Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 169: Big stationary library

On the inner side of the high tower, among the lush trees, a three-storey library stands quietly. The already worn out exterior wall was covered with vines and green leaves everywhere, with a rare sense of calm and serenity, Rhode opened the door and soon saw the man sitting at the table reading a book quietly Petite figure. When she heard the sound of opening the door, the girl raised her head curiously, and then an excited smile appeared on her face.

"Ah ... Rhode ..."

"Christie, are you reading again?"

Rhode said, looking around, this quiet library in front of him is also part of the tower. Listening to the elders, this was once a valuable cultural treasure of the Xenia family. But no one has been here for a long time. Instead, Christie seemed to like it here, and ran here every day to read books. To Rhode's surprise, although the book here was not written in a common language, Christie seemed to have no trouble reading it. But if you think about the other half of the soul in her body, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

The other half of the soul ...

This is why Rhodes is here.

The reason why Marin followed her has been made clear, then the only thing left next is Christie. Originally, letting a frail child like Christie enter the chaos land to travel was a cruel torture in itself, and if he could, Rhodes didn't want to bring her. But after hearing Christie's words, Rod eventually changed his mind. The problem is that, so far, Marlene has shown her meaning, but Christie has not changed much as before. After coming to Tinder Source, she basically nested in this library and read books. It seemed that there was nothing to do.

"Christie, how are you feeling here? Are you okay?"

Rhode walked to Christie and nodded towards the bell standing silently behind Christie, then stretched out his hand and said, opening his head. Feeling Rhodes' **, Christie narrowed his eyes with a happy smile, then nodded gently.

"Um ... Rhode, it's quiet and comfortable here. There are so many interesting books to read ..."

"That's fine."

Upon hearing Christie's answer, Rhodes smiled reassuringly. Although I don't know why "the other Christie" must let Christie come here, but looking at her now, it gives Rhode a lot of relief. She used to think she would be tired because of long journeys, but now it seems that everything is fine. Thinking of this, Rhode glanced at the bell standing quietly behind Christie. At this moment, she stood behind Christie like this, staring at the turning pages of Christie's hands without blinking, as if she was reading with Christie.

These two little guys are really interesting. Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhode nodded and then retreated quietly. It seemed that the right choice was to give Bell to Christie. For Christie, she needs a friend of the same age, and for Bell who has never been in contact with the outside world, she needs a kind person who can help and guide herself. people. For her, Christie is the best guide.

Let's do this for the time being.

Thinking of this, Rhodes took two steps back, so that the two girls were almost immersed in the world of books, and he wandered in the library himself. Although I do n’t know what the “other Christie” is going to do, the evacuation will start tomorrow. If it does n’t work, let Christie follow him into the copy of the source of fire. Although it ’s dangerous, it ’s more than outside Fairly safe. And Rhodes believes that he can protect Christie no matter how dangerous he is. There is no particular danger when Bell follows her. Maybe, just as Marin didn't tell Rhodes about her purpose after coming here, Christie also had something to do. Now that Christie has no intention of explaining it, it is that she has not received any news from another one herself.



As Rhodes strolled leisurely in the library tube, he suddenly felt a slight impact on his chest, and then heard only a whisper, followed by the sound of the impact of the book falling to the ground. Heading away, I realized that I was not far away from myself, and now I was sitting with a young girl. She has long black hair that is straight down to the waist. Wearing a black, plain dress and same-colored stockings, and dark brown leather shoes. At this moment, the girl was sitting on the ground, and beside her, the books were scattered all over the place.

"Sorry, I didn't notice anyone was there."

Rhode said, reaching out. The girl glanced at the man in front of her quietly, then stood up holding Rhodes' hand, and then said. "No, I'm sorry, Lord Lord, I didn't notice you." After saying this, the girl squatted ** and began to pack the books here.

"Are you also a resident here?"

Rhode curiously looked at the girl in front of her. Her dress was different from what Rhodes had seen elsewhere before, that is, it was not a pseudo-human white leather armor that was a bit like a biochemical person in a science fiction drama. It's not the rough robes and coats worn by the residents of the Tinder Source here. On the contrary, the girls wear a kind of clothes that are similar to those worn by the ancient noble ladies. This can't help making Rhodes a little curious. If he remembers nothing wrong, the elders here previously introduced himself to the composition of the residents of the fire seed. In this world that has been completely closed and isolated from the outside world, there is no class distinction. Although there are rulers and ruled, there is no such thing as nobility.

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiry, the girl looked up, looked around the tall, quiet and somewhat dim library in front of her eyes, then nodded.

"Yes, I am a resident here, Lord Lord."

……………… Although the meaning may seem to be out of reach, it doesn't matter if you can communicate.

"Say back, why do you call me Lord Lord?"

As the girl silently sorted out the book, Rhode asked curiously. Upon hearing his inquiry, the girl looked at him with the dark, seemingly inorganic eyes.

"Because I hear those outsiders call you Lord Lord, aren't they? This is the honorable title of the ruler who controls a territory outside. Although according to the customs here and your current identity, I should call you elder, but in order not to Confused with the previous elders, that's why I use the title of an external ruler. If you think there is something wrong, I can change the title. "

The girl's voice was like this quiet library, soft, quiet, without even any echo, but passed into Rhode's ears clearly. Hearing the girl's words, Rhodes shrugged his shoulders, then he reached out and picked up the thick stack of books the girl had neatly arranged. This caused the young girl in front of her to stun involuntarily.

"Master Lord?"

"Since I bumped you, let me apologize. Where are you going to put this?"

There are dozens of copies of this book in front of you. It is already a high stack. In this case, it is very difficult to see the road in front of you. No wonder the girl just hit her. but……………

"please follow me."

The girl didn't respond specifically to Rhode's help, but turned around for granted, and then took Rhodes for a long time traveling around the Middle East of the library before finally finding a bookshelf that seemed to be finishing. Stopped down.

"That's it. Please give me these books."

"no problem."

Rhode put down his book and looked curiously at everything in front of him. There was no dust on the floor. Even the window sill and the bookshelf next to it were very clean. It can be seen that it was carefully organized and cleaned. only………

"Is it necessary to organize here? I remember right, no one seems to come to the library to read a book."

Rhode did ask the elders curiously before, but the other person said that the average person in the library would not go, it seemed that it was because of little interest. And Rhodes also noticed that there are no other guests here except Christie and Bell. Of course, considering the current situation, I am afraid that interested people are preparing to evacuate and evacuate.

"Even if no one comes, this is my job. And ..."

Having said that, the young girl looked up, looking at the two petite figures reading in the distance, focusing on reading.

"... For now, my work is not without meaning."

"indeed so."

Seeing Christie and Bell, Rhodes smiled a bit on his original expressionless face, but soon he returned to his original calm and indifference.

"Then the two children will take care of you. By the way, tomorrow will be the last refuge and evacuation. You should be almost ready to prepare for evacuation before then. From the day after tomorrow, we will face quite violent attacks. I'm afraid you will be attacked here. "

"......... I see. Thank you for your kindness."

"you are welcome."

In response to the girl's words, Rhodes waved his hands and turned away. But he only took a few steps, and suddenly turned back as if he remembered something.

"Right ......... Huh?"

In Rhodes's eyes, I saw the books scattered on the bookshelf, and now they were quietly and neatly arranged where they should be. In front of the bookshelf, the girl who was standing there just now has disappeared. (To be continued.)

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