Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 668: Between Light (VII)

After that, everything went smoothly. Although there were still crowds protesting and protesting around, no one dared to step forward anymore. But even so, the atmosphere inside the carriage was still very bad, and Malin stared out of the window with a gloomy face, with a flaming flame in her eyes. Li Jie frowned and did not hide her dissatisfaction, which is very rare for a girl who has always been cautious. But Annie came and went fast. At this moment, she had already leaned on the back of the chair and entered the dreamland, and watching her tilt her head and drooling and sleeping, it made people a little speechless --- not at all Just know what to say.

Soon, the capital of the country of light, Casablanca, the capital of light, was presented in front of everyone.

From the exterior, Casablanca and Gold City have some similarities. For example, their main colors are white, white and tall city walls, wide streets, and scattered houses. However, Golden City is more of a natural scenery. Under the golden castle, the lush forests, mountains and calm and beautiful lakes merge into one, forming a wonderful picture. In contrast, the capital of light is more like a miracle of human civilization. In this city, the most striking thing is not the natural scenery, but the tall buildings. Those whole white and tall buildings stand among them, and they can be seen at a glance.

One of the most striking is the Temple of the Dragon of Light, which is located on the east side of Casablanca City. Unlike the angular castles, the Temple of the Dragon of Light is more like a blooming flower with petals facing The layers spread out in all directions, revealing the holy and beautiful flower inside. On both sides of it, round pillars supported the palaces on both sides, which were where the archangels lived. Unlike Lidia, these two archangels have been living a life of abode, they secretly protect the Dragon Spirit of the Light from harm, and also command the remaining Legion of War Angels.

In the game, many players have discussed why the remaining two Archangels do not have a "self-supporting portal" like Lydia, because if they also each build a country controlled by Archangel, like Lydia , Then there is no need for the kingdom of light, as long as the three archangels unite the three nations, it is still possible to build a kingdom of gods that belongs only to the dragon of light, and there is no need to live a sad reminder like this. Especially before this, when the Council of Light gave the Dragon Spirit of the Night to the Dragon of the Night, the existence of the two archangels could not be lower, and almost no one remembered their existence. This is really a very strange thing. According to the truth, the two archangels exist as dragon spirits to protect the light. In this case, they should protect their masters, but they have disappeared.-Yes Players say they were secretly removed by the Council of Light. Some players also said that they were disheartened after seeing Lydia defeated and died. They gave up their mission and chose the path of degradation. But even the players of the kingdom of light can't say exactly where these two archangels have gone.

Although the temple of the dragon of light in front of the sun shines brightly under the sun, I do n’t know why, but Rhodes always feels that it looks a bit dim, as if looking out across a layer of sunglasses. It's a little dim. I don't know why ... In addition to the Temple of the Dragon of Light, there are two other buildings that are equally eye-catching. They are not luxurious or beautiful, but they are more powerful and round. The tall triangular dome, the quadrangular roof from top to bottom, and the thick and thick building wall are fused together, which is full of a sacred and solemn feeling. This is where the House of Light and Parliament are located. It is also the real political center of the country of light ......... or the core.

However, it is not these that the capital of light is best known for.

Rhode retracted his gaze and moved to the south coast. Soon, he saw a tall building there, a huge right hand carved from stone. It held up a torch, and the temple of the dragon of light. Far away.

That is the most famous building in this country-the lighthouse of freedom.

It was built at the centennial celebration of the establishment of the Light Council. At that time, the light council built this lighthouse in order to "warmly celebrate that human beings have finally obtained the freedom of reading and independence. They no longer need to see the Dragon Spirit and the Archangel. With long eyes, you can dominate your own future! "

Seeing the lighthouse in front of him, Rhodes shook his head involuntarily. He didn't understand what the Dragon Spirit of Light thought. As the Dragon Spirit of Creation, he participated in the creation war, sacrificed so much, and finally got it. peace. Hasn't the Dragon Spirit of Creation yet recognized the human surname? Human beings are full of desires. In essence, Rhodes and the people of the Council of Light are in fact no different. They are all eager to gain power, consolidate their power, and the less they can restrain themselves, the better, and the more they can control themselves, the better. How could the Dragon of Light not understand this? Does she have a low IQ? Rhodes doesn't think so. If the Dragon of Light is really low in intelligence, then the Dragon of Light would not have owned such a large land at the end of the World War, and it would have been squeezed into the corner by the Dragon Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Fa. went.

So why does the Dragon of Light do this?

I'm afraid this question can only be asked clearly when looking for the Dragon of Light at that time when going back to the creation war. Because the successor of the Dragon Soul inherits the Dragon Soul knowledge and power from the previous one, and does not gain the memory of the previous one, so this question-even if Rhode goes to the current Dragon of Light Soul inquired, I'm afraid the other party also asked about it.

The carriage slowed down, and finally stopped in front of the Council of Light.

Then the door opened.

Lydia got out of the carriage and soon saw the legislators dressed in Chinese clothes standing in front of the Council of Light. They looked at themselves with a warm smile and saw her step out of the carriage. These councillors also approached her. A smile appeared—that smile from the bottom of their hearts, especially after they knew what had just happened. In addition to the people of the Council of Light, on both sides of the staircase are the lords and representatives of other major territories, and they saw different faces when they saw the arrival of Lydia and others. Some people are worried, others are ridiculous, and others are indifferent, and obviously they all know what happened just now.

"I welcome your presence on behalf of the Council of Light. Dear Archangel."

The old councilor smiled and stepped forward to pay a tribute to Lydia, then raised his head with a look of regret and regret. He glanced at the people behind Lidia and gave them a very sorry and helpless smile.

"I apologize for this on behalf of the Parliament of Light, but please understand that, as a free country, we have no reason to prevent the activities of national spontaneous organizations. Unless they do too much, we ca n’t do much more This is also to avoid unnecessary disputes, but I believe that the people are sensible and they will not make some reckless actions ... "

Upon hearing this, many people's faces sank suddenly.

None of them who came with Lydia this time were idiots. They immediately understood what the old parliamentary longhand meant. Although on the surface, the old parliamentary apologized for everything that happened before, but Look at what he defends for those people to know what this immortal means. He said that the people would not make reckless actions, that is to say that the demonstration was an organized, disciplined and very clever move by the people? The people who had been scolded along the way were all in a bad mood. At this moment, I heard the old parliamentary secretly excuse the mob, and the words also affirmed the actions of those people. Know what this old **** is thinking? Isn't he secretly sarcastic about himself?

"Of course I can understand that the president of the parliament, whether it is managing a city or a country, is very difficult."

Lydia's smile remained unchanged, as if she didn't hear the meaning of the old man at all, so she gently exposed the matter, and then she stretched out her right hand gracefully-but this is not a gesture of shaking hands On the contrary, Lydia stretched out her right hand with the back of her hand facing up and her palm down, so she put her hand in front of the old parliamentarian with a smile.


This time, the faces of the Council of Light's turn changed slightly. But the lords and representatives of other territories were looking at this time!

Of course they knew what Lydia meant, and this was to kiss the old parliament long salute! !! !!

On Dragon Soul Continent, hand kiss is a solemn and formal custom, and it is only qualified to be used by the upper class. In such serious and formal occasions, only noble people are eligible to use this etiquette. But then, problems arise.

Hand kiss is a etiquette among the upper classes and between the upper and lower classes. And at the moment Lydia made this move, which implies that she has a higher status than the old parliamentary president. She is telling the Council of Light that she is the light dragon soul Immediate subordinates, one of the three archangels! And your council of light is just the subordinates under it! Your status is lower than me!

In the Dragon Soul Temple, Lidia Ke has never done this before! !!

If the old parliamentarian wants to accept Lydia ’s ceremony, then he must kneel on one knee and kiss Lydia ’s finger-this is a naked humiliation to the Council of Light in the public. !! !!

They worked hard for so long, but in the end, the representative of the Light Council actually bowed to an angel! !!

If the old parliament president did this, it would mean that the Council of Light is completely shamed! And if he does not do so, it is undoubtedly a formal break with the Principality of Muen in front of everyone. Lydia is the Grand Duke of the Principality of Muen. If the old parliament rejects Lydia's etiquette, then the relationship between them will be completely broken at this time!

The people of the Light Council did not expect that they laughed at Lydia and others, and the retribution came so quickly. This is a formal diplomatic occasion. So many people are watching here. In the face of Lidia's action, what should the old parliamentary president do? Lidia, however, made a perfect kiss. He didn't have time to touch the fish and shake hands. This was a good opportunity to resolve the crisis, but who is Lidia? Archangel, her strength is second only to the dragon spirit of the creation, and the head of the old council is just an ordinary person --- on the level of surname, he is not even ten.

How could Lydia give him this opportunity.

For a while, the air was frozen.

Rhode looked at the scene in front of him with interest, and everyone in the delegation was smiling at this time, taking a natural look at the Council of Light. In their opinion, this is a matter of course. Lydia is an archangel serving the Dragon Soul. Naturally, her status is higher than that of your light council. Kissing is a matter of course. The archangel ’s kiss, this is already a gift to you, do n’t you kneel down and thank you? mortal?

The air seemed so dignified that even those deputies who stood by to see the excitement showed unbelievable eyes. They never thought that when the two sides met, they would not even have an outpost and went directly into the stage of fierce conflict. At this moment, all eyes are on the old parliamentary president. Should he do this ceremony?

No one is sure.

Many people know that the current parliamentary leader is unstable in the parliament because of a series of unfavorable policies and decisions after he took office. His approval rate in the country of light has fallen to a minimum, and even within the parliament, some people have begun Discussion substitutions. At this time, if he chooses to submit, it means that the re-election of the old parliament president is basically complete, and there may be no surname at all. A man who has abandoned the tradition of the House of Light in the public eye is not qualified to govern this country.

But what if he refuses?

The hostile relationship between the Council of Light and the Principality of Muen will be completely substantive, and they may face the barrier of the Dragon Kingdom of the Night in front of them. Not only that, it is almost certain that Lydia will cut this time to the Light Dragon Soul's Amount of Money-This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Light Country, which is already in financial crisis right now! !! If they do not have enough money to fill the fiscal deficit, then what kind of turbulence will be expected in the territories that do not receive sufficient local financial support in the next year. They may even spread to the entire Dragon Kingdom. stable! !! !!

Choose your own political future? Or the future of the kingdom of light?

Looking at the crystal-like palm in front of him, the old parliament president raised his head. What he saw was that Lidia was soft as a spring breeze, but her smile was as firm as a mountain. This is the archangel's answer. She is firm, decisive, without a trace of doubt, and without a half wave. His eyes crossed Lydia, looking behind her, where he saw his old opponent. Amund was leaning on a staff at the moment, silent. Behind him, the young men looked at themselves quietly. Their eyes are full of firm and clear will.

This is the future of the Principality of Muen ............... The old parliament sighed deeply in his heart, and now he finally understands why this time Lydia did not let members of the three major families come as before, Instead, they brought such a group of young people, they are young, they have a strong enough will, and they have experienced the scene just now ......... So, where is the future of our country of light? The old head of parliament did not turn back, but he could feel the eyes of his colleagues behind him, including anger, helplessness, surprise, worry, and ridicule. Are they really for the benefit of this country? Everyone believes that it is their own decision-making dimness that has caused the kingdom of light to fall into the present situation. But what did they do? Every time, every time they put forward a motion, those who have been touched by their interests can't wait to veto them. They will make up 10,000 reasons to protect their own interests. But what about yourself? Can he object? Can he ignore the opinions of those people? If they do this themselves, they will be regarded as tyrants, let alone re-election, I am afraid that they will be immediately dismissed and ousted. Even now, even if it is related to the council of light and the glory and dignity of the whole country of light, they have not been able to stand on the same front with their enemies. On the contrary, there are still some of them watching their jokes. ?

Did they forget that they are also members of the Light Council, the Kingdom of Light?

I'm old ......... The thought flashed in the heart of the old parliamentary chairman. Suddenly, the old man felt that he was breathing very heavily. At this moment, he already knew what to do.

The old man lowered his pale-haired head.

Seeing this scene, many people's pupils have narrowed. Some people clenched their fists, some subconsciously stepped forward, and some opened their mouths, trying to shout something. However, none of them could stop the old parliament's next move-he bent down and kneeled on one knee! !! !!

After seeing this scene, the members of the House of Representatives behind the old parliament only felt that they were all cold, and their blood was pouring back to their heads. They couldn't believe their eyes widened and stared at the scene in front of them.

This kneeling, kneeling off the pride and glory of the Council of Light for hundreds of years! !!

Does he know what he is doing? !! !!

"Welcome you, Your Highness."

The old council said with a hoarse throat, then he held out his hand respectfully, holding Lydia's right hand, and kissed her fingertips.

It all came to an end at this moment.

(To be continued)

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