Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 667: Sixth place

It didn't take long before it reached Rhodes' ear. The reason is simple, the whole front is frying pan.

At the beginning, it was the country of night. After Yilin's investigation, they were surprised to find that it had happened more than once, and it was not only Yilin's side, but even the magic factory that the player is responsible for. Similar signs have long been made. The methods are the same. The other person disguised as a canary, Little Bubble Gum and Eileen went to the other party to inquire about something and get some information. Because this is not a big deal, and there are no flaws, no one thinks about it. If it weren't for Elin, Canary and Little Bubble Gum were pretty sure they didn't show up at that place at all that time, I'm afraid they even wondered if they remembered it wrong. However, after careful investigation, including the inference of time and the memories of the crowd, they finally confirmed that they had not mistakenly remembered that someone had indeed disguised themselves as an intelligence stealer.

However, the most depressing thing is that the other party obviously dresses up as little bubble gum, less than Canary and Elin. It seems that the pretender knows that little bubble gum is a second-rate product, and he usually makes a few mistakes. No one will say anything. If Canary and Elin, maybe they would have to report it later. But little bubblegum's temperament, everyone is very clear, when whimping, it is normal to go over here and run around. So pretending to be a little bubble gum to check the information, naturally will only be regarded as a little naughty by most people, it will not be too concerned. And this kind of thing is not easy to talk about, after all, the little guy is a flawed character, knowing that if you talk about her bad things behind the back, you are all light. And the little guy now has two people, so even one more. It will not cause others to doubt. It turns out that the mysterious man's idea is very good, but the other party should never look like a little bubble gum in front of the canary. Canary and little bubble gum are more familiar with each other than their sisters. And it seems that although the other party can copy the appearance of little bubble gum, there is no way to copy the memory. Coupled with this little guy is an uncomfortable driver. Eight of the ten sentences that I spoke all day were running the train, and the remaining two sentences were also offensive. So even if the mysterious person imitates it again, it is impossible to have an experience like AOE, equipment data, etc. like a real player, but the performance is too normal. This is exactly what Canary doubts. The main reason. Because unlike other people, until now, the little guy also has a sense of superiority as a "gamer". It's as if a person from a developed country came to a developing country and watched that group of people speak dialects. With a look of awe, like playing with something that has already been bad, the sense of superiority is quite explosive. And just like two people in a foreign country, they will always feel more intimate and familiar when they hear the local accent. Little Bubble Gum is in front of Canaries and others, basically speaking like a chat in the game. Sometimes even whimpers make some emoticons like = 3 = \\ = V = /, just to bully the aboriginal people who can't understand or understand what they are talking about.

However, I have to admit that the childlike nature of the little kid is indeed a sign of her, and no one can learn it. So although the mysterious person learned the tenor of the little bubblegum, the only way to learn "Martian text" is absolutely impossible. This caused suspicion of Canary Instinct. Otherwise, I'm afraid she won't think about it.

Of course, you can imagine that after hearing the news, the two little bubble gums jumped and vowed to cramp the **** after finding that guy. However, everyone knows that they are just talking. They are so powerful that even Canary doesn't notice the difference, and they can easily cross the dragon soul enchantment set by Eileen. Such people are definitely not something a little guy can handle. .

At the same time, similar news came from several other places. Needless to say, there was an unclear relationship between the dark elves and the kingdom of the night, and now Angeline and Leo are considered superiors, so Angeline also said something, And the method of the dark elves to investigate this kind of thing is no worse than that of the night kingdom, and they soon notice the movement and problems in this area. It ’s just that the mysterious person is very low-key in the ground (or that the entire Dragon Soul continent can never find anything more than a little bubble gum). If it was n’t for Leo's investigation and found that there was one time when he went back to rest himself Leo might not be aware of any problems if he headed to the war room as his own identity.

As for Lydia, naturally, it is the same. After all, Lydia and Elin are also girlfriends, so after hearing the reminder from Elin, Lydia also quickly traced it, and was surprised to find that she was also penetrated by the other side. Come in. But this time the mysterious man didn't use Lidia's image very much, and it seemed clear that the archangel's high profile was obviously not suitable for this, so this time it was Gaya who had fallen from the mold, and she was originally floating The commander-in-chief of the Air Fleet, so inspections from top to bottom are naturally indispensable, and she is very close to Lydia, so even if she goes to Lydia to investigate nothing, it wo n’t cause much concern, but it will make Gaya depressed Nope.

And the situation on the Void Nether was not much better. Annie, Li Jie and Marin were in charge of the front of the Void Nether. Annie first knew the news, and then clamored for arrest. Lijie La couldn't help but had to take her and Labis to check it, but Li Jie was very shocked to find that she was on the road too, that mystery It's no longer a day or two that people dressed as Annie and Li Jie are swaying around on the front line! On the contrary, Rabis was less "plagiarized", perhaps because the housekeeper did not go out, and it was not so easy to find a hole.

Although these investigations were done in private, the leaders of all parties knew about it, so after summarizing the situation, the whole front suddenly fry. Although the investigation has not been completed so far, it can be seen that at least the important information on the arrangement, rotation, and supplies of these defense lines has been obtained. It can be said that most of the secrets on their side are no longer secrets to the other party.

Fortunately, though. From the results of investigations by various parties, it is clear that the mysterious man has only one person, so the time for investigating intelligence is in order. At the beginning, when the battle was chaotic, the opponent first mixed in the front of the Nether Leader, and then waited. After the situation stabilized. He ran to the kingdom of light, and then followed the kingdom of light along the kingdom of the kingdom of law, and then to the kingdom of night. As for the investigation results of the country of France, the results have not yet come out, but all parties believe that they must not run away.

What confuses everyone is who this person is and what the intention is to collect this information. If it was chaotic, they would not agree first. After all, the place where it enters is the most confidential area on each front. Like Yilin ’s manor, she has the Dragon Soul enchantment she personally arranged. Even if chaos really broke the defense line, her manor is the last bad luck, order. Contrary to chaos. Even if it is a variant from the earth, it is impossible to reach this point like a fish under the force of pure chaos. Therefore, that person may only be on the side of order, and still be very powerful.

But even so. Nor could it explain why that person was secretly collecting intelligence, and that. Now almost all the forces on the Dragon Soul mainland have been launched. There are basically no martial arts that have hidden for thousands of years. What does this person want to do to collect this information?

That's the point. Even if Rhodes wants to know it, it's hard, everyone knows that Rhodes is now dominating the Holy Sword enchantment, and there is no way to distract. So he didn't tell him this kind of thing at all, but Rhodes had to work hard every day, and naturally he also noticed the dark tide on all fronts. After learning what happened, Rhodes sank. After all, this matter came too far, and it was enough to worry about just being able to come and go without saying who the other party was. Gray Hill and Madaras' "blurring" is indeed powerful, but it is impossible to conceal the existence of the creation dragon level, otherwise the white elves would not get to the point of extermination during the creation war. However, this person's ability is even better than Calles Du Ying's "blurred", and he can walk away from under the eyes of the Dragon of Creation, and was finally found to be wrong by Canary, not because of strength and breath , And it's all because of the "electrocardiogram" between her and Little Bubble Gum. This is really unreliable. If that person is so powerful, can he be safe on his own? Now the only thing Rhodes has confirmed is that Karen must not have been replaced, but what if someone else is in front of him?

Now neither Rhodes nor his sister can walk away. One of them is responsible for the holy sword enchantment, and the other is to use the gate of Akashia to open the plane channel. However, this does not need to worry about Rhodes, because since they dare to do their own thing, they must rely on it-the Seven Pillars are not used to warm the bed.

So after learning about it, Rhodes immediately threw it to Christie.

But what Rhodes imagined was that the matter was resolved faster than he thought, almost the day after he gave it to Christie, he knew the answer himself.


Upon hearing this answer, even Rhodes was a little distracted, but fortunately, it did not have much impact on the Holy Sword enchantment. Seeing the expression on Rhodes' face, Christie nodded with a smile.

"Yes, master, if we didn't guess wrong, it should be our lovely younger sister—the ever-changing devil El Munster."

"The ever-changing devil?"

Hearing this name, Rhodes froze, and of course he knew that the original deities had seven. The youngest of them, Christie, is the eldest of the seven sisters. So far, Rhodes only knows the devil of fate, the relative demon, the demon of knowledge, the devil of existence and the devil of history. And the remaining two demon gods, his sister did not tell him the title and name, but now it seems that this "variable demon god" is also one of them.

Then, Rhode finally heard the ins and outs of things from Christie's mouth.

The demons were not clear about what these people were doing before. Although they are also responsible for taking care of the front line, the main task of the demons is to protect Grantia when Rhodes and his sister get the Holy Sword enchantment and the plane channel, so the front line Side, as long as they do not break through the final line of defense by Chaos Lord, they will not care too much. Of course, such a thing, Yi Lin, they will not talk to the demon gods when they investigate, after all, it is an ugly house to be advertised ...

And when things got into Rhodes' side. After being taken over by Christie, they soon noticed the problem. The seven-pillar demon was created by the Nether Dragon to maintain the entire world of order at the beginning of the world. They themselves represent the world of order itself, and it happens that among them, a devil can indeed do such a thing.

That is the ever-changing devil-El Munster.

of course. Prior to this, Christie did not find a way to confirm the identity of the other party, and her approach was very simple. Indeed, El Munster's ability was almost true and difficult to distinguish, but she could not escape the "history" record. . So after identifying El Munster, Alice immediately used her historical backtracking to search the entire record. Then they soon discovered that during the time when Canary went back to rest before, the history of "two little bubble gums fighting on the front line with the Chaos Monsters" was indeed recorded in the history, and at the same time, in Canary On the bird's side, there was a record of "Going to Irene's residence. I took a copy of the information". And that vacancy is a sign of contradiction. Because each individual is unique, A is A, B is B. But if one exists uses A's identity to create another A, then it is equivalent to two As appearing on the time axis without any prioritization. This contradiction is that the borrower will later be judged as non-existent. It is also called. It was through this that Christie was certain. That was indeed El Munster.

The power of the demon gods is the pinnacle of the order world, and even the other four dragons of creation are not necessarily comparable. But not everyone is good at fighting, like the historical demon Alice, who is not satisfactory in this respect, and is not as good as Qiludi. The same is true of the ever-changing demon **** El Munster. She is best at only one ability, which is to "borrow" other people's identities. In other words, when El Munster sees a goal, she only needs to use this ability to "borrow" it, and she will immediately make her appearance exactly the same as the other, including the tone and temperament, without any difference. The only difference is that she ca n’t copy each other ’s memories—this is also for El Munster ’s sake. Otherwise, she ’s going to “copy” other people again and again, if they are copied together with the memories, Then it won't be long before she gets caught in the eternal mystery of "Who am I? Who is me? Who am I?"

And the title of the ever-changing devil is also derived from it. In fact, according to Christie, El Munster can not only disguise as other people, but even various things, including animals. Plants and even stones can be easily transformed into shapes. It is also thought that it is more difficult to catch her than others. However, El Munster still prefers to be human. After all, this is more interesting ...

Because of this characteristic, among the Seven Pillars, El Munster is responsible for gathering information about chaos.

"Intelligence gathering for chaos?"

Hearing here, Rhodes is really shocked. Maybe it doesn't seem so difficult to others, but as a player, Rhodes knows how difficult it is to gather information about "chaos". Because chaos is out of order, many times the information you collect is of little use. And the information collected for the first time may not be the same thing for the second time. You know, in the age of Rhodes, there were millions of players, and the forums had over 100 million posts. So many people were doing chaotic intelligence work together, and they were not able to thoroughly understand what was going on inside the chaos. Like my sister's astrological instrument, the gate of Akashia has something to do with chaos. Many of the players are hearsay, not even a practice proof.

There are so many players on the Internet who can't figure out what to do. This El Munster can do it alone. If she can really be strong enough to do chaotic intelligence work, then Rhodes will also give her a knee.

Like several other demon gods, after the vanity dragon crossed and vanished, and the vanity leader was invaded by chaos, El Munster lost track of it. But from now on, like Christie, she went somewhere to avoid the disaster, and came back sneakily. As for when she came back and why she was stealing information on the battlefield, Christie also did not know. It's just that this sister is naughty ......... Also, it's the most fun to have this ability to spoof others. Seeing Little Bubble Gum jumped off her feet, I don't know if El Munster changed to another identity at that time and watched the joke beside him ...

If you let Little Bubble Gum know, I'm afraid it will cause a mess.

As for why El Munster did not return to "recognize his ancestors and return to the ancestors", Christie is also difficult to say, but she knows that although this sister has a naughty temperament, she believes in the principle of "knowing oneself and winning one hundred times" I have never done anything like this, but at that time the Seven Pillars were integrated, so as long as she brought information, she would use it here. But now, with Rhodes, El Munster has no idea what exactly he thinks.

However, in the end, Rhodes decided not to care about her for the time being. After all, if it was really the level of the Seven Pillars, most people wouldn't meet it, and it would be a waste of energy to find it. And since the opponent appears here, I am afraid it has something to do with his own fight.

However, before Rod could relax, he learned a disturbing news from his sister. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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