Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 688: Skynet Project

When Rhodes entered the study, the first thing he saw was his long-lost ears and fluffy tail.

"Ah ... Master, I'm back ~~~!"

With a scream, the fox-eared girl rushed into Rhodes 'arms. She lowered her head and leaned against Rhodes' chest, her petite and soft body shaking slightly.

"Woohoo, it ’s hard to lie down. Master, people have gone to so many places and encountered many dangers ... You do n’t even know that many people are staring at me there. I almost sold it once. Not only that, oh oh, master, people are now impure, Mr. Old Walker ... oh oh, it looks like a gentleman on the surface, but secretly a very ghost animal People. Now their bodies have been tuned into silver chaos slaves that would not work without him. On the road, they have been dragged out by Mr. Walker more than once to be sold, and they have been filthy and stinky men one way or another , Master, sorry ......... I have been defiled. From now on, everyone's body and mind belong to Mr. Old Walker ... "

Hearing here, Rhode looked blank, but Marin and others looked up in surprise, looking at the old man sitting next to him. Feeling the eyes of everyone, the old man who had been drinking there hurriedly stood up and waved his hands in a hurry.

"Hey, do n’t you listen to this little girl talking nonsense, my old man is so old, where is he going to move, and then, even if I really want to do it, I will not be burned by this little girl what!"

Until this time, Qilian looked up, and saw that the face of Ewha with rain was full of bright smiles at the moment, and she even made a grimace at others at ease. "Woohoo, it really is the most interesting way to do it after returning, but the master ..." said here, Qilian paused for a moment, then took a meaningful look at Annie next to him and smiled. "Looks like you have found a way to help Little Annie."

"Well, the joke ends here."

Rhode said, reached out and patted Qilian's head. Of course he knew that this sly little fox was joking. Qilian was his core card. If she had any accidents, Rhode would definitely be the first time. I learned that, besides, with the insidious and sly surnames of Qilian, whoever sold them was not necessarily.

"Welcome back, Miss Qilian, it's been a long time."

After saying hello to Qilian, everyone returned to God and said hello to Qilian. But regarding her return, Marin and others are also in doubt, they do not know what Qilian did. All I knew was that after the Battle of Pafield ended, I left with Old Walker shortly after returning to the fort. For their departure, Rhodes didn't explain anything, just that they were going to perform a special task. Now, the two are finally back. So, where did they go?

"Well, let's report the results of the Skynet project."

Rhode sat back at the desk, looked at the two and said, then he waved to Marin and others.

"Come and listen together, it's very necessary for us."

"Okay, master, leave it to me."

Hearing Rhode's words, Qilian raised her chest proudly, her fluffy big tail swayed behind her, and then Fox Ear Girl pulled out a map from her arms and flung it off the table. At this time, Marin and others also came around curiously. I saw that Qilian took out a map of the Dragon Soul Continent. At this moment there are many bright red circles drawn on it, and various different symbols are also marked on it.

"According to the host's suggestion, Mr. Old Walker and I have dealt with most of the Light Continent. We have prepared for most of the region, including the Country of Light. The taverns currently in this area are probably There are nearly thirty ... Well, although we can't do one in each area, we have tried to choose the area where the transportation hub is located. The size of the tavern is not very large. As for manpower, Mr. Old Walker has one The list, according to my observations, are all honest people who can be trusted, and this is also in accordance with your instructions from adults, as far as possible to recruit people born in our Principality of Munn. "

Having said that, Qilian took a list from Old Walker and handed it to Rhodes, and Rhodes took it. Soon, in the system list before him, these people's names were added. . The prestige of most of them is not high, they just linger in friendship and respect, only a few are respect and reverence ... but this is also what Rhodes expected.

"It didn't attract anyone's attention."

Rhode looked at the map in front of him and asked, while Qilian shook his head.

"Be assured, it didn't attract much attention, because most of the stores are honest people, and there are no major problems except for some local gangsters who come to you to die."

"The pub?"

Li Jie looked at the map in front of her face, full of doubts. She looked up at Rhodes, but she didn't understand what it meant.

"Mr. Rhodes, I don't quite understand ......... what are we going to do with so many pubs? And ......... that Skynet plan is ........."

"Oh, Xiao Lijie, aren't these taverns open?"

Faced with Li Jie's question, Qilian showed a sly smile, and then she put out a finger.

"The host intends to use these taverns as an intelligence network. In this way, no matter what is happening inside or outside the Principality of Munn, we can easily obtain information. The information will pass through Little Labyrin It is a long-distance transmission device made by silk. According to the owner's opinion, we divided the entire continent of light into ten regions, each region has a person in charge, and the information collected in that region will be transmitted to his hands, and then He transmitted to us. "

"What about the aging surname?"

"After all, this is not the age of the Internet, so you can only master the master. I let them send information every three days. If there is an emergency, it is another matter."

"But I need to add more staff, kid."

Until this time, the old Walker, who was silent beside him, finally spoke.

"I can't stand this kind of frustration at my age. If you don't send me a little extra staff, I'm afraid I will thoroughly explain this old bone."

"Don't worry, Mr. Walker, I will be ready for the candidate."

"That is to say, in this way, we will have an intelligence network in the future?"

Hearing here, Joey was immediately excited. As a thief, of course he understood that the intelligence network was an important surname of an influence. At the moment, Joey was rubbing his hands excitedly, his eyes glowing.

"Boss, as long as there is something happening on the mainland, can we all get the news the first time? This is really great!"

"That's only part of the effect, Joey."

Rhode glanced at Joey and said.

"Collecting information is just the beginning, and the ultimate purpose is to transmit the information purposefully."


Hearing Rhode's answer, the crowd couldn't help but Rhode nodded.

"Yes, you remember, at the Midsummer Festival, after the defeat of the wings of freedom, the performance of the people in the Golden City."

Hearing this, many people nodded. At present, most of the high-level people around Rhodes have participated in the Midsummer Festival. Naturally, they know the reaction in the Golden City after that. Seeing their response, Rhodes spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"You are also very clear. Many spectators who watched the game at that time yelled at us, thinking that we were invincible, even despicable and insidious, weren't we?"

"It's just that they can't afford to lose it, hum, head, those cowards just dared to hide behind and make excuses for themselves!"

As soon as she mentioned this, Annie blushed angrily, and she snorted and complained dissatisfied. But for Annie's complaint, Rhodes shook his head.

"But in fact they were right. I think you should still remember my plan before that battle. I originally planned to kill Rosen through four people: Li Jie, Joey, Lando and Anne. Intention, and then let me go and kill him. As soon as Rosen dies, there is no threat to the wings of freedom. So in this regard, their accusations are not wrong, and even our supporters do not deny this. But unlike the opponents, they did not regard this as insidious and shameless, but they had tactics and strategies. And you may not know that among our supporters, the people who have actually watched the game in person Not many, but they are unswervingly supportive of us. On the contrary, those who have watched the game hate us. Well, of course, some cruel scenes may be one of the reasons. "

Having said that, Rhode glanced at Annie, who was inexplicably inexplicable. At this time, instead, the next Rabise hesitated to speak.

"Why is that? Lord? Those who have not watched the game, why support us so much ..."

"It's a question of position, Rabis."

Rhode waved and continued.

"You also saw that game. Most of the spectators came from the south. Many were supporters of the wings of freedom, so they are naturally our opponents. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to tell us good things. Coupled with the slightly miserable death of Rosen, they are even more unacceptable. But the residents of the Golden City are still mainly northerners. They hate the south, hate reformers, and hate the wings of freedom. If we lose, then they naturally do n’t Will help the losers. But if we win, then they naturally have enough reasons to support us. And, even if Rosen ’s death is miserable, most of them did not see it with their own eyes after all, they could not appreciate the people present at the time It ’s like a battlefield. I think many of you are also very clear. You ’ve all heard how terrible the war is, but you can only really realize the difference between imagination and reality if you have personally been on the front line. . "

Everyone nodded when they heard this. They all felt the same, and naturally understood what Rhoded meant.

"So for those who haven't watched the game, they can't imagine how miserable Rosen died, and we do represent the winner of the North and defeat the South. This naturally makes them not let the other side scold and Insulted us, so we chose confrontation. In fact, there will always be only one truth. We consume Rosen's will and mental power in a wheel battle, then defeat him, kill him, and then we defeat the Wings of Liberty Guild to obtain The victory of this game. This is the truth, but from a different standpoint, it will change the truth. "

Speaking of which, Rhodes spread his hands.

"Li Jie, Ma Lin, Annie. You should still remember the drama I took you to see in the country of light, and that's the same. From the standpoint of the people of light, they certainly won't dig their own graves. Explain the entire background history, because it will shake their legitimate surnames. When you learn that the land you live in has slaughtered countless' red devil's and their wives, sons and daughters, you will also feel that those small town residents in the back Is it righteous to fight against the red devil? And to those 'red devil', they will not consider those who are against them to be the army of justice. In their view, those people are rude, cruel, **** invaders They are the real devil. Therefore, they are deserving of their crimes, and they are more dead than death. It is a mean act to sympathize with their death, and applauding for their aggression is the accomplice of the same.

"I think I understand what you mean, Rhodes."

After hearing this, Ma Lin nodded. After all, she was the only one in this group who worked hard in the aristocratic circle. Of course, she understood the danger and power of gossip, but ... ………… “But …………… People are just civilians, even if they have such information, what can they do? It is just a leisure pastime for them, and these things have passed or are far away from them, for them, the most important thing is Isn't it hard work and life, not entangled with these rumors? "

Hearing Malin's words, Rhodes sighed. In fact, Ma Lin ’s ideas also represent the ideas of most of the aristocratic elites in the Commonwealth. In their view, civilians often only need to work hard, live their lives, and then pay taxes. They ca n’t fight on the battlefield. Second, they will not pose a threat to their status. What are they doing to care about what the people hear and think about all day long? As long as they do things well under their management, and then ensure that they can live a full life, they will be adequate. As for the rumors and rumors among the civilians, the rumors are all vulgar things for the aristocracy, they disdain to participate, let alone listen.

"I understand what you think, Marlene. Indeed, for most people, this is just a chat and pastime after dinner, and it's over. But in fact, these things will gradually penetrate into everyone's heart. Deep down, become their fixed ideas. "

With that said, Rhode looked up and looked at everyone, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"I know that many of you hate Dragon Kingdom of the Night, why?"

"This one……………"

Facing Rhode's sudden inquiry, the crowd was stunned, and then Rabis began to hesitate to speak.

"Because, because all the nations that rule that country ........."

"Yes, humans are just food and slaves there ..."

"And after they die, the corpses will be summoned by necromancers as materials for the undead army ..."

When talking about this topic, the crowd immediately talked up. No matter what, the status and reputation of the Dark Dragon Kingdom is very loud on this continent, and as residents of the continent of light, they certainly did not listen less. Tell about the deeds of the Dragon Kingdom of the night.

Rhode smiled at the words of the crowd.

"So, who of you has been to the Dragon Kingdom of the Night and has seen these with your own eyes?"


For a moment, everyone was silent, they looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"You haven't seen it with your own eyes. Why are you so sure that there must be a **** there? Maybe the humans there are slaves, but they eat and drink warmly and live in luxurious rooms, except to serve undead Maybe better than many of us? Maybe? "

"But, but ... everyone said so."

Maybe she noticed that she was somewhat contemptuous, and in the face of Rhode's questioning, Annie could not help but speak. And hearing that, Rhodes frowned.

"Yes, everyone says that ... now, do you understand?"


There weren't many fools in the room. At this moment, many people knew what Rhode meant.

"The same is true for the kingdom of light. We all say that the people of the country of light are arrogant, arrogant, and self-righteous. They themselves consider them to be symbols of freedom and justice. They are the guardians and representatives of humanity, and they overthrow the rule of the dragon of light. , Established a country ruled completely by human beings. So they are very proud and proud of it. This is not deliberately despising the people of other countries and territories, but in the country of light ......... Everyone says so, So they think so too. "


This time, Malin didn't speak, but frowned, thinking carefully.

"So is the rebellion in the south. Why do the people support the reformist idiots? It is because they are doing a good job in this regard. They magnify and distort every view, opinion and action of Her Royal Highness for their own benefit. It's as if a thief group attacked the caravan. If the city guards did not rescue them in time, they would say that the city guards are all swarms of maggots. We just do n’t take the money. We work hard to pay you taxes. In the end, you even have a gangster. Ca n’t drive away. And if the city guard arrives in time and defeats the gangsters, they can also say that since you already knew that gangsters came to attack, why did n’t you inform us earlier that we lost our staff and suffered losses? A scene where your city guards deliberately directed and performed to increase their influence? "

"How can they say that they are unreasonable? It is simply a strong word."

Hearing Rhode's words, John shook his head involuntarily. As the commander of the Southern Army, naturally he knew that Rhode's words were not fabrications, but they were true. And Joey muttered in dissatisfaction beside him.

"Yes, the truth is actually one. The city guards received the report, arrived in time or did not arrive in time, defeated or let the gangsters escape. This is the truth itself. But this is meaningless to the reformers, they must In order to weaken the legitimate surname of Lydia ’s dominance, they must stand on this stand to re-describe the whole fact. In this way, the public will think that Lydia ’s royal family is unable to protect them, but secretly do not see people. In practice, they cannot rely on those greedy, weak and evil officials, only to change all these with their own hands. Therefore, when the reformers send troops, they will get so many popular support, because there, everyone said The royal family's bad words that they do not do business, waste their money, and always fly forward, then the reformists who claim to represent the people will naturally be welcomed. "

With that said, Rhodes stood up.

"That's why I proposed the Skynet plan. Through these intelligence points, not only can we collect intelligence from everywhere, but we can also use them to transmit information that is consistent with our position and useful. At least, it cannot. Let our most likely potential allies doubt and resist us because of ulterior rumors of others. "

Many people nodded when they heard this. In fact, what Rhode said was a very common thing in the information age. Everyone knows the important surnames who have control over public opinion and the right to speak. But here is different. The spread of information on the Dragon Soul mainland is not well developed, and it can even be said to be lagging. The general channel for people to get information, in addition to the rumors heard from the tavern, is the stories and information brought by travel merchants when they travel around. And on this continent, the best place to play public opinion is naturally the country of light. Of course, this kind of thing can never be compared to swords and guns. Even if the country of light can indulge public opinion They can smear, distort, and vilify the Dragon Kingdom of the Night. But when the undead army rolled in, these things did not help them win. Failure was still defeat, and death was still death.

"But Rhodes ........."

Looking closely at the map in front of her, Marin was a little confused, and others couldn't see it, but Marin could see that on this map, about half of Rhode's intelligence bases were set up in the country of light. What is this? meaning? If it's just gathering intelligence, why did Rhodes do it? Moreover, those places are military places. Couldn't ...... thought of this, Marin couldn't help but speak, but she glanced at Rhodes and shook her head again.

"what happened?"

"No ......... nothing."

Malin bowed her head and didn't ask anything, but she frowned and stared at the map in front of her.

Isn't this ... that Rhodes' Skynet plan was designed for the Kingdom of Light?

(To be continued)

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