Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 39: Darkness Returns (VIII) (first)

"This, this is ..."

Looking at the tentacles that emerged from Rhode's shadow in front of him, Leo's complexion instantly became stiff. Although she is not a mage, Leo has no lack of access to magic, whether in Carles Sodar or in the kingdom of night, and she certainly knows what it is. At this moment, Leo looked at Rhode's eyes and finally felt a bit of subconscious fear, but soon, the dark elves returned to her. She snorted, raised her head arrogantly, and looked at with disdain. The man in front.

"I thought you would be an interesting human. It turned out to be just a male dog in estrus. Huh, pariah, you can do whatever you want, but if you think that you can surrender your hands, then it is simply too Stupid. Do you think I'll tell you what you want to know about this? Ascaris? "

"That's not what it says, Miss Leo."

The smile on Rhodes' face did not change at all, on the contrary, it became hotter.

"This is also the human surname, and I'm not stupid enough to think that a dark elf would send me information at no cost. But then again ..." ... He said here, Rhodes went up and down quite meaningfully. Glancing at Leo. For the female surname Dark Elf, Leo's figure is a relatively slender type, which may be related to the opponent being a warrior rather than a caster. In the game, most of the female dark surnames are characterized by fullness and roundness, and the "dark elves" in front of them feel more like a female leopard waiting to burst at any time. After her exercise, she is full of strength The soft body collocation forms a strange charm of wild surname. This feeling is somewhat similar to Annie, but if Anne is a puppy who likes to shake her tail and be intimate with her host. In front of this, this is a dangerous but charming cheetah. Especially her flawless white skin, the same as the elves' skin. The Leo in front of him seemed to be a beautiful and perfect combination of the elves' refined beauty and the sense of the surname of the dark elves, full of a kind of contradictory and dazzling glory. Leo had already been disarmed at this moment. Naturally, her original leather armor and weapons were also missing. Right now, Leo has only a set of thin, thin shorts and shorts. Although the coarse clothes made of this black fabric are not very good-looking, they still can't hide the beauty of Leo itself.

"... I haven't seen such a dark elven before."

Hearing Rhodes's taunting evaluation, Leo gritted her teeth secretly. She was not a fool, of course, she understood the meaning of the other person's words, plus Rhodes' naked, undisguised eyes on her white skin. Walk around, even an idiot knows exactly what he means. Although he has been finger-painted on his skin color since he was a child, this does not mean that Leo will get used to this evaluation, especially by the lowly human male surname. Damn, whether it's underground or on the surface, this fragile, timid and useless race of human beings are just slaves. What qualifications do they have for themselves? ?

"As a host, it seems that I don't seem to be very entertaining with my guests."

Rhodes spoke after looking at the dark elf with his hands and feet tied in chains for a while. It has been three or four days since Leo was arrested. She has no food and just drank some water every day. Not only that, of course, she could n’t take a bath—Rode would not be like some idiot. The human rights of perpetrators are higher than those of victims.

At this moment, the dark elf's hair had coagulated into pieces due to grease, and the white long hair that had stretched backwards found that it had become a bit shaggy. There was dust and dirt everywhere on the white skin. This made Leo very uncomfortable. Although she was a warrior and a woman at the same time, no woman could endure such a child.

But even though Rhodes's tone sounded very sorry, in fact he did not show the slightest apology. Instead, Rhodes reached out and gave a flick of his fingers. Soon, the little mermaid emerged from behind Rhodes. She looked curiously at her master, and then turned her head to look at the dark elf who was bound in front of her, but Rhode didn't say much, but faced the little mermaid. Made a gesture. After receiving Rhode's order, the little mermaid nodded happily, and then she stretched out her hands. Soon, she saw a round water ball appearing out of thin air, and the next moment, it completely wrapped the dark elves in this way. Among them.

"———— !!!!!!"

Facing the sudden emergence of water polo, Leo struggled instinctively. She twisted desperately, straightened her body, and finally made her head float out of the surface of the water polo. But she had n’t waited for Leo to speak again The black tentacles trembling in Rhode's shadow had flew out.

The slippery tentacles got into the water polo, entangled Leo's ankle, and then climbed up, forcing the dark elves to stretch their long beautiful legs. Soon, one of the tentacles got into Leo's clothes in this way, but for a moment, the clothes that had been completely soaked with water were torn and broken. Soon, the last barrier covering the body of the dark elf completely disappeared, and then the naked, beautiful body appeared in front of Rhode's eyes.


Almost out of instinct, Leo opened her mouth and drank, while her hands subconsciously wanted to close her chest, but the hard iron chain prevented her from further action. The dark elves struggled for a while, and soon gave up after realizing that their struggle was futile. However, her eyes were still staring at Rhodes fiercely. At the moment, Leo had completely regarded Rhodes as his enemy. Rhodes can be sure that if he releases her now, the other party will be happy to unload himself.

However, with her current strength, it is impossible to achieve this.

Taking a look at Leo's angry expression, Rhodes did not respond. Instead, he just turned his mind, and soon, the dark tentacles began to walk up Leo's body, and they entangled in The girl's strong and rounded breasts, slender waist, rich and white thighs and strong arms, began to do her best to clean the body for Leo.

It feels good.

Rhodes stood there, feeling the touch from the tentacles, and nodded secretly. This is another sword skill skill bonus that he gained after the legendary advance. Under the sword dance bonus of Dark Dance, Rhodes has the ability to indulge dark shadows to a certain extent. In addition to being able to blend into the shadows, Rhodes You can also indulge or attack as a part of yourself. Of course, occasionally, you can change the way of use ......... The gloomy tentacle at this moment can be said to be a continuation of Rhodes itself, and a derivative of his will.

"You, you inferior ............... oh!"

Feeling these cold, slippery tentacles walking unscrupulously on her body, Leo's expression was now indignant and angry, she stared at Rhode fiercely, trying to insult her with the most vicious words belonging to the dark elves, But before Leo had finished speaking, she suddenly felt a tentacle wrapped around her neck, and then pulled her down hard.

"——— !!!!!!"

Leo, who was pulled directly into the water polo, immediately struggled. She twisted her body desperately, struggling to surface. But the tentacle was wrapped around her neck, motionless. It wasn't until a moment later that it quietly retracted back, and the comfortable Leo, who managed to break free, suddenly hurried to the surface and opened his mouth to breathe.

"Ha ha ......... haha ​​........."

Just as Leo was breathing in the fresh air, Rhode's bland, indifferent, unmixed emotions sounded again.

"In addition to washing the body, it seems necessary to gargle."


Hearing Rhode's mockery, Leo stared at him angrily. But in the face of the almost murderous angry look of the dark elf girl, Rhode still smiled and looked at each other with the same expression. But at this time, next to Rhodes, a shadow tentacle was stretched out, and he provoked Leo with a provocative gesture. Seeing this movement, Leo was suddenly deadlocked, but the speech full of viciousness and curse could not be said any more.


But then, Leo quickly felt that his body was starting to get weird.

The icy water was irritating the dark elf's skin, and the shadow tentacles that entangled the dark elf's body skillfully and cleverly cleaned every corner and part of Leo's body. Leo could feel that they were not just washing the body, but also looking for her weak points, intertwined, intertwined, and touching. And the body, which was already a little numb in the cold water, also responded. After a while, the numbness came from all over the body, dissipating the original cold. Instead, I felt a strange numbness spreading through my nerves to my limbs. At this moment Leo had no more time to mock and insult Rhode. She bit her lips tightly, trying to resist the strange feeling that came from her body. At the same time, the anger and humiliation in Leo's heart grew stronger. She clenched her teeth tightly and let the anger burn in her heart.

Damn man, I must kill you, I must kill you! !!

Although deep inside, Leo was full of anger and hatred, but her instinctive reaction did not follow the will of the dark elves. Soon, the low dull hum that Leo originally used to endure gradually turned into a little erotic. Wheezing, pinkish halo gradually appeared on the white and flawless skin, and Leo's body began to sway involuntarily under the tentacle's swinging touch. However, compared with the previous action of avoiding because of disgust, Leo at this moment looks more like an instinctive thirst for joy.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes' eyes narrowed slightly.

"I didn't expect to be able to estrus in this situation. It is rumored that the Dark Elves are seduced by nature, and so far it is true."

"You ......... I ...... not ......... ah .........!"

Hearing Rhode's humorous mockery, Leo instinctively wanted to retort, but at this moment, a tentacle suddenly slid up her thigh, and the electric shock like that moment not only interrupted Leo's Speaking, she let out a spontaneous gasp involuntarily. This makes Leo even more angry. The dark elves, like the elves, have very strong sensitive surnames. Because of this, they feel that surnames far surpass human races. Elves are therefore very resistant to physical contact, and only their approved friends can touch the body of the elves. The dark elves do the opposite, using their own bodies to seduce others and gain supreme joy. But the meeting of the dark elves is more utilitarian. Generally speaking, the purpose of their meeting is not pure love, but pure reproduction. If you can give birth to a girl with powerful magical powers, it will be a benefit for the entire Dark Elf family.

However, in the family, only the mother and mother generally have the right to have children. After all, the pregnant female surname is weak. If there is no such powerful strength and protected status as the host mother, it will only become the target of attack and destruction by others in the family.

Although Leo is a dark elf, in fact she has never touched a man. In the underground world, the dark elves cast aside her complexion, and Leo has no magical talent, so naturally it is impossible to give birth to magical daughters. In the kingdom of the night, most of them are dead. You cannot expect the dead to have any interest in the living. Maybe there are some markets in the group of vampires that use eroticism as etiquette, but here in the death knight ... forget it.

It can even be said that this is the first time Leo has been touched in this way. The fresh and strange feeling scares the dark elves, but she still clenches her teeth, relying on her willpower as a warrior to resist this Waves of shock. But, just as Rhode's tentacles slipped between her rounded hips, Leo's body suddenly froze. Although she has no experience yet, in a silver-cluttered tribe such as the Dark Elves, she has seen pigs run without eating pork. Of course, she knows what Rod wants to do.

"Wait, human, then, it's not there ..."

"I said it, Miss Leo, clean it thoroughly, every corner of the body is the same ......... of course, including the back."

Looking at Leo's pale face for the first time, Rhodes smiled a little bit proudly, and then he reached out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Leo felt that unparalleled pain came from behind her, almost tearing her soul and body. (To be continued.)

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