Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 573: Hide light

I do n’t know if it was frightened by Lidia ’s sudden 60,000 army, or the reformers finally realized that they would die if they did n’t change, so they finally made a decision that requires a lot of courage—that is, Gather all the remaining troops of the Southern Legion to Callumst to defend Lydia's offense, and "defend" the city of Callumst from being recaptured.

Of course, reformers call this a forceful resolution, but in Rhode's opinion, they are already losing gamblers at the gambling table, and now they can't wait to make themselves completely bankrupt. Although on the surface, the assembled Southern Army has 40,000 people, in terms of quantity, as long as they can reach Callenst, even if the Royal Party of Liya leads the 60,000 army, the outcome is still unknown. But as long as you look closely at the information, you will find that among the 40,000 army of the reformers, its composition is rich and colorful. In addition to the regular army, there are 5,000 civilians.

That's right, civilians.

The strength of the Southern Legion has always been the weakest of all the legions of the Principality of Muen, because it is located in the south and is relatively peaceful. It has basically no influence or threat except for the barbarians in the southern wilderness. Unlike North and East. Dongfangshanyuan need not be mentioned, because they directly border the Dragon Kingdom of the night, the residents of Dongfangshanyuan have been fighting the undead for generations. Of course, such disputes are private and never rise to diplomacy. The height of the plane. However, its fierce intensity will not be weakened because of this. Because of this, the combat effectiveness of Dongfangshanyuan is second to none in the Principality of Muen. And because of their **** sacrifice, they have secretly guaranteed the stability and security of Moon, and the royal family has always given Oriental Hills enough care and privileges, even allowing them to close themselves, even if they mobilize the army or the like. Things will also communicate with each other first. Because of this, although Dongfang Shanyuan does not show up in the entire Muen Gong country, their influence is not small. Any force, whether it is within the Royal Party or the reformists who are eager to read at present, dare not Go to Dongfang Yamahara to avoid causing trouble for yourself.

As for the Northern Legion, it is even better to say that because the northern border borders the Dragon Kingdom of the Night and the Dragon Kingdom of the Light at the same time, the army stationed here is also the most. Because of precaution, in the Principality of Munn, except for the Dark Night The Dragon Kingdom has been fighting secretly outside the Eastern Yamahara, and the strength of the Northern Army can be regarded as the deserved first.

In contrast, in the South, the only thing that needs to be dealt with is the barbarians. Occasionally deal with undead creatures that may cross the border. In addition, there are mountain barriers. Basically, it is very peaceful. To 80,000 people, and the strength of the Southern Army is not in the Army, but in the Navy. But no matter how powerful their warships were, they could not land on land.

In the previous raid on the Pafield line, the reformers did not get the results they expected. If it wasn't for Boxx's subsequent desperate plan and success, I am afraid they have now begun to consider the retreat after failure. But now that Carronst has been occupied, the reformists naturally have no intention of spitting out the meat that has been eaten in their mouths. In the face of Lydia's army, they can only fight their lives and grit their teeth to the top.

These 40,000 people are already almost everyone that the Southern Army can mobilize. Many of them even have hostility and opposition to the reformists, but now the Southern Parliament has no intention to pay attention to the ideas of these soldiers, even if they oppose themselves What about their approach? Their families live in the city. They can refuse their orders, but can they give up their families?

However, the Southern Parliament also knows that these soldiers are not obedient, so they also forcibly recruited 5,000 civilians to join the army. This decision naturally made the tired southern people who had been messed up by the connection war even more miserable, among them even Some people have begun to reflect on whether their obedience to the reformists is a correct decision. After all, when the intifada was launched, the reformers vigorously assured the people that they would bring a better life and more freedom to the people, but looking at the current south, prices have skyrocketed, public security is chaotic, and they have even begun to force civilians. Enlistment, all of this is too far from what they said before. Even if it was the "Kang" party, it had never forced a civilian into the army!

In addition, the reformists directly evacuated the troops on the southern wilderness border. After the barbarians lost their restraint and deterrence, they began to aggressively invade the towns and villages on the southern border. Several villages have been attacked, causing heavy casualties. But for these, the reformists have turned a blind eye. What they are doing now is to demolish the western wall and make up for the eastern wall. And for the reformists, how many people died in the border village? Those barbarians did not dare to drive straight ahead, as long as the light council sent someone to mediate, they sent staff to expel these barbarians.

Although the reformists have never heard of the idiom "lost a car to save their lives," what they think is no worse than that.

But Rhodes is very clear that since the reformers made this irreversible decision, their fate has been decided-maybe two months later, they can go to Golden City for themselves, and by the way, appreciate the little Corpses fluttering in the woods.

But this has nothing to do with Rhodes.

After destroying the Ice Demon, Rhodes returned to the fort with his mercenaries, because he had many important things to solve.

Li Jie always likes to think about things, but one thing, her feelings are not wrong. Starlight has developed too fast. In just a few months, she jumped from a mercenary regiment and became a The mercenary guilds have even participated in battles such as the Pafield Defence War, and now they have a vague reputation as the largest mercenary guild in Munn. This is not only a dream for Lijie, but also for Rhodes. That said, I was a bit worried.

The guild is developing too fast ...

Fortunately, in the guild, there were the suppression of four people: Rhodes, Marin, Canary, and Bubbling. This made their mercenaries not to be complacent, but to be a man with their tails in their hands. Otherwise, the upper level is proud, and the following is also lost. The mercenary guild is only a short-lived death in the end. This is obviously not allowed for Rhodes. At present, the Starlight Guild has been pulled high enough, and then, it should be re-stacked from the foundation to avoid top-heavy and one-sided fall.

During this time, Rhodes has been busy keeping his feet on the ground. After leading the mercenaries to clean up the group of short-eyed Yankees on the Pafield Line, he went to Cramer without even returning to the fort. And ice magic hands. But Rhode was busy, and the place of atonement did not stop. Although Marin's departure temporarily stopped many important affairs and exchanges in the guild, but Canary was in it, at least the operation of Ping Yue was still No problem. Sometimes even if it encounters some more important problems, Canary can contact Rhodes to make a decision for him. Now, the situation of the Starlight Guild can be said to be very good.

With the joining of the Silver Teana Chamber of Commerce and the Keller Family, and the flow of business, more and more people have come to the land of atonement, many of which are civilians. Strictly speaking, the land of atonement is still a place rich in property. The reason why no one came here to develop before is because there is a lack of a powerful presence like starlight, which can cover the existence of a place. Now, the Starlight Guild has grown and grown here, and the land of atonement is not as dangerous as before. The robbers and bandits in the mountains and forests have also been swept away, so many people will naturally come here and long for it. Get opportunities and wealth.

Of course, it is not just civilians who come here, but also many mercenaries who lick their blood.

Li Jie didn't understand why many people thought that Rhode's starlight would vaguely become the largest guild of Muen, because she didn't care at all, and did not consider the ideas of most mercenaries. The reason that mercenaries choose this profession is to kill their lives. For them, money and reputation are what they want most. And after the mercenary industry mixed up with food and clothing? As the saying goes, it ’s good to think about silver and silver. Once the mercenaries are used to adventurous life and have great strength, then they are no longer content to be like standing women, who stand on the street Money goes with whomever. For those powerful mercenaries, their expectations are mostly divided into two categories. One is to read and go out to create a new mercenary group, and then develop their own strength. One is to rely on your own strength and skills to go to those nobles, get their relatives, and then be recruited by them as personal soldiers. If you are lucky, you can even become noble relatives and powerful men. This is comparable. A pure life is much more comfortable.

It is for this reason that Starlight has become a sweet spot in the eyes of many mercenaries.

Especially after Rhodes was personally awarded the title of Jazz by Lydia, many mercenaries were jealous because they were very clear. As a nobleman and the chairman of a mercenary association, Rhodes said later If he wants to set up his own personal soldiers, then he will inevitably choose trusted staff from his mercenary guild instead of recruiting like other nobles. If you can join the Starlight Guild in advance, it means that once you perform well in the future, you will likely become a noble family member. This is quite tempting for many mercenaries.

And unlike the nobles who are old and old, Rhodes is young, strong, and hard in the backstage-now no one does not know that the heirs of the Shania family did Rhodes' work under the Starlight Guild, The Xenia family's fame is well-known throughout the Principality of Munn, and Marin Xenia, as the first magic genius of the Principality of Munn, is naturally a well-known celebrity. Now that such a noble character is willing to subordinate to Rhodes, then his future need not be considered. Not to mention, now it is said that Rhodes is a legendary master, and in his guild, there are also two legendary realms. There are even rumors that a few months ago, the Lan Zhijian of the Light Council went to the Starlight Guild to trouble them, but instead the news that the other party was crippled was circulated everywhere.

The development prospect of such a noble with strength, background and relationship is incalculable. Being able to follow him and work for him eventually became a noble personal soldier, family member, and cronies. This is much better than working hard for decades outside and then looking for someone to take in yourself!

Rhode's starlight provided a bright path for mercenaries, and they naturally expected to join here and succeed.

But things are not so simple.

To this end, there have been some disputes between Shana and Canary. As the head of a small mercenary regiment, she was very happy to see so many mercenaries breaking their heads to join their guild. She even wanted to let them all join. But Canary directly rejected her proposal. Not only that, Canary even raised the threshold for joining the Starlight Guild. According to the terms of the game, the current Starlight Guild, mercenaries below level 25 want to join Don't even think about it.

Fortunately, there is a ball of mystery. Now Canary and Little Bubble Gum can create suitable virtual copies to test these mercenaries. The losers are naturally swept out, and those who are ashamed even if they win will stay. Only those who can pass the test with ease can qualify to join the guild.

If it is a player, this test is not worth mentioning. But if the subject is replaced by an aboriginal people, then it is very fatal --- according to the test level of canary and little bubble gum, five or six of the five hundred mercenaries can pass, which is already very good. Because of this, although there are many mercenaries trying to join the guild, there are very few mercenaries who can really enter the guild as they wish. So far, only seventy people have joined in total.

Shana felt that Canary's requirements were too strict. Although she was not unable to understand Canary's idea, in Shana's view, both the guild and the mercenary regiment needed a certain level of "bottom level" "Personnel". If you don't recruit some ordinary mercenaries, just this is not competitive. Of course, Shana didn't expect that for the Canary girls, these recruited people are the real "bottom-level personnel". As for those who were eliminated, in the eyes of the two, even the **** of combat effectiveness was counted. No.

This was just one of the disputes of the Fortress Guild while Rhodes was away.

"Whew ......... is finally back."

Looking back from the dizzy teleportation, looking at the cold, tall and familiar dome, Rhode breathed a long sigh of relief. A sense of comfort and warmth that finally returned to his home emerged from his heart. After so many days of running, Rhodes felt very tired. Now he finally returned to his home, which finally made Rhodes feel relieved. At this moment, he saw a familiar, petite figure spreading his arms and running towards himself.

"Rhode ......... !!!"

Christie plunged into Rhodes' arms and hugged him tightly. The girl looked up, and those purple eyes were full of caring and persevering eyes. Perhaps because of trotting all the way, at this moment Christie's petite body was trembling slightly, and she could not stop breathing, and even sweat was seeping from her forehead.

"......... You are finally back ... Rhode ..."

"I'm back, Christie."

Feeling the soft, fragile body in his arms and the welcome of the girl with a smile, Rhode also showed a gentle smile. Then he reached out and stroked Christie's hair lightly. Feeling Rhodes's touch, Christie narrowed his eyes comfortably like a docile kitten, allowing Rhodes to stroke his hair, but soon, the girl opened her eyes again and stretched out her hands in excitement. Grabbed Rod's clothes and pulled it slightly.

"... the good news ... Labus's ... golem ... is done ........."


When he heard this, Rhodes' eyes flashed, then he stood up and stroked Christie's hair.

"Take me to see."

"OK, all right……………"

Christie nodded with a smile when he heard Rod's words, but the girl did not immediately turn around, but turned over with a trace of doubt and curiosity, staring at the azure blue floating not far behind Rhodes. The water polo is still lying in the water polo. The eyes of the little mermaid in front of the girl are also wide open with surprise and curiosity.

"... Rhode ... who is she ...?"

Then Christie asked curiously.

………………………… When Rhode came to the alchemy room behind the fortress under the leadership of Christie, he could hear the crisp collision sound inside, not only that, the original one was a little messy, even Marlene. The small courtyard that I was afraid to avoid, now it looks very clean and tidy, and the various alchemy materials are also well organized. Of course, this is not the case where Rabis suddenly learns how to organize and pack everything in front of her. ............ Just look at the sea elves busy in the alchemy room, you can know who is behind the scenes who can keep it clean and tidy.

However, Rhode's concern was obviously not these. Soon, he hit his eyes on the huge statue in front of him.

That is a white gryphon stone statue, which is white and full, more than three meters high. This huge gryphon sculpture is half squatted on a stone base like this, and the eyes inlaid with blue crystals shine a faint brilliance, This griffon just soared to the sky, with an incomparable momentum, and the white wings slowly gathered behind it, and matched with the sacred text carved on the base, giving people a sacred and inviolable , Full of majestic feeling. A huge tail hovered behind it and looked suddenly, as if the griffin was about to leap from the base immediately, soaring into the sky, giving people an unprecedented deterrent and pressure. Even the little mermaid was scared to hide behind Rhode when she saw the statue, until she was sure that it was just a rock that would not move, and she leaned out her head carefully again, even so This little mermaid still stretched out her hands to cover her eyes, and carefully looked out from the gap.

"not bad."

Looking at the construction golem in front of him, Rhode nodded with satisfaction. At the time when he left, Rhodes had asked Rabis about his requirements for constructing the golem. After all, the reason why he made the construction Golem, the biggest goal is to deal with the air force of the night dragon country, gargoyle and bone falcon. Therefore, Rhodes asked that the golem should be constructed to show the sacred and strong side as much as possible. But now it seems that Rabis's requirements for him have been carried out to the very end. The holy white gryphon is a treasure in the mythology of the dragon of light. In the legend, they have accompanied the dragon of light many times. Dispel the darkness. Later, due to the brain-disabled behavior of the Dragon of Light itself, its power was greatly reduced, and these mythological creatures that only appeared in the legend were also missing. I don't know if it is extinct or hidden. But now, even if Rhodes can't get the genuine goods, the cottage will frighten and scare those undead. But ... the thought of driving these St. White Griffins to be the core of the soul of the undead surname, Rhodes couldn't help but feel awkward. What the **** is going on ......... but awkward, awkward, Rhodes quickly converged, and then bowed his head to look at Christie.

"Is this what you designed?"


Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Little Christie raised her chest proudly and nodded strongly.

"I consulted a lot of information ... and went to the church and asked the elder sisters ......... It was designed ..." Here, Christie looked at Rhode a little uneasily. "... Rhodes ......... Do you like it ...?"

"Of course, I'm satisfied, Christie."

In the face of Christie's inquiry, Rhodes smiled. He was sincerely happy, because Rhodes could see that since these days, Christie has changed, her life has become more fulfilling, and she also It is no longer the existence that is not needed, even disgusted and avoided. She is capable and qualified to do what she can do and want to do. Although the girl ’s body is still as bad as ever, Rhodes believes that as long as Christie can maintain her current mood and confidence, live a happy, happy life. He's enough.

But ... "How about Rabis?"

"Sister Rabis ......... seems to be busy ........."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Christie thought for a moment and then replied. Then she went to the wall, picked up an iron rod, and then knocked gently on the door. Soon, Rabise's panic sounded from the workshop.

"Ah? Is it Christie? What's the matter? Ah, wait a minute ... wait a minute! Just a minute! A minute !!!"


Looking at the rising smoke and the embarrassing standing in front of himself, with a blushing face, Rabes, Rhodes deeply realized what it is to change the river and mountains, and his surname is difficult to change. There was almost no difference between before and when Malin came here-the only change is that now there are those sea elves running around to clean up her.

"Ah, Lord Rhodes, when did you come back ... no wonder Christie hurried out just now ......... Sorry, let you see me again ..."

"Well, Rabis, I'm not here to make fun of you."

Rhodes waved his hand, interrupting Labis' somewhat embarrassing explanation, and then he coughed and looked at the Golem in front of him.

"I heard about it from Christie just now. Has the construction of the Golem been completed?"

"Yes, Lord Rhodes."

As soon as she talked about her business, Rabis immediately swept away her embarrassment and shyness, raised her head involuntarily, and understood Rhodes in detail.

"According to your proposal, I used those cores of souls to drive. Now that the construction of the golems has been tested, I think it is enough to meet your requirements. If it is just a normal battle, you can maintain it for two days. If you fight at full strength, it will last about one day. After that, the energy of the core of the soul will be exhausted. If you wait for recharge, it will take ten days to continue the exercise. "

Ten days, it may be too long.

Hearing this, Rhodes frowned, but the Air Force of the Undead Army was very difficult to deal with. If his Holy White Gryphon can only do this, then it is not easy to deal with the other air force. Things up. However, Rhodes is also very clear that there is no way. Although the Gargoyle of the Undead is also an alchemy creature, its driving source is to strip their souls from the living beings, and fuse them into a seal. In the inanimate stone statue. However, it is obviously impossible for Rabis to use such a cruel method, and in the case of Lydia's eyelids, Rhodes cannot do too much.

"How many have been built?"

"So far, only this one has been made, my lord."

Speaking of which, Rabis's face was helpless.

"Although Tof Christie's blessing, we quickly designed the construction of a golem, but after that, it took a lot of time to experiment with how to drive the core of the soul and maximize the use of energy. Until recently, we It was so hard to solve all the problems ... "

"I know."

Although Rabbis was a little upset and sorry, Rhodes was not as nervous as she was. As a traversor crossing the earth, Rhodes certainly knew that anything was the most difficult when it was first created. And once its technical problems are solved, it can have a set of skilled manufacturing processes and sufficient raw materials, then there will be no problems in mass production.

"At the current rate, how long will it take to build these construction golems?"

"This one…………"

After hearing Rhode's inquiries, Rabis was slightly silent, and then she gave the answer.

"It took about five days to make one. I'm sorry, Lord Rhodes. Although the sea elves can help in many ways, this is the only one ..."

"This is not your problem, Rabis, don't worry, you should also pay attention to your body and take your time."

Although Rabbi didn't finish, Rhode was also very clear about what she wanted to say, but Rhodes couldn't solve the problem himself. In any case, he has no channels now, and no one can find a group of alchemy apprentices to give Rabbi Wire hit. Although it can be said that artisans can complete such things as sculpture, constructing the alchemy matrix and inlaying the core can only be done by Rabis, let alone Rabis is also responsible for preparing the potions in the guild ... … Rhodes really felt that he was the Southern slave master. This is exactly the use of Labus the master of alchemy as a black slave ... But now, there is no good solution to this problem.

Thinking of this, Rhodes shook his head, tossed the idea behind him, then he took two steps back, staring at the holy white lion and his demon statue in front of him.

"So, Rabis, let me see how powerful it is."

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Rhodes's words, Rabis nodded, and then quickly withdrew. Then, the girl took a beautiful polished gem from her arms and held it in her hand, then she closed her eyes, and soon, together The glory of magic flashed from the girl.


At this time, the originally condensed sculpture suddenly exudes a pure white streamer. Then, the two white sapphire eyes of the Saint White Gryphon also exposed a bright and dazzling light, and then it made a long beep and opened its wings to jump up , Turned into a white lightning, rushed towards Rhode!

(To be continued)

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