Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 542: That man (I)

Emily is not as sensitive as Rhodes. Although the Howard family and the Edward family are somewhat embarrassed, this does not mean that the two of them are really enemies of the generations, and they have seen each other to let them die. After all, these two families are nothing but weak forces fighting for control in this small area of ​​Fiat. Compared with those large families outside, the chamber of commerce and even the struggle between the forces, the confrontation and conspiracy between them can even be said to be somewhat "indigenous."

This can also be seen from Emily's surprise when she learns that she is a member of the Howard family on the opposite side. The competition and hostility between the two sides have not reached a level of life and death. For the big families outside, I'd rather die in the mouth of a monster than accept this shame, maybe even more insidious. Maybe they will deliberately seduce those monsters to attack the other side, thus creating opportunities for themselves.

Seeing Emily's expression, the face of the man she called "Uncle Carter" was a little stiff. He first glanced curiously at Rhodes, then nodded helplessly, and waved his hands at the same time, signaled The men under him retreated.

"Monster, Emily? You mean a monster appeared in Edward's mine?"

"Yes, Uncle Carter, they are so terrible ......... and cruel, they have killed many people, and ..."

Speaking of this, Emily paused and did not continue. Although Emily has always been looking forward to life outside, and it looks simple and cheerful, but anyway, she is born of a chamber of commerce, not a fool, in the face of competitors stating the news of her father's death Ai Millie naturally wouldn't do it. And she also found that Uncle Carter's outfit was not quite right. Why can't I see half of the Howard family miners here, but a group of heavily armed mercenaries? She hadn't heard that the Howard family had the habit of sending mercenaries to mine.

Thinking of this, Emily was a little uneasy, but after feeling the "Miss Salen" beside her, she quickly relieved.

"......... The Miss Seren and I had to escape to the depths of the cave in order to avoid the pursuit of the monsters. Later, we heard someone talking inside, so we found it, but we did not expect to enter Uncle Carter. Your place ......... Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you to this. This is Miss Miranda Salem from the Salem Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Light. She came to discuss with us the Edward Chamber of Commerce on the ore business. "

"Land of Light ?!"

Hearing this name, Carter and the mercenaries next to him all changed, while Rhodes stepped forward generously, lifted the skirt gently, saluted everyone in front of him, and revealed his gentleness And elegant smiley. Seeing the smile of this beautiful "Miss", everyone was helpless, and even a few young mercenaries showed a little flush. They looked at each other, and some of them didn't know what to say about the emergency. Not only these mercenaries, but even Carter himself felt a little tricky about this sudden woman. Regardless of her beauty, just relying on the other party's origin in the kingdom of light, it made them feel taboo. As the royal party in the south, they certainly know how powerful the country of light in the south is. If this lady has something in their hands ... But why do people in the chamber of commerce in the country Come here on this bone?

Thinking of this, Carter couldn't help but coughed, then came forward and smiled at Emily.

"......... Um ......... Emily, in fact, we also learned that the mine has been a bit unsettled in the past few days. For the sake of caution, this is why I have found some mercenaries to come here to help. But I did not expect that you actually It ’s going to be attacked by those monsters, but it looks like you ’re all fine. It ’s really good ...... well, there is still a long distance from the ground here, Miss Emily, you to our Howard mine The terrain is not very familiar, I think you guys take a break first, and then send someone to leave here? "

"Of course there is no problem, Uncle Carter."

After hearing Carter's answer, Emily nodded happily, but soon she blinked curiously again.

"However, Uncle Carter, do you still plan to stay here? The monsters are amazing, just in case they ..."

Emily's words weren't finished yet, and one of those mercenaries soon laughed and interrupted her.

"Hey, what does your lady say, we are not the same as you. Our mercenaries are born to do this. Those monsters are terrible in your eyes, but in our eyes ..." Speaking of which, he even raised his hands and made a fist gesture. "... What monster is not in our eyes at all!"

When she heard the other person say that, Emily frowned. She didn't know how powerful the mercenaries were, but after seeing the skills of "Miss Salem" in person, she didn't believe that these mercenaries were better than herself This lady does better. But Emily didn't say much. She just rolled her eyes, then closed her mouth, and stopped talking.

Seeing the atmosphere in front of him was a little awkward, Carter naturally stood up again.

"Emily, I think you are very tired, but ... you see, we are here to look for those monsters too. If those monsters are really so powerful, it is also a trouble for us. I know this is not a Good proposal, but ... can you tell us what you see and what are those monsters? What do they look like? If possible, I hope we can talk privately ... ... "

Having said that, Carter glanced at the silent "Miss Salem" standing next to him. In her opinion, this lady is indeed very beautiful and looks calm on the surface, but her identity is too It's tricky, maybe ... I have to find a way to solve this problem.


After hearing Carter's words, Emily hesitated. She looked at the "Miss Cylon" beside her, and when she realized Emily's gaze, Rhode smiled at her and nodded. This also allowed Emily to dispel the last trace of anxiety and nodded in agreement with Carter's proposal. Then, she and Carter went to the other side of the crystal mine together. It didn't take long for the two to disappear into the corner passageway. in.

really interesting.

Looking at the figures as they left, Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly. Rhodes didn't interrupt when Emily and Carter talked, but kept watching around quietly. In fact, the place where Rhodes and Emily are located right now is the place where the elemental spirits sleep. As a pure elemental elf creature, even if it is sealed, it will unconsciously reveal the power of the element. And now this piece of crystal mineral deposits are exactly the traces left by the earth element spirit. And Rhodes can be sure that these people have not awakened the elemental spirit, otherwise, there is such a huge and clear existence that it is impossible for him to see nothing at all. But he also did not believe Carter's statement, because after coming here, Rhodes was very sharply aware of a faint, but regular power of earth elements is flowing around. This shows that these people do not know how to control the power of the elemental spirit, and may even make great use of it, but how do these mercenaries do it?

Thinking of this, Rhodes could not help frowning in his heart. It is not easy to use the power of the earth element spirit, even if the other party has been sealed, this way is quite dangerous. Without the help of mastery of alchemy and magic, Rhodes would not want to do such an experiment. Unless Rabes and Marlene were by his side, it would be quite difficult for Rhodes to do such a thing. But now, a small family of chambers of commerce can actually do it. Is it because they have been hit by luck?

This is obviously impossible.

Not only that, Rhodes also felt that there was someone secretly paying attention to his actions right here.

Who is the other person?

"It's so ..............."

After listening to Emily's narrative, Carter sighed helplessly, he thought for a moment, then put out his hand with a bitter smile, and patted Emily's shoulder gently.

"Emily, I know you must be scared of this kind of thing, but rest assured, we are here now and will not let the monsters come to trouble you again. By the way, I think you must be very tired now Well, would you like to eat something and take a break? I'll send someone to invite the Miss Cylon, rest assured. "


After hearing Carter's answer, Emily frowned in doubt, but after seeing the expression on Carter's face and the soldiers surrounding her, Emily quickly changed her tone.

"Well, Uncle Carter, I'll wait for you here ..."

"Good boy, don't worry, there won't be any big deal."

After receiving Emily's answer, Carter smiled. Then he stood up, left the mine where Emily was, and came into a dark, narrow passage. Until this time, the man who had been wearing a kind smile just now converged on his face and said solemnly to the empty passage.

"Sir, our plan is a bit troublesome now."

"I see it."

Just as Carter's voice fell, a dark shadow appeared in front of Carter, and his voice was low and steady.

"But isn't this our plan? Mr. Carter, the Edward Chamber of Commerce mine is now over, and you have successfully mastered the resources here. Next, as long as you make good use of it, you will soon overwhelm the Edward Chamber of Commerce Become the first force of Fiat. When we cooperated, didn't you expect that? "

"But ... I didn't expect things to turn out like this, and there are people from the kingdom of light ......... This is a tricky thing for us, sir."

After hearing Carter's eager inquiries, the shadow was silent for a moment, and then he began to speak.

"Don't worry about her first, if they don't know anything about this, then we still don't take it easy and find an excuse to send them away."

"......... Okay, sir."

Hearing the other party's answer, Carter sighed helplessly, then he nodded and turned to leave. The dark shadow stood there motionlessly until he saw the back of Carter leaving. He snorted softly, but at the same time, a crisp, moving and pleasant voice suddenly emerged from the darkness. Ringing.

"Do you really plan to do this? My master?"

"Of course, Cheryl."

Hearing the crisp, beautiful voice, Hei Ying nodded slightly.

"This is a great opportunity. The Howard Chamber of Commerce has lost its sanity. They are desperate for control of this place. According to the methods we have provided, they can temporarily control the elemental spirits here. It's a temporary measure. To be honest, the young lady of the Edward Chamber of Commerce actually surprised me in the mine, but this is not bad for our plan. But ............... "

Speaking of which, the shadow seems hesitant.

"Why are there chambers of commerce in China sending people here to trade with them? Don't they know what's happening now? It's going to be troublesome!"

"Don't be excited, you also know that those greedy, [***] businessmen are willing to do anything for the benefit, they are obviously fancy the war between the south and the north, so they plan to take advantage of it. This is not What's new, isn't it? "

"I know it very well, Cheryl, this is what I expect to change. They are going to destruction, but they don't know it. I need more power, so I will accept this task and come here."

Unlike before, this time, the shadow of Black Shadow was so strong, powerful and unquestionable.

"And this time, I won't let that future emerge."

Right there.

Rhode smiled at the huge stalactite column in the middle of the underground open-air crystal mine. He had completely figured out the other party's layout and ideas, and then it was time for him to act. Rhodes doesn't know where and from whom the Howard Chamber of Commerce got such skills, but this can at least explain one thing. Some people also like this place and expect to get resources here. But this is what Rhodes can't tolerate. An uncontrolled earth elemental elf is something he likes to see, but a earth elemental eld with a collar is not so much to Rhodes. So soon, Rhodes once again corrected his goal-completely and completely lifted the seal, awakened the elemental spirit, and destroyed the mine.

As for the life and death of the Howard family, it is not considered by Rhodes. Since they are also supporters of the King ’s Party, they have to sacrifice their own interests to complete the King ’s plan, only to make them suffer a little grievance.

Thinking of this, Rhodes' mouth cocked slightly, then he walked slowly towards the huge stalactite pillar.

At the beginning, Rhode's actions did not attract the attention of the mercenaries. On the contrary, they watched the entrance where Rhodes and Emily appeared, not sure if it was to prevent a possible monster, or there was another plan. . It wasn't until Rhodes came near the stalactite pillars that the mercenaries noticed Rhodes's movement.

"what are you doing!!"

Soon a fully-armed mercenary rushed over, blocking Rhode's way, and his eyes were as big as a copper bell, looking at Rhode aggressively. Facing his intimidation and obstruction, Rhodes remained indifferent, only raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing, I just want to look around. That stone pillar looks interesting, doesn't it?"

"This is the Howard family mine, this lady."

At this moment, the men who seemed to be the leader of the group of mercenaries came over, he stared seriously at Rhodes, and at the same time reached out to hold down the hilt of the sword, blocking Rhodes' way. "I also hope that you don't mess around everywhere, you know that it is very dangerous here, and I hope you can stay here obediently."

"What if I say no?"

Hearing the threat of these mercenaries, Rhode snorted coldly, then he raised his chin arrogantly, and looked at the two mercenaries in front of him with disdain and indifference, as if they were just insignificant maggots It ’s nothing but trash—and this is also the consistent attitude of the people of the Light to the Principality of Muen. In his opinion, these slaves who have yielded under the ** ruler are not worthy of being compared with themselves.

"It's up to you!"

Sure enough, Rhode's attitude immediately angered the former mercenary. He bit his teeth and a anger appeared on his face. Then he directly reached out and tried to grab the "beautiful lady" in front of him, and then held her tightly with his iron gate-like hands, hum, at that time, watching this fragile chick still Dare to show such an expression!

But the mercenary's hand did not grab the opponent's slender and fragile arm as he expected, instead, he only felt a breeze flashing, and then the whole man just emptied, and The "beautiful lady" didn't know when it was already out of the gap between the two people and came behind them!

how did you do that?

This scene not only surprised the mercenary, but even everyone else was stunned, but fortunately, they did not lose their consciousness because of this. Soon, other mercenaries ran up and surrounded Rhodes again. Blocked in, blocking his way.

"There's nothing good there, this lady, I advise you to stay safe, Carter will actually send someone to take you away, you see?"


Facing the mercy of these mercenaries, Rhodes' expression was still so easy. He rolled his eyes, and then there was a mocking smile in the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be so nervous. It seems that you are really scared to be known that you have unlocked the seal here ..."


Hearing this sentence, everyone was nervous, they stared at Rhodes, how could they never think why this woman would know this ... Damn, she noticed? how can that be? Doesn't it mean that no one knows what happened?

So what do we do next?

Soon, these mercenaries set their sights on their leader, and their leader looked silently at Rhodes in front of him, and gritted his teeth—although they did not want to kill the innocent, but now the woman Obviously they already know their secrets, so ... no matter what, you have to grab her and talk about it!

Thinking of this, the man's eyes immediately revealed a fierce light, and then he vaguely made a gesture to his subordinates.

Do it! !!

(To be continued)

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