Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 279: Not ready

For Rhodes, this warm-up match ended with unexpected successes and failures. If it was to convince other mercenary groups to recognize their strength and convince them, and to let Anne and others accept the atmosphere of the game Is successful in this regard. After this round of competitions, no one of those mercenary groups dare to say anything about the strength of Starlight-others can pick five of you, what else can you say?

However, if it is from the feeling of actually experiencing the game, Rhodes feels that this time is a failure, because the opponents they face in the Midsummer Festival cannot be like these third-class characters, and once they ca n’t play, they will abstain and surrender. As the most glorious ritual in Muen Gong, the Midsummer Festival is the highest stage for all mercenaries. The mercenary guilds show their strength through competition, and the mercenary group hopes to expand their influence and popularity, even those ordinary mercenaries, if they perform well at the Midsummer Festival, or have some unique skills, it may even be possible He was valued by the noble officials and other mercenary regiments and guilds, and he transformed himself into a dragon. Therefore, this ceremony is undoubtedly the best opportunity for those capable mercenaries to change their destiny. Because of this, any enemies trying to prevent them from achieving their goals are their enemies, and they fight naturally. It's completely different from those who just surrendered in these warm-up matches. Rhodes was really worried that if the other party showed a strong and unyielding will, would he be able to persist on his side. As the king of competition in the game, even the top player of Dragon Soul mainland no.1, Rhodes is very clear that in addition to its own technology and equipment, this pvp is sometimes the key to influence the outcome. He has seen a lot of talented but talented players, but his psychological skills are quite unsatisfactory. For Rhodes, this is naturally to be avoided.

But before that, he still had something to say.

After the end of the ring game, the crowd returned to the preparation room again. The thick stone walls isolated the lively atmosphere on the Colosseum, and with the cold cold, everyone who was excited by the victory, gradually calmed down at this moment. Come down.

Rodmer watched the others silently. Annie had just finished playing at this moment, and her face was naturally excited. Looking at her, she could not wait to fight again. And Marlene was relatively calm. She just played with the wand in her hand. She was not happy about the victory in front of her, and had no regrets. She looked very calm. Li Jie also had a pleasant smile on her face, and she was very satisfied with her performance. Joey had a stiff face and looked expressionless. In fact, Rhodes could see that he was still upset. As for Lando, although he was a little excited, he was very convergent compared to others.

"I am very satisfied with your performance, but I am not particularly satisfied."

Rhodes spoke, and when he heard him speak, the others hurriedly converged on his face, staring at Rhodes in front of him. But Rhodes didn't say it immediately, but stopped for a moment, and then looked at the crowd while saying it.

"When you were fighting on the field, the voices on the sidelines, I think you all heard it."

Hearing this, Li Jie and others looked slightly changed, while Marlene was still staring at the staff in her hand, as if she was seriously playing hide-and-seek with the gems inlaid on it, and Anne tilted her head curiously. , Looked around, said nothing.


This time, Rod called.

"What do you think of hearing those people calling you a turtle?"

Lijie's complexion changed slightly when she heard Rhode's question. Indeed, on the ring, the mercenaries were shocked by her performance and did not comment on Li Jie. But ordinary people, no matter if you are a spiritual master or whatever, Li Jie's play does not look as beautiful as Malin, and sometimes it is inexplicable. In a word, there is a lack of watching the surname. This also led to her being ridiculed by some people as a "witch" and "head-to-head turtle" when she stepped down. Of course, these unpleasant words made Li Jie very uncomfortable.

At this moment when he heard Rhodes say that, Li Jie couldn't help it.

"Sorry, Mr. Rhodes, I promise next time ... this won't happen again."

Hearing Li Jie's answer, Rhode brushed her expressionlessly, then turned to Joey next to him.

"Joy, although you are one to five, it seems that not everyone is convinced of your performance ..."

"Of course I heard the shouts of those people, sir!"

Joey clenched his fists. The depression in his heart was much bigger than that of Lijie.

"Next time, next time I will make them speechless!"


For Joey's speech, Rhode also did not respond, but directly clicked on the next.

"A lot of people don't seem to have any skill at you, just rely on powerful magic props to get victory. What do you think?"

"But, Lord Chief, using those props is also very skillful ..."

Lando hasn't spoken yet, but Labis on the side has already justified. She also didn't hear the boo of those people when Lando left the field, but of course the girl's surname may of course scold them directly, so I had no choice but to endure ...

But Rhodes didn't respond to Labis's speech. He just shrugged his shoulders and then looked at Marin.

"Marin, it seems that many people are very dissatisfied with you as a Central Mage, bullying these little mercenaries ..."

"How about this?"

Hearing Rhode's words, Marin raised her brows.

"Since they are my opponents, naturally I will try my best to fight, does this have anything to do with them?"

"Mah, Marlene ... you said that too ..."

Li Jie showed a little embarrassment when she heard Marin's words, but hadn't waited for her to say anything, and she nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, nothing to do with them."

"Raw, Mr. Rhode?"

Lijie was shocked to hear Rhode's answer, but Rhode waved her hand and interrupted her next words.

"Why do you care what those people are saying?"


Hearing this question, Li Jie and others were all surprised. In the face of this question, they really couldn't answer it for a while ... Yeah, why? Why do you have to care about what those people say?

"You must not be mistaken. It is you who fights next, no matter how you have won. Now that you have won, just continue as you wish. Those who are sitting in the stands are saying What, it has nothing to do with you. Indeed, they can complain that you don't play well, complain that you rely on powerful equipment, complain that you bully, but what about them? Even if they shouted, they can change our Victory ending? "

Speaking here, Rhode snorted.

"Especially Joey, you said it was a mistake to let your performance make them speechless. I can tell you that even if you become the first thief of the entire Dragon Soul continent, those people will never Shut up. "

"Why, why?"

Hearing Rhode's words, Joey was really puzzled.

"It's simple because they can't beat you."

Facing Joey's doubt, Rhodes spread his hands.

"There is a saying in my hometown that dogs who can bite are not barked, understand? Those who are really capable to fight you will not use this method. Only those who cannot defeat you will They will play tricks like this, and they will desperately pick your mistakes. Even if there are no mistakes, they will find some mistakes. Li Jie, you are a spiritual master, then you are also a caster, why can't you fight as well as Marin? Joey, you ca n’t even see people ’s figures all day long. Why do n’t you face each other face to face? Why would a despicable profession like a thief do anything besides hiding in the shadows and attacking someone else? I won't lose to you, will I? "

"But we ..."

Joey wanted to refute, but Rhodes fought back.

"You don't need to refute my words, because that's the case. They don't care how you fight as thieves and spiritualists. They will only look for these aspects to try to laugh at you and devalue your existence. And you also There is no need to argue ... Do I say that you are not upright and you are not beautiful, do you lose? It is you who fight on the ring, not idiots who know nothing but a mouth. Their opinions cannot be Affecting your victory will not affect your defeat ... unless you are affected. "

After hearing this, Li Jie and Joey could not help lowering their heads. Indeed, as Rhoded said, they were affected. In fact, before Rhodes said this, both of them had vowed secretly in their hearts, next time they must, they must be beautiful and bright, leaving those people speechless.

But at this moment, Rhode's words gave the two of them a head-shot--making them speechless, is it good for them?

Nothing but cheers.

But do they need cheers?

"No, what we need is victory."

Rhodes concluded.

"You have already realized the atmosphere of this match, but I want to tell you that the atmosphere of the true Midsummer Festival will be more sinister than this. You even need to do well in the heart that no one will cheer for your victory. ready."

"Why? Chief?"

Until then, Annie asked curiously.

"If Annie wins, why wouldn't those people applaud Annie?"

The simple girl is obviously not very understandable, although for Anne, in fact, the atmosphere outside the field has little effect on her, because Annie belongs to the type that ignores it when she fights, so she has no time to care about the field Outside view. But the girls still do n’t understand. If they play well, why would n’t anyone applaud?

"Because of our special surname?"

It was not until this time that Marin spoke and answered, and when he heard Marin's answer, Rhode nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, Marlene. I think you also know that the reason why our starlight was able to represent the Pafield area in this guild battle for the Midsummer Festival is because of our special status and the special approval of the mercenary association. But I think You are also very clear that according to the formal process of the Midsummer Festival, if the mercenary group wants to fight against the mercenary guild, they must pass a very difficult outside match, and then they will be eligible to fight against the mercenary guild after winning. It may even have been prepared for a long time. However, the qualifications that they can only get after hard work, but our starlight is easy to get, do you think the mercenary regiments in other regions will not have an opinion on us? In your words Can you accept the opportunity that you need to make great efforts and sacrifice to be able to get, by a mercenary regiment like you, and possibly even weaker than you, without any effort? Far away, just look In the Pafield area, even if these mercenary regiments are greatly injured due to previous events, they even know the gap between themselves and Starlight. They do not question the same qualifications we do? "

"This one……"

At this time, many people realized the serious surname of the matter. Indeed, after qualifying, they feel like they are all floating, because in their view, this is a very rare opportunity, guild battles, the Midsummer Festival, such a formal opportunity for them to show up so easily. Already. This inevitably makes some people feel unpretentious, but now, Rhode immediately made them awake immediately, compared their hearts to their hearts, and if they replaced them, they would definitely be unhappy to see others so lucky.

Why can they fight directly against the mercenary guild without participating in that harsh outside race? Just these rookies?

Rhodes can be sure that even if he finally wins the Midsummer Festival, those questioners and critics will not shut up, but what? His goal is to win, not to please those guys who have nothing to do with his dime outside the court. Their anger, questioning, and ridicule have no meaning to Rhodes.

It's as if in the game, Rhodes' Guild of Guilds was the sole proprietor, and even the rule of the surname affected the development environment of the entire game. At that time, many players posted on the Internet, criticizing the monopoly of Starlight, thinking that they affected the balance of the game. Some players even jointly filed complaints with the game company, hoping that they can stop this kind of behavior, and even some people have alarmed on the Internet that if Starlight continues to be so arbitrary and arbitrary, Dragon Soul Mainland will lose its influence as an online game. It may even lose a lot of players and completely decline. Try to influence game companies in this way.

In the game, many player guilds joined together to fight against the behemoth of Starlight, clamoring to drown Rhodes' guild completely in the ocean of the people.

However, Rhodes has never wavered about such a thousand people's scolding. He didn't care what the game was going down, even if the Dragon Soul Continent was really taken care of due to the serious loss of players, but before the last player left the server, Starlight must still be the most powerful guild in this game!

As for the joint resistance of the players' guild?

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Where there is resistance, there is repression.

This kind of player organized and attempted to divide and defeat the large-scale rebellion of the Starlight Guild. Rhodes led his subordinates did not know how many times they had suppressed it. He had no pressure at all. Because of this, Rhodes knows better than many people what the most important thing is in this battle. Even his Summoning Swordsman is the same. From the time he started the Sword Summoning God, there have been people desperately hacking him, thinking that Rhodes ’s whole story is shit, and his experience is only because of good luck, And conspiracy theorists believe that Rhodes has received the private support of the game company. They completely ignored the summoning spirits that Rhodes had obtained after hundreds of thousands of failures, and only looked at Rhodes. On the few rare summons he possessed, one after another said that it was actually Rod who was lucky to get it, so he was so powerful. The other Summoning Swordsmen did not have such good luck. These natural blacks are unremitting to their work. Even if Rhodes became a **** in the competition in the end, all kinds of questions and conspiracy theories never stopped. Even shortly after Rhodes first received a card from a game company for the first time, online microblogs and forums revealed that Rhodes had actually colluded with the game company in advance, and the result of this game had long been a conspiracy. s.

And Rhode had no interest in it, and the defeated dog bark had no interest in listening. For Rhodes, getting approval from others is not necessary. As long as he does what he wants to do, for him, it is the highest reward, and whether other people recognize his strength is completely out of his care. Even if they bite their teeth and rebuked Rhodes as a waste of luck, it would not affect Rhodes' own strength in the slightest.

"The mercenary guild is powerful and influential, and their supporters must be the majority. As we are mercenaries, our influence is not great. In addition, we do not have qualifications obtained through regular process matches. The dissatisfaction of other mercenary groups, so you must be prepared to participate in the Midsummer Festival, all off-site spectators are enemies ... they will not allow us to win. Not to mention our victory against us Cheers ... if you don't have the mental preparation, go back to bed and sleep early. "

With that said, Rhodes turned and left the Colosseum. Let others understand and think about what this means.

(To be continued)

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