Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 638: Unresolved issues and issues that should be resolved

After Rhode's return, Annie's mood seemed to be relieved, at least not as extreme as before, and just in case, Rhode decided to let Annie stay with her for a while to see the situation. Then discuss it again. As for why Anne has become like this, in fact, everyone can not come up with an accurate statement. Although it is said that because of the change of seasons, people's emotions are indeed affected, but it is as big as Annie ’s change. It is rare. Only Qilian seems to be quite aware of this. At present, this sly fox is not in the place of atonement, but is going out to do business as directed by Rhodes. But even so, relying on the communication between the mind, Qilian still knows Right now Annie's situation. Obviously, however, the Lord of Fire Element was not worried about it.

"Don't worry, master, this is a very normal situation for the half-beast, especially for the little Annie who has now awakened her power."

"So why didn't she behave like this before?"

Looking at Annie, who was sleeping on the table in his study, Rhodes frowned, and finally asked a question through the soul connection. Soon, he heard the light laughter of Qilian.

"That was because the power of Warcraft in Little Annie's body had not yet been awakened. At that time, she was still more of a human bloodline, so it has not changed, but now, the power of Warcraft in Little Anne's body is beginning to affect her. And that ’s why there is such a change. "

"Don't you say that will continue?"

After hearing Qiqi's answer, Rhodes frowned. If this is the case, then it is really a troublesome thing. He still has some experience in interpersonal communication. Although everyone in the guild has always liked Annie, it is inseparable from Annie's own naive and cheerful surname. But if Annie continues like this, everyone will be able to tolerate it at first, but it will be absolutely unacceptable for a long time. In that case, Annie would only have to leave the guild, but if it did, Rhodes could imagine how painful Anne's life would be.

"Woohoo ........."

Hearing Rhode's inquiries, Qilian issued a pleasant chuckle.

"Master, you are really worried about Little Annie. I'm really jealous of death. Oh, what can I do? I'm also a woman, and jealousy is my heavenly name. You see that you are facing another woman in front of me. I ’m so kind, but I do n’t even ask me if I ’m doing well, hey ... Master, how can you be so kind and ignorant? Now people are alone, and the most needed thing is their lover ’s encouragement and intimate comfort. Otherwise, Maybe I would just hang out alone on the street because of loneliness and inattention, and then find a pub to borrow alcohol to worry about, and then get drunk and find a man to send warmth. Maybe? Conceiving the child of the other party, but the other party is still noble. After having a wife and child, he does n’t care for a woman who is nomadic, no one loves and has no background. In the end, they can only take The newborn child left here and left for a long time, and lived a life of misery and frustration ......... Master, do you have the patience to let me regret my life for a moment?

"Why do I listen to you so clearly and understand nothing at all?"

After hearing Qilian's answer, Rhodes rolled his eyes helplessly, and the female fox grinned slightly, and then said again.

"Hmm ... In fact, the situation of Little Annie does not require the owner to be particularly worried. This is also a special phenomenon of half-beasts. There will always be a period of time every year, but because of the different Warcraft races in the body, Everyone ’s performance is not the same. But ... it all depends on you. If you handle it properly, then Anne wo n’t have such a problem in the future. But what if you do n’t handle it properly? You Ready to be patient for so long every year? "

"So what should we do?"

After hearing that Qilian said that the change was temporary but not permanent, Rhodes felt a little relieved in his heart. He was also worried that the change would always affect or even completely change Annie's name. But now it sounds like the existence of a seasonal allergy, even if it is not cured, it will not affect too much, but even so, it will still be a headache, if you can, Rhode certainly hopes that it can be done once and for all. Solve this trouble.

But this time, Qilian didn't give Rhode a positive answer he expected. Instead, Rhode only heard the Lord of the Elements with a funny chuckle.

"Well ...... you can only rely on the owner to find it yourself? I also said before that I'm a jealous woman. You can't bear to be so gentle with another woman in front of me. So, as a small punishment, this will only allow the owner to ask for it yourself. Then, I will leave this first ... Skynet's plan is going very smoothly, and please do n’t worry about it ... Whew ... "

Listening to Qilian's pride and disappearance with a bit of sly smile, Rhodes shook his head helplessly. Of course, he knew that Qilian's dissatisfaction with himself mostly remained verbal. This little fox was not that kind of anger People, but there is something wrong with it in this matter, no wonder Qi love will use this to tease himself. In this case, Rhodes no longer complains, and he will bear the evils he created himself. Qilian does not want to tell him, but he hints that he is the key to solving this problem. As long as Rhodes works hard, he must be able to find The key to solving it. Not to mention, in fact, in the case of Anne, Rhodes had a vague idea in his mind, but it was not clear enough.

Anne's affairs can not be resolved in a day or two, but since Anne's performance is no longer so outrageous when she stays with her, Rhode doesn't mind observing it for a while. But there is one more thing, but there is no way to delay it, it must be completed as soon as possible.

That is the recruitment of private soldiers.

Facing the dark clouds of the coming war, the regular army is indispensable, and the cavalry of John's troops after this period of exercise and equipment bonuses, although the combat effectiveness has increased greatly, but the manpower is still insufficient. Now that it is winter, Rhodes intends to recruit some civilians to join his private army. At least until the beginning of the spring next year, he expects to have an army with a minimum of 500 to 1,000 people.

Although Rhodes had this idea before, objective conditions at the time did not allow him to do so. Elsewhere, military recruitment was mostly done among civilians. But that is also the local population is large enough. However, Rhodes' Atonement Land and Glenn Bell are basically deserted areas, and they originally recruited fewer than a few people. Later, although the fortress was established, many people emigrated here, but the number was still very small, and even the barely running of the fortress was not enough, let alone joining the army.

Now, the population of the Atonement Land has begun to increase. Many people who cannot live elsewhere have come here to look for vitality and doorways. In addition to the status of the Starlight Guild, many mercenaries have also come here. Winter is the best time to recruit private soldiers. Therefore, Rhodes decided to build an army with the fastest speed to cope with the crisis that might come.

Although in the guild, many mercenaries are said to be able to join Rhodes' personal soldiers if they perform well, but in fact, Rhodes does not plan to recruit too many mercenaries to join the army. Because soldiers ask for prohibition, you ca n’t say anything if you go to death, but mercenaries are more likely to choose to protect themselves. If they do n’t look good, they may give up the team, which is naturally not a good thing for an army. . Therefore, Rhodes decided that most of the private soldiers were selected from civilians, and then recruited some old mercenaries or veterans with military experience to join them, and then uniformly dispatched by John, plus the training skill bonus of the mystery ball, Training a qualified army should not be difficult.

Rhodes is so concerned about this matter not only because he has now become a formal lord, but also because of his tactical coordination. After everything that he has experienced in this world for a while, Rhode knows very well that he will have a battle with the Dragon Kingdom of the Night and the Kingdom of Light, and for this, he must have a way to deal with each other. . The sooner this personal soldier is established, the better the cooperation between the two sides will be afterwards. Moreover, Rhodes has also decided his own fighting style. He intends to completely overhaul the tactics in the game and improve them.

In the game, Rhodes led the Starlight Guild. The tactic of invincible in the world is actually very simple. In the final analysis, it is four words-the sword behind it.

This trick has already been used by Rhodes in the game of Dragon Soul Continent. In fact, this set of tactics is very simple. First, the large troops should attract the attention of the enemy forces and lead them out of the fortress and stronghold. Then Rhodes Led an elite team to take advantage of the opportunity to touch in from behind, occupy or destroy the opponent's stronghold, and then cooperate with the large forces in the front to attack the enemy on both sides. This is actually a very simple routine. Not only is Rhodes, many players like to use it. Everyone is familiar with adjusting tigers and mountains, but only the Starlight Guild is the only one who plays the back knife like Rhodes. Even later, even hostile guilds, player lords, and even NPCs knew that as long as the Starlight Guild was out, whether it was a battle of positions, defense, or invasion, their tactics would always have only one move, which is to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, then 捅Knife.

But knowing is one thing, and being able to crack is another. This is like Xiao Fei Dao. Everyone knows that he only needs one knife to kill, but he can't escape the knife anyway. For many years, Rhode's Starlight Guild has been playing vertical and horizontal games. As long as not a rookie player knows their tactics, there are very few that can possibly crack this tactic, which is almost equal to nothing. Although Rhodes's tactics seem simple, in fact, they contain numerous changes to deal with various environments and situations.

For Rhodes, he chose this tactic not only because the tactic is familiar to him, but also because the tactic of this tactic is actually very low for most people. Especially on the requirements of large troops, Rhodes does not require players in large troops to have superb indulgence and pk skills. On the contrary, being able to listen to orders, not acting freely, and being disciplined are the most important. As long as these conditions are met, even if it is a rookie player who has newly joined the guild, Rhodes can be safely incorporated into the large army. If this condition is not met, even if the opponent is a top ten player in the arena, Rhodes will Kick out without hesitation.

Of course, just being obedient is not enough. There is no lack of disciplinary or even stubborn groups in the player groups. At this time, a commander with a good overall view and keen tactical sense is needed to cooperate with Rhodes. In the game, this position is responsible for the old Liu Kuanpao and Bi Lingxin. The two of them are also the vice president of the Starlight Guild, cooperate with Rhodes, and often do n’t need to communicate to know each other. What should be done in between. Here, Rhodes intends to be deployed by John and himself. The strong charge and action capabilities of the troops he leads are a very necessary part of Rhodes' tactics, although in the cooperating tacit name There must be a gap between the two sides, but Rhodes believes that as long as you hurry up and hone it, there should be no major problems.

And in this set of tactics, the most important is still the elite squad responsible for going deep behind the enemy. In the game, this squad should be led by Rhodes. Canary and Little Bubble Gum are among them. Members, but unlike the big troops, players in this elite squad not only have to obey orders, but also have flexible response capabilities and powerful means of killing and suppressing. Although it is necessary to sneak into the enemy's back when they are empty, in the end, more players who have been attacked by Rhodes will naturally have their own ways to deal with them, such as anti-sneak attacks, and even enticing the enemy to use enemies to surround them. After reading the thirty-six counts, no one is worse than this. At this time, strong strength has become a necessary means.

This also led to high restrictions on entering the Rhodes elite group. In the Dragon Soul mainland player rankings, at least half of the Rhode elite group ranked in the top 100, even if the rest is only Wandering around a hundred people, this is enough to see that the level and skill requirements are high.

If this requirement is used to set the team in the hands of Rhodes, then it must be that all of them can't be eliminated. Fortunately, the people on this continent are not as strong as the players. Even the undead army that is famous for its strength, at the same level, the soldiers other than the boss are only a quarter of the player's level of strength. . With Rhodes' current strength, plus Celia, Celestina and Grace Hill, Madaras, and the power of Seven Love, Lijie, and Anne, it is enough to fight. Not to mention Lando, Marfa and Joey's mercenaries have greatly increased their strength under the influence of the Orb of Mystery, so even if they encounter the undead army, as long as it is not the level of the four devil, Rhodes still thinks he has The strength of the war.

However, Rhodes is also very clear that at present, this elite group still has a lot of flaws. The biggest problem is the insufficient coverage of large-scale attack capabilities. In the game, one of the reasons why Rhodes's tactics can receive magical effects is that the strongholds they invade are relatively narrow environments. Under this environment, the large-scale aoe techniques obviously deter the power. Large, but also easier to hit the target, causing much more loss and damage. So this is what Rhodes requires in the elite group as many large-scale aoe powerful careers as possible. If judged by this, then in the elite group of Rhodes, only Qilian and Marlene meet this condition. This is obviously not enough. Not to mention, these people cannot all be mages, but they also need some high-level people who can adapt to tough battles. These people are rarely seen in Rhodes's mercenary guild.

Although it is not impossible to cultivate from now on, but time is limited after all, and the effect will not be very good. Fortunately, for the current situation, Rhodes also has a solution.


The knock on the door rang, and Marlene walked into the room. The girl glanced at Annie, who was lying on the table and snoring, and shook her head with a bitter smile, then went to Rhodes.

"Do you have anything to do with me? Rhodes."

"Yes, Marlene, I need your help this time."

Hearing Marin's inquiry, Rhode nodded, and then he reached out and took out two letters.

"I hope you can send someone to send these letters to the Blackfin Coast Hunters and the Eastern Yamahara War Corps, and invite them to join my army on behalf of the Lord of the Glenbell Territory. I have written the conditions and requirements of the letter. "

"Slayers and war corps?"

Hearing here, Marlene gave a little stupefaction, and then she looked at Rhodes in confusion.

"Rhode, you know, their reputation is not very good ......... if you do this ........."

"Of course I know, Marlene, but in fact they are not as scary as rumored. And now, I need their power very much. I hope that I can get members who have enough magical suppressive power and can retain a certain combat power. Human beings are a good choice ... at least it's more useful than those mages in the academy. "

"I see, Rhodes."

When she heard this, Marin nodded, and then she reached out to pick up the two letters, but the girl didn't leave immediately. Instead, she looked at Rhode with some hesitation, and then said something after a moment of silence.

"But ... Rhodes, if you have this need, then I think ... the Xenia family may be able to help you in this regard."


Hearing here, Rod suddenly felt energetic. He changed his pose and stared curiously at Marine.

"What helps?"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, Marin was silent for a while, then she looked up and looked at Rhode quietly ...

"If you are saying that you expect to have both magical repressive power and combat power, then I think the magic guide construction being developed by the Shania family should help you.

(To be continued)

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