Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 373: Hot recruitment


The tea cup in the hands of the old president fell on the table, the hot black tea was spilled on the table, and even soaked the paper, but the old man didn't care at all. He just stared in surprise and stared at him, Serek, with helplessness and bitter smile, was shocked and surprised.

"If you dare to entertain me early in the morning, believe it or not, I'll stab you? Serek?"

"I really hope you do, old friend."

Facing the old president's semi-threatening speech, Serek reluctantly spread his hands.

"If you can really wake me up from this dream, then I really want it."

After hearing Serek's words, the old president stared at his face and looked at him for a long while, then sat down again, but even so, the old man's face was still pale.

"Do you know? How do I listen to you as if they were joking. Two legends less than 20 years old? Even a drunken fool would not say such exaggerated words."

"I wish I was crazy, but it is true."

Regarding the performance of the old president, Serek did not have any surprises. In fact, the old president was much better. When thinking of his experience last night, Serek was still sweating. Dragon Soul Continent is a place of great respect. Although Serek is much older and more prestigious than the two girls, Serek behaved very carefully in front of the two girls. Caution-this is a respect for strength. Thinking of this, Xerek shook his head, then took out two pieces of paper from his arms.

"This is the mercenary certification of the two ladies, and I will leave it to you, my old friend."

"I still don't believe you."

The old president received the certification handed by Cerek with complex expressions, and watched it carefully word by sentence. Then, the old man frowned, raised his head, and looked at Cerek with doubt and strange look.

"Canary? Little bubble gum? What a weird name is this?"

"Maybe it's a pseudonym, maybe it's their unique customs, all in all, that's it."

Speaking of which, Serek also had a helpless smile. Like the old president, when he heard these two names, Serek's first reaction was whether the other party was joking, but they looked very seriously. He is naturally hard to say anything, only if this is a quirk peculiar to those geniuses, or a unique custom in that place in the eastern Yamahara. Thinking of this, Xerek shook his head, then he reached out and pointed out the window.

"And, old man, I think you saw it too, but now it's very lively outside."

No matter in which world, in which era, or in any place, the most widespread and most noticeable is verbal propaganda, even on the earth, in an era full of Internet, telephone, television, and 3D analog images, there is no any Advertising is more powerful than verbal advertising. Human's most powerful technology is still so vulnerable to human's most primitive instinct. And the same is true here.

After only one night, the rumor that Starlight had two more legendary powerhouses spread throughout the entire Deep Stone City, which immediately stimulated the nerves of many mercenaries. Some of them were surprised, some were ecstatic and some were confused. But in any case, it can be seen from one thing that Starlight has now become the focus of all mercenaries in the Pafield area-that is, from the early morning, head to the Starlight Guild and ask to sign up for their mercenaries. Already lined up to the market area, there were thousands of mercenaries waiting in line. Some of these are those mercenaries who are already free agents. They may have some strength, but they have not joined the mercenary group for various reasons. For them, the mercenary association is obviously a better choice. Some are even members of other mercenary regiments. They ganged up and went to Starlight, eager to get a place in this freshmen's guild.

In the face of this sudden scene, even many people in the Starlight Guild were caught off guard.

"Leader, I think you should think of a way!"

As he wiped the sweat on his forehead, Kavos laid the material in his hand on the table while complaining helplessly.

"There are more and more people out there. We don't have enough staff. If we go on like this, I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

Hearing Shana's words, Rhodes stood up, walked to the window, and looked out the window, but outside the gate, the black mercenaries were like tide, and the water blocked by the entire road was leaking. Although at the gate, Shana and Annie is keeping order with some mercenaries, but their number is really limited.

Originally, before participating in the Midsummer Festival, Rhode's Starlight Mercenary Corps had more than 100 people. However, when participating in the Midsummer Festival, due to the intentional weakness of Rhodes at the beginning, Starlight faced a very poor situation and was pointed out by thousands of men. Among these noises, some people chose to leave because they could not bear such humiliation and blows. For these, Rhodes is well prepared. He has always told Shana and Kavos to record the people who left-since they can't suffer with the team, they don't need them to share the blessing. .

Unsurprisingly, after Rhodes won the final victory of the Midsummer Festival, the mercenaries returned again, hoping to get a place, but in the face of the mercy of these mercenaries, Rhodes did not give them any chance Sweep all these people out of the house directly. After this cleansing, more than 100 mercenaries were swept away, and only 60 people were left—including 35 swordsmen, 10 thieves, and 10 people. Five spiritual masters.

According to Rhodes's estimate, the Starlight Guild will not be more than five hundred people, but now there are tens of thousands of applicants outside, and the remaining four hundred people need to be selected from so many people. Quite difficult.

"I've asked you to make an announcement. Has it been released?"

"Yes, the leader, has been released. After seeing those announcements, many mercenaries have left, but most of them are still there, and more and more ..."

At this point, Kavos shook his head. Just before that, Rhodes asked him to make a paper announcement at the gate, announcing the requirements for this screening. First, Rhodes announced that after this, the guild fortress It will be established in the land of atonement, and at the same time tell everyone that they will go to the land of atonement. Secondly, Rhodes also has certain requirements for the level of personnel. Except for casters and mercenaries above the elite level, they will not accept it. Finally, Rhodes also revealed the rules of the guild-everyone will get a contract in the guild. If they fail to perform within the time limit, they will be kicked out of the guild.

I have to say that these requirements really made many mercenaries retreat. As mercenaries, these people naturally know the situation of the place of atonement, and they have lived in the locality for many years, and most of them have become married. The thought of bringing their family members to such a danger Place, those people played back.

There are still some people who are single and are not afraid of going to the place of atonement, but they are not strong enough and are forcibly excluded. I was only able to leave helplessly. As for the remaining people, many were originally for the welfare and status of the Grand Guild. At this moment, Rhode's requirements are so demanding. It is not like they imagined. As long as they enter the Guild, Then the prospect of their own development in this life, coupled with their strength is obviously not enough to support them to survive this kind of competition, so these people eventually flinched.

But Rhodes is also very clear that this does not mean that the rest are people who meet his requirements. He sees more in the game. After the starlight is strong, many players are holding such ideas and want to join Even if Rhodes mentioned the conditions again and again, from the arena points, to the stringent requirements of the total equipment level and even the achievements, there was no determination to prevent these players from joining Starlight. Because some of them don't care how long they can stay in the guild. They only care about the welfare of the guild, even their status. Many people just want to go and get away. As for the others, they don't care. on.

Rhodes believes that there must be many such people in these mercenaries, but he does not have the fire eye gold, and naturally it is impossible to see the true ideas of others, but Rhodes also has his own consideration.

"How many people are in line now?"

"Countless, leader, I have never seen so many mercenaries in my life. Probably the mercenaries of Pafield have gathered here ..."


He nodded when he heard Kavos' report, and after a moment of contemplation, he spoke.

"You go and inform them again, let the first 500 people stay, and the rest can go. We will first select 100 people out of these 500 people, and then we will select again, as for the others It's just that time. "

"Okay, head."

Hearing Rhodes's calm arrangement, Kavos could not help but secretly yelled. Of course, he understood the benefits of Rhodes's doing so, which could temporarily calm the mercenary's mood, and could change the current situation. Of course, the mercenaries who left did not think that Rhodes was deceiving them. After all, if Rhodes really only chose one hundred people, it would not be enough for his mercenary group, so he definitely needs to do it again. filter.

Of course, Rhodes can also directly get these five hundred personal income guilds and get it directly, but it is foreseeable that if he did that, then the mercenaries who felt that they were being played would definitely not give up.

"But sir, how do you choose from these people ..."

"do not worry."

Rod shook his head, interrupting Kavos's question.

"Just hand it over to Canary and Little Bubble Gum, they know what to do."

As expected by Kavos, after he announced Rhodes's words to the mercenaries, the mercenaries behind him chose to leave. On the contrary, there was some throbbing in the front, and each mercenary expected himself to enter the ranks of the first five hundred people, so he pushed forward desperately, and even disordered and beaten. If it wasn't for Marlene that she wasn't in the right position, and threw a few spells decisively to keep those hot-headed guys awake, then maybe it's really a big trouble.

In the end, the top five hundred lucky people walked into the stronghold with the envy and jealousy of others, and those mercenaries who were rejected because they exceeded their quotas had no choice but to leave. No chance.

Entering the stronghold, these mercenaries were a little nervous. They looked around uneasily, but they did not see Rhodes, but even so, Annie and Marin, who stood aside, were enough to let them Feeling great pressure. Soon, the mercenaries were led by Shana to the backyard, where they saw the two legendary "legends."

"Is they?"

Little Bubble Gum shook his legs and stared dissatisfied at the group of mercenaries in front of him, his mouth narrowed.

"On this level? The head command is too low."

"They are npc, bubbles, you can't ask too much."

Canary looked at the mercenaries with a smile as usual, and nodded at the little girl.

"So, as before, you will be responsible for selecting people, and I will be responsible for testing."


Hearing Canary's words, the little girl jumped upset, and then she came to the mercenaries, looked at them for a few moments, and then stretched out her hand.

"You, you, you, and you, you, don't look at it, it's you ......... Ten of you are here, ready to be tested."

Upon hearing the little girl's instructions, these mercenaries were a little surprised, but they still came out of the team in accordance with the order of little bubble gum. At this time, other mercenaries found that the team chosen by the little girl was really messy. They Among them were swordsmen, thieves, rangers, and even a few mage apprentices. I have to say that this looks like a miscellaneous army.

"Okay, you guys prepare, you can start testing."

After completing this sentence, Little Bubble Gum planned to turn around and leave, and at this moment, suddenly a dark, huge figure came out of the team and stopped in front of her. Seeing the man in front of her, the little girl could not help but sink in dissatisfaction.

"What do you want to do?"

"Hey, I don't want to do anything, miss."

Hearing Little Bubble Gum's inquiry, since the man raised his hands, he took two steps back, and then he looked at Little Bubble Gum with a pleased smile. Then he extended his right hand and pointed at a swordsman in the team raised by Little Bubble Gum.

"The two of us are together, I think ... could you change someone and put me in too? The two of us are good partners, and I believe that we can certainly play our greatest strength together ......... Hey Liszt, are you right? "

Hearing the big man's inquiries, the swordsman's complexion was a little stiff, and his eyes were a little unsteady, but he nodded in the end. Seeing the other's position, the man grinned proudly and laughed.

"Hey, that's it, cute lady, look, can you do it conveniently ..."


Before the man's words were finished, the girl refused. Little Bubble Gum stared coldly at the man in front of him, apparently he didn't like him.

"The head here gave it to me and the elder sister, that is, we have the final say, who I choose is my freedom, and it has nothing to do with you."


Hearing here, the big man looked pale.

"It's wrong of you to say that, miss, we ..."

"I repeat, I love who you choose, you don't care!"

Little Bubble Gum sank at this moment, and then she turned her head and decided to leave. Seeing Little Bubble Gum trying to leave, the big man finally couldn't help but reach out.

"Stop me, I haven't finished talking yet ..."

"Do not touch me!"

The words of the big man were not finished. With a yell, the surrounding area of ​​Little Bubble Gum suddenly burst out with a strong radiance of soul, which suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The big man's burly body trembled suddenly, then immediately flew backward like a tattered rag doll, hitting the wall heavily, and then he tilted to the side, so he lost consciousness.

"The district npc is still so arrogant. If it wasn't for the head of the regiment, I wouldn't hesitate if you don't pluck your skin first, then extract the bones, and then stuff it into the toad's belly.

Gaze coldly at the mercenary who had fainted, little bubble gum hummed, and then whispered. The other mercenaries were stunned watching the scene in front of them. Although they had heard of the existence of two legendary areas of the Starlight Guild, most of the mercenaries thought the rumor was a bit exaggerated. But at the moment, looking at Little Bubble Gum, such a little girl didn't even move her hand, just sighed angrily, and completely knocked out an elite mercenary. This rumored real surname is a little bit more ... Even if this girl does not exist in the realm of legend, by this hand, it is definitely not a role that she can handle.

After whispering, Little Bubble Gum turned around and made a gesture to Canary.

"Okay, big sister, I'll leave it to you next."


Watching all this in front of her, Canary was still smiling, and she went to the ten mercenaries and nodded at them. The girl's kind smile made these mercenaries who were a little disturbed because they saw the tyrannical behavior of Bubble Gum, and soon returned to their mercy. Canary then took a step back, and then her right hand swept aside.

Soon, everyone saw a silver ring with a two-meter-high ring floating in front of them, like a mirror, and the scenery in this "mirror" quickly spun, and quickly turned into Chaos.

"Well, you can go in, as long as you can safely leave this space, then it will pass the test."

After doing all this, Canary said with a smile to everyone. In the face of her invitation, these mercenaries could not help but hesitate-no wonder, after all, humans would hesitate when facing strange things. But soon, a swordsman raised his head and strode into it. After someone took the lead, others followed suit.

It feels uncomfortable to enter the portal.

The dazzling brilliance and the whirlwinds of oncoming feelings greeted each other, making these mercenaries a bit overwhelmed, and when the light disappeared, they felt that they had set foot on solid ground again. Then the mercenaries opened their eyes.

Then, they stared in astonishment, staring at everything in front of them.

In front of them was a dense forest, and beside them, several undead creatures were holding swords in their hands at the moment, and were slowly approaching everyone.

"Damn, what is this place ?!"

A thief screamed in astonishment. He pulled out his dagger and stared uneasily around him. The swordsman standing in the forefront frowned, carefully looking at the undead in front of him, and then he pulled out the sword.

"Whatever it is, we fight!"

(To be continued)

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