Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 97: Intersect Destiny (v)

In the end, Rhodes managed to get Leo out. Although the Dark Elf was unwilling, as a Dark Elf who grew up from the ground, she certainly knew not to offend Rhode at will. However, of course, Rhode could not let Leo escape so easily. Anyway, what she did caused trouble to the territory, so she must be punished. However, Rhode punished Leo in a different way than others thought. He didn't put Leo in the dungeon and imprisoned-because Rhodes knew that for the dark elves, entering the dungeon was simply Not a penalty. However, this does not mean that he has no way to punish Leo. Soon, Rhodes issued an order that everyone did not understand, that is, to let Leo go to the high stand in charge of the city fortification, and To stay on it for a week!

This was a bit inexplicable to others. It wasn't a punishment to them, but Leo's response was to surprise them all-after hearing the decision made by Rod, the darkness The elf's complexion suddenly turned pale and pale. Although her complexion was originally white, at least it was healthy white. And now, it feels as if the blood inside the dark elf's body has coagulated into ice in an instant, how pathetic and pathetic.

This is no wonder, in fact, most of the underground creatures are a trait, that is, fear of heights.

However, the fear of underground creatures is not the same as people think. They are not afraid of the kind of views that stand down and look down from the abyss of the abyss. Instead, they are most afraid of looking up into the sky. The dwarf is one of the extreme representatives. One of the reasons why few dwarves go out on the Dragon Soul mainland is that dwarves prefer to survive between mountains instead of taking risks, but this is not true. It is true that dwarves don't like going out, but they don't like taking risks. The only and biggest reason to restrict dwarves from going out is ... they fear the sky.

There was a famous saying from the dwarven king that spread widely in the underground world. [

"Thousands of stones are on, when I step out of the cave. The moment I stepped on the earth. I dare to swear by my beard that I have never felt such a fear. When I looked up to the **** sky, I even I felt my knees trembling. If my feet were not tied with chains and boulder, I would even be afraid that I would leave the earth as soon as I raised my feet and fall into the sky on the margin! "

This kind of response reflects the understanding of human law on the ground, but it is quite touching for people living underground. The Dark Elves are no exception, not only that, except for "Fear of Heights." Another thing that makes the dark elves even more painful is that because they spend too much time in the dark ground, the dark elves have evolved a very powerful dark vision. They don't need to rely on light to see the dark underground environment clearly. Then, in turn, the dark elves are most afraid of light. Even the dark elves who came to the surface were the same. But as the kingdom of eternal night, the night light of night kingdom is not strong. So the dark elves can stand it. But in the land of light ......... That's another story.

Leo is naturally not exempt from vulgarity. Before that, she basically hid in the shadows during the day, or went to the underground training ground, and rarely went to the ground. As a result, Rhodes now not only wants her to send a whistle on the high tower, but also the whole day ... Leo has the heart to die.

But what can she do? The original incident was that she was wrong. In fact, after Leo saw Corina, the history of the blood and tears of the dark elves deep in her heart instantly made her burn. When Leo returned to God, she had already acted on Corina ......... This is the instinct reaction of the dark elves to the elves, so Leo didn't refute it, just recognized it.

The matter for Leo was just an accident. Rhodes just returned to the topic after a casual treatment, but before that ...

"This ... Rhode, we need to apologize to you for one thing."


Looking at the embarrassing canary and little bubble gum in front of him, Rhodes opened his eyes curiously. He rarely saw two people look so ashamed. Canary always smiled, though she didn't say much. But it also proved her calmness and sophistication. Little Bubble Gum is full of self-confidence, and has always been the first in the world. It is difficult to see that they will have such expressions. This could make Rhodes startled and confused. But soon, the canary gave the answer.

"That's it, Rhodes ...... in the last few days ...... um ... ……, the palace of Irene came down to the fortress of the Atonement."


Hearing this, even Rhodes was shocked. He stood up in surprise and looked at the two.

"You didn't ......... forget it, I don't think it's okay, so what's going on?"

Although a little embarrassing, Canary still smiled to Rod and told about the reason.

That was what happened after Christie and Elin met, when Elin just asked Christie for a picture and left. And Christie didn't take the matter too seriously, but after returning to the fortress, Christie met Little Bubble Gum ......... in the place of atonement, if you have the most time to accompany Christie, then it is Annie And Little Bubble Gum, Annie was taken by Rhodes to Winter Palace. The person who accompanied Christie naturally became a little bubble gum, and it was natural that Christie was very happy that strangers praised her for drawing well, so the girl told the little bubble gum what happened before. Originally, Little Bubble Gum didn't take it seriously, but when she finally heard Christine's name, she suddenly blew her hair and immediately went to Canary in a hurry. After listening to Bubble Gum's report, Canary was surprised.

Fortunately, Canary was much calmer than Bubble Gum. After hearing this news, she did not immediately alert the whole city and searched for anything. Because Canary knew very well that at the level of Eileen, mortals would be ants, not to mention that the place of atonement is not enough for her at present. Even if she came to the army of 100,000 troops, Ilin also wanted to come and go, and if the situation was too bad, the fortress would be demolished, which would be very troublesome. So she didn't say anything, but secretly and the little bubble gum checked the whole fortress again. But after that, Eileen never showed up. Of course, the canary did not tell others about it in order to prevent them from worrying or making irrational moves. From this point, Rhodes clearly gave the canary management power to Canary.

"I think she should have left the Atonement and headed to Munn's country ..."

Having said that, even Canary himself was not sure. After listening to Canary's description, Rhodes could only shake his head and sigh.

To be honest, although Canary and Little Bubble Gum took it to themselves, especially Little Bubble Gum, the girl was scared after that. Because when Annie is away. He should have been with Christie. As a result, she didn't get up because she slept, and she let Christie go out by herself. It didn't happen that it happened. In case Elin was cruel and killed Christie. So Rhodes did n’t know how to explain the little bubble gum. Even suicide and gratitude would n’t work ... Who told her that she was n’t a living person now.

But to be honest, this incident really can't blame them for not being vigilant. Rhodes had been fully prepared before, and he gave the image of the holy girl and system permissions to Canary. I thought it was safe. In fact, it is not surprising that Rhodes thinks this way, the anti-death enchantment of the Holy Girl can make all undead creatures hide. With the strength of Little Bubble Gum and Canary, it is difficult for the people under the two to stir up any storms in the fortress. Really need to be able to escape such tight protection, unless the strength is stronger than them. It ’s not undead ... How can there be so many people like this on the continent? [

There are not many people who meet this condition on the mainland, but this does not mean that there is no. As a result, Yilin has come to your door ...

In terms of strength, she is almost the same as the two. In addition, the Dragons have talent bonuses. From this point, she is no worse than Canary and Little Bubble Gum. Regarding races, Yalong is a living creature, not an undead, and it is naturally impossible to show any problems in the anti-death realm. And even Rhodes hadn't thought about how Her Royal Highness ran here again. The undead legion had retreated. Why did she run to Muen? And ... she also took a picture of Christie?

Rhodes couldn't help laughing or crying here. In the game, there is a saying that Elin is actually the princess version of Lidia, but compared with Lidia, which represents the sun, Elin is also introverted, quiet, introverted, and not so swaggering as the moon. But now it looks like she is really a literary girl, these two Highnesses are a perfect match. Canary said that she had not been found in the Atonement, so would her Royal Highness go to Gold City and discuss with Lydia ...

If he changed someone else, Rhodes would still think that the other party was going to be destroyed by Moon, but if Elin, Rhodes thinks it is really possible. He is a loyal supporter of Lydia, and Her Royal Highness Lord's weird temper is not ignorant. There have been many rumors that Lydia sneaked into the kingdom of the night in order to collect expensive and beautiful artworks. It now seems that these two Highnesses are indeed the same kind of characters ... …………

"If you can't find her, let her go."

Eileen did not arrest Christie as a hostage, did not destroy the fortress, and did not kill anyone. This made Rhodes feel a sigh of relief, and he had a good impression on His Royal Highness. In the game, Rhodes has always "only heard his voice, but no one", so his understanding of Yilin is just the discussion and contact of the most ordinary players. What he couldn't figure out was whether Elin was going to Golden City to stop by his fortress, or had something to do here with ulterior motives. From the performance of the opponent, the latter is more likely. After all, with Yi Lin's strength, those mountains can't stop her at all. As long as she hides her identity, she can enter Muen without being noticed at all. There is no need to come to her own fortress to do such a thing. It's just that what Elin did to her own fortress, then Rhodes didn't know.

"But we still have to send someone to report to Lydia. Remember, don't pass this information to any third party, just let Lydia be notified."

If you let Muen know that Her Royal Highness Princess of the Kingdom of Night came to her country with a thorn, it will really be a world change.

This concludes the question about Elin. Although Rhodes is indeed full of doubts, but now that Elin is not in the place of atonement, he does not need to worry about it. This does not mean that your approach is wrong. In any case, it is indeed very rare to have the ability to break through the triple defenses of the statue of the maiden and the canary and the little bubble gum ......... This kind of bad luck is just special case.

Except for this surprising news, everything in the Land of Atonement is stable. Instead, Marin brought good news to Rhodes. The war corps that has not appeared before has finally arrived in the Land of Atonement. The fortress reports to Rhodes. This is naturally good news for Rhodes. At first, what he saw first was the strength of the war mage's group of combat mages. This is also the most lacking in the fortress of the Atonement. They can appear at this time. It fills the problem of insufficient middle-level troops of Rhodes, but the problem is ...

"They're not as good as Rhodes thinks you are."

In this sentence, Marin poured a cold water on Rod's head.

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