Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 451: Altered copy


Unlike the Necromancer, the Lich is a strong man who has already stepped into the realm of legends. This is no longer a mortal existence. And the Dark Dragon Country is a gathering place for Lich. In the Dragon of the Night, there are thirteen big Liches, and it is these who form the Council of the Dead in the "Soul Chaser" family. Although to some extent, the Lich can be regarded as the evolution of the necromancer, but there are still differences between them.

However, this is not the problem that Rhodes is considering at the moment. On the contrary, after seeing the Lich, for the first time, an unusually complex and inexplicable emotion emerged in Rhodes' heart. It's mixed with anxiety, doubt and wonder, no matter how you look at it, it won't feel good.

The copy was changed.

Although I have already been mentally prepared, after all, reality and games are different, and it is likely that things will be different from what I expected. But when the change really happened in front of Rhodes, Rhodes felt abnormally complicated. Although in the game, the copy of the Custer Plateau Ruins will vary in difficulty depending on whether the player is doing the quest line, but whether it is a copy that Rhode rushed past or a copy that the player opened through the task later, the boss is just Undead Mage, not Lich. Otherwise, this copy should not be capped at level 60, but start at level 60.

In the end, the boss's promotion was not the part that Rhode was worried about. After all, he had no intention of relying on his own power to get the ruins of the Custer Plateau. Although the power of the Lich is powerful, it is still far worse than the element love lord. On the contrary, Rhode is worried about another thing-change.

Why does the Undead Mage become a Lich? Although in the original copy, the level of this undead mage is not far from being transformed into a Lich. But it has never broken the bottleneck. Moreover, if the Undead Mage mutated Lich is a small probability event, this copy of the Custer Plateau Ruins has also been brushed by tens of thousands of players, but it has never been heard that such a thing happened. If it is really a small probability event, then there should always be one or two teams of players who have encountered it?

So what is going on here? Is there a difference between reality and games?

Thinking of this, Rhode gazed at the Lich in front of him again, yes, under the dark robe, the eyes with negative energy were not as dazzling as those of the undead mage, but with a deep cold that captured the soul, it was the soul that really turned Dedicated to the power gained after immortality and evil. And beside him, Rhodes can sensitively perceive a layer of dim halo, which is the coercive aura that every Lich has-it seems that what is appearing in front of himself is not an illusion, let alone what it is Weird plot, then even worse.

"Do you want to get started? Master?"

At this time, the voice of Qilian appeared in Rhodes's mind. Although the element lord was playing soy sauce along the way, Rhode heard the true meaning of Qilian from her eager voice. Anyway, in the end, the boss will take the initiative to come to the door without having to find it by himself. Such a good opportunity is not easy ... but Rhodes shook his head slightly.

"Look at the situation before you talk."

He glanced at the empty left hand, then shook his head.

He didn't fail to realize that at the moment in front of the Lich was hanging three dark-looking gems, which formed an inverted triangle pattern and appeared next to the Lich. Rhode is no stranger to this thing, and that is exactly the space teleporter that many advanced wizards will use. This is also the place where many players in the Dragon Soul mainland are most annoyed by the mage. The mage's life-saving methods are too many. When a high-level mage wants to run away, then no one can prevent them from leaving, except the Five Dragons of Creation. They may be injured, they may be disabled, or they may suffer a major failure, but they can definitely leave if they have the heart. The space mark is the most important and effective part of the escape plan used by the mage. Rhodes can be sure that once the **** Lich realizes the true power of the Seven Loves, it will definitely not hesitate to directly Teleportation, at that time, it would have lost the wife and defeated the soldiers. Although it is not impossible to use the power of the awakened Seven Love to kill them all the way, but they should not be so stupid waiting for them to come to their trouble .

Fortunately, under the suppression of the rules, the current Qilian strength is at the same level as Rhodes, which makes this Lich dare to show up in front of them. Of course, it is impossible to think that Qilian can be directly promoted from thirty It's so unscientific to be above 80, but this also requires Rod not to fight against the grass, and once he makes a mistake, then it will be really troublesome.

"Can you stop it from slipping away?"

Rhode stared at the Lich with his mouth still, but inquired about Qi Lian through a spiritual connection. In the face of Rhode's inquiries, Qilian did not answer until he was silent for a moment.

"Not good."

This is exactly the tricky part of the advanced mage. However, Rhodes is not helpless, because the space mark needs the mage to stay in place. Once he moves the position, the space mark must also be adjusted accordingly with his own holder. During the adjustment process, If it can't be teleported, as long as it can create an opportunity for the Lich to move his body, even if it only takes a few seconds, Rhodes can guarantee that the **** Lich will never come back.

For Rhodes, this was not a problem. Although Necromancer is not in the range he can deal with, it is not difficult to block the opponent from teleporting. But now it is different. The Lich has exceeded the limit that Rhodes can cope with. As long as he moves his fingers, Rhodes will have to embarrassedly flee. Do n’t say to force him to move his body. It is more important that they can live to see the sunshine of tomorrow.

"You evil undead!"

Just as Rod was meditating, Metzel rushed forward, held up his sword, and pointed at the Lich without fear. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I am afraid that this rookie mercenary has not yet had any intuitive impression of how powerful the Lich is. However, Rhodes did not stop him. Instead, he looked slightly at Metzer's actions. Then Rhode winked at Annie, and secretly made a gesture to gather them next to him. For a while, Rhode and others seemed to be supporting actors instead.

But Metzel didn't realize it, he just looked up, raised his sword and looked at the Lich in front of him, and asked.

"How are you treating our companions !!!?"


Hearing Metzel's inquiry, the Lich was silent, and then he grinned sneer.

"Ah, I remember, it turned out to be you, the little poor worm, ah, I still remember that when you stepped into my territory, you were so cute and small, just as distressing as a unicorn. Now you come to me for your worthless companions? Is there a problem with your last name orientation? Look at you, is there a good woman already with you, but you have to take risks Come here for two men who don't matter to you? "

Speaking of which, the Lich sneered for a while, then it stretched out its fingers and pointed at Xia Li standing next to Metzer. For no reason, the girl felt a chill chilling all over her, as if the ants were all over the body.

"Miss, I advise you to be optimistic about your man. Well, I'm talking about his back, but you can't satisfy it?"

Having said that, the Lich raised his right hand, and then slammed his finger lightly—its action caused Rhodes to be vigilant, and he was about to summon Qilian to appear.

However, although it seems that the Lich is more active than Rhodes imagined, it still attaches great importance to his life. Even if the movements on the hands are exaggerated, the Lich's body is still floating in the air, stable. Like the scales without any performance.

"Since you came from a long distance, as a master, I am embarrassed to disappoint you, so now, I will return your companions to you."

With the fingers of the Lich, a thin, dim fog suddenly appeared on the empty ground, and then two figures suddenly leapt from the other side of the bone wall, and then fell heavily. In front of Metzel et al.


A roar like a beast emerged from their mouths, but when they saw these two figures, Metzell and Charlie's complexion suddenly changed.

"Carl, Hawson, you are ........."

Metzel stared dumbfounded at his companions-he could only detect their presence from the corners of the disgusting faces, faintly appearing signs. But other than that, Metzel couldn't connect the two walking bodies in front of him with his companions anyway. They have completely lost the feelings and souls of human beings, and what remains is only the walking dead. Just then, the Lich's laughter came again.

"Hey ... how about? This is bye goodbye? Shouldn't you be more passionate? Little guys? It's not a thing to stay standing like this ... go ahead, my cute pet Let them experience your passion! "

The Lich's voice had just fallen, and the two Necromancers opened their mouths, exposing sharp teeth like beasts and pale tongues without any blood, rushing towards Metzell like two crazy dogs .

"Quick, stop!"

Metzel lifted his sword and faced the two in front of him, but he didn't know what to do. They had completely died, and what remained was only their corpses, but they really could go down. ?

Looking at his former companion, Metzel was hesitant for a while.


Perceiving Metzer's hesitation, Xia Li screamed, and then she swept her right hand quickly from her waist, and then waved up cleanly. Soon, two flying knives flew out of Xia Li's hand. Immediately it was inserted into the foreheads of the undead. However, this did not prevent the two from casting themselves. On the contrary, Xia Li's attack provoked their fierce surnames. They howled and leaped high, extended their sharp claws towards Xia Li and Mei Ze. Seoul caught it fiercely.

"Drink ............... !!!"

Adamantite shield shouted from the side and smashed into one of the undead like a huge boulder. The immense power immediately let the necromancer flew over to the side and hit the other companion heavily, just blinking. In time, the two Necromancers were smashed aside and flew aside, rolling for several laps before stopping. At this time, Annie had already rushed to Metzer and Xia Li with a shield.

"What a silly thing you guys are doing, hurry up and fight!"


Hearing Anne's words, Metzel and Xia Li could not help but immediately felt a strong hurricane coming from the side.

(To be continued)

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