Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 210: Parasitic beast

Hey, hey, hey.

The dull footsteps hit everyone's heart like a hammer. They held their breaths and stared at the dark shadow until it appeared before the bright fire.

"The Holy Spirit is on ..."

The moment he saw it clearly, Kavos looked up deceitfully, and the double knives in his hands almost fell to the ground because of the carelessness of his master. Fortunately, they were re-perceived by his master before they fell. At that time, Kavos reflected that his surname had re-tightened his weapon and was ashamed of his loss, but maybe he would have no time to care about his behavior if he had time to look around.

Appearing in front of everyone was a huge, fat, bloated body.

It looks like a human, or he used to belong to humans, but now there is only a disgusting corpse left underneath his skin, which looks like a balloon filled with water and swells, a huge head stuck Between the shoulders, his neck could not be seen at all, the fat on his face was squeezed, and even the position of his eyes could not be found--not to mention that these fats were still in motion from time to time!

Marin held out a hand, and then lowered it quickly. She wanted to hold her neck and press down the things that might come up. However, after the girl realized that this would only be counter-productive, she stopped immediately, Li Jie covered her mouth and retreated to the back of the crowd. Although Annie looks normal on the surface, her free hand is secretly clenched. Obviously, even a nerve bar like Annie can't stand such a thing.

"The parasite."

Only Rhodes's performance is as usual, you can hardly hear any emotional fluctuations from his calm voice, calm as if explaining the mysterious adventure show of the Discovery Channel.

"It seems that the brave forerunners ahead of us have now become the worm's lair, stay away from him, pay attention to keep a distance, beware of those tentacles."

Speaking of which, Rhodes held up his sword and pointed at each other. The ten fingers on the palm have now become soft and slender tentacles. They are constantly swaying and shaking, beating against the stone walls and holes. Small teeth, even if they have never fought against this monster, the mercenaries can guess that these fine small teeth are definitely not used to eat and drink ... although sometimes their role is almost for this preparation .


The parasite opened its mouth and yelled. No one could hear it because of pain, anger, or some other reason, but these were not important to Rhode. On the contrary, while the parasite was roaring, he was already He flickered, rushing towards the huge body in front of him with a series of afterimages, and not far behind him, Celia held up his sword, and the whole body burst into a silver sparkling flame, turning into one. A meteor is close behind.

The parasite raises its hand and draws towards Rhodes and Celia, especially the latter, as a demon, it cannot take for granted the dazzling divine light. It feels angry and even a little grieved --- God sees me poorly. I hid in such a deep underground just to hope that I would never see this **** light again. Why are you unwilling to consider my painstakingly to treat this annoying What brings things here?

Isn't this bullying?

Of course, Rhodes and Celia would not appease the injured heart of the latter. Facing the tentacles that were whizzing with the wind, Rhodes measured his body, raised his sword and waved upwards, and then his left hand was extended. As the cyan card emerged and cracked at the fingertips, the turquoise soul bird appeared in the air, it issued a sharp cry, and at the same time a thunder fell from the sky, wrapped around Rhodes' red sword, and those tentacles had not reached themselves Thunder's position bounced off quickly, panicking back. And Celia is equally well prepared. Negative energy and positive energy are always restrained from each other. To deal with this seemingly fierce attack, the angel girl only needs a small guardian circle to ensure she is foolproof.

But for those mercenaries, it was a bit difficult.

The slender tentacles passed by Rhodes and Celia and flew to the rear, which made the mercenaries a little flustered for a while. They did not have the same power as Rhodes and Celia. No experience. Maybe they should rush up to resist? Still dodging?

The hesitant mercenaries took a few steps back in the face of these flying, mixed with the stench, and at this moment, Annie finally stood up-although Rhode's task was to protect her Ma Lin and Li Jie, but as a shield warrior, Anne still fulfills her duties well. The gold shield in her hand quickly deformed and expanded, and when the girl rushed to the front, it had become a huge shield that could cover her body.


The tentacles slammed heavily on the shield, and the missile went away. Like the palm flying insects, it also burned after entering the flame of the flame killer, but it seems that it is not as fragile as those insects, although it is a little bit Mars was burning on its limbs, but these tentacles were still waving wildly, beating around, sworn their existence.

"You idiots, hurry up!"

Kavos quickly responded. He rushed forward, chopped his sword sharply on a tentacle, and the sharp blade left a not so deep mouth in the solid flesh. See This thing is harder than expected.

Kavos grinned, and was about to do it again, and at this time, a silent shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and the flaming dagger in his hand turned into countless blooms in Kavos' eyes. He only felt the light in front of his eyes, and when he looked away, he saw only that tentacle receding quickly. On his body, a deep wound visible to the naked eye was shocking, and Kavos could be sure that absolutely It was not made by yourself.

He blinked, then saw a smiling young man wave his hand at himself, and then quickly left, his actions were so agile and fast, like flowing water. Kavos remembers the young man named Joey. If his memory is still reliable, then according to his subordinates, this guy is just a new rookie who has participated in mercenary work for less than two years. But looking at his attack just now, Kavos can hardly believe that it was an inexperienced rookie. Everyone is also a thief. Naturally, we can see the doorway inside. At least in this respect, Kavos doesn't think this guy named Joey is worse than himself, and his skill seems to be more flexible than himself, not only that, he is also much younger than himself ...

Where did that adult find so many young and talented people?

Kavos glanced back, and even before joining Starlight, their mercenaries talked about these people from time to time, especially the addition of mages-no mercenary group in the entire Pafield area could have The mage worked for them, but Rhodes did it, especially considering the identity of the mage. The Xenia family is one of the most prestigious nobles in the entire Muen Gong country. Even now, when I think of myself and the legend In the status and power of the second generation's descendants, Kavos fought side by side. He felt that it was a dream, an existence that should not become a reality. Big ladies like Malin should obediently sit in those luxuriously decorated rooms and drink tea is what they should do, rather than mingling with themselves mercenaries in this dark cave.

But he had to admit that the young lady did a good job.

But the more so, Kavos became more puzzled. He couldn't figure out why his old and huge family heir would spend time in such a small mercenary group, although I heard she came here only temporarily, But according to Kavos's knowledge and experience of the aristocracy, this seems to be a little longer now, especially in connection with Rhodes's identity. He is somewhat skeptical that the purpose of this young man to form a mercenary group does not seem to be what he had. That's so simple.

But Kavos is too late to think about these issues that can be discussed later. Because at this time, the mercenaries had returned to God. They raised their weapons, rushed to the tentacles, chopped them to the ground, and forced them to stay away from themselves. They took turns to block the tentacles and cooperate with Annie to form a line of defense. Rhodes did not let these mercenaries go up to help, after all, with their current strength, they were not qualified to stand in front of such a monster without any harm, so They just need to be a guardian like they are now.

And they have succeeded.

After being attacked by mercenaries several times in succession, the parasite had to stop its actions. It moved its body awkwardly, blocking the storm and storm attack of Rhodes and Celia. The roaring thunder and the dazzling flame were both it. The most annoying thing, the parasite could easily destroy these **** bastards, but now it seems that it seems to have completely lost control. Even though Rhodes and Celia can only leave scars on the parasite because of the difference in strength, after all, the injury is injury, especially when your wound can never be healed. The scars are just as disturbing.

The parasitic beast roared. It didn't leave much reason left. Now it is completely burnt under the pain and anger, not even the dust. It opened its mouth, sprayed green venom, and waved its tentacles to try to The two pesky guys rolled up and grind them to pieces with their own teeth.

However, Rod is obviously very familiar with the parasitic beast. He did not take a stupid approach to the body. He knows how many bugs are hidden under the parasitic beast's distorted body. Don't look at it as it can maintain human appearance. But in fact, this guy is now like an aircraft carrier carrying hundreds of bugs. They are moving their bodies under the skin of the parasite. This is the real reason why his muscles look twisted. Rod had no doubt that if he got too close, a part of the body of this disgusting monster would suddenly explode and then stretch out many earthworms to try to make a close contact with himself at zero distance. Although Rhodes has no cleanliness, he has no interest in expressing his kindness to these things.

While avoiding the attack of parasites, he and Celia kept a reasonable distance, which would make it easier for him to attack himself, and not make himself too close to the opponent.

The tentacles passed by them more than once, but neither of them looked back, and there was no panic or chaos in the shouts coming from behind them. It seems that the mercenaries did a good job, but this is only temporary. They must hurry up to get this guy. After all, it is them who need time now. Humans are not as strong as demons, nor are they as strong, fragile and tenacious. Is their characteristic, but even tenacious has a limit-Rhodes decided to speed up.

He once again dodged the attack of the parasite, but this time Rhode did not continue to retreat as before, instead, he took a step forward, the dazzling light erupted around the thunder sword, and shot straight at the parasite The huge body, followed by a heavy explosion, stopped the parasite's body, and the torn skin on his body began to collapse. Soon, countless tentacles twisted to fill the gap, but this time they did not succeed. . Because at the same time, Celia, who heard Rhode's order, had rushed into the arms of the parasite with a sword.

Unlike Rhodes, the parasitic beast does not have any "indiscriminate thoughts" on the bird person who is shining all over her. Celia's pure positive energy makes her parasitic eyes look like a shouting slogan. The bombs full of explosives were as horrible. Rhode's attack broke its defense, and Celia even worsened it. The sharp sacred long sword easily followed the unhealed wound and penetrated into it. This caused the The parasite roared angrily, but Celia apparently turned a blind eye to it. She clenched her teeth, and there was only a hatred of evil and demon on her face. This anger turned into a force that went down into the parasite's body with her hands and accompanied her. The angel girl held the sword in both hands and waved hard, and the wound on the parasitic beast was immediately torn out from a huge terrible wound that continued from the left shoulder to the right waist. The divine flame was beating in it, preventing the insects inside it from trying to heal the wound.

Rhodes raised his hand.

"Everyone keep away!"

Marin, who had been following Rhodes' movement, shouted, and soon, the mercenaries who heard her order quickly made way for the girl, and at the same time, the girl held up the staff in her hand, With the mysterious mantra, the air around her immediately dropped to the freezing point. Then, a long sword condensed from the ice emerged from Marin's side, hovering along with the girl's movements and whirl forward.


Dozens of ice swords penetrated the body of the parasitic beast and enlarged its wound. Not only that, the cold cold air quickly and rapidly extended from the sword body, and soon covered the body of the parasite. With a thick layer of hoarfrost. At this time, the movement of the parasitic beast immediately slowed down, and it looked as if it were made of water. The movement quickly became rigid and solidified, and even the original waving tentacles were heavily on the ground. The cold chill continued to be broken along by Rhodes, and the wounds torn by Celia penetrated mercilessly inward, and they frozen the bugs in the parasites, leaving them nowhere to escape. These bugs don't look powerful on the surface, but any attack from the inside is a risk to them.

This is also the approach adopted by Rhodes. Although Thunder and Fire can also have similar consequences, the explosion caused by it afterwards is a very difficult trouble. In the game, if you do this, it will make The parasitic beast explodes completely, and the player will get a very bad "parasitic" debuff while suffering the explosion damage. It will not only lower your surname, but also deprive you of vitality. Purify "this debuff, then the only thing next to face is death.

Now that he's changed reality, Rhodes thinks and knows what the debuff really is.

Only Frost can best control all this, but for Rhodes, he has no good way now. After all, the summon elves he possesses do not have elves with a surname, which is also the only flaw. But Rhodes believes that he can't help it.

He raised his sword and then swung it down vigorously.

The light condensed on the sword was released immediately. It turned into an unparalleled sledgehammer and smashed on the parasite's body. With a heavy roar, the monster's huge body was like a fragile chocolate. It was completely broken, fell to the ground, and from the wound, those frozen insects poured out like a tide, then they were turned into the sacred flame of Celia before they could show their last strength. For ashes.

Well, everything went well.

Rhode folded his sword and glanced at the dark passage in front of him.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before land is successfully opened.

"It's over? Sir?"

It was not until the silver holy fire completely wrapped the parasite's body in them that the mercenaries came forward curiously, and they followed behind Rhode uneasily, staring at the strange and terrible monster in front of them. All of them are a little sceptical, especially now, after seeing the true face of this monster with their own eyes, the mercenaries are even more incredible. They actually fought such a terrible thing, and they also destroyed it.


Rhode nodded.

"At least it's over now."

He then spoke.

(To be continued)

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