So Rhode asked about her condition by the way. Although she was very afraid of Rhode, Qiludi still obediently answered Rhode's question.

Unlike Anne, who is lucky enough to be a watchmaker, Qi Ludi is a bad mold. She is teleported to a shadow monster giant's lair, which is the reputed King of the Cave in Shadow Canyon. It is a giant earthworm that is seven or eight meters high, but the sharp fangs and venom of venom, coupled with the small earthworms that spread all over the mountains, kill Qiluodi, and the underground channels extend in all directions, and Qiludi does not know Where should I go? I was only able to kill all the way forward, only to be ashamed. Then I do n’t know if she was afraid of being killed or killed by Qiludi. A king of giant bugs came out to find Qiludi in revenge, surrounded by mobs, and was killed by Qiludi, who was almost tormented. None of Gu's body was left for the other. Then the King of the Giant Bugs was killed and turned into a crystal, and then Qiludi took the crystal and teleported here.

It seems that the problem lies with this crystal.

After listening to Qi Ludi's resentful remarks, Rhodes thought for a while, and quickly came to the answer. After he killed the Valkyrie, he got a crystal and was teleported here. Annie also found a crystal in the garden maze and was teleported here. Now Qiludi also killed a boss and teleported the crystal here. Is there anything wrong with this crystal?


At this time, two more flashes of light flashed, and then Bingxueer and Angeline appeared on the arena. Bingxue's expression was as calm as ever, and she seemed to have a priority after a meal walk. But Angeline was miserable. The original neat and princess skirt was tattered everywhere, and it looked as if it had been scratched in the rain. Seeing Rhodes and others, Bingxueer and Anjielinte also looked happy, hurriedly gathered around, and talked to Rhodes about their respective experiences.

Bingxue was teleported to the Graveyard of Death, a relatively open field in the Phantom Canyon. There is no better room for this maddening jet like Bingxueer, so Bingxue has played guerrillas in the death graveyard relying on his high mobility as an archer and those undead ghosts. Then a series of shots out of line of sight directly shot the ** oss in the death graveyard to death. The whole process can be said to be unpredictable. With the ability of Bingxueer, those shadowless undead creatures are completely dead even before her body is near.

The reason why Bingxue came so late is very simple. Although the bow and arrow can play through the distance, unfortunately, Bingxue has no way to bind himself to the bow and arrow and throw it together. So although Bingxueer's speed of clearing strangeness is considered to be the most, but most of her time is spent on the road ......... After all, the death graveyard is not small.

On the contrary, Angeline was much miserable, and her strength was originally the weakest of all. Fortunately, the immortality was teleported to the Fountain of Light. It can be regarded as one of the strongest light properties in the shadow canyon, even stronger than the crystal forest where Rhodes is located, but Anjielinte is a blood-sucking species, and he was not very cold about light elements. As a result, she was not only uncomfortable, but also chased by hundreds of light-element creatures. She was a tragedy. However, Anjielinte was also considered to be rolling out of the sea of ​​swords and mountains. At that time, I did not hit the ring with Esther Weier. Although these light elements were troublesome. It is always better than the four magicians. Therefore, Angeline finally used her special skills to sneak into the center of the Fountain of Light. After being split up twice, she got the crystal and was teleported. Even though she was almost finished just now, if Anjie Linte was fast enough, her little head would fall again.

"Where's Bubble and Elin?"

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Rhodes frowned, and could not help but wonder. After all, until now. Bubbles and Eileen haven't even appeared yet, which surprised him so much. Even Angeline passed the trial, so it should not be possible for Bubbles to be trapped. Not to mention Eileen's side, Eileen started trials before Rhodes entered the trial site. In theory, she should be the first talent pair to reach the arena.

"Did anyone see them?"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, everyone looked at each other, and Bingxueer and Anjielinte responded. Bingxueer saw a large and dazzling beam of light bursting from the southeast from time to time when the death graveyard was cleared. From her familiarity with the bubble, Bingxue knew that it was a good thing for the bubble to do without even asking. It's just that there is too far away from Bingxueer, and there is a cliff across the death graveyard. There is no way Bingxue thinks about it, so I have to concentrate on doing things on my own. And when Anjie Linte chased around by the mobs in the Fountain of Light, she indeed saw the figure of Yi Lin appearing in the window of the dark tower in the distance, but unfortunately, Yi Lin didn't seem to notice To Angeline. On the contrary, An Jie Linte saw that Her Royal Highness was very excited. As a result, the mobs just grabbed the wheel just after calling for birth. If it's not enough luck, I'm afraid it's over. An Jie Linte apparently had no backbone, she originally planned to go to the tower to find Yi Lin to complete the trial together. As a result, she found tragically that the entire fountain of light was covered by a magic barrier, and she could not leave at all. So Angeline was forced to continue her trials while crying, but fortunately she finally passed the trials.

Now, bubble and Eileen are left.

After exchanging their experiences with each other, everyone stood there waiting for the last two. Although according to the rules, this dark arena should be built for the heirs of the dragon souls, but unfortunately, the dark dragons who originally designed this arena did not expect that Rhodes would be a group of them. This should have been a **** river that was so dangerous and dangerous that it has been extremely harmonious until now.

They just waited for another hour, but there were still no two of them. This caused other people to feel a little worried, and Rhodes also calculated it a bit. It was said that the trial was completed within 36 hours. Later, the chaos invasion was caused by the mistakes of the two dragon girls, which made the time limit all at once. It was shortened to more than twenty hours. And it's been almost ten hours since they passed in.

Is something wrong?

In the face of this scene, even Rhodes has no way. They cannot leave this arena, and even if they leave, they do not know where to go. Now they can only wait here to see when Elin and Bubble can reach their destination.

"Well !!!"

And when everyone was anxious, suddenly a white light flashed. (To be continued ...)

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