Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 75: Five thousand soldiers?

Rhodes stipulated in the agreement that he would take 5,000 people to Winter Palace, but where would he find 5,000 soldiers?

This problem is not only for Marin, but also for other Rhodes men. And they knew it very well, especially Marfa, Joey, Lando and Sol. They are the team commanders who are the most responsible and most aware of the current situation in the Fortress of Atonement in the Heart of the Atonement. However, the duties of the four of them are very different. Mafa is mainly responsible for frontal attack and maintaining the security of the fortress. Joey is leading the thief group, mainly responsible for investigation and counter-inspection, and also secretly conducts inside the fort Monitor to prevent what happens. The Lando Ranger is mainly responsible for reconnaissance, and the external defense of the fortress. As for the semi-demon descendants of Sol, they are more of the elite group, only follow the action of Rhodes, the general situation is not their turn. Only at certain times did they appear to help Malfa to maintain their peace.

In the previous attack against the Undead Army, they also suffered heavy losses. Lando and Sol were better, because the rangers were mostly long-range attacks, and the demon ancestors were stronger than ordinary humans because their losses were very high. less. And the biggest loss is the mercenaries led by Marfa. In the previous battles, his staff has been reduced by one third, which is a big problem for Marfa to come to nature.

Although it is natural to recruit soldiers to supplement them, their methods of recruiting soldiers are also different. Marfa is the simplest, because there are the most mercenaries who are good at frontal combat, so he can easily draw directly from the Starlight Guild, or recruit new recruits who have little combat experience. As long as they are trained, they can be used. While Joey and Lando have specialization in the art industry, they are not as picky as Marfa. They do not need novice inexperienced, they can only choose thieves or rangers who have already become regular professionals. After all, their The mission is not to open a rogue ranger training course. Sol's Hunting Demon Hunting Team is the most difficult team to supplement, because the teams are basically semi-demon descent, which also destined them to struggle with ordinary humans. This is not because of racial discrimination, but because the demon descent has many special abilities. For example, most of them have anti-surname and immunity to the fire, but humans do not have such power. When the battle begins, I can see that those half-demons can jump over the flames one by one, while those humans can only stare beside them. What's going on?

Because of this, they also know that the number of soldiers they can obtain is very limited. Although Rhodes also suggested to Thor that he should not focus his eyes only on the half-demon, because half-beasts and half-elves and other half-race races also suffered badly in the kingdom of light. Because of the racial discrimination policy of the Kingdom of Light, their experience in the Kingdom of Light and the discrimination of the demons are not much better, so Rhode's advice to Sol is if possible, he can follow this line and follow The domestic department digs. After all, if you only look for the half demon descendants, the scope is too narrow, and ordinary humans can't keep up with the half demon descendants. Although it is said that the half-beasts do not have the ability of the half-demon, but after all, they have their own unique strengths, which can supplement the short board of the half-demon, which is also a good choice.

But even then, the hunting demon hunting group can't actually add too many people. So many days have passed. Including recruits and mercenaries from the Starlight Guild, the entire area of ​​Atonement recruits less than 2,000 soldiers. So, Rhodes said he would bring 5,000 soldiers. Where can I find them?

Marfa, of course, they also asked Rhodes about this. Don't look at Rhodes' cold appearance outside, but as long as he spends time with him, he will find that the Lord Lord's expressionless face is just a habit. He is not This kind of dumb person, and sometimes a joke with a blank face is more interesting. Therefore, his subordinates were not very afraid of Rhodes. Therefore, after learning the agreement between Rhodes and the Council of Light, everyone recommended Marfa to ask Rhodes if Lord Lord planned to take them to Winter Winter Castle. How many soldiers they have to recruit if needed ...

However, Rhode's answer was beyond everyone's surprise. He said that this time he would not take his usual elite group to Winter Winter Castle, because they have suffered heavy losses and have not recovered. And the fortress side had to be left behind, so he wouldn't marfa them, not even John. This time Rhodes has decided to take only three people, one is Bran Heart, one is Annie, and the remaining one is Qilian. The former Rhodes is going to bring the Winter Fortress to mix and match experience, and with the ability of Bran's Heart Demon Bachelor, it may be useful when dealing with necrotic creatures. The latter is completely out of habit. After all, Rhodes knows that even if he doesn't take Annie, this guy will find some time to follow him secretly. As for Seven Love, with the improvement of Rhodes' strength, the strength of the Fire Elemental Lord gradually began to recover. Now, like Rhodes, she already has the legendary level ability. When Rhodes reaches the 85th level, Qilian can fully restore the strength and level of the original elemental lord level of fire. Bringing her naturally is not a problem.

As for the others, Rhodes let them stay in the fortress. After the battle, the entire Atonement Land was also lost a lot. They needed Marlene to stay and soothe and maintain the stability of the fortress. At the same time, they had to talk with other territories and legions about the saint girl. Like buying and selling jobs.

Time passed day by day, and there was no news on Rod's side. Many people, including Marlene and Li Jie, were very curious to discuss this issue in private. The Council of Light guessed correctly, the Atonement of the Atonement. The manpower is indeed not enough. Of course, there are more than five thousand people living in the land of atonement, but you can never bring the old, weak women and children to the battlefield.

In the face of doubt, Rhode still said nothing, and the only preparation was to make Ma Lin prepare two floating ships-not far behind the Winter Winter Castle is another Principality of Muen and the Kingdom of Light. At the border of the limestone city, according to Lydia ’s order, they will also send an army of 2,000 people to meet Rhodes, and then go to Winter Winter Castle together. Of course, Rhodes will also talk to the owner of the limestone city about Saint The problem of girls like buying and selling. As a border line, there are naturally covered by wind and waves. With such a good transportation means as floating boats, Rhodes is certainly not stupid enough to walk and ride a carriage.

But the most important soldier has always been shadowless.

Regarding where Rhodes would draw 5,000 soldiers, everyone had different opinions. Especially after Rhodes explicitly told Malfa that they would not draw the manpower of the Atonement, the minds of the people became more divergent. Some people think that Rhodes may be waiting for the Angel of War, because Lydia had sent the Angel of War to assist the Atonement. Some people think that Rhodes should draw some defenders from Pafield and Deep Rock City, but this is not realistic, because the 5,000 people say more or less, and there are issues of supply and backup. Instead of playing a strategy game, you can go straight to the war with a click of your mouse. Earlier Sir Old Bayer took more than 2,000 people to help the Atonement Land, but they have been preparing for a full half month.

The so-called soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass come first. This is a top priority. But Rhodes told Marin to prepare two floating ships to get on the road, and the rest of the time was to spend time with Christie-because of the busy business, Rhodes has never spared time to accompany Christie, now it is Finally, I had free time, chatting and drinking tea with Christie all day in the study, and Rhodes didn't even ask about these things.

Finally, it was time to go.

"Rhode, what are you going to do?"

Standing on the aerial platform, looking at the empty floating ship, Marin could not help frowning and asked curiously. Next to her, Qi Lian was chuckling, looking at the crowd with a playful look. And Annie didn't seem to care about this at all. At this moment, she was already excitedly running to the floating boat and looking around. As long as she was with Rhodes, nothing else was important to Annie. As for Bran's heart, he was standing next to Rhodes at this time, with a drowsy appearance, a pair of eyes wandering around and wondering what they were thinking.

Not only Marin, but even Li Jie and others were curiously looking at the two empty floating ships at this time, not knowing what Rhodes had in mind.

"I naturally have a way."

Rhode reached out and stroked Christie's hair lightly before shrugging her shoulders at Marlene. Rhode then turned his head and cast his gaze behind Marilyn, before asking.

"Are you ready? Agave?"

"Yes, master, everything is ready."

Along with the icy, moodless voice, the sea elf maid long walked out from behind everyone, but this time she was not alone, and soon, with the appearance of Agawi, a large group of sea elf They walked out from behind in this way, and they seemed to have about four or five hundred people. So they came to Rhodes under the leadership of Agawi. However, it is different from the past. If you look closely, there will be some changes in the shape of these sea elves. Their originally soft limbs began to take on the shape of human limbs. Although the hair and tentacles on the skirt have not changed, However, the structure of the arms and legs was apparent. Makes the current sea elves look more like an elf wearing clothes woven by tentacles. In the previous battle with the Undead Army, these sea elves also learned a lot of experience. As a combat unit, they also have the ability to upgrade as a matter of course. Now, after absorbing a lot of experience from the undead army, these sea elves already have the first stage of Central, which is equivalent to the level of 30 or more mage. Seeing this scene in front of her, Marlene was slightly surprised, she looked at Agavy, and suddenly appeared a clear expression.

"Do you say, Rhode, you plan to ........."


He nodded at Mariin's inquiry. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the city walls next to him. Based on the tower, five huge torches with red flames were burning at the top of the tower, looking from a distance, as if on the dark coast. The lighthouse in the average.

Subsequently, the system panel was completely unfolded in front of Rhodes.

[Launching the Channel of the Magic Realm——Flame Plain] (To be continued.)

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