Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 559: Declared War Banner


The crystal wine glass collided with the heavy marble floor, and the next moment it shattered and cracked. The bright red liquid was scattered along with the wreckage, bringing a bit of strange red on the dark floor. Ion looked up, staring coldly at the darkness in front of him, with scarlet colors appearing in his eyes.

"Haven't found it yet? A bunch of waste !!"

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty."

Facing Ion's roar, squatting in front of him, the vampires in gorgeous dresses couldn't help looking pale, and lowered their heads in a sincerity. It's been a long time since Elin's disappearance, but they still can't find the Princess of the Moon. Although they have almost turned the whole night into the sky, there are still no clues. This made Iang almost suffocate his lungs. He even opened the realm of guarding the city to prevent his sister from escaping, but this group of wastes ... can't even do this little thing!

"Your waste is really useless!"

Looking at the dark shadow kneeling in front of him, Ion snorted coldly, and then he suddenly waved his right hand, and saw that with the movement of Ion, a sharp, heavy tide erupted instantly and flew towards the shadow in front of him. I heard only a bang, and the dark shadow at the front exploded in the next moment. Blood was mixed with broken pieces of meat and scattered in all directions, bringing a bit of blood to the hall. Seeing this scene, the vampires in the back immediately lowered their heads, and the atmosphere did not dare to stare at the floor in front of them.

"Get out! Get out of me! No matter what method you use, be sure to find Elin! No matter whether you live or die! Find her! Did you hear it! Or I want all of you to die! All to die Get out now, get out now !!! "

There was silence in the hall, only Ion's roar echoed. The vampires have quickly and quietly left here. But Ion's mood didn't get better because of this. He stood up, walked to the window with an almost gloomy face dripping water, and stared at the dark city outside. At this moment, the night capital has completely lost its peace. Under the envelope of the dark night barrier, there is a mess everywhere. The original exquisite building has been turned into wreckage and ruins. The family residences that had tried to fight against Ion and escaped here have been completely leveled, and the burning green spirits are beating on the ruins, and suddenly look at the night The capital is like a large brazier that has gradually extinguished the charcoal fire. With the remaining flames, there are only traces left after burning. And that ancient city that has been in the dark for thousands of years. It was completely disintegrated at this moment. Earlier Ion sent a large number of troops to find his sister in the night capital, but at the same time he was also destroying those who resisted and avoided him. He knew very well that not everyone in the night capital was willing to obey his orders, especially after he had this powerful power. But how about this? They will be destroyed, no one can escape the night capital, the only choice they can make. It is destruction, or surrender. And this is just a matter of time.

But what about this?

Looking at the broken building debris below, a trace of madness and joy appeared in Ion's eyes. He has gained strength, more powerful than before, not by whom. It ’s not a reward, but it ’s all based on the strength you get! He has gained more power than ever, and he has unprecedented power! One day, this continent, this world, everything here will be subject to him! !!

By that time, no one will be his obstacle. No one can do it, even if it is your own sister!

Thinking of this, Ion clenched his fist, his mouth slightly raised, and a little crazy smile appeared. But the next moment, his complexion suddenly changed!

I saw this moment, in front of Ion. The dark barrier that originally enveloped the entire night capital began to dissipate, as if the stage play had finally begun to perform after a long preparation, the original dark barrier gradually rose to reconnect the entire night capital with the outside world. And at the same time. The dense white fog began to pour into the night capital like a pouring tide. Seeing this scene, Ion's eyes widened suddenly, his expression distorted, and he couldn't believe howls.

"What's going on ?! How can this be happening! Who is it? Who lifted the barrier? !!!"

It is not surprising that Ion will have this question, because unlike other enchantments, the dark night is responsible for guarding the entire night capital, and only the master of the night capital has the power to turn it on and off. In other words, at this moment in the night capital, there is no other person except Iang who has the power to lift the barrier!

"—————— !!!"

And at this moment, as if echoing Ion's question, a crisp dragon yin suddenly sounded, cut through the sky, and came in all directions. Hearing this dragon yin, Ion's face suddenly changed, and he knew exactly who it was. But how could she leave? How did she leave? !!

"Eileen ......... you ......... ah ah ah ah ah !!!"

However, before Ion had finished speaking, he was replaced by a scream of screams. I saw the tall man who stood here quite straight the last moment, but the next moment was holding his head and screaming loudly. His complexion began to twist, becoming dreadful and scary. Douda's sweat dripping from Ion's forehead, violent, as if the body had been cut off from the body, so came from the depths of the soul, hit Ion's body heavily. Ion clenched his teeth tightly and forcibly resisted this crazy torture with his own willpower. His body was not controlled by the brain, and he began to instinctively curl and tremble. The muscles convulsed, and the intense pain began to torment every nerve and every blood vessel.

Ten whole minutes passed before Ion's body stopped shaking. But at this moment he has completely changed into another look. If Rhode sees Ion now, he will be scared. At this moment, Ion is completely gone. The original Ion is a mature and stable man. But at this moment, his skin was shriveled and wrinkled like an old tree, his fortitude and bright eyes also became dull, and a thick black hair fell clean and almost no hair. And that tall figure began to become stiff at the moment.

"Eileen ......... this is the case ........."

Unlike before, a hoarse, dry voice came from Ion's mouth. At this moment he had fully understood what was happening. Ion obtained the power of the Dragon Soul through irregular means, but now that the Power of the Dragon Soul has found his own master, then naturally he can no longer get any benefit from the power of the Dragon Soul that was originally sleeping. Not only that, because his body and the power of the Dragon Soul have already been linked, the severance of the Power of the Dragon Soul naturally also affected him considerably. Now the power of the dragon soul in his body has been completely cut off, which is almost no different from cutting off Ion's life!


"Hehehe ... hehehehe ... Eileen. Okay ... well done ... hehehehahahahahaha!"

Instead of angering, Aon curled up on the ground, he laughed aloud. And accompanied by Ion's laughter, I saw the dark shadow beneath him suddenly fly like a flame, and the blink of an eye completely engulfed Ion. And in more than ten minutes. The fierce burning flame gradually extinguished, and Ion's figure emerged again. But this time, his appearance changed again.

The skinny old man who seemed to be as thin as a bone just now has completely disappeared. At this moment, Ion is completely a young man in his early twenties. Bai Jing, with a handsome, weird smile on his handsome face, at this moment Ion seemed to be completely changed. If Ion was the kind of cold, silent, and determined man before. But now he looks like a **** with a flirtatious behavior, only to see Ion look into the sky with a charming smile, and then he narrows his eyes, a cold mang from his Flashed in his eyes.

"That's great, sister ...... thank you for solving my problem ...... then, it's time to say hello to you!"

After saying this. I saw the flash of Ion's figure, and the next moment, he turned into a black light and rushed out of the hall, flying straight towards the sky.

"—————— !!!!!! |

Long Yin sounded.

The huge dark dragon raised his head high enough to cover the heavens and earth with wings spread to both sides. With the sound of this dragon, the world in front of me has changed again. The Dragon Soul Barrier, originally contaminated by chaos, quickly shattered and disappeared, and the dark night appeared again on the top of the sky. The silvery and clear moonlight was falling down from it, and it shone on the ground in front of him. When the moonlight shone, the white mist on the ground suddenly rolled back and hurried back. At this moment, the power of order once again regained its initiative. The soft moonlight turned into a solid barrier at this time, the silvery white light was straight forward, and almost nothing could resist the attack of the moonlight. On the ground where the white mist receded, the earth regained its original appearance.

"It seems to be going well."

Seeing this, Rod was relieved. Fortunately, the kingdom of night has not been eroded by chaos for a long time, and because of this, the kingdom of night has not been shaken at all. In this way, as long as Yilin uses the power of darkness to reorganize and restore order, chaos will self-destruct.

"It feels like the Void Leader of the Commander."

On the other side, Little Bubble Gum stared curiously at the night sky in front of him, then shook his head and opened his mouth. But the little guy's words are not wrong. After Yi Lin accepted the inheritance of Dragon Soul, the Dragon Soul Barrier of the new Dark Dragon was naturally displayed by Yi Lin's rules. The original country of night was a dark night and three rounds of blood-red full moon, but the night of the country of night has become more peaceful and dark. Different from the darkness that seemed to swallow the whole person in the past, the darkness of the nightland now looks like the night in the evening, quiet and leisure, a round silver moon Hanging high in the air, brings a calm atmosphere. It's like lying in the wild grassland while enjoying the night while falling asleep, the feeling of tranquility.

Of course, although Rhode's Nether Leader and the newly-born Night Kingdom's Dragon Soul Guardian may look a bit similar at first glance, in fact the differences between the two are quite large. After all, the country of night controlled by Eileen is still ordinary night, unlike Rhode's void leader, which is basically the rhythm of outer space ...

Rhode did not stop Yilin from returning to order in the kingdom of the night. After all, now Eileen has mastered the power of the Dragon Soul, and there is no need to hide like before, and she is here. The two forces of the Dragon Soul joined forces with Rhodes and they didn't believe who could be scared. Because of this, Rhodes is also quite relieved at the moment with his hands folded, looking at Yi Lin who is reorganizing the order in the sky.


And just then, suddenly a dragon roar rang again.

But this time, the dragon roar did not come from Eileen, but from a place surrounded by chaotic erosion!

"Eileen. Be careful!"

Hearing the dragon roar, Rhodes knew that things were not good. Sure enough, I saw that Rod's voice didn't fall, and the chaos that was originally driven by moonlight suddenly stopped castration, but not only that, it also launched a counterattack against the night barrier in front of it! The silver moonlight and the black night advance. It seemed as if the torrents of mountains and rivers were pouring forward, and the turbid white chaos issued a shrill shrill, sweeping back. I saw the chaos in front of me receding like a wave, and the next moment, they were layered together, and rushed forward! !!

"Boom boom boom boom !!!"

For a moment, the whole world started to shake. The earth trembled, the air began to tear, and the air rang out. The collision of forces that were not visible to the naked eye even began to distort and deform. The void, which was originally empty, began to appear, and the fluctuation of power spread from top to bottom The aftermath of the fighting between the two sides only hit the ground heavily in an instant. It was to see the colorful earth burst, and the original solid ground quickly began to collapse. The soil and rocks quickly shattered under the squeeze of huge forces, and disappeared. In the face of the chaos again, Yi Lin did not mean to retreat at this moment. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the chaos ahead. Opening her mouth, with the movement of Yi Lin, she saw the silver moonlight condense on her side instantly. Formed an ancient and powerful sacred rune. At the moment when the rune was formed, the silvery moonlight became more and more ordered. In the eyes of Rhodes and others, it even felt as if the bright moon floating in the sky at this moment once again burst into a circle of halo. Shoot out. Blended with the glory of the previous moon, it breaks the resistance of chaos again as if hit by a hammer!

But Chaos is obviously not willing to give up, even if it is squeezed again and again in the face of moonlight, they will not die back, the white mist is torn and disappeared, and then appears again out of thin air, continue to move forward, torn again , Disappears, reappears, as if a person is pulling on your body stubbornly, even if you stab with a knife, shoot with a machine gun, bomb with a grenade, or even bomb with a nuclear bomb, as long as it is not dead yet, then it will definitely not Will let you go!

"How could Ion have such great power?"

Looking at the chaos that is unrelenting, Rhodes frowned. According to the two dragon girls, after Ilin inherited the power of Dragon Soul, Ion should cut off the transmission of Dragon Soul power. In theory, the blow to Ion was absolutely huge. He should have lost half his life even if he didn't die. But now ... seeing what Ion looked like, it didn't seem like he was struggling. After all, even dying struggles have time constraints, and looking at the current situation of chaos, this is completely a stubborn plan to prepare for a protracted war, not a precursor to death after an addiction.

It seemed that Ion was deeply eroded by chaos.

Thinking of this, Rhodes looked so pale that he had almost guessed that since Ion could still show such a powerful power without the support of the Dragon Spirit, then he could only think that he had owned a The power of the Dragon Soul is almost the same, and considering Ion's current situation, the answer to this question is obvious. Obviously, Ion has been completely eroded by chaos, and has the power of strong chaos to back it up, so he dares to continue to fight against the dragon soul.

At this time, suddenly, the thick white fog on the side of the chaos began to recede quickly, and then a huge figure appeared in front of everyone. Seeing this figure in front of him, Rhodes raised a brow.

It seems that the Lord has appeared.

"......... Brother Brother."

Eileen floated in the air, staring quietly at the dragon in front of her. At this moment, Ion had completely made her unrecognizable. Originally speaking, as a dark dragon, Ion's true body should also be a huge black dragon. But now Ion's body is a turbid white, and it looks like Ion's body is covered with a layer of dirty paint. And its eyes have also become a kind of dark and bright red, just looking at it makes people feel shocked.

"It seems that in the end, you still have the inheritance of Dragon Soul, my lovely sister."

Facing Yilin's gaze, Ion didn't seem to feel anything wrong. He stared at the black dragon in front of him and said with a smile.

"I knew it would be such a day sooner or later. But ... it doesn't make much sense to say it now."

"Yes, elder brother, it's meaningless to say this now."

Eileen didn't say much, as Ion said, no matter what mood he had in the first place and under what circumstances he made that choice. But he has made a choice, and things have developed to the previous point. History has no if, since everyone can not go back to the past. So questioning, confession, and questioning are meaningless. Since the birth of Dragon Soul Continent until now, when order and chaos meet, there is only one ending.

That is fighting!

"Come on, brother, I'm going to end all this and drive chaos out completely!"

"Stupid, my sister! I will let you see for yourself how powerful the power of chaos is!"

With the wrath of the two, the power of order and chaos condensed and collided again!

And the battle has begun!

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