Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 183: This is a mirror image of Destiny ’s fate

This world is unfair.

Of course, Rhodes is very clear about this. Even if he is also a player, there are also local tyrants who can spend a lot of money and poor people who can only play free characters. Even souvenirs sold at official events cannot be bought. Poor player. Classes are everywhere. Even online games are no exception. Some people have a losing streak in the arena and some can casually win ten games in a row. However, there is another kind of gap that cannot be ignored, and it is sad ......... Yes, Rhode refers to the two "only" who are following at the moment!

Of course, he knew that Marlene would often go to Canary to discuss magical combat skills, and Little Bubble Gum took Li Jie as her mantle and carefully taught him. After all, although Canary was born in the wild, speaking of theory, I am afraid it will be finished in three minutes. But it's better than the combat experience. The Serial Law Association will be completely destroyed by her. In addition to the "pig teammates" tactic itself, Little Bubble Gum is also very skilled in switching combat methods in various ingenious combat environments. However, Rhodes never thought that they could learn something other than spell casting skills! !!

From the player's perspective ......... Okay, from the player's perspective, it takes 50 to 60 skill points to raise the spell and sword level to the master level at the same time, which means that at least it is in the early 50s. . But now Ma Lin is only forty-eight, even if Li Jie has gone through a series of battles in the chaotic land, she has only risen to forty **, not even forty-five. As a result, their swordsmanship and boxing skills can still reach the same level?

Even players have to work hard to level up and complete tasks to dig hidden secrets to increase skill points. As a result, can they actually reach this level by practicing in their hands? The sky has no eyes! !! Although players have cheated by increasing their proficiency to increase their skill power, is it really not a level compared to real plug-ins?

Of course, this is just a bit of dissatisfaction in Rod's heart. Although Li Jie and Marlene say eloquently, Rod does not believe that the skills of these two young ladies can go well. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if their sword skills and boxing skills really reach that level, they are just a caster, and Ping Yueli has no chance to compete with others. Look at the wide robes they are wearing now-I'm afraid they will be torn up when they run.

Anyway, anyway, it can be regarded as having a certain self-protection ability, which is better than two people who are instantly killed without any resistance when facing the enemy. Thinking of this, Rhodes is also temporarily relaxed, protected by Anne, and the two have a certain degree of self-protection ability. I am afraid that this time facing the mirror of fate will not be as troublesome as I thought.

"I'll say it again."

In front of me, the corridor formed by the infinite mirror has come to an end. You can see the huge circular square emitting a faint white light not far away, and those floating around it seem to not even make a frame after being made from the workshop. The cover was thrown out directly, a mirror slowly floating in the void.

"Your mirror image of your destiny is your own projection in another world **, and they are likely to live completely different lives than yourself, as if you made your own choices in this world, and thus achieved Now you are the same. They have the fate of making opposite or different choices to you. But no matter what they show, don't forget, they are just a projection, just like Silasgues, not The deity is not a living human being. Maybe they have memories similar to yours, but don't be fooled by this! Do you understand? "

It is not unreasonable for Rhodes to say this. In the game, many players actually use the mirror of Destiny Gallery as a fun fortune-telling game. So the person who appeared before them was a completely different destiny, so everyone's past and present are different. Some [***] silk mirrors in which no girlfriend can be found in reality may be a dude who can control a few girls in a different world and cannot fall. Some couples may even be father and daughter or deadly enemies in another world. Of course, basically players don't take such things into their minds, at best they are just a joke. So in the eyes of players, the trial of fate is more like an interesting random fortune telling device.

But this is not a game. Marlene, Annie and Li Jie can't look at the other one in the shape of the game.

After all, they can be regarded as the choices they made. Although the results are completely different, it cannot be denied that they are themselves. The thinking and memories of both sides are similar. And Rhodes is also very clear that everyone has regrets in his heart, such as "If I didn't do it at the beginning" or "Why did I make that stupid choice at that time", in case it seems good to die The mirror in front of them happened to be the one that "makes up" their regrets, so the mental shock to the three was very great.

"But the commander, if they are us, why would they fight us? If they changed to Annie herself, they would definitely not fight against themselves."

Hearing Rhode's explanation, Annie on the other side tilted her head curiously and said.

"So I said, they are just mirrors, a simple projection. Maybe they will find many reasons and excuses to have to fight against you, but in the end, this is just the final test that the wheel of fate gives us."

Rhode stopped.

The circular square was near, and the slabs of white slabs shining with faint light looked so flawless. Soon, with the entry of the four people, those mirror fragments that originally floated around began to spin up quickly, and then they were connected together as if they were automatically assembled, and it did n’t take long for the originally broken sky to melt. For a deep and dim flat mirror, then the dazzling light flashed. .


Not only Rhodes, but even Ma Lin, Li Jie, and Annie quietly instinctively at this time, staring ahead. Their eyes are full of expectation, nervousness and anxiety. After all, although Rhodes said that the other one was just a projection, he also did not deny that those people were themselves, which Anne might not have noticed. But it was absolutely impossible for Marlene and Li Jie to be unaware at all.

But unlike the other three, Rhodes frowned at this moment, thinking carefully about the upcoming ** oss battle. Now he only hopes that the opponent can randomly select a few legal systems. It would be good if he could be four pure legal professions, because the wheel of fate has the same restrictions on both sides. You cannot use the power of the soul, nor can you use magic and magic. You can only rely on pure physical traits and skills to fight. In this way, the pure caster threatens the surname to be low and basically equal to zero. However, Rhodes is also very clear that he is just thinking about it, such a good thing, of course, cannot fall on his head.

"Da da da………"

Footsteps sounded.

Within the dim and silent mirror in front of me, an imaginary black shadow appeared, and then a sound they were familiar with appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing this girl in front of her, Li Jie and Marin could not help screaming. The girl in front of her was exactly the same as Annie, with long golden hair, supple hair, and two large, green eyes. There is still the obvious body as before, but ... she is fundamentally different from the **** the opposite side.

The pair of spirited, talkative emerald green eyes were dull and dead, without a living breath. Bright red and dark steel light armor wrapped around the girl's body, and even more frightening is that Annie's hands are carrying two serrated, nearly two meters long swords. Not only that, compared with the young girl who can make people feel youthful as long as she exists, Anne's body in front of her appears to kill like a ferocious beast, like a trapped in a cage, but still Staring coldly outside, always waiting for the hungry wolf to pounce and bit the prey's throat!

"Wow ... it looks like another Annie hasn't been very happy."

Looking at the other person in front of her, Annie whispered. In fact, she does not need to say more. Everyone can see the scar on another Annie. It is definitely not the injury caused by the battle. It is more like the scar left by the disobedient pet when he was whipped by the owner. I don't know what happened to Annie in another world, but this is definitely not a good thing.

"Annie ........."

Seeing this scene, Li Jie could not help holding the girl's hand around her. Feeling Li Jie's warmth, Annie shook her head vigorously, and then a bright, lively smile emerged again.

"Sister Li Jie needn't worry about Annie. Annie will be fine. Although the other one is very poor, Annie is very happy and happy now."


When she heard Annie's words, the other one snorted coldly. Although it was only a short one, the crazy killing and anger mixed in it could not be escaped. At this moment, she was like Annie, who had run away in the arena before taking the mixture, and the whole body was full of breath of beasts. Only destruction, shredding and destruction together. Do nothing else, reject everything in this world, and try to destroy the mad killing of all life.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Marlene and Li Jie were still somewhat excited at this time and began to complicate. The girl in front of her was obviously Annie, but it was just because of different encounters and different choices. She has become like she is now, asking herself, if their mirrors of fate appear in front of themselves like this, will they be able to look like Annie? Can they not care about what happened to the other one?

This is really troublesome.

However, unlike Marin and Li Jie, Rhodes is not in the mood to think like that, he is not those sentimental women, not to mention that the other one is not himself after all, no matter how many times she is thrown by a woman or how many harems and herself are not a bit Is there no relationship? At this time, it is better to look at the situation in front of me. Anne's career is obviously a mad soldier, and I have to admit that this profession is as suitable for her as the shield soldier. But what made Rhodes uneasy was that the Berserker was good at attacking and the Shield Warrior was good at guarding. Originally, he had hoped that Annie could kill her own mirror. Now it seems that she can draw a tie. I just don't know if this Berserker Anne has awakened the Warcraft bloodline as much as the body, if that's the case, it will be even more difficult.

Just don't know ...

Just then, when the second figure appeared, Rhode looked up and looked at the other side, then he narrowed his eyes slightly.


However, unlike Marin next to her, the silver-haired girl in front of her was wearing a red leather armor that was not exposed, but she had a bright red magic sword hanging around her waist. If two people have anything in common, it is the same full of confidence, pride and perseverance. However, compared with the snow princess wearing a pure white and gold-rimmed robe around him, that Marin was like a burning flame.

This is really ... …………

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes' eyes were drawn slightly, and this form of Marin was not unfamiliar to him. In the game, the mercenary group composed entirely of female surnames, known as the queen of the mercenary world, wasn't it the young lady? Moreover, unlike the pure mage around him at the moment, he remembers nothing wrong. The job of this bright young lady is a magic swordsman ... In other words, she was dismissed at the midsummer festival. After **, wasn't rescued by Rhodes, but was Marin at the time when he was rescued by the family after being completely destroyed? This is also a big trouble. Rhodes knows that the young lady in the game is extremely powerful. In the end, in the face of the undead army's attack, he can use a powerful self-destructive end to hinder the undead's advance. Does Ma Lin really have a way to block the attack of the other party?

Next is Li Jie, I don't know what Li Jie's image of fate looks like.

Thinking of this, Rhode was curious. Although Marlene and Anne's fate mirrored them, they were surprised, but for Rhodes, nothing unexpected. It is normal for Annie to be a crazy warrior. As for the other Marilyn Rhodes, she knows her identity background and finally feels like "under control". But only Li Jie, Rhodes wanted to break his head and could not imagine what kind of career this timid young girl could do besides being a spiritual master. Shouldn't it be a thief, hahaha ... that's really interesting.

As if confirming Rhode's conjecture, the silver light fell from the sky and slowly fell in front of Li Jie. At this time, Marin and Annie turned their heads and looked at the figure with curiosity. It seemed that they were just as curious as Rhode about the mirror image of Li Jie's fate. This is not surprising, considering the surname and strength of the two of them, it is understandable to become like this. But Li Jie's last name doesn't like fighting, so what will her fate look like?

But I don't know why, at this moment, Rhode's heart suddenly produced a warning sign of uneasiness. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The light faded.

Li Jie was quietly suspended in mid-air. The girl held a pure white shield in her left hand and a long sword burning with silver and white flames in her right hand. A pair of white flawless wings unfolded behind Li Jie, spreading out With holy, bright and dazzling light.

"Nima ........."

Seeing this, Rod suddenly had an urge to subconsciously turn off the power. How did he forget that Li Jie was Li Tia ’s half-sister, in other words, she gave birth to the former archangel, and in other words, half of her archangels Of descent! Therefore, it is not too simple to awaken the angel of war!

"So, that's me ...?"

Li Jie stared blankly at herself in front of her, unable to understand. This is not surprising. Although she also knew that she had half of the angel blood in her body, Li Jie still regarded herself as a ** class instead of Angel's. At this moment, facing her self in angel form, Li Jie was also helplessly confused, she didn't know what to do.

This is a big trouble.

But unlike the other three, Rod is not imagining what Li Jie awakened as an angel because of the trivial matter. Although the wheel of destiny closes the power of the soul, the problem lies in the physical quality of the war angel itself. Humans are much stronger! In this case, don't talk about Li Jie's body, even if Ma Lin and Annie join forces, I'm afraid she can't stop her. What should I do?

And thinking of this, Rhodes frowned and looked at the war angel carefully, and Li Jie, a war angel, felt Rhode's gaze and turned around to look at the man in front of her. Then she emerged A look of surprise and joy.

"Mr. Rhodes! You are alive! Great! I thought you were killed by Sister Lydia."


After hearing this sentence, the remaining three people immediately turned their heads to look at themselves, and Rhodes himself could not help but twitch the corner of his eyes—how could it be a bit wrong to hear what he was doing in that world? Where did you die? Even Lidia will kill herself? What a tragic development? Forget it ... Anyway, it's not the current one who is unlucky.

Only tangled for one second, in the principle of dead friends and immortal friends, Rhode quickly put himself behind in a dead fate. Then, the last person ...

"咚 ......... 咚 ........."

With the sound of heavy footsteps, a dark shadow slowly came out of the mirror behind him, and he strode forward to the four people in such a stride, with a bold smile, and waved at the four people in front of him.

"Oh, hello, the other me."




Staring blankly at the man in front of him, Marin, Annie and Li Jie could not help falling into a weird silence. It is no wonder that the man in front of him was two meters tall and his body was like a giant bear. He resisted a huge black sword and looked at Rhodes with a hearty smile. But the problem is ...

"Head, who is he?"

Annie whispered to Rhode, asking in a low voice. But Rhode did not immediately answer Annie's inquiry, but stared blankly at the man in front of him.

If you think about it, why do you forget it? If the mirror image in the wheel of destiny itself is extracted from the destiny in the world of Dragon Soul Continent, isn't it natural that your game image is in it? But ......... It's too late to say this now.

"I want to die ..."

Looking at the brawny man with a hearty smile in front of him, Rhode clenched the sword in his hand, and a strong killing intention emerged. (To be continued.)

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