Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 116: Beacon of the Falling Eagle (End)

"Annie, protective stance, shield of the king!"

In desperation, Rhodes only bit his teeth and gave an order. After hearing Rhode's order, Anne stood up immediately, then the girl jumped off the altar, raised the pure gold shield in her hand, and heard only a few heavy machine sounds, and the pure gold shield was thick. The surface began to shift. Then, a white shield emerged from it. Then Annie sang, holding the Adamantite Heavy Shield firmly with both hands, and smashing it down hard.

The tall Adamantite heavy shield smashed into the ground like this, and then the armor on both sides quickly opened and turned around. Soon, several silvery white lines extended from the edges of those armors, and in the blink of an eye, these lines A crystal clear barrier was formed, surrounding the entire altar. At the same time, the waves formed by the chaotic creatures hit the transparent barrier.


Annie's figure flickered, but the girl clenched her teeth and insisted. Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes finally exhaled.

With Annie's own strength, of course, it is impossible to block so many chaotic creatures, not even Gaya. The terrible thing about chaotic creatures is not how powerful they are, but the chaotic surnames of these guys. Whether it is before or after death, these chaotic creatures will pollute everything they come into contact with. If Anne were unprepared to make contact with these chaotic creatures, she would be completely engulfed in a moment, and then be chaotic from the flesh to the soul. Fortunately, Anne had an ace in her hand.

[The Guardian of the King (Ancient, Bronze, Fantasy) — The Watchman of the Rules: Immune to Chaos Surname Attack, Resistance to the Rule Surname +100]

When this ancient equipment was knocked from the Council of Light, Rhodes did not expect to make it work so quickly. Originally, Rhodes valued the special surname behind (rule resistance +100). With this, With the surname in hand, Anne's immunity to magic and sword skills will greatly increase. Except for those particularly powerful spells or skills, there is no way to affect Annie at all. This includes not only attacks, but even weakened negative curses and various mind control skills. This is almost the most useful artifact for a shield warrior who is mt. Therefore, Rhodes chose such a shield at that time. As for the previous (immune chaos surname), Rhodes originally thought that it would not show its effect until a long time ago.

I never thought it would come in handy so soon.

However, this is not a long-term solution.

The chaotic creatures hitting the Shield of the King did not recede. Instead, they twisted their bodies and piled up, while Annie bit her teeth and insisted. But Rhodes knew that she wouldn't stay long. Now, you have to make a decision as soon as possible. What should you do next?

Rhode's eyes glanced at the pale, breathless Gaya, and Lijie who was crouching in front of Gaya for her treatment, then looked at Leo, who was expressionless next to him, then Christie, who was unconscious, and South. At the moment, South was on his knees on the ground, his eyes closed, and it was clear that he was at a critical juncture. However, Rhodes does not think that even if he returned to God, he could inherit the magical power of Jiuyang and defeat the six major siege of Mingding. Not to mention that these chaotic creatures are more troublesome than what Emei Wudang is now.

So what do we do next?

Wait until South is awake, then start the teleport ring to run away?

Thinking of this, Rhodes turned the ring in his hands involuntarily, but he could not guarantee how long it took for South to be able to handle this troublesome ritual. However, according to Rod's experience in protecting so many npcs in the game, the urinary surname of this group of goods is the kind of goods that are not finished from dark to dawn, and it is estimated that it will not be finished in a short while.

Wait for Gaya to recover and try again?

I'm afraid there isn't enough time. Anne can't wait that long. Thinking of this, Rhode looked at Annie, and saw that Anne's complexion was pale at this moment. The girl bit her teeth tightly, and even heard a slight clucking sound. And in front of the girl, those chaotic creatures have accumulated in the middle of the barrier, they are constantly making trembling "fizzing" sounds, and meanwhile twisting the abominable body.

Thinking of this, Rhodes gritted his teeth, and he couldn't wait any longer. Although Annie can still insist, but it is really stupid to make a decision when Anne can't persist. As a guild president, Rhodes certainly couldn't make such a mistake. It ’s too late to wait for the crowd to run before the boss launches the group destroy skills!

"Leo, interrupt the ritual of South. We have no time to stick with it. Lijie, please prepare and help Miss Gaya prepare, we will leave here by teleportation!"

Thinking of this, Rhodes made up his mind and gave an order immediately. Although the reward of the mission is very precious, he seems to have failed this time. His own strength is not enough to fight again. At this moment, Rhodes cannot even summon such low-level calling cards as Soul Bird. And Gaya also temporarily lost the fighting power, Annie can't wait for them to recover, and Christie is here, Rhode is no longer willing to take this risk and continue to wait!

"Yes, master!"

Upon hearing Rhode's order, Leo nodded. Then she fluttered, came to South, and stretched out her right hand to grab South's shoulder. However, before the Dark Elf's right hand touched South's shoulder, suddenly, at this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged.

A brilliant fire suddenly leapt out, whistling and fluttering towards Leo. The Dark Elf also responded very quickly. Facing this sudden flame, she stepped back suddenly, and then saw the flame wipe the body of the Dark Elf girl quickly, forcing her to retreat back. . Immediately afterwards, I saw the blue flame hit the ground in this way, and then disappeared completely.

This is not over yet? !!

Seeing this scene, Rhodes could not help but grit his teeth, but at this moment, a small figure suddenly swept across the corner of his eyes.


The original unconscious Christie did not know when she woke up, she slowly got up from the ground, silently looking at all of this, and seeing that Christie was awake, Lijie also hurriedly screamed, then she took a lunge Come to Christie's side and look at the girl in front of her.

"Great, you finally woke up ... Christie?"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Li Jie felt that there was something wrong. Soon, she noticed something strange about the girl. At this moment, Christie was looking at herself quietly, but her expression was peaceful. The Christie in here is completely different. Not only that, but the purple eyes of the girl are exuding a faint light at the moment.

"Christie, you ........."

"I'm fine, thank you, Lijie ..."

Christie smiled at Li Jie, then she turned her head and looked at Rhode next to her.

"Rhode, thank you for your help ..."

"you are…………………"

Looking at the smile in front of the girl, Rhodes sank slightly. This smile is no stranger to him, but ...

"Are you ... Christie?"


Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, "Christie" nodded slightly, both of them understood the meaning of the other's words.

"Thanks to your assistance, Rhode, I can be here. You helped me stabilize the soul path, so now it's my turn to help you, Rhode ..."

Speaking, Christie floated slowly, and seeing this scene in front of her, Li Jie stared in surprise. She never expected that Christie would have such a side. The girl turned her head in amazement and looked towards her. Rhode seemed to be waiting for his answer. But at this moment, Rhode didn't care about Li Jie's questioning eyes, he just frowned, looking at the girl floating in the air.

As soon as Christie floated, the chaotic creatures that had originally piled up and climbed up suddenly began to retreat quickly. They seemed to perceive some kind of unknown omen, and issued a panic scream. At this time, Christie Reached out his right hand.


Countless purple lightnings flew out of the void, chopping heavily on the square. For a moment, even the door of Chaos stopped moving, but soon, Gleister's voice sounded again, but this time, in addition to the madness, his voice was also mixed with a terrifying panic!

"The thunder of sanctions ... it's you !!! Why are you here, chaos is up there !!! Why !!!"

"Out of chaos, order will last."

Christie answered quietly. Then, the girl stretched out her right hand. Soon, a white feather pen appeared in her hand. Then, countless dazzling golden lines appeared in front of the girl, forming a giant, blank canvas. Then the girl lifted her pen and quickly drew something on it.

"That is……………"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes widened his eyes in surprise. He could see clearly. Christie was painting, and what she was painting was exactly the scene in front of her. And the ruin square in front of you. It can be seen that this Christie is very talented in painting. With only a few pens, he has completely and completely sketched the entire scroll.

But it's not just girls' artistic talent that is surprising. Because when the painting was drawn by Christie, it was always moving!

The girl in front of her looks as if she is drawing a moving picture. In her picture, the chaotic creatures start to explode, disappear, and retreat continually. The invisible force suppresses their existence, and Relentlessly crushed it into powder. Immediately afterwards, the dark chaotic door began to twist, trembling trembling and shaking, but at the next moment, the dark line disappeared completely. Immediately afterwards, the square in front of him regained its calmness and tranquility.

With Christie's hand, the scroll in front of him looks like an animated movement, and while the girl's nib stays at the bottom of the scroll, the scroll is finally completed. There are no chaotic creatures and no chaotic gates, and some are just empty, broken squares.

"Do not----!!"

Gloucester's almost twisted scream sounded at this moment.

Rhodes opened his eyes in surprise.

He can swear by his identity as a player. He has never seen such a scene. When Christie stopped writing, the chaotic creature in front of him suddenly seemed to be shattered by a powerful force and disappeared, like an eraser. However, I wiped out all the black areas. Just a blink of an eye, the chaotic creatures that had been overwhelmingly disappeared completely, and in the distance, the door of a straight line of chaos began to tremble, and then twisted like a wire, and kept twisting.

"No ---! This should not be my end! Chaos is on! This is not ..."

Gleister's voice ends here.

Without the chaotic creatures and the door of chaos, at the moment, all that is present in front of everyone's eyes is quiet and peaceful. The scattered gravel scattered around the square, the flames beating constantly, reflecting the presence of nothing in front of it.

Yes, only silent silence and gloom. (To be continued.)

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