Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 69: Good value for money

After that, the battle ended quickly.

The commander was killed in the first round of bombing, and the undead army immediately lost its backbone, coupled with the weakening effect of the anti-death enemies and the holy gun's back and forth bombing, but it was only a short time before the original aggressive undead army Was completely wiped out, leaving no residue. It didn't take long for the battle to come to an end, and with the fall of the last skeleton warrior, there was a thunderous thunder above the walls of the line of defense. It's no wonder that these soldiers are so excited. Prior to this, any sighted person knew that this line of defense was about to be unsustainable. The only thing they could do was to delay time, so that the rear can prepare for the second wave of the undead army as soon as possible. Attack. Many people are even ready to die here, but with the dazzling tide of brilliance, miracles are born.

Until the end of the battle, some soldiers stood still on the wall, staring at the tired bones in front of them, believing that they were still dreaming. Just now, these overwhelming bone racks are almost completely killing them, but now, it is themselves who are standing here, and those bone racks are completely finished? !!

"The Holy Spirit is on!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

The eager call sounded, and with the call of the crowd, I saw that the tide of light that had covered the sky and the golden circle gradually disappeared. Soon, the silvery white beam of light converged and disappeared under the night.


Rhodes turned the ring in his hand and nodded with satisfaction. This was also a "rehearsal" of the statue of the holy girl, and now it looks very good, as in the Atonement Land, without any problems. Whether it is the operation of the power of the law or the anti-death enchantment, it seems very normal. This also made Rhodes relieved. It seems that Qilian was right. As long as it can be manufactured, it can be used everywhere.

Thinking of this, Rhode nodded, then gestured to the captain who was already stunned.

"Ready to dock and unload."

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing Rhode's words, the captain was suddenly shocked, and then he returned to his senses, and then he hurriedly and respectfully answered Rhodes. This can't blame him, after all, before that, he hadn't seen the infinite power of the statue of the holy girl, and now at such a close distance, watching the powerful power released by the artifact immediately made him feel a The stock was shocked and awed like never before. And thinking that he was fortunate enough to transport such a powerful artifact, the captain was a little more proud and proud at this time. He reverently answered Rhode's words, then quickly turned away.

As a frontier defense line shrouded by the tide, it is naturally indispensable for air ports of floating ships. After the signal light was fired, someone soon guided the floating ship into the platform built next to the Longteng Canyon, which was used to moor the floating ship. At the moment, there were many senior generals and officers standing densely. As long as you are not blind, you can see that the previous tide and the terrible and powerful golden line normal array were released from this ship. They originally thought that this was another new weapon invented by the Royal Magic Fleet, but when they saw that it was just a merchant ship, everyone was a little surprised. what on earth is it?

The old man shook his beard and stared curiously at the huge merchant ship in front of him. He could see that it was a merchant ship of the Xenia family, but ... why did it appear at this time?

Soon, under the guidance, the floating ship gradually approached the port, and then stopped on the platform smoothly. Later, I saw a few people walking out of it. Seeing one of them, the old general couldn't help but hesitated, and then strode forward.

"Miss Marilyn? Isn't this Miss Marilyn? Why did you come here?"

"Hello, General Anton."

Looking at the old general approaching to herself, Marlen smiled slightly, then nodded slightly to him.

"It's been a long time since I saw your bones are still so tough, so I'm relieved."

"Ahhhh ... it's really changed ... I used to think you were a little girl in your teens. At that time, I said you would be a great beauty in the future. Look at it now, um ... ... "

Looking at Malin in front of him, Anton could not help shaking his head and sighed, but soon, he looked at Malin curiously.

"But Miss Marlene, why are you here? I haven't heard that you are coming to Longteng Canyon recently? Is there something wrong with the Xenia family?"

"Is such that."

Hearing the old man's inquisition, Marin converged the smile on her face, and then she gestured at Rhodes.

"Let me introduce to you first, this is Lord Lord of Pafield-Glenber, Mr. Rhodes."


Hearing Malin's words, the old man moved his eyes to Rhodes, and after seeing Rhodes's face he froze, muttering what he wanted to say, but at this moment Marin hurried to the elderly With a wink, and perceiving the message from Marin, the old man was only able to shrug his shoulders and changed what he originally intended to say.

"Hello, Lord. I am Anton Hines, commander of the Longteng Canyon defense line. Welcome to Longteng Canyon."

Although on the surface he said very respectful official words, the old general still looked at Malin with some doubts. As a relatively close subordinate of the Xenia family, he also knew a little about what Marin was doing during this time. But they should be here for more than just drinking tea and chatting.

"That's it, General Anton."

Recognizing Anton's doubts, Rhodes coughed slightly, then spoke.

"We are here to fulfill the booking transaction with Dragon Canyon."


Hearing here, General Anton frowned, seeming a little confused. At this time, his adjutant, a young man, ran quietly to his side, and lowered his voice to the old general and said, "General, you forgot, just before, there was no news from the rear that Longteng Gorge wanted Make a trimming ... ………… ”


Hearing here, General Anton suddenly realized that he remembered that he did get news from the rear base camp more than ten days ago that they would spend money to buy a secret weapon sufficient to ensure that the line of defense could not be defeated by the undead army. The old general remembered this because he heard that the gadget was worth three million gold coins. The old general was still angry at the table and swearing at the back of the group of idiots without the brain to spend three million to buy any broken gadgets. It's better to invest this money in frontline defense and soldier equipment. And now ...... thinking of this, the veteran general's eyes brightened.

"Could it be that……………"

"Yes, General Anton, the first statue of the saint girl has been constructed, so we have brought it here. According to prior consultations, this statue of the saint girl will be placed in the center of the first line of defense. It ’s up to you to decide on the exact location. As for its power …………… ”

Having said that, Marin paused slightly, then smiled slightly.

"I think you have seen it."

"Miss, you said that the ones we just did were the stuff we wanted?"

Hearing here, General Anton's eyes suddenly lighted, staring intently at Marin and asking. As a soldier, he certainly understood how powerful the tide of light and the huge beam of light that fell from the sky just now. Standing on the city wall, he saw with his own eyes that under the bombardment of the white beam of light, there were thousands of undead creatures flying in smoke, leaving no residue at all! And all this takes just a few seconds! The holy spirit is up. Is such a powerful force now belonging to me?

Thinking of this, even the old general who has been calm and steady, at this time can not help but act like a child about to get new toys, excited.

"Where? Miss, where is that thing?"

"Please follow me."

Looking at General Anton's impatient appearance, Malin and Rhode smiled bitterly, and then they took General Anton to the statue of the holy girl standing on the deck. The holy girl who has been closed at this moment no longer emits a dazzling silvery white glow as before, but a light like a firefly, a little light and dust lingering around it, bringing a holy and tranquility to the entire statue a feeling of.

Seeing the statue of the holy girl in front of him, not only General Anton, but also his subordinates were also wide-eyed in astonishment. They surrounded the statue of the holy girl and looked at the stone statue in front of them. If it hadn't been for the power of it just now, no one could imagine that such a stone statue would have such powerful power.

The old general stood in front of the stone statue, watching it carefully. On the side of the old man, An, who was responsible for Marin as a deputy, eloquently explained to the old general about the surname ability, coverage and advantages and disadvantages of the statue of the holy girl. This is not a difficult matter. On the one hand, she also knows the statue of the saint girl in the fortress. On the other hand, before leaving, Rhode also wrote a manual in accordance with the system description. Most features are well documented, so naturally this is not a problem. It's just that ... Rhodes feels a little bit wrong when listening to it. Although Ann said that these are the first words and simple and easy to understand, but I don't know why, Rhodes always feels that the lady is doing MLM ... ...

"Did you teach her?"

Rhodes frowned, glanced at Ann, and then tilted his head to ask Marin. He can be sure that this was not taught at least by himself, and that the manual was entirely in the official language, which was not as confusing as An's now said. Could it be that this lady's business talent has finally come to fruition? But this is a little too much for it.

"This one……………"

Hearing Rhode's inquiries, Marin looked a little awkward.

"This ......... Miss Qilian taught her about what business compulsory courses ........."

That's it.

The two whispered in the back, but at this moment the old general had no mood to entertain his distinguished guests, so he stood in front of the statue of the holy girl, stroking the statue while listening to An's introduction. Especially when the anti-death enchantment where the statue of the holy maiden is heard can shroud the surrounding tens of miles, and can greatly weaken the power of the undead. And after all the water sources can be turned into holy water, the old man is so excited that he can only make a "嗷嗷" sound and can't say a word. The Holy Spirit is on! There are such powerful things in this world! With this sitting on his own line of defense, what second and third line of defense would he need? With this, the old man can guarantee that the bones of the assassin can't even go through the first line of defense!

If you change the previous words, maybe the explanation of security, the old general will have to discount it, but just now, after experiencing the power of this saintly girl in person, the old man has no doubt about it. It's up! Thinking of his own complaints, and looking at the sacred stone statue in front of him, the old general could not wait to make a hole in his head. At first, they even thought that they were abandoning the fools to spend three million to buy something useless. Now it looks like let alone three million! Even if it is 30 million, the money is worth it!

Not only the veteran general, but also other generals, after hearing An's explanation, they appeared with a look of joy and relaxation, and the scene in front of them was brought to the eyes, Rhode nodded with satisfaction.

all the best. (To be continued.)

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