Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 102: Not alone

The canary's enlightenment was not in vain. In fact, Rhodes was most afraid of failure and then died. In particular, he could not be resurrected after death, which made him bold and conservative in his choices. Relying on his rich experience, he dare to perform any task. But in turn, Rhodes was always careful about the people around him to keep them away from danger. From this point of view, he is no less protective of Christine than Lily and Anne, but he is not as extreme as Christie.

After thinking about this, Rhodes naturally had an idea, but before that ...

"Master, do you have anything to do with me?"

South stood at the desk, looking at Rhode respectfully. This was awkward before, and a man who looked like a refugee more than a mage and a warrior finally had a personal look after a few days of rest. The original dirty and worn robes were also much cleaner. Coupled with South's stance like a soldier, he finally saw the demeanor of a warlord. However, if you look closely, you can see that South now has a little more obedience and admiration for Rhodes. Previously, when he faced Rhodes, the dwarf was more humble and embarrassing, but now, the war mage respects Rhodes from the bottom of his heart.

This is naturally because Rhodes accepted them. In Malin's plan, these refugees are an important part, and it is naturally impossible to let them live like beggars. Originally, South was only thinking of being able to allow the Lord Lord to allow them to live here, and they had no other hope. But he had no idea that Rhodes not only allowed them to live here, but even arranged a stronghold and room for them. In addition, South also learned that not only would the "disabled soldiers" of these war corps be returned to Rhodes as a private soldier in accordance with the agreed agreement, even their family members, if necessary. You can apply for a job in the Fortress of Atonement.

This made Soth overjoyed. Originally, he thought he would come to the place of atonement with such remnants of soldiers, and it would be nice to not be driven out by the Lord Lord. He never thought that instead of thinking about it, Rhodes still included himself and others in his ranks of private soldiers. Not only that, he even helped solve the life problems of the old, weak women and children. Because of this, South now has a little more respect for Rhodes. In his opinion, they are currently enjoying the treatment they had never thought of before. Lord Lord was so grateful to him for being able to treat them so favorably. Therefore, when he faces Rhodes, he already has a bit of surrender.

"That's it, Mr. South."

Rhodes fiddled with the quill in his hand, and looked at the man in front of him with the same expression on his face. There was a slight smile in his eyes, but South didn't notice it.

"I think the next arrangement, you already know from Marlene. War corps is a very powerful mage corps, which is why I initially expected to get your assistance, but I did not expect this to happen thing……………"

Hearing this, Thors bit his lip, and of course he felt sad for the current situation of the War Corps. Who would have thought that the top warfare group that could rank in the entire Dongfangshanyuan strength would actually fall into this field? However, in the final analysis, it is because the head of the team and himself are too underestimated Lehman's ambitions. He did not expect that for the sake of power, he would frustrate himself with a knife. Even until now, South could not figure it out. He, Best and Lemmon were good brothers from childhood to big. Isn't the brotherhood of all these years better than that vain power?

However, such sentimentality just flashed in Thorth's heart, and Random Thorth felt a little confused. He didn't know what it meant when Rhodes mentioned this matter, but soon, he got the answer.

"......... I don't think the history of the War Corps should end there. Mr. South, are you interested in rebuilding the War Corps?"


Hearing here, South finally couldn't hold back the shock in his heart. He raised his head and stared at Rhodes with his eyes wide open. For the future of the War Corps, South and his subordinates also did not discuss Too. But they all thought that the War Corps had little hope of remaining. The commander died, and most of the younger generation's high hopes also died. Now the entire war corps is full of wounded soldiers, and considering that they will become the private soldiers of the Lord Lord next, Lord Lord should not let the War Lord such a half-reading organization continue. So South didn't think about it at all, but now, I didn't expect Rhodes to raise this issue first.

"Master, lord ........."

"What? You have already passed on the inheritance of the Soul Road. Is there any problem with the revival of the War Corps?"

"That's it, Lord Lord."

Hearing Rhode's words, South also hurried to answer.

"Although we do have the inheritance of the Soul Road in our hands, but unfortunately ... we have not had time to complete the ritual of inheritance of the soul. It is true that the heritage of the War Corps is very special. Among them, Only the leader of the War Corps knows the secrets. Although I am the deputy commander, I have not experienced the inheritance ceremony, and now the commander has killed the battlefield. Not to mention ...

Speaking of this, Soth shook his head involuntarily. This is also the second reason why he does not think that the war corps can rise again. In the war corps, according to the ancient tradition, the leader of the war corps will be there. Before dying, pass on the power he has condensed throughout his life to the next heir. This looks a bit similar to the Dragon Soul inheritance, but not so exaggerated. And after inheriting the power, a mysterious rune will appear on the heir's body, representing that he has passed the trial and became a new leader of the War Corps.

Because of this, the inside of the war corps has always been very harmonious, and no contradiction has arisen because of the struggle for power. However, it is different after the inheritance of the Soul Road. The inheritance of the Soul Road can also obtain the leadership of the War Corps, and it is not necessary to look at the actions of the former head of the group. Those who have the ability to live will let Lai The idea of ​​looting inheritance was stirred. Originally speaking, as one of the three deputy heads, Lehmont could do the same thing, and Soss could do the same, but ...

"The inheritance ritual can only be held at the location of our war corps, the soul altar can be held, but now it is occupied by undead ..."

"Once we take it, we can take it back."

In the face of South's answer, Rhodes seemed uncomfortable and indifferent.

"The legacy of the War Corps cannot be lost, and strictly speaking, if you encounter such a thing, I also have some responsibilities ..."

"Master, sir !!! Not ..."

When he heard Rhode's words, Southon's face changed slightly. Indeed, now that he is inside the War Corps, there is no complaint about Rhode. Just as not everyone expects to hesitate for the ancient heritage of the soul road, nor is everyone able to accept this fact calmly. When Soss made a decision to come to the Atonement Land, there were brothers in the regiment who complained that if it wasn't for the lord who had come up with such a broken thing to seduce the regimental leader, why should our war corps come to this point? It's just that South knows that this is very unreasonable. What Rhode brought out is real, and the tips he gave to the War Corps are very important. Although he doesn't know how Rhode did it, they can easily break through. So many obstacles, and the inheritance of the soul road at the least cost, all depended on Rod's reminder and guidance. If it were not for Lehman's last moments, they would have almost no losses. So from this point of view, their complaints are actually unfounded. But people ... always like to pass on their faults to others, especially to people they do n’t know.

So when Rhoded said it, Southon felt a sweat in his back, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing. He thought that Rhodes had heard the nonsense of those under him, so he made such a suggestion. If this is the case, then it is definitely not a good thing for South. !!

"This is not your problem, adults, and it is too dangerous ..."

"No no no, I'm not kidding you, I'm serious."

Faced with anxious South, Rhodes waved. This is also his true idea. The war corps has always been very strong. In the game, the average level of the war corps is about 50. The strength is not weak, but Rhodes only values ​​one point --- That is an average strength of fifty.

In the land of light, ordinary people usually upgrade at the forty level, as if in the land of atonement, even if Rhodes has ripened the ball of mystery, he has improved the upgrade speed in his territory, but under his hands, Like Joey and Lando, the bottleneck is still around the 39th and 40th levels, and even a lifetime may not be able to break through and improve. This is also the limit of ordinary humans in the land of light. Under Rhodes, those who can break through the forty level are either Lijie, Anne, or half-breed, or Marin is such a gifted person. Then, it is certainly not something that ordinary people can do.

However, the War Corps did it. After they came here, Rhodes took a closer look and found that these people did indeed have an average level of 50 or more, which means that they all have master level strength. But they are just ordinary people. They have no talent and no descent bonus. So, how did they do it?

In fact, South was right. Rhodes did not intend to develop the war corps into a reading organization, but he planned to develop the war corps into his own downline to improve the strength of his men. The War Corps must have a unique method in this regard, but in order for them to contribute, you must first give them a little sweetness ...

Of course, the most important reason is that Rhodes has to complete that task, which is the most critical.

"... It would be a shame if the War Corps were to be destroyed. I am also very interested in your unique fighting style. I hope that your arrival will not only enhance the combat effectiveness of my men, but also hope that you can help improve my men. Fighting power ... "

At this point, South knew what Rhodes was thinking and had to say that if that was the case, then Rhodes's statement would be acceptable. Indeed, just as Rhodes thought, each group can stand on this continent and have its own unique housekeeping skills, and the War Corps is no exception. And now that Rhodes says so, it is clear that he wants to get their "separate secrets" ... But this condition he put forward ...............

"I see, Lord Lord."

In the end, Soss gritted his teeth and nodded to Rhode's offer. In fact, his heart is always a bit unwilling. If the heritage of the soul disappears in the war, it is okay, but now, the staff is in his own hands, and he is likely to become the first war corps for hundreds of years. The man who has acquired the ancient heritage, saying he didn't touch at all, must be false. Jinshan Yinshan put in front of himself, how painful it would be to watch it without eating.

"As long as we can fulfill the centuries-old dream of the War Corps, we don't mind taking another risk, no matter what you need us to pay, we can accept it!"

"Do not."

However, in the face of South's words, Rhodes waved his hand.

"It's not necessary to bring many people. This time, you just need to bring yourself."

Hearing this, Southon froze.

After sending away the doubtful South, Rhodes sat on the chair, staring silently at the system prompt in front of him. After a while, he reached out and knocked on the bell at the table. Soon, The door opened, and Agawi's figure appeared from it.

"Notify everyone, come to the study."

Agave's movement was indeed fast. It didn't take long before everyone came to Rhodes's study. This time Rhode did not waste time, but quickly confessed his decision to everyone. In the face of Rod's statement, everyone also behaved differently. Marlene was obviously opposed to this, but since Rhodes had already made a decision this time, it would not help her to object ...

"This time I went to Dongfang Mountain. The dangerous surname is very high. We will encounter many middle-level and even high-level undead creatures. Fighting with undead in the wild is not as easy as on the city walls ... ………… "

With that said, Rhodes groaned, then looked at Marin.

"Marin, I remember Dongfang Shanyuan once contacted us, hoping to get the statue of the holy girl, right?"

"Yes, Rhodes, Dongfang Shanyuan has paid the deposit, but they are not very anxious about it, so I'll put them behind."

"There is no need for this. I want you to load the image of the holy girl in the shortest time, and then let An be sent to the Oriental Hills."

"Okay, Rhodes."

Although he didn't understand why Rhodes did this, Marlene agreed.

"As for the candidate for this trip ..."

Having said that, Rhode was silent for a moment, he looked at the crowd in front of him, and gritted his teeth.


"Received! Head!"

When she heard Rhodes call her name, Anne jumped up and down. She waved her fist in excitement and was proud of her face. Others don't have any opinions on this. After all, Rod has to follow Annie every time he goes out, which is basically a law.


"Yes, master."

When the Lord called his name, the dark elf stepped forward and whispered. For a few days in the sun facing the sun on the tower, poor Leo was now astonished as frosted eggplant. At this moment, she just came out with her head down, and responded in a low voice, and she was not arrogant before.


"Oh? Am I going too? Mr. Rhodes?"

Lijie was very surprised to hear that Rhodes would call herself. Although she was also Rhode's lieutenant, as a spiritual master, Rhodes basically did not take her out. Unless she is going to fight, Rhodes will ask Li Jie to take her spiritual group together. Even Li Jie herself gradually began to get used to living as an lieutenant, rather than as a mercenary. But I did not expect that this time I actually had the opportunity to follow Rhodes to Dongfangshanyuan ...

"At last…………"

Having said that, Rhode finally stopped. He gritted his teeth, glanced over the faces of everyone, and finally stopped on a girl.

"Christie, would you like to come with me?"


Hearing here, the originally quiet study room was boiling at this moment.

"Leader ?!"

Annie's eyes widened, and she looked at Rhodes in amazement. And Li Jie also stretched out her hands and covered her mouth, staring blankly at everything in front of her, completely wondering what to say. As for the expressions of other people, they are also wonderful and varied. They have all heard Rhode just now. It is dangerous to go out to Dongfangshanyuan this time. It can be seen from Rodney's selection of Anne and Lijie that they are a shield warrior and a spiritual master. They are both good at defense and protection. In the past, Rhodes mostly only brought Annie, and Li Jie didn't follow her much. This time he called Li Jie anomaly and said that it must be very dangerous. But ... what's going on with Christie? !! !!

"Rhode, what the **** are you ..."

Even Marilyn frowned at this time, looking at Rhodes with wonder and doubt, but in the face of the doubts and puzzles of everyone, Rhodes didn't explain more. He just made a gesture. The boiling study room was quiet again, and everyone looked at Rhodes in doubt, and at this time, the petite figure came out of the crowd.

"... Rhode ... Do you want to take me to ... Orient Yamahara ...?"

Christie clasped her hands and put them on her chest, staring at Rhodes. Facing the girl's gaze, Rhode nodded.

"Yes, Christie, I need your help this time. It's dangerous. You are likely to die. Even so, are you coming?"


Hearing Rhode's words, Christie nodded without hesitation. She looked up and looked at Rhodes.

"......... I'd like to ......... with Rhodes ......... to ........."

Then the girl answered in her characteristic slow and firm tone. (To be continued.)

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