Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 95: Destiny of Intersection (III)

Looking at the young girl standing in front of her, Lilian frowned a little, although she knew that her plan to go to Muen would surely be blocked by the Council of Light, and she had expected the Council of Light. Will not send someone directly to arrest her. Lilian already thought about it, and if the Light Council really dared to do so, she would go to Rod!

If that's the case, then it will definitely be a big deal. This really needs to be seen at the diplomatic level. It can even be said that a head of state is seeking to avoid political persecution from within the country! If this situation really develops, the future between Moon and the Kingdom of Light can be imagined. Fortunately, in the end, things did not evolve into what Lilian thought, and to her surprise, the light council actually agreed to her request, but the additional condition was to send someone to go there ...............

Looking at Sonia in front of her, Lilian's mood was very complicated. It was as if a child had rebellious psychology for his disciplined family for the first time, and he was going to travel. As a result, the parent, who had been serious about even having to control the time when he went to bed, didn't say a word and agreed, but just had to send someone to go with him ......... This made Lilian feel very tangled in her heart.

In fact, Lilian did not expect that the council would agree, so she said so. Just like many children in the rebellious period, they want to resist their parents, but they dare not take the initiative too much, so they specifically find an excuse that their parents cannot accept. For example, if the parents do n’t let them do it, they would rather do it. Parents come out to stop, then they can confidently do what they want to do. Lilian is the same. She really wants to stay away from the ghost place of Casablanca and stay with Lidia and Rhodes and other people she likes. But Lilian knew it was impossible. Therefore, she intentionally made such a request. According to the previous practice of the Light Council, they would definitely not agree, and then maybe they would find someone to take themselves back. If they really dare to do that, then Lilian will have no psychological pressure to go to Rod ...

As a result ... The Council of Light agreed.

So looking at Sonya, Lilian's complexion was not good-looking at all. She pursed her mouth and showed very obvious dissatisfaction. She didn't know if it was because her "Ji Ji" hadn't succeeded, or for some other reason. However, as a kind-hearted child, Lilian was very, very upset, but did not intend to spit on Sonia. The Council of Light seems to know something about Lilian. If you go to those rigid-faced lawmakers, Lilian may be in trouble. But Sonia didn't have such concerns. She was only a little older than Lilian. On the surface, she looked like a big sister. Moreover, Sonia herself looks like a beautiful and gentle person, so even if Lilian has a fire in her heart, she might not send it out --- after all, she is not the kind who does not follow her own heart, crying and shouting about it. In front of everyone is a bear child who is looking for a puppet.

When Lilian didn't look at Sonia madly, Sonia was watching Lilian quietly. As a child of the kingdom of light, and a second member of the light council, she is naturally "Jiu Yang" by the name of the dragon soul of the light, but although she has seen it before in the Dragon Sacred Canon, it is just a hurry. Seeing the previous one, Lilian at that time looked serious, expressionless, very low-key, and did not leave any profound impact on people. But now it ’s different. After formally facing each other, Sonia found that Lilian was getting along with her unexpectedly. In her eyes, the girl sitting on the throne does not look like a heir to the dragon soul, the king of a country . It is more like a cute little sister next door. Although it is not dignified, it has a strong affinity. And Sonia found that Lilian didn't seem to like to hide her thoughts. Like looking at her now, she can perceive that she is tangled from that lovely little face. Obviously, Her Majesty the Dragon Soul does not like herself. Came to her, but she was too embarrassed to get angry with herself ...

Thinking of this, Sonia suddenly felt very interesting, although she did get Rhode's order to be Lilian's companion. But before that she didn't know what kind of person Lilian was, but out of loyalty to Rhode, Sonia didn't care. Even if Lilian is a freewheeling villain or a popular surname, seeing a woman will start, as long as Rhode's order, Sonia will obey without complaint. But now, seeing Lilian ’s expression, Sonia suddenly found that she has a little more motivation. After all, even if it is a task, it is better than reluctantly to sacrifice yourself to get scaly. ?

Lilian didn't hide her dissatisfaction with Sonia too much, but it made Sonia feel relaxed. Although Sonia is not too old, she has been in the political market for so many years, and she can be the third executive officer and second member of the Lottos Consortium. Naturally, many people have met. Many people are honey-swords with mouth and heart. Most of the superiors are expressionless and cover their inner thoughts with a serious attitude ... Of course, Rhodes is an exception. He is not expressionless in order to disguise his thoughts. It is purely that the onset time of the second and second stage is too long to change back ...

And now, a simple boss like Lilian can almost be regarded as a rare animal. In addition, the girl has a peculiar trait, so when Sonya saw Lilian's dissatisfaction and grievance, not only Instead of being angry and worried, he became more and more determined.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Dragon of Light, I am the second member, Sonia Loctos. I will accompany you to Munn on behalf of the Parliament. During this time, I will arrange and take care of your daily living With the itinerary, if you have any needs, you can just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best. "


Upon hearing Sonia's words, Lilian first instinctively hummed, but the girl soon realized that it didn't seem to be so good, so she hurriedly changed her position and nodded hard, as if she was not acting for The polite humming euphemistically apologized.

"Okay, I see ... then, I'll trouble you ..."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Taking Lilian's expression into her eyes, Sonia hurriedly bent down, but now the girl's face flashed a little smile. Although just meeting, Sonia already knows how to complete the task that Rhodes has given her.

When Lilian and Sonia met, Rhodes had left Winter Fortress and returned to the land of atonement. He also heard about Lilian's trip to Munn, and learned about Sonia's latest plan from Sonia, but Rhode only cared a little and did nothing. After all, his status is just an earl, a local lord. The discussion between Lilian and Lidia was considered a high-level exchange between the two countries, and Rod was not qualified to intervene. Although everyone now knows that Rhodes has a promising future and is very popular with Lydia. But his identity is only a local lord after all. This is as if the head of a province is particularly concerned about the talks and negotiations between the heads of state of the two countries on military bases and nuclear threats. There is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in organizing talks. Don't you care about getting rid of poverty and getting rich.

Rhodes is not unaware that many people in the Golden City are still watching and cautious about their emergence. If they are very enthusiastic in this regard, they will inevitably not make them feel threatened .-- Moon The Principality is not only Rhodes. He wants to mix everything in military internal affairs and diplomacy. This is to let everyone else drink Northwest wind? Marine had warned Rhodes several times, asking him to focus on the place of atonement and the Grumbel collar, and try not to touch some troubles beyond his own identity. As the saying goes, the tree is arrogant. As the heir of the Xenia family, Marin naturally has her own intelligence network. She knows that Rhodes has been in the limelight for some time now. Although it is said that what he did is beneficial to Muen, if human beings can really be monolithic for this reason, there will be no struggle between the Royal Party and the reformists before. Lydia's status as an archangel is detached, so naturally she doesn't care about the subsection. But other nobles did not accept Rhodes so easily-especially when he was likely to grab his cake.

And Marin's words did make sense, and now there is a lot of problems in the land of atonement that Rod needs to deal with. This is not military, but internal. But the root cause ... actually lies in Rhode's construction system.

After Rhodes became the lord, the land of Atonement has not developed. Except for the city of Atonement itself, the rest of the place is a deserted wilderness. There are many reasons for this. It is located on the border and inconvenient transportation. On the other hand, Rhodes's construction system is too convenient.

Generally, the lords want to build the city fortress, of course, it cannot be as convenient as Rhodes. They need to bring many artisans, and even people from all walks of life to repair or build castles and city walls for themselves. This naturally costs a lot of money, but in turn, this is also a cycle—unless cheating like Rhodes, building such a large project is a long-lasting job, and it is naturally impossible for those workers to drive like modern society. Squeeze the bus to and from work. They usually drag their homes, go to the place, and then build there. In this way, a gathering area will naturally be formed. With various needs, this gathering area will gradually expand. For example, broken tools need to be repaired, buildings need to be logged, food and meat need to be eaten, and food needs to be processed ... ... and even workers need to eat and rest. There are various needs even after the money is sent. Then there will be shops, lumberyards, blacksmiths and the like. And a gathering place is like this slowly from nothing, from small to large, from simple to rich. Then when the project was completed, a territory with a complete circulation system appeared.

Previously Rhodes didn't know this very well, but now he finally understands what it means to be quick.

Although the construction system can build a majestic city for a blink of an eye, the various circulation systems in it cannot be created. The prosperity of a territory depends to a large extent on the people themselves, the people are rich, and commercial trade flows. Only then will prosperity, demand will promote production, and production will in turn attract more people to come here, but all this, Rhodes's territory does not. The entire Glenbell collar looks like a semblance and looks very powerful, but the interior is completely empty. Although the hardware is complete, the software is still far from perfect.

Rhodes had tasted such a bad result before. In the face of the undead attack before, in order to encourage the morale of his soldiers, Rhodes tried to cheer them up with food. As a result, the territory was so large that even enough chefs could not be found, but they had to be transferred from Deep Rock and Pafield!

From this we can see how a deformed place of Rhodes' Atonement. However, Rhodes had no way to do this. If he built it as usual, I am afraid that his territory would have been flattened by the undead army. Compared with the development of malformations, it is better to be completely finished.

Looking at it optimistically, now that the hardware is complete, the software is ... slowly installed.

With this in mind, Rhode returned to the land of atonement.

"Rhode ........."

The floating boat had just stopped, and after Rhodes stepped onto the platform, he soon saw a familiar, delicate figure trotting along towards him. Seeing that petite figure, Rhodes also had a gentle smile on his expressionless face. Then he just reached out and hugged Christie who was running next to him.

"…………You are finally back……………"

Because of the trot all the way, sweaty beads have appeared on Christie's forehead, so you can know how weak the girl's body is. And Rhode gently reached out and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat beads on Christie's forehead, gently stroked Christie's hair and smiled at her. Then he looked up, looking at Malin and Lijie, and the canary. Generally, Rhodes returned home, and these people were basically the ones who greeted him. Labis is too busy to make time, and she doesn't really understand it. Little Bubble Gum is based on mood. It will come naturally if you are free. If you are busy, it doesn't matter. Anyway, with her friendship with Rhodes, Rhodes doesn't care about it.

"How is your health? Christie?"


Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Christie nodded with a strong smile, while hearing Christie's answer, Rhode was relieved. Although Lydia ’s accessories to Christie can keep Christie from suffering, she ca n’t prevent her from getting hurt. In particular, Christie was weak, slender, and easily injured, which was always a concern for Rhodes. But it seems to be pretty good now ...

"You're back, Rhodes."

"Mr. Rhodes, Annie, Miss Qilian ......... It's been a long time."

"You're finally back. What's the situation on the front line?"

At this moment Ma Lin, Li Jie and Canary also came forward and greeted Rhodes and others.

"Fortunately, everything went as we expected, no problem."

Before returning, Rhodes had passed through Marin Gulch through magical contact, and of course they already knew everything that happened in Winter Castle. but……………

"By the way, Malin, I hear you say there seems to be a little problem in the territory?"

As he stroked Christie's hair, Rhode asked curiously at Marin. In the previous magic communication, Marin once told Rhodes that something was small in the Territory and it would be resolved after he returned. What was the matter? Marin didn't say it explicitly, she only said that the matter could only be discussed clearly in person.

"Yes, Rhodes."

Speaking of this, a bit of helplessness appeared on Marin's face.

"This matter is also related to the dark elf lady ..."


Hearing Malin's words, Rhodes froze. He did not expect that the accident in the so-called territory would be the ghost of the dark elf. Her actions were clearly bound by vows. In this case, what could she do here?

"What's up with her?"

"Is such that……………"

Marilyn reluctantly spread her hands.

"A few days ago, Ms. Corinna represented the church and communicated with us about the previous undead attack, and then at that time ........." Speaking here, Marin sighed slightly, and her face appeared. The complex expression obviously didn't even know what to say.

"She was attacked by Leo."


Hearing here, Rod paused. When he heard Marin's speech just now, he was thinking about what kind of trouble Leo had made in the realm, but he didn't expect that such a thing would happen ...... Kelina has been staying in the church for this time. Here, as a representative sent by the country of Fa, she rarely appeared in Ping Yue except to care about the affairs of the church. When the undead army attacked the city before, the representative of this country of law did not appear. However, Rhodes is not surprised. After all, Corina's status is a diplomatic envoy. If she is involved in the battle between the kingdom of night and the land of light, she will be implicated in the kingdom of law. By then, it will be the second time. Super-No, it is the prelude to the Second World War.

Rhodes doesn't care if Corinna does not work here, anyway, what he wants is that as long as Corinna is here and has a channel to communicate with the country of France, that's enough. But I didn't expect ...

"The results of it?"

Rhode glanced at the crowd. Neither Malin, Li Jie, nor Canary looked as annoyed and nervous as it seemed. The result should not be too bad.

"Fortunately, Miss Canary was present at the time, so nothing was wrong, but ... Miss Corina knew about Rhodes's possession of the Dark Elves, and she hoped you could explain it to her."

"She knows? How did she see it?"

Hearing here, Rhodes froze, and Leo looked nothing like a dark elf on the surface. In fact, Rhodes wouldn't believe it if she didn't say it before, but wait ...

Sure enough, Marin proved Rod's guess.

"Miss Leo told her personally."

Hearing Malin's answer, Rhodes's expression suddenly turned brighter. (To be continued.)

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