Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 107: Beacon of the Falling Eagle (iv)

As Gaya said, the next morning, the coalition launched a violent attack on undead, and they relied on their own strength to march towards the Eagle Peak. Immortals rely on their geographical advantage to hold fast. This is a battle that is important for both sides, and they have no reason to give up each other.

The same is true for Rhodes.

"It seems to be very lively."

Listening to the noise and roar from a distance above him, Rhodes raised his eyebrows. In the empty valley, he could hear roars and explosions from time to time. Although there is no gun in this world, there is no ground advancement of armored troops. Supported by aerial bombing, but relying on magic and soul power, it was still very lively.

But that was not what Rhodes needed to care about. He lowered his head, glanced at the crowd around him, and said. [

"We move on."

Of course, Rhodes would not be stupid enough to lead Li Jie and others into the army to launch an offensive against the Eagle Peak. The "random" army is prone to accidents that are controlled by its own laws, which Rhodes cannot tolerate. Secondly, Dongfangshanyuan didn't like much of these foreigners. Unless he waited for the situation to be a savior, Rhodes thought that helping him was just cold-faced hot ass, and it was boring to look for himself. Well ... he caused this situation that was originally intended by him.

Why did Rhodes allow Marin to send the holy girl to the mountain in the east after receiving this task? His purpose is to reduce the fighting pressure of Dongfang Yamahara, thereby reducing the danger he may encounter. Rhodes is not known about the situation of the Eagle Peak. As long as it can alleviate the crisis on the front line of Dongfangshanyuan, then whether Dongfangshanyuan vacated his hands to clean up this group of guys, or the undead army here pulled out troops to support the frontline, for Rhodes, Both are a big plus.

And now is the time for him to recoup his investment.

Rhodes did not choose to enter the Eagle Peak from the front. Because he knew that it was not necessary, the War Corps had been operating in the Eagle Peak for many years, and naturally had its own secret, and of course Rhode also knew this. Although Dongfangshanyuan has many secrets, but the player's copy task has not been done less, Rhodes has once done the mission of the war corporation, so he is so concerned about their strong strength, and he also knows that the most The core secret ...............

The cloud-free boardwalk is located on the side of Luoying Mountain Peak. The planks built by the sticks lined up along the steep mountain wall, and the howling winds blew through the planks, causing a chill. Looking down, you can clearly see the abyss under the feet. This boardwalk is only over a meter wide, and there is not even a handrail. It was only possible to walk forward against the cliff next to it. It was very inadvertent, and it was very likely that the cliff would fall like this, and then ... there would be no more.

This is one of the secrets of the war corps. After losing the ancient heritage, this is also their only legacy-the cloud empty plank path. Only the strong among the war corps are eligible to pass through the cloud empty plank path. Travel to the deepest holy place, where you will be baptized and tested to open the way to the soul. Although it has lost its heritage, this traditional war corps has been retained in order to have the opportunity to regain its heritage in the future. Then there is no way how to enter the soul. At the moment, the decision of the War Corps is very correct. Of course, this kind of boardwalk is not too difficult for others, and it is Li Jie. Leo and Annie looked very relaxed. What surprised Rhodes is that even Christie didn't show the slightest fear and worry. She followed Anne as if a light spirit. Rhodes was also worried that Christie would not be able to keep up with others because of fear or physical problems. He even planned to ask Annie to help Christie, but now it seems that the girl does not seem to be at all because of being on a high-altitude plank With the slightest worry and fear, she hid behind Anne and tried to follow the steps of everyone. Seeing this, Rhodes felt relieved ...

"just in front."

South pointed to the cave connected to the boardwalk not far away and whispered. Looking at the path in front of him, he seemed to recall the scene when he stepped into this cloud-free boardwalk for the first time a long time ago. At that time, he was just a young man, full of blood, thinking Like his predecessors, he will carry forward the War Corps, but now ... he is past the age of dreaming, but even so, recalling his original spirit and looking at his dismal appearance, South himself is also Can't help but sigh. But soon, South had his thoughts back, and he strode forward.

The dark entrance was extremely quiet, but South did not care about it. Instead, he entered the cave like this ...

Just then, the mutation suddenly started.


The dazzling sword light staggered from the darkness and burst out towards South.

Faced with this unexpected attack, Thorth was taken aback, but as one of the three deputy commanders of the War Corps, Thorth had some strength. He jumped back abruptly, Kankan avoided the sudden attack, and then South extended his hands. Soon, a series of magic runes emerged from his arms, and the brilliance of the magic interwoven into one side. A solid shield stood in front of South. At the same time, another dazzling light "shot" out of the darkness.


The shining sword light hit the magical barrier in front of South, and then dissipated into a bit of light and dust. South's face "color" changed slightly, his figure shook a little, but quickly stabilized again. At this time, the crowd finally saw the true colors of the attackers.

"what is that?"

Seeing the attacker in front of her, Li Jie whispered in surprise. And Annie opened her eyes curiously, looking at the "enemy" in front of her.

It was a few weird things that looked heavily armed but translucent. In appearance, they are quite like ghosts, but they are a little different from the ghosts in the undead army. The ghost form in the kingdom of night is very vague. They are like a cloud of water vapor, only vague. A rough form that makes people seem to know that they are ghosts. And among the undead army. Ghosts are generally used as a scout unit, and it is difficult to see them appearing in hordes .-- After all, the ghost's defense capabilities are too weak. [

But now these "ghosts" are completely different.

They look like living people, and can even see the folds on their clothes and their faces, which is very rare for ghosts, because ghosts are basically dead, but still nostalgic The existence of mortal dust, but most soul bodies have lost too much soul power when they died, they rely more on a kind of obsession to maintain their existence in this world. And apart from this obsession. They have no impression of their own names or even their appearance, so most of the ghosts seem to be very vague. It is good to have a personal image. Although in the Undead Legion, some high-level ghost units can also do it. But those ghosts are bound by magic, like beasts ... There is no will at all.

At the moment, these ghosts are not only clear in form, but even their consciousness seems clear! If it were not for their translucent bodies, no one would think they were ghosts.

"These are guardians of the soul channel."

South took a sigh of relief, then hurriedly blocked Annie and others who were about to start, and then explained.

"They are our ancestors. The generations of Warlords' guardians will let their souls rest here after the death, to test whether their heirs have the power to inherit everything ........."

Having said that, South took a step forward, and then he reached up to pick up the staff that was behind him. Hold high. It was a bland wand at first glance. The whole body was made of ebony, but at the top, it should have been inlaid with gems, but unexpectedly turned into a sharp blade like a spear. . Several mysterious blue "color" gemstones followed a certain trajectory, forming a mysterious rune.

"I ask for your consent here as the guardian of the soul. Dear guardians, I hope you can return to your own place of sleep and open the way before you!"


But to the surprise of South, when he heard his words, the guardians in front of him had no intention to let them go. Instead, they moved forward slowly, and at the same time, there were several guardians from the wall. When they came out, they were holding various weapons in their hands and strode forward.

"......... They ... seem to be ... very angry ..."

Christie grabbed Anne's corner of her clothing, and "Lu" came out of her head to look forward, and said uneasily. Not only Christie, but also Rhodes and Li Jie, at this time also realized that the originally calm atmosphere began to become tense, Li Jie clenched his hands and took two steps back. Although Rhodes had the same expression, his right hand was already hanging from his waist. Soon, a white card emerged from it, sandwiched between Rhodes' fingers.

"Holy patriarchs!"

South also frowned. He also noticed something strange in front of him, but he still held up the staff in his hand and shouted loudly.

"I hold the key to the soul, come here, and humbly pray to open the way to inheritance. I beg you to let it go!"

"Woo ..............."

But in the face of South's request, these guardian spirits still did not mean to give way. Instead, they looked up, and at this time, everyone was dismayed to find that the guardian spirits' normal faces suddenly began to become Twisted! Their eyes widened suddenly, glowing bright red, and their mouths cracked all the way to the ears, like a devil! Immediately afterwards, they just waved the weapon in their hands and rushed at everyone!

"Do it!"

Perhaps South may be jealous of these guardians as his ancestors and would not dare to act rashly, but Rhodes obviously did not have such anxiety. Before he did not take any action, he only gave South to face. Now that Sosfa controlled these guardians, he wouldn't be beaten just like that. Just as the guardians attacked, Rhodes fluttered and flew forward.

Unlike Soth, while these guardian spirits "showed" their appearance, Rhodes had realized that these souls had been completely controlled by the necromancy spells! The dark atmosphere unique to the Necromantic spells on them is no longer familiar to Rhodes. Although he doesn't know what is going on here, Rhodes is certain that things are definitely not as smooth as South said. !!


Rhode extended his right hand, and the holy card in his hand instantly transformed into a bright and dazzling sword. Bombed forward with a sacred breath of incomparable proportions. The powerful power of howling then condensed into a resistable hurricane raging wave, surging and rushing forward, only to see Rhode stretch out his hand, and with his movement, the white light curtain was straight forward. 』Out, hit the guardian warrior headed hard. Later, I saw the burly guardian warrior wailing so loudly that the whole person was completely destroyed like a soap bubble, and disappeared into the air with little dust. No trace. [

However, this did not stop other guardians. Just as Rhodes stabbed, I saw two more guardians holding the sword in their hands, attacking oneself from the left and right from both sides! In the face of their offense, Rhodes responded quickly. He split his sword back to the left with his backhand, and at the same time, an unreal dark shadow split from Rhode's body, holding the sword to the other side as if reflected in a mirror.

"Dang Dang!"

The two swords intersect with the two guardian spirits almost at the same time, and Rhode and his avatars are both dangling in shape, but then, a little bit of starlight erupts from the roaring sky. Enveloping the two guardian spirits on the ground, only hearing the two sounds of "噗噗", they saw that the two souls were penetrated by the sword light, and then disappeared completely.

Attack strong and weak.

Until this time. Rhodes made his own judgment on the guardian spirits in front of them. Their offensive strength is similar to himself. In the contact just now, Rhodes can even feel the power of the rules accompanying the opponent's weapons. Although the power of these rules is broken and weak, they cannot be ignored. But the other way around. Perhaps because these guardian spirits are soul bodies, their defensive power is not very strong, only in their early 50s.

But that's just for yourself!

"Follow me, these guys are hard to deal with!"

Rhode, who succeeded in the attack, did not immediately pursue, but instead loosened his right hand, and saw the sacred sword in his hand soaring forward and "shooting" away. Through the chest of another guardian spirit, the silver flame erupted suddenly. Then, with the white wings stretching, Celia's figure emerged from her. She held the long sword burning with flames and moved forward. . Rhode raised his right hand, and soon, on the back of his palm, the light of the summoning circle flashed, and a dark card appeared in the center of Rhode's palm.

The dark venomous snake circled a strange arc in the air, dispersing all the guardians who had intended to surround them. The nightmare in Rhode's hand whistled through the air, tearing a guardian spirit too late to escape with a dark breath, letting it disappear under the engulfing of the black "color" flame. But before the guardians reacted, Rhodes had let go of his right hand, but just blinking, Serestina's figure fluttered from the void. The devil lady was still proud and complacent. She He stretched out his hands, and the number of thorns and lashes flew out of the girl's sleeve in this way, covering the enemy in front of him.

Suffering this weird assault in succession has shaken the guardians too. Facing the joint attack of Celia and Celestina, they chose to retreat for the first time and disappeared into the dark cave again. Until this time, under the cover of Rhodes and others, others finally passed the boardwalk safely and came to the front of the cave.

"what on earth is it?"

Until this depends, South has not recovered from the previous shock. He did not expect that the guardian spirit of his ancestors would regard the existence of the soul beacon and launch an attack on them? The Holy Spirit is on, what happened? South held the staff in his hand tightly, biting his teeth, and couldn't figure out why this happened.

"These spirit bodies seem to be" struck "by necromancy spells."

"Insulted by necromancy spells? How is this possible?"

Upon hearing Rhode's answer, South was surprised.

"These guardian spirits are the most powerful characters in our War Corps ... how could they be controlled by undead? And this is the top secret place of the War Corps, unless it is baptized by the soul People, otherwise, are not qualified to step into this holy place. Even undead are not allowed! Our warfare corps has been dealing with undead for so many years, naturally it is impossible for them to enter our holy place so easily, Even blasphemy our spirits! "

"But now, at least it doesn't look as simple as you think, South."

Having said that, Rhode glanced at the dark cave in front of him and frowned. He once helped the War Corps to complete the task, and of course knew the relationship between the guardian spirit and here. According to Rhodes' memory, these guardians should have slept here and guarded the altar, waiting for the orthodox heir with the soul beacon to appear, and then following his path. But now it seems that things don't seem so simple ......... Thinking of this, Rhode couldn't help but glance at Christie who was behind Anne. Until now, he still didn't figure out why the mission must be assigned to Christie. Because Christie didn't show the slightest performance on this way, didn't even give any special meaningful reminders, and did not give Rhode some prophecy or guidance like the "Christie" in Rod's dream. Until now, Christie's role has been zero.

Could it be that the task prompt was wrong? After all, the task was not named to let Christie go, wasn't it?

Rhodes himself felt that it was too clumsy to make excuses, even if he was mistaken, could he still turn around and send Christie back?

"We move on."

Thinking of this, Rhodes said.

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