Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 156: The road to Tinder

Land of Chaos, fifteenth day.

Rhode recovered his eyes from the chaos of the yellow sand and looked at the crowd around him. He opened the pocket watch in his hand and closed it again. In this crazy and chaotic world, time itself is meaningless. But even so, Rhode still asked everyone to follow his own time. He knew that once humans lost their sense of time, they would not be far from the collapse of their minds.

"Head, two more people are missing."

Annie's voice came from the side. When he heard this, Rhodes frowned, and put the pocket watch back into his arms. Then he looked up and looked at Annie who looked a little frustrated. Although psychologically prepared, the number of people entering the chaos this time cannot be compared with the previous one. At that time, there were only a dozen or twenty people, and Rhodes came over. But now, without mentioning the bow knights, the total number of those soldiers alone is almost two hundred. Although Rhodes can completely protect them after opening the barrier of order completely, the fear and madness of the Chaos Land is not. Everyone can bear it. Although everyone is able to take care of each other in peacetime, after all, there are differences between men and women, and it is not easy to take a good rest in this environment, so there are still people who "miss" from time to time.

Fortunately, most of the "missing" are ordinary mercenaries. It is no wonder that in a crazy environment such as chaotic land, even if there is orderly shelter, it needs a strong heart and will to be able to always keep on. This is too difficult for ordinary mercenaries. Maybe they are not afraid of the life of licking blood by the knife-edge, but they are constantly in this chaotic land that is completely shielded from external perception, crazy and chaotic. This torture of spiritual will far surpasses the pain brought about by torture. Because it is unbearable and confusing, it is attracted by chaos to leave the guardian of order without authorization, and it is also torn in the infinite storm. someone here.

Is it really too reluctant?

Thinking of this, Rod couldn't help sighing. If it is a land for players to open up chaos, even at their own level, as long as there is a team of 100 people, they can successfully open up the wasteland as long as they are skilled. But now that his own staff is npc, he has increased the number by almost four times for safety reasons. As a result, he still has such a problem. Since entering the chaotic land, the number of war dead and missing has reached nearly Forty people, although they have not yet caused panic, but Rhodes knows that there are some signs of vagueness in the team. Although everyone is mentally prepared before departure, and they have heard other people talk about the situation in the land of chaos, it is not the same after experiencing it personally.

But what made Rhodes smirk is that in this case, the most swaying was actually the thieves under Joey and the mercenaries under Mafia. But what he was most worried about was that the spiritual masters who belonged to Li Jie's hands were terribly normal. Originally, Rhodes thought that the teenage girls' mental capacity would not be long after entering the chaotic land, and I'm afraid they would cry and shout to go home to find their mother. As a result, Li Jie expressed very calmly that, as spiritual masters, they were used In order to carry out various prayers and penances, for them, kneeling all day long in a church that does not see the sky to pray and meditate and adventure here-well, there is not much difference.

No wonder after the chaos raged the earth, the kingdom of law and the church blocked in front. It seems that people really have this power ...

"How is Christy?"

"It's still not good, but there is no problem with Sister Marlene taking care of it."

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Rhodes entered the chaotic land, Christie fainted into the ground very neatly. Her original constitution was very poor, even if she was cut off from the order for an instant, she was given to Christie. It has brought a very big impact and injury. If there is any luck, it is that Christie did not experience the dizzying and painful death pain like other people, but even so, Christie now She was still very weak. Even if she was in the barrier of order, she could not walk as usual, so Rhodes gave Christie to Malin to take care of it. In the chaotic land, Marin's magic could not be used, so Rhodes Just put her and Christie in the middle of the team to protect. As a result, Marlene was responsible for the "heavy duty" of taking care of Christie 24/7.

But then again, these two guys must follow what is going on ...

Thinking of this, Rod sighed helplessly, then he looked up and walked to the forefront of the team.



Hearing Rhode's call, Bell turned and stared quietly at the man in front of him. After these days of rest, the girl who was originally embarrassed has recovered a lot at this moment. The face that was slightly embarrassed due to malnutrition is now smooth and round again, and the yellowish long face has also turned into a faint White gold. The rags that could only barely wrap the body had been thrown away, but now Bell is wearing a black dress with a simple, simple style. But what made Rhodes speechless was that Bell still took the two daggers that he brought out of the shelter with him. The two daggers Rhode also checked. They were not artifacts, not even magic equipment. Strictly speaking, it is reluctant to say that it is a weapon, that is obviously a small knife made by the most primitive means after sanding it by hand.

Originally Rhodes intended to change Bell's weapon, but to his surprise, this proposal that seemed reasonable to Rhodes was met by Ling's firm opposition. Although the girl didn't say anything, she watched Hiding the knife behind her, she was afraid of Rhodes' robbing and knew her intentions. In the face of such a bell, Rhodes couldn't say more. Fortunately, however, she also stepped into the existence of the legendary field. Even if no magic weapon is used, she will not be killed, so Rhodes can only go with her temporarily.

With the bell in his body that has the channel of order force, Rhodes encountered less danger this time after entering the chaotic land than before. The power of order channel can continuously provide Tinder's power to strengthen Rhode's order barrier, which makes the order barrier stronger, and can even resist many chaos monsters that could not be resisted originally. Not only that, as the owner of the power channel of order, Bell can also use the connection between the power channel of order and the tinder to move instantly to shorten the distance to the tinder. It's just that each transfer requires a lot of soul power for Bell, and Rhodes simply regards the bell itself as a mark of recording time. After each transfer, the bell's physical strength is restored and the second transfer is performed by Rod. It was set as the time of the day, and this became the consensus of others. Anne even decided by the amount of Suzumana's physical strength to determine whether it was "morning" or "night".

"It's really troublesome ..."

Rhode glanced at the roaring chaotic storm. If there is a distance in the chaotic land, then they have already penetrated into the core area. This can be seen from the chaotic storm that is like a tornado, and he is standing at this moment. At the forefront of the order barrier, you can even hear the roaring chaotic force slapping, squeezing, and distorting the collision sound of the barrier. This even made Rhodes a bit worried that the order barrier would not be able to withstand the force of chaos and break down directly. Then they and their team may just explain here ......... Thinking of this, Rhodes shrugged his shoulders and will now think Thousands of meaningless things were thrown behind his head and asked.

"How many more teleports do we need to teleport?"


After hearing Rhode's inquiry, Bell thought for a moment, then the girl raised her right hand and stretched out two fingers, then she paused, raised her left hand, stretched out three fingers, and then shake her hands left and right, Then put it down again.

"A couple of times? ..."

Although Bell's way of expressing meaning is very daddy, but in the chaotic land with this dumb girl who has hardly said a word for so long, Rhodes basically understood her meaning, which made Rhodes wrinkly. Frown, the deeper you go into the core, the stronger the Chaos monster will be. In addition, the physical strength of the bell will be completely consumed in the first time after the transfer. Because of this, the power of order in her body to support the order barrier will also be Weakened, so after almost every transfer, Rhodes and others had to face several waves of chaotic monster attacks immediately, until the body of the bell slowly recovered, and the strength of the tinder re-strengthened the barrier. Although he hasn't lost much manpower until now, he was refreshed in the early stage, and Rhodes looked too much in the whole crematorium. At present, everyone in the team has a good nerve difference and has reached its limit. Now I just hope that I can support it quickly. Otherwise, the next one will be difficult.

"Ready to transmit."

Thinking of this, Rhode ordered the bell beside him, then he turned around and blew a loud whistle at the people around him.

Hearing the whistle, the people who had rested around quickly packed their gear. The bow knights stood up quietly and raised the long bow in their hands to form a round protective formation to protect others. Among them, the demon ancestors and war mages holding magical weapons are responsible for the second layer of defense, while others are responsible for protecting the bells, Christie, Marlene, and Nesti in the middle and the spirits responsible for defense and healing Teachers.

After confirming that everything was ready, Rhode nodded at Bell, and after receiving Rhode's confirmation, Ling raised his right hand high.

Along with the girl's movement, the dazzling silver-white light gradually emerged from the petite body of Suzuki, winding and condensing to the top of the order barrier, the earth began to tremble, and the translucent order barrier began to flash at this moment. Bright and dim light, gradually, the white light enveloped everything, Rhode closed his eyes, did not go to see the dazzling light of order, through so many days of transmission, he has been very clear what will happen next. So Rhode closed his eyes quietly, and soon, he felt that the flat and thick ground under his feet was "pulled out" like a blanket, but only in the blink of an eye, the restraint of gravity completely disappeared from his body, distorted The world began to pull its own body, and then ...

"—————— !!!"

Rhode opened his eyes, and the silver sword in his hand waved forward.

"Woohoo ------ !!!"

Along with the screams, a monster that looked like rotten jelly was divided into two by Rhodes, and soon turned into a little dust and quickly flew away to the side. However, Rhodes did not relax his vigilance because of this. He held the star mark tightly in both hands, resisting the dizziness brought by the teleportation, staring at the chaotic monster that had turned into dust in front of him. Sure enough, only Seeing that the dust suddenly condensed again after drifting around, a sharp triangular sharp corner emerged from nothing like this, piercing straight towards Rhodes. Facing the offensive in front of him, Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly, and clenched his holy sword forward with his right hand. With the action of Rhodes, a violent silver-white fire suddenly appeared on the white and flawless sword body, whistling forward, and all the strange dust was wrapped in it. I saw the screaming, orderly The flames burned all the way forward, completely burning the chaos in front of them into ashes.

"What a bad luck!"

Rhode bit his teeth and looked at the gloomy sky in front of him. Although he had already made a mental preparation to face a strong enemy, Rhode could not help but sink in his heart after seeing the form in front of him. Weak and almost invisible, the chaotic storm of chaos has even begun to erode their bodies, and not far from his side, Bell has already fainted in Christie's arms, at this moment Christie is holding her arms tightly Girl looking pale around.

Sure enough, with the deepening of chaos, the power required for the bell to teleport is increasing. In this case, there is not enough power to protect it, and the defense of the order barrier also drops sharply. If this continues, God knows What the **** is going to happen!

"Protect the bell, open the protective cover!"

However, after so many battles, everyone has already become accustomed to facing the chaotic monsters in front of them. Soon, I saw the bow knights holding up their long bows and launching indiscriminate shots at the chaos monsters in all directions, and accompanied them. As Li Jie and other spiritual masters sang in whispers, soon, a series of golden rune diplomas emerged, forming a translucent barrier, which was able to block the attack of chaotic monsters.

But this is just the beginning.

"Woohoo ------ !!!"

With the screams, I saw a mercenary suddenly flew up into the sky. He waved the sword in his hand, desperately struggling to try to get rid of something, but at the next moment, I saw the unlucky mercenary as if being It took a heavy pumping, leaving the guardian area of ​​the order barrier as quickly as a cannonball, and then disappeared completely in the raging storm. Everyone was shocked when they saw the sight in front of them. Even Rhodes felt a little uneasy and nervous at this time.

Something is wrong.

The air was filled with a thick smell of death, and the unprecedented threat even made Rhodes feel the cold hair stand upright. He clenched the star-marked holy sword in his hand and stared at him with vigilance. At this time, the chaotic storm that raged around for a while began to weaken and fade. The dazzling light dripped from the cracks in the clouds formed by the storm, enclosing the crowd. However, under the light of that "sunlight", no one felt the warmth. Instead, they only felt the deep chill.

"Li Jie, strengthen protection, all protection!"

At the same time as Rhodes gave the order, suddenly, a mutation occurred.

The storm that was roaring around suddenly retreated as if it was sucked by something, and then everyone saw only a huge shadow flashing, and in the next moment, they saw a thick tentacle full of pillars from the void. Emerging in the middle, slamming on the barrier of order, and only heard a loud noise of "咚", there are actually a few tiny cracks on the barrier formed entirely by the force of pure order!


When everyone was stunned, they saw two more sturdy tentacles appearing from the storm, hitting **** the barrier, and then saw one of the tentacles slowly retracted, and then volleyed a false grip Stance, accompanied by this action, another mercenary screamed again and flew up, flying towards the direction of the tentacle. At the same time, in several other directions, several tentacles emerged from the chaotic storm. They waved down quickly and hit the order barrier.


Seeing this scene, Rod suddenly sank in his heart, and then he threw out the silver and white holy sword in his hand. Soon, a white lightning shot like this, accompanied by the appearance of silver and white flames, wearing silver armor The angel of war appeared in mid-air, and she took hold of the mercenary who was about to be pulled out of the barrier, holding the sword in her hand and waving forward, and soon, the holy flame emerged out of thin air, and the The tentacles also shrank back as if burning. At the same time, the bow knights hurriedly lifted the long bow in their hands. Soon, with the countless dazzling light network, the tentacles that hit the guardian barrier contracted again quickly. Go back.

Then a storm emerged.

The oncoming wind caused everyone to narrow their eyes involuntarily, and the bow knights in front of them also retracted the long bow in their hands and stared at the front with vigilance. But at the next moment, the raging storm stopped without any warning.


The mercenaries looked around in surprise, only to see that there was no trace of the raging storm just beside them. Instead, there was a flat ground. Above their heads, the golden sky was shining with golden light. The clouds, while at their feet, are flat, off-white ground. At this moment, many people even wondered if they were dreaming, but only Rhodes frowned and looked forward bitterly. Because he knew it was not dreaming, nor was the order barrier working, but because they had been pulled into a huge, fragmented fragment of order.

"It's a **** ........."

I saw that not far from Rhodes, a octopus more than ten meters tall was floating in the sky, its eight tentacles were squirming back and forth, and two eyes shining golden like the sun Just staring at the crowd from above the clouds quietly. And on its surface, that [***], which is dark and has white flesh, is even more disgusting.

"what is that……………"

At this time, others also noticed the strange existence floating in the air. Looking at this huge octopus, everyone could not help but take a breath. And Rhode glanced helplessly in the coma in Christie's arms, sleeping awake. Because he knew exactly what this "octopus" was. But ... aren't you the insider of these demons? bell? In the game, the player has opened up wasteland hundreds of times. Even ten fingers can be counted when encountering this kind of gadget. How can his luck be so bad?

Thinking of this, Rhode turned helplessly and raised his head again to look at the enemy in front of him.

The 235th floor of the Abyss Abyss, the projection of the demon archduke --- Touch of Chaos by Silas. (To be continued.)

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