Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 230: Sealed Place (1)


Dark green blood splattered, falling on the ground and emitting bursts of white smoke.

"Clean up, let's move on."

Rhode put away the sword, completely ignored the eyes of the mercenaries around him, and gave the order very calmly. The mercenaries were stunned for a moment, and then panic began to pack up the huge corpses.

Originally, these mercenaries thought that in the ruins, they would only encounter a bunch of goblins and the like, but when they actually stepped in here, they found that they were facing an existence they had never seen before— -No goblins, no huge underground spiders, replaced by some creatures they have never seen before. They look like lizards, but they have an absolute difference. They are like humans that walk on two legs. Not only that, they can even use some primitive weapons.

If this is the case, then these mercenaries will not be too surprised. After all, there are many weird races living under the ground, and this lizardman may be one of them. But the gems set on their foreheads conveyed another message to these mercenaries-these lizards were not a naturally-occurring race.

When they first came into contact with these lizardmen, the mercenaries who were unprepared to eat suffered a small loss. The average height of these lizardmen was more than two meters. They were strong and strong. Although they did not wear armor, The scales were enough to slide away the mercenaries' swords. Because of this, the mercenaries were not able to respond at the beginning. It was only after Rhodes quickly issued an order to change their fighting methods that this made the situation a lot more balanced.

But even so, for the mercenaries, what surprised them most was their commander, Rhodes.

In the face of these monsters that are more than two meters tall, Rhodes flew over them like a shadow. Many times the mercenaries only felt a flower in front of them, and then these huge creatures fell to the ground. What is even more weird is that when the mercenaries inspected the corpses, they could not find the slightest wound anyway, they did not know how Rhodes killed these monsters.


"Ah, yes, sir!"

After hearing Rhode's inquiry, Kavos returned to his mind, and then he quickly gave orders. Soon, the mercenaries took out their daggers and knives and came to the huge corpses and dug them down. The gem on their foreheads. And this is exactly what Rhode asked them to do. Although these weird lizardmen look sour and have no loot, the gems on their foreheads seem to be able to sell for a high price.

Withdrawing his gaze from his subordinates, Rhode looked up and re-examined the ruin in front of him.

Unlike the Black Pine Ruins, the remains of the Unicorn Peak are much older and worn out. Except for some stone staircases, no artificial remains can be seen at all, even those murals and sculptures have been sealed in the dust. Layers of dust and vines. This made Rhodes a little worried, if it really happened as he thought, wouldn't it take a long time to reach the goal?

If that's the case, then maybe this time is a little more worthwhile.

However, to his surprise, according to the report of Qilian, after entering the ruins, the Ophelans did not start to clean up the ruins and record them as Rhodes expected, although they did it occasionally. However, according to Qilian's observations, these Ophelans seem to do it only occasionally, by the way, and it seems that they are looking for something.

The news surprised Rhodes. Did he say he was wrong? The manufacturing information of structural refining is not hidden in these murals of the ruins, but in what hidden lost treasure chest? But this is unscientific. Rhodes, the sealed remains under the peak of the Unicorn, has led the team through eighty or eight times without a hundred. They know everything about the equipment here, and if they can really make one in this place, After constructing the design drawing of refining, why bother to go and flatten Ophenia later?

But this group of Ophenia has always been in the Three Treasure Hall. They are willing to come to this ghost place, which means that they really have what they want.

However, another possibility is not excluded, that is, the design of the construction and refining was not intended to be given to the player. According to the current game time, it is still in the middle of the public beta. Most players do n’t even recognize the Dragon Soul mainland. It's not cost-effective to run into the remains of this deep mountain old forest. And Dragon Soul Mainland is the only real "real-time" online game, which means that the npc in the game will live like ordinary people. They will also go to work, live or take risks when you have n’t noticed—of course, most npcs will resurrect even if they die for various reasons, but this is just for the thought of a player.

Therefore, when players are busy familiarizing themselves with this continent, it is not impossible for npcs to come here to take risks and then take away the design drawings of structural refining. There are a lot of similar npc-specific missions and props in the game.

However, if this is the case, Rhodes must change his plan, and he would have to worry about those Ophelans in order to avoid the sweeping team led by himself and the too far behind. But now, if they are really "looking for" something, then there is no need to wait for them, just clean up all these monsters directly, then there is no problem.

In addition, Qilian also reported another thing to Rhodes-that is, Rabis's situation has become more and more strange. After entering the ruins, the girl seems to have become a self-conscious, affected The indulgent puppet is wandering around in the ruins. If it was not Qilian watching, I don't know where she would go.

Regarding the situation of Rabis, Rhodes can only see in his eyes now. There is no particularly good way. After all, he is not a robot, and he does not understand the three laws.-As a non-alchemy race, he It's not very clear what kind of situation Rabise is now, so he has no other way but to have Qilian keep an eye on Rabise.

After all, I have more things to do now.

"Keep going."

Withdrawing his thoughts, seeing that the mercenaries had harvested the jewels above the lizard's head, Rhodes settled, took a deep breath, and then gave an order. Then he pulled out his sword and continued to move forward.

Only the faint light flashes in the dark channel, beyond the torches held by the mercenaries and the lanterns hanging around the waist, only the noctilucent plants growing on those tunnels are still emitting a cold light, Of course, Rhodes did not forget to keep his people away from these things that can emit light. According to common sense on earth, most of the things that can automatically emit light will not be a good thing ...

There was nothing in the silent passage except the messy footsteps of the mercenaries.

But Rhode did not let go of the "hissing noise" hidden in the darkness.

"Kavos, get ready, left!"

Following Rhode's instructions, Kavos suddenly waved his hands, and soon, under his leadership, several torches were thrown out by the mercenaries. With the sparkle of fire, the darkness receded like a tide, and then revealed the huge body of the lizard man who had hidden it.


The sudden light surprised the lizards. They did not expect that they would be found by the enemy in this situation. Facing these fires that suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, the lizard people who had been living in the dark world underground were naturally intolerable. With such a light, they instinctively reached out to cover their eyes, and at the same time responded with a hissing sound unique to cold-blooded reptiles. At this opportunity, Kavos also rushed up with his subordinates. At the beginning, Kavos also chose to entertain these monsters with a crossbow, but he passed quickly after Rod's mention. I found that the arrows fired by the crossbow had no way to penetrate the smooth scale armor of the lizard man. Instead, it was better to fight closely, and then it was more reliable to start from their weakest abdomen, so I saw now After the lizards fell into chaos, Kavos immediately took out his double knives, greeted his subordinates, and then rushed towards the chaotic lizard crowd with the sharpness and peculiarity of the thieves.

But Rhodes was faster than him.

Kavos only felt a dark shadow flashing at the corner of his eyes. What he saw next was that Rhode suddenly appeared at the feet of the lizard man. At the same time, he raised his sword and made a forward stab action ——— — But the next moment, the stick that the lizardman lifted passed through the afterimage of Rhodes, and hit the ground heavily, and at the same time, the lizardman who lost his life was crooked and straight. Fall down.

This can be regarded as a very impressive scene for Kavos. Rhode's fast speed even made this professional thief stunned. He could not even keep up with Rhode's trajectory, even complete and accurate judgment. The opponent's real-time position could not be achieved. When Kavos saw Rhodes, all he could find was the afterimage left by Rhodes, and it was unknown where he was.

There are more than thirty lizard men in the corner, but Rhodes erased ten of them in just a moment. The rest of the lizardmen waved rudimentary sticks and fought against the mercenaries. Their powerful strength and slender tail are very dangerous weapons for the mercenaries. In addition, these cold-blooded reptiles Kobe are much smarter than they look. They even know the key to defense and prevent the mercenaries. Offense succeeds easily.


A mercenary yelled and waved his two-handed sword, but before his two-handed sword was inserted into the lizardman's soft abdomen, a hard stick blocked it. For a moment, the fire was full of fire. The reaction force from the blade made the mercenary even feel a numbness in his palm, but before he could react, the wind in his ear suddenly sounded, and then the next moment, the lizard man's slender tail was hit hard On the mercenary's body, he was directly pumped out.

"Woo !!!!"

The unsuspecting mercenary flew to the wall in such a way that the hard touch, impact and pain behind him even made him feel like he was about to spit out his internal organs. As he barely struggled to get up, he was horrified to find that the lizard man had rushed to his side and raised the stick in his hand.

Is that so far?

Looking at the big stick, the mercenary's heart was cold.

Shadows flashed.

Rhodes easily jumped over the shoulder of the lizard-like man like a spirit bird. The red cry in his hand swept across the sky, and the translucent blade flew past the lizard-man's neck along with Rhodes' movement. The whole process didn't even take two seconds, Rhode leaped forward and rushed into the battle group like a ghost again.

And until this time, the lizard man who had been harvested and still maintained his action fell to the ground, and the huge wooden stick in his hand passed through the air, hitting the mercenary heavily-this makes He could not help but a spirit, but soon, after realizing the truth of the matter, the mercenary immediately jumped up in cheer, then raised his weapon and rushed towards another lizard man who was attacking his companion.

The battle is far from over.

(To be continued)

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