Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 114: Beacon of the Falling Eagle (xi)

The icy wind blew across the grassland, and the grasses around the waist fell under the caress of the wind, like the green waves undulating. The bright full moon illuminated the entire grassland, and even the shadows in the crevices of the grass were clearly visible. Rod stood leisurely at the top of the hillside, looking at the chaotic people below. And at this moment, the people of Chaos did not have the calmness before, and saw the figure clenched his fists and looked at Rhode vigilantly. And beside him, two shadow beasts, three or four meters tall, were standing there. They looked like two giant orangutans at first glance, but compared to the shadow beast that had covered the entire underground square before. , But it is too small.

"Out of chaos, order will last forever. What a bad luck, Mr. Gloucester, you are also the number one in Chaos Church. I didn't expect that you would become so weak after being cut off from the chaos ... ... "

Rhode said, taking a step back and let Gaya stand in front.

"Who the **** are you ... human?"

Gloucester gazed at Rhode in front of him, and it seemed that he could not hear the taste of anxiety and anxiety in the calm voice at the moment. However, both Rhodes and Gaya were aware of his caution and hesitation, not only Gloucester, but even Gaya turned involuntarily and glanced at the young man behind him, his eyes full of doubt. Although it is said that Gaya herself is a legendary powerhouse, she has not had the experience of fighting with the people of Chaos, but she knows very little about Chaos itself. She only knew that the figure in front of her was definitely a powerful chaotic citizen, but as for the other party's surname and who was the evil devil, she didn't know. But looking at Rhodes, he was clear about it, and looking at the other person, Rhodes was obviously not blind-spoken. [

With a panoramic view of the scene in front of him, Rhodes shrugged. He is certainly not nonsense. Dragon Soul is completely broken, entering the age of players is the third chapter, after that is the invasion of demons and people of chaos. Rhode led Starlight back and forth hundreds, thousands of times in Hell, Purgatory, and the Plane. It is naturally very clear to those demons, demons and people of Chaos.

Everyone thinks that the people of chaos are messengers of chaos, so they are all lunatics, and there is no order at all. But this is not the case, and chaos is also a manifestation of distorted order. Although most of the people in Chaos are crazy like crazy people, they don't care what they want to do, but in fact, the core of chaos is not complete chaos, but a distorted and broken order.

To the people of Chaos. Real chaos is not the total destruction of order, because once the order is destroyed, it means that chaos will become a new order. They understand that chaos is chaos because of its orderly existence. It's like a mental illness in a group of normal people, that's mental illness. If a group of people is mentally ill, it is called mental illness.

Because of this. On the upper level of the people of Chaos, there is a distorted order that is fragmented and makes people understand. But it does exist. And under their "guidance" (the people of chaos never say manipulation, command, a word that represents complete pure order), the rest of the crazy people will play their chaotic nature in consciousness.

Gloucester, the "Phantom Beast Tamer", is a member of the High Chaos Church of the Chaos People. It is just because of the perverted nature of Chaos People that he is sometimes a middle-level person. Sometimes it is the core of the church. This situation often occurs in the high bosses of Chaos People, which causes many players a headache. This is not just a gap in status, in fact, the equipment of the chaotic civilian bosses with different identities is completely different. What's even worse is that their strength has not changed at all! In other words, if a high-level boss is a middle-level member when he is killed by the player, then it will only drop some equipment that the middle-level boss will drop. But its attack power is still high boss level! This is simply a pit father for the player.

What's more terrible is that there is no order at all in this chaotic promotion of the people of Chaos, it is purely dependent on mood. In other words, the boss wants to show his prestige, and he is a senior member. If it wants to visit privately, it will become a low-to-medium level member. This distorted, broken and chaotic order will make players crazy. Therefore, playing a boss is really like a lucky job.

Fortunately, the third chapter has opened the era of player lords. Anyway, players have the characteristics of the game to manage their own territory and development power to attract people. Otherwise, the bosses of the chaotic people's chaos do not know how many players will die alive.

Because of this, the people of Chaos do not seem to have an absolute supreme leader. Before and after this, no matter whether it is the kingdom of night, the council of light, or even the devil, there is a grandfather, even if it is the last The Nether Dragon is also the ultimate boss. But only the final boss of Chaos has always been a mystery. This also makes even if the player thoroughly repairs the loopholes of chaos, and ends the third chapter, stepping into the deepest maze, no one, including Rhodes, can truly kill the final boss of the so-called chaotic people, even No one knows if this thing exists. Rhodes even ventured to take his team to break through the nine hundred layers of purgatory directly in the late game, trying to rely on their strong strength to find out the final boss of the people of Chaos, but in the end it came back.

Rhodes naturally knew very well about Gloucester. He is good at transforming other creatures with the power of chaos and making them more powerful. Some are like crazy scientists among the people of Chaos, and Rhode naturally dealt with him. He himself is only 70th grade, but his creations are around 75th grade, and some perverts even reach 80th grade. This is a typical pet stronger than the existence of the ontology.

It ’s just now ... [Kasari under the night] As a created order space, it completely isolates all possible connections from chaos. It is good that Gloucester can have sixty levels. , And his two shadow monsters should also be around sixty-five. However, the weakness of the people of Chaos is also here-as the attributes of chaos, they will never have the power of any regular attribute even if they step into the legendary realm. Their attributes are always chaos. And they have few other threats than pollution and destruction rules. As for Gaya, who pulls the opponent directly into the battle of order, the people of Chaos don't even think about it!

Although it would be difficult for Rhodes to deal with these guys. But this time, he didn't even plan to do it himself! No matter how the other party is a high-level member of the Chaos People, the Chaos People who stepped into the legendary field itself has the chaos pollution attribute. He has no time to spend with the other party here. Just maintaining the card in front of the scene is very difficult for Rhodes!

But what Rhodes couldn't do, naturally someone could do it.

"It's entrusted to you. Miss Gaya, their current strength is only sixty to sixty-five, the legendary first level, you should have no problem dealing with them."

"give it to me!"

Although I do n’t understand what Rohde said in his mouth, he is a legendary powerhouse. Gaya naturally felt the kind of headaches that these monsters had, and the continuous power had completely disappeared! She certainly understands why Rhodes suddenly pulled himself into this space. Although he didn't know how he did it, now this is the best chance to win!

As soon as the voice fell, Gaya jumped up and leaped. She held the long knife in her right hand and crossed her chest. Gently stroked his left hand on it, and a few dazzling lights flashed in the black eyes, and then Gaya waved forward hard!

No worries. The knife of Gaya used all his strength and saw that the entire grassland suddenly sunk like a soft cloth. The sound of the sonic force screamed and rolled forward, turning the grassland in front of the eyes into powder.

Gloucester raised his hands, quickly. A shadow beast growled and ran forward, then shouted loudly. And with it the shouts. I saw the shadow on the grassland as if it was attracted to the body of the shadow monster, just blinking, I saw that shadow monster actually increased several times, more than ten meters high! It howled and stretched its arms, blocking a wave of sound from Gaya as if it were a huge wall.


Seeing this scene in front of her, there was a chill on Gaya's face. Whatever these guys had done before, she would recover. Now when I saw this nasty thing, I dare to repeat the tricks in front of myself, and even made Gaya angry, she screamed angrily, and the long knife in her hand suddenly pointed forward!


No sound at all.

The shadow beast, which was more than ten meters high, disappeared at this instant, and the heavy dark film disappeared in an instant. And the shadow that was originally attracted to pull toward the shadow monster also stopped at this time, and then a flower bloomed before the eyes before, those originally condensed shadows completely disappeared and returned to their proper place.

However, the stronger force did not stop there, but continued to roar forward!

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Gleist yelled in horror, and then saw the figure find something out of his arms and squeezed hard. I saw the other shadow beast that followed Glaister suddenly made a scream, and then exploded completely!


The violent explosion shook the entire grassland, and the sound wave impact of Gaya was also worthy to be blocked at this moment. Not only that, the blackness scattered after the shadow beast erupted, spreading in all directions like ink dripping from the scroll. Come on!

not good!

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes was shocked.

"Miss Gaya, kill him quickly!"

Gaya wasn't a fool either. Seeing this scene in front of her knew that this order space couldn't support it for too long, so she hurriedly retracted the blade and then flashed forward.


And at this time, the grassland under the night was like a broken glass painting, and it cracked completely.

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