Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 152: Tidal sound

"Dear Honourable Members, and all of you who support me, I hereby humblely accept the nominations you have given me to run for the Speaker of the Light. I can stand here now solely on your support, I know what you think, and Know exactly what kind of dilemma we are facing now! "

Mr. Nakvard stood on the podium in the center of the square. He was dressed in a decent, not luxurious black robe, stretched his hands, and looked gaily at the crowd that was gathering under him. He was extremely satisfied with his unparalleled sense of accomplishment. He clenched his clans and bit his teeth.

"The past year has been a dark year for the kingdom of light. We have to face not only the invasion of those evil undead, but also the betrayal of our allies. Our land has been occupied by those who died, our loved ones The bones were forced to awaken from their ever deep sleep, and wandered the continent again in a manner contrary to their wishes !! Should we stop there? "

Talking, Mr. Nakvard raised his right hand and clenched his fists.

"Angels and elves are untrustworthy. When we face threats, their first response is not to help us, but to try to gain benefits! And to try to regain our supremacy and let us be their eternal Slaves! The same goes for their running dogs who have betrayed their dignity! The people of the kingdom of light! The failure of the past is not an excuse and reason for our retreat now. The former council of light cannot play due to its incompetent leadership. Role, and even abandoned their dignity in the face of aliens. When our ancestors set up the Council of Light and raised the torch of freedom at the end of the coast, in order to allow humanity to abandon those restraints and stand alone here On the land, we are not affiliated with other races, let alone their slaves! We must use their own hands and our own words to tell them that we are qualified to stand with them! "

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

With the words of Nakvad, the dark crowd immediately began to cheer. They raised their arms frantically and waved at the man in front of them.

"Here I assure you that I, Nakvad, will re-establish the ancestor's banner, regain the glory and dignity of our kingdom of light, and tell them with our strength that the kingdom of light will always be The beacon of our human freedom! My father is from Sauron, and my mother is a distant Canarian, but they all came to this great country because they yearned for the glory of freedom, and they were united together. This miracle This can only happen here! In this difficult time, we must unite. At this moment, regardless of the family name or identity, as long as you are human, shout out loud, we are always the strongest on this continent We should not obey those words and deeds that try to split us, let alone shake our beliefs and make the wrong choices associated with other races. Human beings are races with infinite possible surnames! Only we can grasp Your own destiny !! "

"............ the people of the noble kingdom of light, please listen to me!"

On the magnificent high platform, wearing a bright red robe, the "plump" man smiled and stretched out his hands, looking at the supporters below.

"This year, our country of light has experienced unprecedented suffering, we have lost too many lives, too many homes and too many jobs. Some people attribute it all to those alien and evil undead, but Is this really the case? No! This is not the case. I, Green Walker, can confirm this! The threat of aliens does exist, and the evil of undead is obvious to all. But the biggest threat comes from our light. The country itself! I think you have seen that those who come from remote and bitter cold places, and those who come from outside the realm of civilization, have entered our country for their greed and desire. They have taken possession of what we should have Resources and benefits! But do they qualify? No! They don't! They came here and did not bring any help to our country, but dragged our country to the brink of recession! My support You also know that the Council of Light is currently in a very difficult state, and our finances have suffered considerable Influence, for which we cannot even guarantee the support of the frontline troops, which has led to their utter defeat! "

Having said that, Green waved his right hand vigorously. Along with his movements, the crowds under the black stage clenched their fists, waved flags, and held up the slogans in their hands.

"Then, you will definitely want to ask, where did the taxes we paid go? The money we paid was not to protect our country, our people? But I have to tell you here, our money, They were taken away by thieves without shame! They did n’t know how to work hard with their own hands to get a good harvest, but they just sucked our blood like vampires, the people of the noble country of light, The country our ancestors established was to allow us, courageous and dignified, to get our due remuneration through their own work. Rather than just throw away our hard-earned gains. They Came to our country and enjoyed our welfare, the status and honor we exchanged for money, and even the peace our soldiers used to defend their lives. But they were so despicable and unwilling to make even a little bit Contribution!

Can you bear such things, people of the kingdom of light? Do not! No! !! I, Green Walker, swear here that when I become the President of the Light, I will let all the lazy and greedy vampires lying on us leave our country. This is the hard work and sweat of our ancestors. The country was not created for the greedy vampires! Only us, and only those of us who have the blood of the kingdom of light flowing on them, are the true masters of this country! We must of course face external threats, but if our internal dangers are not eliminated, then we will not be able to consolidate together to face the disaster that will destroy us! Please brighten your eyes, voters, and don't let the dirty words in the body flow from the rhetoric of people from remote places. They will only plunder more from us under the banner of ethnic integration. They always ask us to give us the money, status and even the solemn reason for the freedom and glory of the kingdom of light. Work to please those worthless outsiders! Can we endure all this? Can we endure all this? Should we endure all this? !! Do not! !! Now here, I have to stand up bravely and say no! We will not be silent anymore! !! "

"............... We are going through a difficult period."

Mr. Carlestone stood on the already decaying wooden boards, the tall walls blocked the sun, heavy shadows shrouded his head, and the cold cold wind blew from the alley, mixed with a slightly rancid breath. The old member looked at the sparse crowd in front of him, biting his teeth, his lean hands pressed on the table in front of him, trying to keep himself steady.

"The pain that this year brought us makes us deeply impressed, but everyone, these pains should also wake us up from our original dreams. The kingdom of light is not just the kingdom of mankind, but only depends on us. It is too difficult for the country to face the disaster that threatens the entire continent. It is precisely at this time that we should abandon our former suspicions and strive to unite together. At this time, we cannot let fear and anger blind your eyes. Maybe our There are many disputes, but death will not be any different because of our race, our last name, or even our identity. Whether you are an elf, a dwarf, an angel, or a human. Whether you are entangled in poverty or are destitute, death will come equally. On everyone. And it is at this time that we should help each other and support each other! "

"............... Papapa ........."

The sparse applause rang, and the old member took a deep breath. The cold wind caused him to cough involuntarily, but even so, Carrest resisted to support his body and raised his head. Looking at the supporters in front of me.

"Some things are not transferred by human will. We will go through a very difficult time, but if we can abandon our former suspicions, as long as we can survive this difficult morale, the ultimate victory belongs to us. Now, what we need to do is not to confront each other, but to unite, give up the little arrogance and prejudice in our hearts, and make the choice that is best for us, for the country and ourselves! No one wants Hardship, and no one wants to suffer. We all know this, but now, think about it, for your descendants, so that they can continue to live happily in the sun in this free land, do we Shouldn't you make a little sacrifice? "

Sonia looked away from the window, shook her head, and then reached out to close the window, isolating the wind and noise outside the room.

"Whenever you watch, it's a funny and noisy clown drama, it's really boring."

Sonia hummed and complained. The city of Casablanca is so lively right now, but Sonia has no interest in it, because she knows what these people are doing-very simple, the election of the Light Council has officially started.

In the original calculation of the date, the election should have been held in the second half of last year, and at this time, the new parliamentary president should have been elected. However, due to the sudden invasion of the kingdom of night, the old man who could not sit for too long in the position has been sitting for a while longer than expected, but Sonia is also very clear that his son has also come to an end. If the old parliamentary president can show his wise and mighty side during the war, such as personally leading or deploying troops to defeat the country of night, perhaps his approval rate can also enable the elderly to realize their ideals of reelection. However, it is a pity that the performance of the Kingdom of Light in the war can be said to be the scum to the extreme, not to mention losing streak, and even the last defense of the Winter Castle completely depended on the Principality of Muen and Rhodes- In particular, the latter has almost become the public enemy of the entire Kingdom of Light. Under the intentional or unintentional rendering of the Parliament of Light, the entire Kingdom of Light now knows that Moen has a human lord named Rhodes who sold his soul to angels. And the rebirthless rebirth is "human annihilation" to betray humanity and fight for angels. Not only that, the Light Council also passed on most of the responsibility for defeat to Rhodes, claiming that if Rhodes had not abolished some of the strong men in their hands, the army of the Land of Light would not have been without high-end force. So badly beaten by the undead. It can be said that currently in the country of light, Rod's reputation is completely hate level, but apparently Rod does not care about it at all. Anyway, it was not difficult for him to brush up on anything. As long as the power of prestige is destroyed, your hatred will naturally disappear, it is that simple.

Coupled with the fact that the Winter Angel Castle has now been occupied by the War Angel Army, although the immediate withdrawal of the Undead Army has made the Council of Light feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but those politicians are not stupid, and they will soon be responsible for this. When it came to the old parliamentary president, he claimed that the kingdom of light would not have fallen into such a dilemma if he did not make a mistake in handing over the castle of Winter. This has also led to the fact that the old parliamentary leader in the country of light is completely rattled by mice. Every time he goes out of the office, the carriage is surrounded by many people who are holding protest signs. It can be said with certainty that this time he will step down.

Before the change, Sonia naturally had to be involved. Regardless, as one of the five major consortia, the influence of the Loktos consortium in politics must also be maintained. As Sonia, the third incumbent, it is natural to liaise with her family at this time to ensure that the elections of the members of her family's support are successful. But this time, Sonia was able to stay away from these troublesome disputes. The reason is very simple. Now she has "broken into" Lilian's side. After having had a stalemate with her Majesty before, the Light Council no longer has a contact person who can communicate with Lilian. Now look at Lilian I like Sonia so much, naturally I will not miss this opportunity. So Lilian was specially dispatched to perform this task. On the surface, she followed Lilian as her attendant, but in private it was a decision that influenced Lilian, and she reported to the Council of Light that the dragon of the surname was named trend.

Because of this, Sonia is now the most indispensable person in the Council of Light. Even the next President is not as important as her coming. Not only that, in order to make Sonia better work for the Parliament. In the end, the parliament finally studied and decided to let Sonia "normalize". After the election of a new president, Sonia will automatically inherit the position of empty seat member. As a result, she will become the youngest full member of the House of Light.

Sonia is also very clear that the most important reason for the Council of Light to give itself such trust is the Lottos consortium behind it. Because of such a relationship, they thought that it was absolutely impossible for Sonia to betray the family and the consortium and stand with a powerless light dragon.

It is a pity that the abacus of the Light Council is completely wrong.

Thinking of this, Sonia had a smile on her lips, and then she turned around and walked deep into the white sanctuary. (To be continued.)

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