Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 661: Preparations before the ceremony

When Rhodes returned to the reception room again, Ann's expression was much better than before, perhaps because of the comfort of Marlene and Li Jie. Now the girl's face, which was originally very thick, was already indifferent and desperate. Seeing Rhode walk in at this moment, An An hurriedly stood up and looked at him with uneasy and expectant eyes. It was as if a prisoner was standing on the dock, waiting anxiously for the judge to make a death sentence or acquittal.

"I understand your situation."

Rhode looked at the girl in front of her, and said without hesitation, but when he heard Rhode's words, she shivered uneasily, she looked up and looked at the man in front of her. But before Ann had any further moves, Rhodes had already spoken his words very neatly.

"Miss Clark, you can stay in the place of atonement. The power of darkness in your body is just a sequel to the rituals of previous pagans. Unfortunately, because this power has begun to merge with your soul, it cannot be eliminated You can only accept your destiny, that is to merge with this power and live on. You don't have to worry about this, I will find someone to help you solve this problem. But beyond this, if you want to stay in the atonement Place, then you have to work for me. What do you think of this condition? Miss Clark, my men, never keep idle people. "

Rhode's words are not alarmist. In fact, there are no idle people under his hands. Although Anne ate and slept all day, the girl was very serious when she fought. Even Christie, who has no fighting power, will be responsible for the design drawings of the structures in the alchemy workshop of Rabis. And Clark would naturally have to work if he wanted to stay here.

"I do!"

Hearing Rhode's words, Ann hardly hesitated, and quickly nodded, this was almost the girl's last straw. If Rhode is unwilling to lend a helping hand, then the girl really has no choice but to die. Now, the Lord Lord is willing to take himself in, so no matter what he wants to do, he will definitely do it!


Upon hearing Ann's answer, Rhode nodded with satisfaction, then he turned his head.

"Agavy, go and arrange a room for this lady, Miss Clark. It's very late today. Let's go to rest first, if there's anything, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"OK ... Thank you, Lord Lord."

After the big rock in my heart landed. Ann soon felt a deep sense of exhaustion coming to her heart, and along the way, the despair, anxiety and fear of death had been deeply entangled in the girl. She hasn't even slept well these days. Since being forced to leave the house again, every night has been a difficult and painful night for Ann. At that time she even became a hope of living, and now. The cloud that had been pressing on her heart finally dissipated, which finally made An An feel relieved. She saluted Rhode respectfully, and then left the reception room under Agawi's leadership. Looking at the girl leaving, Rhodes just shrugged. Then he turned around and looked at the other two next to him.

"Maryn, Miss Clark will follow you for a while tomorrow. You can let her fight for you. I think she can do this little thing. And I hope you can teach Miss Clark a little bit about the power of darkness in this interval. Correct knowledge of ours. Lest our young lady worry all day whether she will suddenly become a living dead. "

"Okay, Rhodes."

Hear Rhode's words. Malin couldn't help smirking, but she nodded quickly and agreed. According to Marin's understanding, Rhode's words are not a joke. For ordinary people who lack magic knowledge, what magical soul power is like a demon. The curse is as horrifying as the blasphemy. As a mage, of course, Marlene could not tolerate such barbaric and ignorant things happening to her. In fact, even if Rhodes doesn't say it, Marin will find a chance to talk to Ann, after all, this issue is not a trivial matter.

Human beings are always full of fears about the unknown, and deep fears will ultimately only lead to two results-either to escape because of extreme fears or to yield due to extreme fears. It is said that you cannot defeat your enemies, then join your enemies. Many times, those who are gifted with power are unable to overcome the notion of fear in their own minds, causing them to fall and become what they fear. Because in this way, they are not afraid of anything.


After commanding Marin, Rhode turned to Lijie again.

"I think that it will not be long before Miss Clark will spread throughout the land of atonement. I want you to communicate with the church on our behalf before that, tell them the truth about this matter, and get as much as possible from them. Cooperate and leave it to you. "

"No problem, Mr. Rhodes."

Upon hearing Rhode's order, Li Jie nodded without hesitation, and quickly nodded in agreement. After getting a reply from the two, Rhodes finally let go.

In fact, although Rhodes was indifferent to Miss Clark on the surface, in fact, Rhodes valued the young girl deeply. Because for him, the appearance of Ann is a complement to his power.

This is not Rhode's intentional exaggeration, but in fact, Rhodes already had the idea when he learned from Shana that Ann came to ask for help. Among Rhodes' forces, the most lacking is talent. In terms of government affairs, the students brought by Marin barely fill the gap, but in another aspect they have a very obvious shortcoming-that is, business investment.

Although Rhodes currently cooperates with several chambers of commerce power groups, both parties are only cooperative relationships. The only one who is considered a subordinate relationship is Metz. However, Rhodes does not give all the business feats to this fat businessman to complete. At first, this is in the spirit of not putting eggs in a basket. Second, Metz is an old fritter, after all He now enjoys working well with Rhodes, but after all he is an adult and has spent all his life in business. Both the surname and the sense of reading autonomy have been developed. He can work happily with himself, but it is impossible to be loyal to himself. And Metz has established his own business, and in many cases, he is also responsible for his own business. This is an objective factor. It is impossible for Rhodes to ask Metz to sell his wife, children, and children to himself. This is also unrealistic. But right now he doesn't have too good candidates, so he can only do so temporarily. Ma Lin was born aristocracy, although she had a keen political mind and a big picture. But she has the pride of aristocracy and is very cold about the existence of businessmen dealing with the lower classes. Rhodes couldn't imagine how an aristocratic young lady like Malin bargained with others like a travelling businessman ... It's too outrageous.

As for Li Jie, let alone think that she may be a good-hearted child. Unfortunately, the quality of kindness is a fatal flaw in a businessman, and Li Jie is not good at this kind of thing. As for the others ... not to mention.

Because of this. When Shana's report was received, Rod flashed.

Although he didn't have much contact with Ann Clark, after rescued the lady, Rhode learned about her resume from the side-she was born in the merchant's house on the Cole Plateau, The eldest daughter of the Clark family, Ping Yueli's performance as a wealthy-born young lady can still be said in the past, there is no messy gossip. There are no weird rumors. Most people think of An as a quiet, submissive child. Beyond that, she seems to have inherited her father's talents commercially, at least after An's fifteen. She has been with her father for business negotiations more than once, and her father has a high opinion of Ann.

It is inevitable that this will be doped with some water, but even so, for Rhodes. This is also a good start. If he can keep Ann in his hands, it will be for both the Starlight Guild and the commercial development of the Glenbell Territory. Would be a good thing. And, unlike Metz, Ann is lonely now. She can only continue to live in this world by herself. Rhodes is not worried that she will turn against the water, nor will she betray herself. As long as she can work wholeheartedly for herself, it will be a good thing for her and Rhodes.

The only question now is whether the young lady's ability is as good as rumored. After all, after meeting with An several times, Rhodes finds that the young lady's performance is really quiet, gentle, see Get up a harmless look of humans and animals. But on the other hand, he didn't realize that the young lady had any commercial talents—of course, Rhodes did n’t have any commercial issues to pass to his rescued passers-by.

However, Rhodes is not without a backseat. Even if this lady's business talent is only exaggerated, but she was born in a wealthy family. She is still a rare talent with good education under Rhodes. Even if she does not have business talent, take it Give Malin something or something ......... Always there is no problem.

For Rhodes, this is just an episode.

Under the same starry sky, the farther end, an unprecedented shock broke out.

The old man threw the stationery in his hand heavily on the table. He looked iron-blue, gritted his teeth and stared at each word above. In every sentence, the white letterhead inlaid with gold rims could be clearly seen under the light of the fire. Font, but in the eyes of the elderly, this elegant font looks like a serpent wriggling on the stationery, which is disgusting! And the people sitting on the round long table in front of him looked at the white-haired old man with different eyes at this moment. Some of them were worried, some were angry, and some were looking at him with ridicule and contempt. Although the conference hall was silent, it could not hide the waves of the dark tide.

"What do you think of this?"

Under the gaze of the crowd, the old man realized that his actions just now were a bit abnormal. He hurried back to his seat and sat down, then raised his head to look at the crowd. Hearing the old man's question, a man in a black dress sneered dismissively.

"The Principality of Munn protested to us? What's a joke? The investigation team was unanimously approved by our parliament of light. They have enough power to do anything anywhere. Now that they have found the culprit who is likely to attack the stormy business road, It is natural to catch them back for questioning. But now that the Principality of Muen not only resisted by force, but even wanted to take the lead? I don't think the Council of Light can continue to remain silent. We must protest in the strongest possible way. . Ask the Principality of Munn to surrender the killer, if they don't want to ... "

"What do you want? Don't you plan to send troops to the Principality of Munn?"

The man's words weren't finished, and he saw another person sitting not far from him reaching out, raising his glasses, and then speaking coldly.

"In the current situation, how can we take the Principality of Munn?"

"We must show the dignity of the Council of Light and let those young people know how powerful we are! The investigation team represents the face of the Council of Light! If we let the tyrant of the Duchy of Muen and her running dogs so humiliate, So where do we always stand for the beliefs of justice, freedom, fairness and justice? How can we explain to the families of those who died in the war? And if they are known by other territories, what will they have? What kind of opinion? "

"Now is not the time to discuss these. We should pay attention to more important practical issues! Because of the changes before the Chaoshanglu Road and the recent poor harvests in several border areas, the fiscal revenue of this country of light has been unable to make ends meet. In the past, we made a tough stance on the Principality of Munn, so what if the Grand Duke cut off Munn's funding again? "

"What do you mean? Isn't the freedom and justice that our generations have gained with blood and life comparable to those copper-smelly money? You are insulting our grandparents for their ideals and beliefs. Do you pay? "

"I don't mean that, I just want you to look at the problem in a more practical way, because the previous series of incidents, there have been voices of dissatisfaction with the parliament among the people, if it is not possible to obtain funding from the Principality of Munn this year. Then There will be a vacuum and a loophole in our capital chain. We do n’t have enough money in our hands to fill this loophole. If this time we lose the funding from the Principality of Munn, then at least three territories will be directly bankrupt. What should we do? Solve it? Do we want to increase taxes? Is this what you would like to see? The citizens of Basel, Grunck, and Drakex are very dissatisfied with the parliament's use of their hard-paid taxes to help the remote cold regions. If we increase taxes, the support for parliament will decline! And, the new year is ......... "


A dead silence.

No one spoke, but everyone knew what the Member of Parliament just said. The following year is the year of the quadrennial general elections. Popular support is the most important. However, in the previous two years, the parliament did not show enough satisfaction to the people, and this year's tide of commercial road events and subsequent follow-up also caused the parliament a headache. Many consortia have expressed their dissatisfaction secretly. Not only that, the people did not resolutely send troops to assist the Principality of the Principality of Moen in the pursuit of freedom and ideals. Instead, they watched the cruel tyrant cruelly suppressed the pursuit of freedom. The issue of the Reading Force has also caused the parliament to falter during this period of time. According to surveys, led by the old parliament leader, the current parliamentary approval rate has dropped from 48% to 35%. And right now, the opposition and **** are also taking advantage of this opportunity to start to stare at the throne of the parliamentary chairman.

"Because of this, we have to show a strong side in front of the people, let the people know that we are not afraid of the threat of a tyrant! Our country of light is still the beacon of freedom, fairness, justice and ideals on this continent!"

"But the vernacular cannot fill our stomachs. If we cannot fill the fiscal loopholes, how do you face the inquiry of the House of Commons? And, Moun is a reading country, and according to the Light Dragon Regulations, we have no Right to interfere in other countries ’internal affairs, we have protested against the brutal and **** repressions that took place in Muen ’s territory, we have done everything we should do, and it is pointless to continue in this matter ! "

The people who said this sentence were very indignant, a picture filled with indignation, struggling according to reason-at this time they remembered that Muen was a country with sovereign reading.

Looking at the noisy parliament hall in front of him, the old man frowned, and he put his finger on his forehead, exhaling a long breath. The stationery in front of him made him look very irritable. He certainly knew what the little girl wanted to protest at this time, but ... he couldn't help himself. But what can he do now? Thinking of this, the old man's complexion was a little dull, and he looked at the lawmakers who were arguing in front of him, but felt exhausted like never before. The decision to send an investigative team was made by himself, because he also hoped to be re-elected, and the re-election required the support of the large domestic consortium. The stormy commercial road attack time has caused certain losses and impacts on major consortia. In order to appease their dissatisfaction, the old parliamentary president has to do something. But now, he finds that his hopes of reelection are becoming increasingly slim. But can I be willing? Can he just give up?

Thinking of this, the old man held the armrest of the chair involuntarily.

Just then, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

"You guys, I think, I have a way to solve this problem."

When they heard this voice, the crowd stopped arguing immediately. They turned their heads and looked at the person who said the word—under the gaze of the crowd, he stood up and looked at himself with confidence and pride. Colleagues.

"I think you all know very well that it's time for the Dragon Sacred Scriptures ......... Maybe we can do some writing on it."

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