Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 563: Starry

Figures came out of the Xingling Hall and soon filled the whole square. Among them were men and women, old and young.


Looking at the crowd in front of them, even Malin and Chillodi who had followed them lost their language for a while. Like everyone else, they were also curious how Rhodes would recruit enough soldiers Facing the upcoming battle. But now, there is no doubt about Marlene. She believes that when others see such a large and powerful team, she will also be silent, and will never have any doubt about Rhode's statement. Each of them was dressed in extremely powerful gear shining with magical aura. And as a demon god, Ma Lin can clearly feel that each of them has the same or even more powerful power as little bubble gum and canary!

If it is these people, it can indeed resist the chaotic attack!

"Your Majesty? Where did you find these people?"

Thinking of this, Qi Ludi could not restrain her curiosity and asked. Facing her inquiry, Rhodes smiled from the bottom of his heart, and then he looked forward and said.

"They were my companions and comrades-in-arms. We used to take risks and fight together. But I didn't expect that in this world, I would have the opportunity to fight alongside them."

Speaking of which, Rhode's mood is a bit complicated. He looked at the people in front of him, and he was also lost in front of those familiar. After confirming the plan to move Dragon Soul Continent away, Rhodes had the idea. The root is in the Star Spirit Hall, because according to the introduction of the system, the Star Spirit Hall can summon the legions that have ever fought under its master according to the main card, and after seeing this system description. In the heart of Rhodes, an idea has spontaneously emerged. If it is really described by the Star Spirit Hall, can he summon members of the Starlight Guild who once fought with him?

This idea can no longer be suppressed after Rhodes's heart surged, and he has the conditions to satisfy himself. First of all, there is no problem with the Soul Hall of Summoning. In terms of summoning cards, Rhodes has turned his dragon form into a card when he succeeded in developing the vanity leader, which can be said to be self-explanatory. Next, if this card can be systematically determined to belong to Rhodes, is it possible to summon Starlight's people around this?

Of course, after that, Rod also discussed with his sister and Qilian. The results were also very exciting for Rhodes. Because Rhodes carried the entire system when crossing, the data collected in all systems was naturally brought over, and it included the data and intelligence information of all players in Dragon Soul Mainland, as long as they can establish a connection, then You can successfully summon them back.

It's just that compared to Little Bubble Gum and Canary, the projection of everyone in these starlights is not so advanced. The Phantom Guard is reproduced through Rhodes' memory. This is not the case for the members of these stars. They are from intelligence gathering. That is to say, the actions of these people are completely the game intelligence collection system of the Dragon Soul mainland. Appears in the form of data organization and reproduction. In short, their position in this world is similar to the npc that Rhodes encountered in the Dragon Soul continent on earth. Just on Earth. "Liya" and other talents are npc, and in this world, the status of both sides has changed. Not only that, although it seems that these people are not different from ordinary people on the surface, in fact they can only do what they have done in the game, and if they have not been included in the actions, these people will not Made it out. After all, the game only collects their action data, not including reading the mind and soul. This is what makes them different from Canary, Little Bubble Gum, Frozen, and Heart of Bran.

And in order to show such a huge amount of information. Rod also consumed a considerable amount of power, and now he has used almost all the power of the Dragon Soul to maintain the people in front of him. And in this way, his own strength will naturally be weakened to the same degree as others, that is to say, the current strength of Rhodes is only the summoning swordsman at the peak of level 85. But for Rhodes. This exchange is obviously very cost-effective. If it was the case before, he might still be a little worried and hesitant, but now that he has a sister by his side, Rhodes doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore. The younger sister who has recovered the flesh also has the same power of the Nether Dragon. Even if she is absent, her younger sister supports the overall situation, which is enough.

"How? Marilyn?"

Looking at the bustling crowd in front of him, Rhodes could not help but smile. He seemed to be back in the game. Everyone gathered together to prepare for a copy or the scene before the guild battle. Everyone is enjoying the fun of the game, the fun of fighting, and victory.

"They are really strong, Rhodes."

Facing Rhode's inquiry, Marin nodded. At this moment, she was keenly aware that although these people were all dressed differently, they still had one thing in common-that is, no matter where they were, everyone must wear a cross star badge. This badge is not unfamiliar to Marin, because she has the same thing in her hands. And Ma Lin also believes that the powerful strength of these people will definitely play a huge advantage in the face of chaos, but ...

"Rhode, although this is not what I should say, but the discipline of these people ... is it really okay?"

No wonder Marlene will ask this, she is not the first time to see the soldiers summoned from the Temple of Star Spirit. Whether it's an elf, an angel, or any other race, it's very disciplined in general. Just standing there and looking at it, you can feel the momentum of Xiao Xiao, giving people a feeling of invincibility. But these people in front of them are strong enough, but they don't seem to be doing anything right. Not at all like those trained troops. In front of her, Marin even saw a lot of people gathered in groups of three or five, excited and talking about something. Others looked curiously in all directions, without seeming to take Rhodes in their eyes. And many of them seem to be standing or not. This made Marilyn speechless. She even saw several thieves with legendary peak-level strength just squatting beside, pointing and painting while hesitating. He smiled and showed a weird smile that was "promiscuous but unscrupulous." Just know what to say. On the Dragon Soul continent, the strong are generally self-respecting, and the more powerful the more obvious this is. But these people summoned by Rhodes are completely different, and their strength is also outstanding in the Dragon Soul continent. But Marin looked at them, but she had no master style ...

"Don't worry, don't look at them like this, it's still serious when you should be serious."

Hearing Malin's inquiry, Rhode smiled bitterly, but could not help it. Who called these guys like this on weekdays? After all, they are playing games, not really fighting between life and death, everyone is playing happily, and who would like to line up in the game like military training? Because of this, it's no surprise that the whole square is noisy like the vegetable market.

However, they should give them a little more confidence, and these guys' performance now really does not give themselves a long face.

Think of it here. Rhodes clapped his palms and greeted a few people not far away.

"Lao Liu, straighten up!"

"Received, badge."

Hearing Rhode's order, a few people nodded, and then saw that the first middle-aged man in a dark robe raised his staff in high hands. Soon, a fireball came from the staff. It spurted out, and then a "bang" burst into the air. Seeing this fireball, the original bustling crowd immediately stopped talking. Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of Rhodes. Seeing this, Ma Lin raised her eyebrows curiously. She could see that these people were not frightened by the sudden fireball explosion, because if so, they should look at the launch immediately The mage of the fireball is right. But in fact, these people only glanced at the fireball, but immediately turned their attention to Rhodes standing in front of them. From this we can see that this was probably their customary secret sign. Seeing here, Marin was also secretly surprised. She originally thought that these people were not very disciplined, but it does not seem to be the case now, although they may not have undergone formal training like the Song Guards of the Moon Shadow, But these people have a unique cohesion.

"It's been a long time, folks."

Seeing everyone looking at himself, Rhode smiled. At this moment, he felt like he was back in the game again. In Rhodes' memory, the last time he made himself so enthusiastic was when he led the entire guild to attack the Council of Light from the back. At that time, the players were just players. They were just living in the game, playing tasks and games with the flow. Never thought to change all of this himself, it was Rhodes who first put forward this suggestion, and rushed with the people of the Starlight Guild to grab the final defense of Casablanca in the kingdom of the night and directly attack the light from behind. The parliament launched a raid.

That is, after that, players finally found out that they can also change the plot, they no longer need to just stand by and watch the npc acting as before, and they can only wait obediently after the ending of the scene. It's about having the power to change your destiny. That is not the fate of several people, even the entire country, or even the entire Dragon Soul continent ...

"This time, I need your help to call you here. We used to work together to change our destiny, and now we have to face and change the world again! I think you already know something, Those **** chaos are just haunting and come to us again, brothers, and say, how can we clean them up !? "

"Go over them! Head !!!!"

"Chairman! This time we directly hit the 890th floor of the bottomless abyss. I don't believe we can't penetrate that **** ghost place?"

"The group leader asks for a group, position, 985 and other pretends to fight for the group! This time you must kill the boss, you must group me!"

"Three black-handed gods are here, head, this time, it's not you who touch the body! If you want to touch the body, I won't play!"

"Give me all. You scum, who wouldn't listen to the chairman? President, see me so preaching, introduce me to the girl around you, I have no other requirements, give a home address And the phone number ... "

For a time. The whole square was noisy again, which caught Marin and others a bit off guard, staring blankly at the scene in front of her. They have also seen all kinds of pre-war declarations, but they have never seen such unreliable things. Listening to what these people have said and Rhodes ’previous speeches have nothing to do with it, even let Marin Some wonder if there is something wrong with their ears and understanding. Otherwise why Rod is obviously talking about chaos invasion. How did these people start to ask for teams, gossip, equipment, and black people?

What do they mean by these words?

However, when Malin was gazing at the incredible scene in front of her, Rhodes didn't care about it. Instead, he beckoned and called over a dozen of them together with Bingxue and Canary. Then they said something in their ears, and soon saw those people dispersed on their own. Returning to the crowd, it didn't take long for the crowd to start walking downwards, but with their high interest, Marlene always felt that they were coming for tourism, not fighting ...

This time, the total number of Starlight Guild players summoned by Rhodes through the Star Spirit Hall is 30,000, which is still the result after streamlining. You should know that Starlight Guild has more than 100,000 players joining it at its strongest. If Rhodes could show them all, Chaos would have no hope at all. But unfortunately, Rhode's Dragon Soul has its limits. Although he can also show 100,000 people at one time, their equipment cannot be reproduced well. It can be said that if Rhodes chooses to have 100,000 people, then the basic level is the rhythm of wearing novice outfits, and their fighting power will naturally not be guaranteed. So after much consideration, Rhodes finally decided to summon the most elite members of the 30,000 Starlight Guilds in order to guarantee the number and combat effectiveness at the same time. In addition to 23,000 combat occupations, Rhodes also summoned 7,000 players in the production department. Don't underestimate the players of these production lines. Rhodes can be confident that in the next battle, they will definitely exert more power and influence than anyone can imagine.

For these 30,000 "players", Rhodes has placed them in the land of atonement, since the Void Leader has been developed. The residents who originally lived in the Atonement Land were basically relocated to the Netherland, and it became a military resident. At this moment, it is naturally no problem to accommodate these 30,000 "players."

After that, Rhodes also sent these 30,000 people to various places in need of defense. As the frontline night country, Rhodes sent a team of nearly 8,000 people, and other places also batched. Teams ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 people were sent. In addition, Rhodes also scattered the remaining players to various regions to form squads for inspections to ensure the safety and stability of each region. This kind of thing is very difficult for the regular army, but it is their bounden duty to the players-after all, every player plays like this.

As for these "assistances" sent by Rhodes, almost everyone expressed unprecedented surprise. After all, this is tens of thousands of peak-level powerhouses. They have equipment that even many power leaders are envious of. , Also has a powerful strength no less than the four magic generals and archangels, what surprised them even more is that these people are actually young, and most of them are only ten or twenty years old, so young, and have this Power, but it is unknown, no one has ever heard of them, where did these people come from?

Although there are doubts about the origins of these people, it is good to be able to help one more person with the shortage of manpower. As the day passed, every place began to prepare for the seat. Rhodes and several other dragons of creation are sitting firmly in the center of Grantia, collecting intelligence from all sides.

Chaos did respond.

From the information at hand, the Chaos have begun to invade the Dragon Soul continent again, and the front line of the Night Country has encountered several small-scale battles. It's just that these chaotic powers are limited after all, and they finally return in vain in the face of the undead army that is prepared early. But this is just the beginning.

It seems this battle has to be fought.

After receiving the information, Rhode sighed. He originally expected to fight a tortoise shell-type defensive warfare. As long as he could support the three-tier enchantment and start all, he could throw away the outer part and send it directly. Core area. But the troubles of the kingdom of night are not so easy to solve. Ion apparently made use of the land that originally belonged to the kingdom of the night to connect with the dragon soul continent, so he launched an unscrupulous attack on the dragon soul continent. So in any case, Rhodes must cut off the other party's connection with Dragon Soul Land in exchange for enough time to ensure the development of the barrier.

There is only one way to completely cut off this connection.

That is to kill the fallen one who was once a dragon of darkness --- Ion.

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