Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 150: Furious Elf

"Uh --- !!!!"

At the same time that the iron chain spread like a spider web, it seemed like a rhinoceros, Celia, Grace Hill and Madaras instantly turned into cards and disappeared, and Celestina seemed completely Frightened and stupefied, he sat down on the ground like this, his face seemed to have seen the despair of the end of the world with his own eyes. And Rhodes raised his eyebrows in surprise at the moment-this is not surprising, especially considering that he was completely **** by the other party with an iron chain.

"What does it mean?"

"Did I say that?"

She tilted her head, and the trembling young girl seemed to be sick. He walked forward slowly with a smile. She reached out and stroked Rhodes' cheek gently. It wasn't until such a close observation that Rhodes found that Helos and the other Elven Sword Elves had a completely different trait—that is, her pale complexion. No, it cannot even be said to be a living person's skin color. Even the severely ill Christie's pale skin color had at least the surname of life, but at this moment the girl's skin color is lifeless and full of death. Pale, even with a bit of strange iron blue. But unexpectedly, the face of this frightening pale matching young girl showed a weird and distorted beauty.

"If you want to be my master, you must give me extreme pain, the kind of pain that hurts my body, and makes me feel the pain forever and forever ......... That's right, but until then ... "

Speaking of which, the young girl shook her hand, and with her movement, the chain that was originally tied to the young girl's wrist flew over, and then tied Celestina, who had collapsed in the corner, suddenly tied, and The devil lady didn't know if she was frightened by the other party directly. She didn't have any sense of resistance at all, so she just let herself be tied up, and then she was locked in a chain by a heavy bang. The walls of the full room shivered as if they had fallen into prey in a spider web.

"Yo ... Serise Tina ..."


Feeling Xi Luosi's gaze, Serestina made a cry like a bunny stared at by a tiger. At this moment, the poor lady lady looked at Xi Luosi who walked slowly in front of herself, and couldn't help but instinctively He curled up, revealing an expression that was more ugly than crying.

"Hmm ... Hmm ... Mister Xi Luosi, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still beautiful and cheerful as always, ah ha ha ... ah ha ha ha ... I am very happy to be able to meet you again, you have been physically fit recently it is good………"

Said that it should be Chang Hanyu when the aristocracy was in contact, but Serestina's expression at this moment seemed to be on the thirteenth step of the execution ground, stiff and rigid, even with deep fear. But Xiluosi didn't seem to pay any attention to Serestina's greeting. She looked like a tiger who had stepped on her prey, and lowered her head to smell the smell of the other person to confirm what kind of animal she was eating. Similarly, twitching his nose, shaking his head from side to side, slowly approaching Serestina.

"......... Silver silver as usual, Serestina ..."

"……………… Sister, don't do this ... ……”

"Shut up, you sow."


Just a few words completely blocked the words that Serestina was trying to refute or beg for mercy. The poor lady Devil's complexion at this time was already extremely pale, and she could almost be said to be pale. In the face of words that were abusive no matter how she listened, she was unexpectedly not angry at all. This is really an interesting super-expansion. It can be seen that there must be an unknown dark history between Helos and Celestina-of course, it seems that Grace Hill and Madaras ’reaction is that they are It's long since been aware of this.

But what happens next?

Although he was also **** by an iron chain, at this moment Rhode was not worried at all, and even looked at the two in front of him with interest. To be honest, Serestina was so weak that he had never seen it before. Although there was a time when the young lady who was tossing in bed was begging for mercy, but now she was the first time she was afraid of someone from the bottom of her heart.

"Still a disgusting, nauseating body ..."

Xi Luosi smiled hesitantly, and while she was obviously full of malicious words, she stretched out her right hand and grabbed Celes Tina's tall, soft chest. It can be seen that the girl used a lot of strength, and she could feel how much strength she used in the scream of cold air from Serestina. But even so, Serestina still trembled and looked at the girl in front of her, without any sense of resistance.

"Well ... it's interesting to learn to be obedient. It seems that after so many years, giggle ...... can you finally understand what I mean?"

"Yes ......... Yes, Lord Sirosi ..."


Just at this moment, Xi Luosi tilted her head suddenly, then her eyes narrowed suddenly, and her right hand, which was used to grab Serestina's chest, also suddenly exerted her strength.

"... What's going on? Cerestina? You're not a virgin anymore? Who is it? Um? Answer me? Your silvery sow?"

"it's me."

After watching enough of the excitement, Rhodes felt it was time to show his dignity as the host. Although it was very fresh and interesting to see Serestina eating 瘪, anyway, she was a woman of her own. Looking at such a pitiful appearance, it was time to come out and do something she had to do.

"Because Celestina is so seductive, she eats her accidentally. Can you put Serestina down? Helos?"

"the host----!?"

After hearing Rhodes' speech, Serestina turned her head in horror and looked at Rhode, who was **** like herself, but her expression was not touched at all. On the contrary, Serestina looked as if she saw An idiot jumped into a swimming pool with a great white shark on his own initiative, with surprise and fear of death.

"Giggle ..............."

It was the kind of laughter that seemed to break, and Heloth turned her head, crooked her head and smiled at Rhode.

"Well ... it is indeed the owner of Helos, even Serena Tina is willing to start, really big-headed ......... giggle ... good, I admit that you are me The qualifications of the Lord ......... giggles ......... but ... "

Speaking of this, Heloth suddenly stretched out her right hand and pointed at Rhodes. Soon, Rhodes felt that the chains that bound her suddenly fell down, and when he saw a flower in front of him, Rhodes lay down on the floor. And Xi Luosi was sitting quietly on Rhodes at this moment, tilting her head, turning her head and staring at the man in front of her.

"But ... as my master, you must give me extreme pain before you can ... my master, if you can do it ...... giggle, then I will admit that you are my master ......... "

Speaking of this, Xi Luosi narrowed her eyes excitedly.

"But then again, I found ......... giggle ... the master are you a man ......... then it will be much easier ........."

I don't know why, after hearing this sentence, Rhodes suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He frowned, and gathered his mind to try to recover the card. In any case, the awakened Xiluosi is currently his own card spirit. As long as he has an idea, Xiluosi should immediately recover to a card. But at the moment Rhode was about to start, Helos was a step faster than him.


In just a blink of an eye, Rod's clothes were completely torn, and the tattered gown on Helox disappeared. Soon, the two lost all their external camouflage, and there was only one left. The most naked form of the original was off, and at the moment, Xi Luosi rode on Rhodes' body and stretched out his right hand to hold his chest. The weird eyes flashed with excitement. At the next moment, Rhodes felt a cold, soft touch from his lower body.

"Giggle ... hard, master ..."

"In the face of such a beautiful lady, it would be too rude to respond if there is no response."

Perhaps it was felt that his situation was not as dangerous as he imagined, and Rhode temporarily gave up the urge to summon her back. At this moment, the two are completely close to each other. If I continue, I am afraid that the distance will be negative. . The girl's cold skin was tightly attached to Rhode's body, as if it were ice cubes. There was no temperature that humans should have. The petite, seemingly underdeveloped body and the somewhat messy, pale golden curly hair. , So that the girl in front of it is full of some kind of inorganic, non-human beauty like a doll. Not only that, but the mint-like scent from her also instinctively felt a kind of unusual excitement and joy.

"So, let me try ........."

But at this moment, the exuberant madness and expectation of excitement emerged from that delicate face.

"I've heard that ... a man can give a woman an unforgettable pain ......... giggle ... then the master, please give me this pain as the highest reward to me!" To be continued.)

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