Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 434: Not simple auction (on)

The sun is setting.

When the night falls, the lanterns come up, and the wind on the prairie sweeps the ground to bring the first rays of night, the shining auction of the Eagle City is about to begin. As an auction that strictly limits the size and identity of the number of people, the sparkle auction of the Eagle City naturally takes on a gloomy color, just like the world has day and night. The sparkle auction also has black and white. Everything can be bought and sold here. However, most of the treasures, equipment, and magical items found in the ruins during the adventure of various mercenary groups or guilds. Or some precious and rare gems, raw materials or magic plants, and even occasionally there are human sales-but this sale is extremely confidential, unless it is a very trusted customer, the auction will not open it This door.

The Shine Auction is held in the downtown area east of the Eagle City, and it is far away from the War Angel residence. It seems that the organizer also knows that although the War Angel does not care too much about such black and white things , But you also don't get other people's eyelids to go down and stimulate her. Otherwise, in case one of the war angels can't see it anymore, you won't even cry.

Although it was the time to go home at this moment, the surroundings were extremely busy, but the surrounding area of ​​the auction site was quite quiet, with a serious face. The armed guards had already blocked the surrounding roads in order to provide the people participating in the auction. A smooth, quiet and safe environment. At this time, many noble celebrities have come to the auction venue in carriages, and they are dressed up and talking. After all, due to the rules of the shining auction, most of the people who can enter this venue are acquaintances. Of course, from time to time, there will be so many strange faces to join, attracting everyone's attention.

When Rhode stepped out of the carriage, he quickly felt the eyes of everyone around him.

In fact, when Rhodes and his party first appeared, many aristocrats had set their sights on these young people, not only because of their strange faces, but also because of their unusually dazzling looks.

Rhodes, who was walking in front, wore a straight black dress, holding a brown wooden cane in his hands, and shoulder-length short hair, and his dark eyes narrowed slightly, although Rhodes was undoubtedly a man The family name dress, but anyone who sees his delicate and beautiful face will involuntarily mistake it for a female surname. There was only a faint icy air on that side, warning everyone how dangerous he was.

If Rhodes is like a beautiful ice sculpture that a person should not enter, then the Seven Loves that follow him are more like a seductive cocktail. The bright red off-shoulder dress cleverly outlines the beauty of Seven Loves. The shape of the human body and the tall chest, the pink hair that originally had a pony tail has also been scattered at this moment, and draped over the shoulder, it has brought a kind of charming charm to Qilian. The fluffy big tail and the fluffy ears not only make people feel panic and weird, but also make them cute and moving. Just looking at her, she immediately felt like a cocktail, which made her whole body feel hot and dry.

In addition, Annie, who was on the other side of Rhodes, was also bright.

She didn't dress like Rhodes and Qilian. Instead, the girl was still wearing her white leather armor, with the big, heavy gold shield on her back, and she didn't look any different. However, it is precisely because of this. Among the crowds who are mostly dressed, Annie, this alternative, seems to be a different kind of scenery, which makes people open their eyes. Coupled with the youthful smile on the girl's face, it is easy to make people feel good.

Of course, it's not just the trio that got such attention because they look so special. In fact, although many people met with Rhodes for the first time, for them, this young man has been known for a long time— ——This is the blessing that dragged that Midsummer Festival. After that Mid-Summer Festival, Rhode not only received practical benefits, but also left a deep impression in the hearts of many nobles, not only because of his strength, It also made many aristocrats see that this young man was very favored. Coupled with his unknown background, it made people doubt that he had a very strong background. After this Mid-Summer Festival, many people think that, by the time, an emerging power will rise again in this Principality.

Because of this, many aristocrats are not too surprised to see Rod and others coming to the auction at the moment. On the contrary, many of them are thinking whether to take advantage of this opportunity to be close to Rod, even if his The forces are not here but in Pafield, but think about Rhodes, but there are still two powerful political backing resources of Marin and Lijie-to have a good relationship with Rhodes here, maybe they will return later Being able to get online with the Shania family and the royal family is a great deal.

But this is an auction place, not a prom party, and it is not easy for everyone to go up and say hello, let alone, someone has greeted it at this moment.

"Mr. Rhodes, Miss Qilian, Miss Anne."

Seeing the three men, Natasha trot out of the crowd with a skirt and came to Rhode's side. Grady was wearing armor and followed behind her. Seeing Rhodes and others, Grandi gave a sip first, then turned slightly red on his face, lowered his head, and saluted the three.

"Miss Natasha, Mr. Grundi, nice to meet you."

Seeing the arrival of the two, Rhode greeted the two, and then he looked around. Rhodes could feel that many of the people around him were looking at them. There were curiosity and excitement in these eyes. There is also strangeness and vigilance. However, this is all normal. A small circle suddenly entered a few outsiders, and it is inevitable that there will be such problems. For Rhodes, he came here only to participate in the auction, and did not intend to thoroughly Into this circle, so he didn't have any opinion on this, the two sides gave a shiver, and then led by Natasha, walked towards the auction venue.

"I have already said hello to my father. You can use our box today. Please rest assured, Mr. Rhodes, we are here, I believe that what you want should not be snatched away."

Natasha said with a friendly smile, and there was a faint expression of pride in her expression. She can see that she is really proud of her family, and compared to the previous time, the young girl no matter what she says or does They are more opinionated. It seems that the impact of the previous exercise on the girls is indeed not small-and it is developing in a better way. But ... At this moment, Rhodes felt the extremely cold and hostile sight again. It came from the crowd and stared at himself, but this sight was only at Rhodes's. The body flickered by, and soon disappeared into the crowd again.

"What's wrong? Mr. Rhodes?"

Realizing that Rhodes stopped, Natasha asked curiously, while Rhodes looked around, exchanged a look with Qilian, and then shook his head.

"No, nothing, let's go."

Then, Rhode looked up and walked into the auction venue.

The entire auction venue does not look very large, but it is not small. It is like a circular theater. In the front of the stage, rows of seats are trapezoidally distributed. In those comfortable, wide-open areas, the decoration is luxurious. The box was full at the moment. The positions of these boxes are on the edges of the "stage". From here, you can clearly see the situation at a glance. Each box is covered by a brass stand and red velvet curtain, providing a quiet and comfortable space for its guests.

As the owner of the Eagle City, the treatment is naturally good. Natasha led Rod and others into the box not only with soft and comfortable sofas, but also cold and sweet wine and fruit, cakes and other food. On the mahogany coffee table in front of them, there was also a list of items to be auctioned. Rhode quickly found his goal on the list-the key to open the underground labyrinth, and what made people even laughter is that this The introduction of the key on the list is "magic decoration", which is no wonder. Although the key is said to be a key, it looks like a key, but it looks more like a slate puzzle. It is not surprising that people will be mistaken for magic decorations.

Soon, the crowd was scattered, and Rhodes was naturally sitting with Qilian and Annie. Natasha and Grandi also sat beside them, biting their ears quietly. It seems that they are also very interested in this auction, and beside them, an old man in a housekeeper's uniform is standing upright quietly. Obviously, he is here to serve the crowd.

"Did you notice it? Master?"

When Rhodes started to look at the list in his hands, Qilian quietly got to his ear and asked in a low voice, and in the face of her inquiry, Rhodes nodded slightly.

"Of course, but let's wait and see what happens. Let's look at each other's history before we say it."

As the two talked, the crisp bell rang, and with the bell, the magical brilliance that originally surrounds the theater suddenly dimmed a lot. Soon, some noisy theaters gradually returned to quiet, whether in the box The VIPs in the room, or the guests in the ordinary seats, sat upright at this moment, watching the stage in front of them intently.

Immediately afterwards, an auctioneer wearing a tuxedo came to the stage.

The auction officially started.

(To be continued)

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